
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 121: Khamisah Vars and Dana Vars

It's morning. It's a little stuffy because Sister Dana and I are sleeping together in the same bed, but I don't mind at all. I sleep with my sister Dana. The bird chirps and I see that she's already wide awake and staring at me.

"Good morning Sister Dana! It's really no dream! I'm glad!" [Diana]

"So am I" [Dana]

The two of us quickly get up and take a bath together. It's been so long since we last saw each other, so just for today, I wanted to be by her side the whole time! Just me and my sister Dana. Well, maybe Nar, Sas, Fie and Khamisah can interrupt us a little. Maybe even Jean, Kara, Mara, Neloufa, Marianne, Tio and Adnan if they want to see Dana too. If it's too much, maybe even Miss Vita and the whole opera house crew can join in! Anyway, I just wanted to stay with her, so she's all mine for today!

"Good morning! Ohh... Looks like we're the only ones up early" [Diana]

"Good morning, both of you. Come, take a seat. Your friends are all asleep"

"Diana, thank you for saving our little sister Siti. From the bottom of my heart, thank you"

"It's nothing. Siti is a friend" [Diana].

"It means the world to us! So, for breakfast today, we have the most delicious pancakes the world has ever seen! A pancake so fluffy that it will put the Cloud Rabbit to shame. Honey so tasty that it will attract the attention of the Queen Bee. Chocolate drink so delicious that it will attract soldier ants from miles around! Enjoy!"

"Wow! Wow! Wow! This looks absolutely delicious! Dana! Let's eat together!" [Diana]

"Together... Eat with you! Of course! Of course! This is heaven!" [Dana]

The two of us take our fork and knife and started to eat the pancake. It's no exaggeration to said that this is a really good pancake! It rival the one made by our chef! Delicious! So delicious! Even more delicious when I eat it together with Dana! A moment that I wouldn't forget

"Good morning, both of you" [Kara]

"Oh! You guys are up early too! [Diana]

"We couldn't really sleep last night" [Mara]

"True... We keep thinking about what we can do to help" [Marianne].

"Not surprisingly, there's little we can offer" [Tio].

"So it's the same for you..." [Adnan]

"We've done all we can, now all that's left is to pray" [Neloufa].

They are sitting next to our table. I ask them why they don't share a table with us. There's no need to worry about interrupting our time together. Sure, I wanted to be with Dana all day today, but happiness is meant to be shared! I want them to know that my sister Dana is the best sister in the whole wide world! They're kind of reluctant, more like scared. Their eyes are the same eyes I make when Jean is angry with me. I wonder why.

"Come on, you are Diana's friend. I wouldn't hurt you or anything. As her sister, allow me to express my gratitude for befriending her" [Dana].

"The honor is ours" (She's different from yesterday) [Kara]

"Diana has done a lot for us" (Is this really the same person as yesterday?) [Mara]

"True. The princesses and I owe her a debt of gratitude" (Here I thought she'd be short-tempered) [Marianne]

"We enjoy the time we spend together" (Maybe her mood is good today because Diana is with her) [Neloufa]

"She's been a good sparring partner" (Tio, don't you dare say it) [Adnan]

"Talk about a change in attitude, you were scary yesterday and now you basically radiate sunshine" (You should have known me Adnan, there's no way I wouldn't have said the curiosity on my mind) [Tio]

"I see... Sorry about yesterday, even Miss Saga told me the same thing, but when all you do is... Anyway, I'm sorry about yesterday, I don't want my little sister to have problems with her friends because of me!" [Dana]

"It's okay, we were just surprised" (Tio, I guess her mouth is sharp as always) [Kara]

Did something happen yesterday? I wonder what happened? Maybe Sister Dana had a fight? No way. I couldn't imagine my dear sister doing something to scare them all.

One by one, the others come down from their rooms. Nar and Sas sit down with us, and the two of them, without saying a word, take a bite of my delicious pancake!

"Hey!" [Diana]

"Why you two! You mannerless nobles!" [Dana]

"Dana..." [Diana]

"I mean... Shouldn't you ask her first?" [Dana]

"Hahaha... Well well well, looks like we found your weakness" [Nar]

"This should be fun" [Sas]

"Hey! I get the feeling you're bullying Dana!" [Diana]

"Sure are" [Sas]

"Grr... Just you wait!" [Dana]

"Sister Khamisah! These two are bullying Dana!" [Diana]

"Meow" [Fie]

"They're the same as always, I'm happy and disappointed at the same time" [Khamisah].

Khamisah hits the two of them on the head. Even I flinched when I saw it. It must have hurt really bad for even Nar to say ouch loudly.

Looking at our table. I can say that my family is getting more and more fun. Our eldest sister Khamisah, eldest brother Nar, second brother Sas and sister Dana followed by me and Fie! I smile and tell them

"Dana is a given. We will register her under our Vars family member". [Nar]

"From now on you are Dana Vars" [Sas].

"Hey! I don't agree with getting a noble name!" [Dana]

"It's already decided for you, isn't it?" [Khamisah]

"What about you Sister Khamisah? Wouldn't you be Khamisah Vars?" [Diana]

"That's nice, well, I'm sure Queen Amleth would force me to become a noble anyway... It's long overdue since the accident. I wouldn't mind to have Vars as my family name" [Khamisah].

"That's surprising, here I thought you would reject it" [Nar].

"To tell you the truth, I'm planning to retire as an SS rank in the near future, so this should be my first step" [Khamisah].

"This is another surprise, but as Vars, we officially welcome you" [Sas].

"Alright! This is a happy occasion!" [Diana]

"Mother isn't here, but allow me to congratulate the Vars family on their joyous moment" [Kara].

"We are here to bear witness to the Vars becoming stronger and happier" [Mara].