

"It was a cold Monday morning and Diana was crying at the edge of her bed, the young girl has gone through a lot in her life first her mom was murdered, although it was a long time ago but the pain in her heart is still fresh.

"Diana is the first child and daughter of Mr Rio stark and Mrs Madison stark. Mr Rio stark is is a billionaire, he was amonge the the top dogs in country, until the unfortunate incident that happened to his beloved wife Madison well he is still among the top dog thought but since her death things has been difficult for him emotionally. Mr stark was a very famous business man in Country A. The stark were the third richest family in Country A, after the Robert's and the Wilson's. They were the top dog at that time.

"Country A is not just an ordinary country, it's a place where the weak cannot dwell. It's regonised for it's luxury and bloodshed. It's a very beautiful country with all quality material, people can kill just to be top of their games.

"Mr stark been a very elegant and hard-working man with the full support of his beloved wife Madison. Madison was a very beautiful woman with brains she was a very big part of Rio's achievement in his life. Him rising his family to the third richest family in Country A was not an easy task and it did not come easy.

"Rio always showed his love to his wife and two daughters Diana and Elley

"Diana could not help but cry reminiscing those lovely memories with her complete family . It's been ten year since the incident that took her mother's life. Oh how she misses her mom she just wish her life could just go back to how it's use to be when she was little.

"Deep down she knows it's not possible fate choose a path for her that she's not ready to pass. over the years she's made sure her younger sister Elley did not feel the loss of their mother. She loves her sister so much. she had really been strong not to show her tears to her sister.

"she made a vow not to shed unnecessary tear but to find the culprit no matter where they are, who they are, no matter what's it takes.

"Madison was a very nice human being she didn't deserve to die in such a disrespectful manner.

"This though made her remember what lead tothe incident happened it was supposed to be one of the best moments of her life but it turned out to be her biggest pain. That day was a day Diana will never forget in her life .

"It's was ten years ago 15 years old Diana was playing with her younger sister Elley. Elley was 10 years old.

"she and her younger sister are very close, together they were one big happy family.while playing she sighted her parents in their personal garden, then she went to meet them.

"Dad I want to go on a vacation with Mom and Elley while you focus on the families business. Madison eyes widened honey why don't you want your dad to come along? Madison asked Diana holding her husband hands.

"Well mom I won't it to be like you know girls outing and you have been with Dad for a long time can't we just borrow you for a little bit from him.

"Rio smiled "so my little angel don't want me to follow you guys. It's not like Dad we will just spend a week and return home. Madison looked at her husband face to read his facial expressions and his was smiling.

"So Angle where do you want to go? Rio asked before Diana opened her mouth to answer the question Elley came out of nowhere and shouted "Diamond vill!.

"Diana turned her head to look at her younger sister. not a bad idea, Madison said. Diamond vill is a very beautiful place in Country Y. Country Y is not really a very big country compared to country A, and Diamond vill is a very small City in country Y, and its one of the best city in Country Y.

" Country Y is literally the opposite of Country A, it's a Country where the citizens are to hunger to kill, to destroy other people for any reason like Country A.

"Why should we go there? Diana asked. Because it's the best place for vacation like this Elley replied. Diana thought for a second and agreed.

" Yes that is where we will go. Then why did you argue with me? Elley asked, Because am 5 years older than you and I can argue with you as I want Diana answered smiling.

"Dad, Mom why did you guys make the age difference between me and Diana big. It should have been two years age difference then she would not be treating me like this Elley said.

"well sweetheart it's not our fault you see when your sister was little she doesn't sleep at night because she was always disturbing and crying. Diana could not hold back her laughter as she laughed out her intestines. Elley on the other hand was confused because she doesn't understand what the statement means, shes just 10.

"Before she could ask her dad what the statement means Madison cut her off honey you should go and prepare with your sister because we will be leaving tomorrow, Daddy will make the necessary arrangements okay Madison said with a smile .

"Madam Sia was helping Diana and Elley arrange their stuff. Madam Sia has been Diana and Elley Nanny for a very long time she has been their Nanny since Diana's birth. The Starks consider her family. Diana and Elley Calls her Aunt.

" Elley am going to make this the best vacation ever you see Diana said . Alright, but I will still miss Dad a little bit Elley responded. Yes me too Elley, but Dad still has some business to take care of so right now this trip won't be necessary for him, Diana said.

"But I still have other plans sis after this, some other time we will all go to a vacation together, all of us Diana reassured her smiling.

" It was morning and time for their Vacation

Rio has arranged everything needed for the trip. The servants were bringing out their luggages.

Which if our private jet do you guys want to use honey Rio asked Diana. They are look good Dad it's hard to choose, but I think I go with the blue one Diana said. What about you Elley which one do you prefer Rio asked. I think I will go with Diana's choice Dad Elley said.

Rio smiled and Kissed Elley's forehead, I will miss you my angel, and you too sweetheart he told Diana and kissed her too on her forehead.

He over to his wife and gave her a quick kiss on her lip. I can't wait for you to come back darling he said smiling Madison smiled back at him and hugged him, I will miss you so much she said.

"Alright lovebirds we have a trip that were are going to, and it's only for a week and you guys are acting like it's a life time Diana said. Alright sweetheart Rio said pulling away from his wife. You guys should go to the jet, the ' Scout' will be dehind you with the helicopter.

"With that they bid fareware to Rio and moved.