
Diamond no Ace: I am Sawamura Eijun

This is the only position I desire, and I won't surrender it to anyone. The glory reserved for the king. The baseball gods on the diamond field, this is my battleground, my home. The lightning that dances at my fingertips is my unwavering belief in this life. I am the king, the unparalleled ace!!! ********************************************** English is not my first language so you can expect grammar mistake in this book.

FlyingBreadPan · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

24.Embracing Offensive Tactics

In the fifth innings, the seniors' performance left onlookers amazed. While it was initially considered a significant achievement to recruit a talent like Satoru Furuya for the first-year team, nobody anticipated that the subsequent pitchers would surpass even those lofty expectations.

"Go for it, Aso, let's make this kid feel our might."

"Aso, handle the next one."

"Come on, Aso, if I miss this, lunch is on me today!"

"Keep it up, Aso, you've got this!"

The constant stream of encouragement was becoming increasingly exasperating. Aso, a sophomore left fielder, wore an expression of irritation on his face.

The trajectory of this kid's throws is truly perplexing, and his pitching stance—it's impossible to discern how he manages to control the ball's placement. How are we even supposed to adjust and hit it?

One strike, followed by another, and then the next.

A spark gleamed in Eijun Sawamura's eyes from the pitcher's mound as he lightly patted his right upper arm. At home plate, Kariba gave a slight nod.

Swiftly, he lifted his legs and swung his arms, seamlessly executing all the motions in a single fluid motion.

A beam of light shot forth from Eijun's hand.

Here it comes!!

An inside corner pitch!

Aso expression froze, summoning his strength to anticipate the ball's trajectory. His steps subtly contracted, body shifting sideways.


The bat arcs, meeting the ball head-on!!


The collision of bat and the luminous sphere emitted a sharp, resonant sound.

The sensation that traveled to his hands prompted an immediate change in Aso expression.

A streak of white light arced backward.

"Third base!" Eijun suddenly swiveled his head, bellowing toward the third base direction.

The third baseman barely had to shift; his outstretched right hand securely ensconced the incoming ball, snugly nestling it within his mitt.



"What the heck, Aso, what were you thinking!!!"

"A tie fly ball to third base? This is only going to amplify the first-year team's momentum, you know!?"

"Aso, I solemnly declare you're going hungry at lunch today."

The seniors were, well, seniors after all. Despite the baffling release point in his pitching stance and the unpredictable ball movement, they had, through this inning and a half of face-off, managed to discern the idiosyncrasies of Sawamura Eijun's style.

Yet, understanding it doesn't automatically equate to being able to handle it.

Throughout the first half of the sixth inning, subsequent batters were systematically subdued by Eijun after Aso's dismissal. It's not that Eijun's pitches were entirely unconquerable; rather, they required a period of adjustment in comparison. Eijun capitalized on the seniors' unfamiliarity to execute a tactical surprise.


"Strike, batter's out, three outs, switch to defense!!!"

The final pitch, an outside-corner fastball, coaxed the batter into a futile swing. Eijun completed two consecutive innings with zero walks, no runs, and no hits! ! !

"Great pitch, Sawamura!"

"Fantastic throw, Sawamura-kun."

"Terrific work, Sawamura."

"Haha, you've got this, kid."

The harmonious pitching rhythm and seamless fielding united to bolster the first-year team's momentum. Confronting the seniors, Sawamura felt a sense of pride in delivering on his promise, causing most of the first-year players to lift their heads and cast a direct gaze toward the senior bench.

"The seniors' momentum has been quelled."

"Eijun Sawamura? Quite an intriguing lad."

"Last year, I came here to apprehend Miyuki-kun by force. This year, I'm here to surrender myself, Furuya and Sawamura? Haha, it's rather fitting."

"The first-year team's momentum has surged completely."

"Now, the crux lies in whether we can score a run."

"Just one run—achieve that, and this game will turn riveting."

"Moreover, it's bound to be that kid's turn this inning..."

Amidst the ongoing discussions, the attention of those around involuntarily locked onto Sawamura Eijun stationed by the first base bench.

"Bottom of the sixth inning, first-year offense, seven bats, pitcher, Sawamura-kun."

Only one run, but in this inning, scoring that run is imperative. If the seventh batter can get on base, it's certain that Kominato Haruichi will come up for a power hit.

This is their prime opportunity to score, an opening that cannot afford to be squandered! ! !

Eijun strode forth from the bench.

Connect with the base, absolutely connect. The so-called ace—a figure carrying the weight of everyone's aspirations.

Without a doubt, there's just one path to take—attack! ! ! !

"Let's go!"

At home plate, Keisuke Miyauchi's eyes brimmed with determination. This kid nearly got a hit off Tanba the last time he faced him; he's still sore about it.

This time, I won't let you off the hook so easily! ! !

"Show me what you've got!"

Positioned in the left batter's box, Eijun inclined his head slightly, his voice deep as he spoke. His gaze then lifted to Kawakami on the mound, his eyes ablaze with an intense fighting spirit.

Kawakami couldn't suppress a smile.

"This kid hasn't changed a bit, still giving Senior the same intense look."

Eijun inhaled deeply, exhaling slowly. With the metal bat gripped, he lightly tapped the home plate on the ground. Then, fixing his gaze forward, he assumed his hitting stance.

The initial pitch—a fastball targeting the outer corner.

Kawakami nodded subtly, his right leg shifting as he matched the motion with his right hand.

Amidst the motion, a glint of white light emerged from the gap between his fingers.

Eijun's gaze remained locked, and instinctively, he swung the bat with force in his grip.


The straight beam of white light, the graceful arc of the bat—then, in the next heartbeat, they intersected.


"Nice shot!!!"

A low outside-corner pitch!! In mid-swing, Eijun's expression shifted subtly. Kawakami-senpai's finesse in handling the ball was indeed something to reckon with.

Eijun clenched his teeth, secretly pondering.

The second pitch, placed similarly, was slightly off.

The white light surged from Kawakami's hand and advanced toward Eijun. As it entered the strike zone, Eijun's eyes darted, and the bat that had been poised to swing halted abruptly.



Observing Eijun refrain from swinging, Miyauchi Keisuke's brows furrowed involuntarily.

He keenly recognized that while Sawamura Eijun's batting power and technique might not be particularly formidable, his ability to read the ball, honed as a pitcher, exceeded that of average hitters. This made perceiving and making split-second decisions seemingly tougher.

Then, here comes the next pitch! ! ! !


As the bat connected with the white light, Eijun's expression shifted.




Very well, keep chasing him.

Uh-oh, now I'm being chased.

Nearly simultaneously, a thought flickered through Miyauchi Keisuke's and Sawamura Eijun's minds. Yet, while one's eyes subtly twinkled with delight, the other's brows mildly furrowed in concern.