
Narumiya Mei x Reader


You have always loved watching Narumiya Mei pitch, ever since you moved next to them, you've became close and were inseparable. In every game you always come and cheer for him and the sweet thing about Mei is that every time he wins he would search for you in the crowd and give you a fist pump in which you return every time.

He also is very caring despite his "ore-sama" attitude and that made you fall for him. He would always ignore the girls who confessed to him. He thanks his female supporters but that's all. The team also noticed how he treats you with extra care. After a lot of persuading, you agreed to be the manager of the team since you're the only one who can manage the KING.

Carlos & Shirakawa are mostly the ones who cling to you other than Narumiya. Yes, even the poker face & bad attitude Shirakawa clings to you from time to time and surprisingly for the team, he looks and smiles at you kindly whenever you both talk. Carlos on the other hand loves to hug you from behind or puts his chin on top of your head in which the ace gets jealous about.

One day Shirakawa noticed Narumiya sighing and sulking often. He finally had enough and asked the ace what's going on. The ace answered "ever since (f/n) became the manager of the team, she doesn't have time for me anymore. I'm lonely. I want her to be with me. I want her to only look at me. I want her to only care for me"

Shirakawa looked at Narumiya like he grew another head. Is he stupid? She IS the manager of the team. Not your personal manager. Shirakawa thought. "Carlos is always and I mean alwaaays with (f/n) it's like his stuck to her. Does he like her? Oh my god. No! I won't allow it. She's mine!" Shirakawa just rolled his eyes at the ace.

During the practice, you were spacing out and stepped on a ball causing you to fall and twist your ankle. You hissed in pain. Carlos ran towards you and asked if you were okay. You shook your head and he looked at your ankle it was beginning to bruise, he was about to pick you up when Narumiya shouted "Don't touch her! She's mine! I'll take her to the clinic" and without a second to waste he carried you princess style to the clinic.

Your cheeks were burning and you didn't know what to do. Your thoughts are all over the place. He likes me? Me? Since when? Why haven't I noticed? Am I dreaming? Seriously? Oh my God! We feel the same way. Wait what if it's him being possessive because I'm his best friend? That would be bad. I'm confused. What should I do? Your train of thoughts were cut off when you both arrived to the clinic.

He placed you on the bed and proceed to take some bandages from the cabinet since the nurse wasn't there. Your eyes were following him everywhere he goes. He gently bandaged your ankle. "(F/N) if you keep staring at me I'm gonna kiss you" you came back to your senses and blushed.

When he finally was done he went back and put the bandages on the cabinet that's when you asked "Mei? Do you like me?" He looked back at you and smiled "Yeah. For a couple of years now actually but you're so dense" he flicked your forehead and you pouted.

He then kissed your forehead and said "will you be mine (f/n)? Will you give me a chance to prove to you how much you mean to me?" You had tears in your eyes and nodded "I thought it was one sided. I like you too Mei." He smiled and carried you back to the field and continued his practice.

The coach went to you and asked how was your ankle. You smiled at him and gave him an okay sign in which he nodded and went back to the field to supervise the practice.

When the practice was over Narumiya went to where you are and picked you up and walked up to the mound. You were confused of what is happening. He looked at you, smiled and took a deep breath.

"(Y/N) is officially mine! She is my girlfriend and I don't like it when you're clingy with her. She's mine!" You looked at Narumiya with wide eyes and a burning face. Oh my gosh! Can this get any more embarrassing???

The team was dumbfounded at first until everything sank in then they threw a lot of protests towards the ace saying she's everyone's manager and so on. You just stood there beside the ace with red cheeks and face palmed. You sneaked out of the scene and went to where the coach is looking at his team with humorous eyes.

He then looked at you and smiled "isn't that good (l/n) you're very loved by the team" he than patted your head and wished you luck in the upcoming days. Knowing Narumiya Mei, he will surely be a handful. This is going to be a long day. You sighed and looked at your childish boyfriend arguing with the team.


(Y/N) - your name

(F/N) - first name

(L/N) - last name