
Diabolik lovers: Shadows of celestial bloodlines

The journey of Su Xue, the third young miss of a prominent general's family. Haunted by the knowledge of her adoption, Su Xue becomes determined to unravel the mystery surrounding her true origins. Driven by an insatiable desire to uncover her biological parents' identity, Su Xue embarks on a quest that takes an unexpected turn when she stumbles upon a clue leading her to the enigmatic Sakamaki mansion. As she ventures into this foreboding residence, she unwittingly steps into a supernatural world inhabited by a group of intriguing yet sinister brothers. As Su Xue becomes entangled in the web of secrets surrounding her past, she must navigate the treacherous landscape of forbidden love, supernatural abilities, and family curses. With her determination and newfound allies among the Sakamaki brothers, Su Xue must confront her own inner demons while also unveiling the truth about her origins. Through the course of "Diabolik Lovers: Shadows of the Celestial Realm," Su Xue's resilience is tested as she unravels the intricate tapestry of her true identity. With danger lurking at every corner, Su Xue must find the strength to face her past, embrace her newfound family, and ultimately determine her own destiny. Will Su Xue recover her lost memories and find solace in her celestial heritage, or will the dark forces that haunt the Sakamaki mansion consume her completely? "Diabolik Lovers: Shadows of the Celestial Realm" takes readers on a thrilling and emotional journey through a world where love, mystery, and the supernatural collide.

Fire_Ball_7179 · Fantasy
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4 Chs


The air hung heavy with tension as Yui Komori cautiously made her way through the dimly lit halls of the Sakamaki mansion. The mansion had always given her an eerie feeling, but tonight, that feeling was amplified tenfold. She couldn't shake the sensation that something ominous awaited her around every corner.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she stumbled upon a hidden chamber. Yui Komori's trembling hand reached out to touch the artifact she had discovered in the depths of the Sakamaki mansion. As her fingertips made contact, a surge of energy coursed through her body, causing her to gasp in surprise. The artifact emitted a brilliant light, engulfing the chamber in its radiant glow.

But as quickly as the light appeared, it vanished, leaving Yui staring at an empty space. The artifact had disappeared, leaving only a lingering sense of mystery in its wake. Confusion and disappointment washed over her, and she wondered if she had imagined the entire experience.

Unbeknownst to Yui, deep within the secluded woods, a young girl sat in meditation, her eyes closed and her mind focused. Suddenly, the serene silence of the forest was shattered by a faint but distinct signal. The girl's eyes snapped open, and a knowing smile graced her lips.

She rose gracefully from her seated position, her movements fluid and purposeful. As she made her way through the dense foliage, her heart filled with anticipation. She had been waiting for this signal, sensing its arrival long before it manifested. It was a call, a beckoning from a realm beyond her own.


month later~

Shuu Sakamaki reclined lazily on a plush velvet couch in the dimly lit parlor of the Sakamaki Mansion. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows across the room, creating an ambiance of eerie tranquility. As exhaustion washed over him, Shuu's eyes grew heavy, and he succumbed to the embrace of slumber.

In the realm of dreams, Shuu found himself standing on the edge of a vast, moonlit forest. A chilling breeze whispered through the trees, carrying with it a sense of foreboding. Suddenly, the peaceful stillness shattered as a blood-curdling scream pierced the night.

His heart quickening, Shuu turned toward the source of the sound. To his horror, he saw Yui, her eyes wide with terror, racing through the underbrush, her slender figure a blur against the dark backdrop. Behind her, a pack of snarling wolves pursued, their fangs bared and gleaming in the moonlight.

Shuu's voice caught in his throat as he desperately called out to her, but his words were carried away on the wind. He watched helplessly as Yui's fear-stricken form teetered on the edge of a treacherous cliff. In a moment of heart-wrenching inevitability, she lost her balance and tumbled into the depths below.

A surge of panic and despair washed over Shuu as he reached out futilely, his fingers grasping at empty air. Yui's anguished scream echoed in his ears, etching itself into his very soul. The scene replayed before his eyes, over and over, a merciless loop of loss and helplessness.

As the nightmare tightened its grip, Shuu's body writhed restlessly on the couch, his brow furrowing with the weight of his torment. Cold sweat trickled down his temples as he fought against the suffocating clutches of his dream. The howls of the wolves merged with Yui's fading cries, intertwining in a symphony of anguish.

Just as the nightmare threatened to consume him entirely, Shuu's consciousness began to stir. With a gasp, he jolted upright, his chest heaving as he realized he had awoken from the torment of his dream. The parlor's gentle flickering light welcomed him back to reality, dispelling the lingering shadows of his nightmare.

Yet, the echoes of Yui's desperate screams lingered in his mind, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions and an unsettling ache in his chest. Shuu was left with a haunting reminder of the fragility of life and the relentless grip of his own demons, propelling him further into the enigmatic depths of his vampiric existence.


Ayato stood near the pool, his gaze fixed on the still waters. The absence of Yui, once a presence that had stirred something within him, now left a void that echoed with a cold emptiness. His face betrayed no emotion, for vampires were known to be devoid of feelings. But deep within the recesses of his being, a quiet ache lingered, a reminder of what once was.

He clenched his fists, feeling a strange tightness in his chest. It was a sensation unfamiliar to him, an elusive whisper of a longing he couldn't comprehend. The silence around him was suffocating, amplifying the absence of Yui's voice, her touch, and her vibrant spirit.

Ayato turned away from the pool, his expression returning to its stoic facade. But in the depths of his vampire heart, a flicker of something akin to sadness remained, hidden beneath the layers of his cold-blooded nature.



Kanato wandered through the desolate graveyard, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a mix of curiosity and detachment. Amongst the shadows and crumbling tombstones, something caught his attention—an azure blue pearl glinting with an ethereal glow. Intrigued, he delicately picked it up, its smooth surface cool against his pale skin.

A faint, purifying aura emanated from the pearl, like a gentle caress against his troubled soul. Kanato's gaze hardened as he carefully concealed the precious gem within his cherished teddy bear. He could sense its power, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that consumed him.

But as Kanato's attention lingered on the pearl, a sudden commotion broke through the stillness. Subaru and Kou, the Sakamaki Mansion's resident troublemakers, engaged in their usual bickering. Their heated words clashed in the air, punctuated by icy glares and raised voices.

Kanato's gaze shifted towards the source of the disturbance, his fascination momentarily diverted. A twisted smile played on his lips as he observed the chaotic exchange, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. The confrontation between Subaru and Kou provided a twisted comfort, a reminder that amidst the coldness that surrounded him, there were others entangled in their own web of discord.

With a final glance at the pearl hidden within his teddy bear, Kanato turned his attention fully to the spectacle before him. The purifying air of the gem's presence lingered, offering a fleeting respite from his own internal turmoil.