

Darlene has been faced with the loss of her job, her history of losing things that are dear to her makes the whole ordeal awhole-lot lot terrible, Her health doesn't make the list of nightmares she has, anyless. Working for a summer diabetic camp seemed to be the only wise decision she will have made in her twenty eight years of being alive, whether that assumption proves to be true, or doesn't, that could be were she found a magical promise of strength, maybe in a person, maybe in the freedom that comes from a place of contentment with life, maybe in the morning chirping of birds, but whatever it might be, it is surely a gift from the camp, and it came looking like it will last forever.

okech_22 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter Three

"Last time I checked, burging into someone's house without making an appointment first was considered uncivilized, more so if you are barely 'friends' with the 'someone' in question" Darlene said to her Uncle who she was a whole lot suprised to find on the other side of the door to her condo.

"And last time I checked, children had a considerably good amount of respect for their elders" Darlene's uncle countered.

"That depends on if the child in question has been given any substantial reason to consider a grey haired man with no sense of family responsibility an elder" Darlene said and made to shut the door in Brian's face, but he was so swift to oppose the action by putting his foot covered in a custom made M&S black leather shoe, in-between the door and it's frame. Darlene gave the shoe a quick study and then did a quick calculation of how much it would cost, the price she got in her mind made her believe that the feeling of wealth and importance had accelerated her uncle's arrogance, which was already too much to begin with.

"What do you want Brian?" Darlene barked in frastration.

"You would know what I want, if you let me in, and if the paparazzi happen to be stalking around, they will discover your hideout, and ruin your plan of resuming your duties as the heir of Richardson group of companies, at your own pace" he said smartly.

"That sounds like a well rehearsed speech, maybe you should try the am-sorry-i-left-you-to-your-own-devices-when-you-needed-your-family-by-your-side" Darlene countered with teary eyes. And Mr.Brian Richardson is not stupid, he knows a person who needs a hug when he sees one. He embraced Darlene in a hug that felt genuine and comforting but Darlene still doubted it's honesty.

"Maybe if you hadn't forced us to figure out how to run a company without it's heir, I wouldn't have been so busy after Bernard passed away" he said, and at the sound of his reasoning, Darlene who is still in his embrace begun to wonder whether there is any kind of way to remove her uncle's mind of her late grandfather's legacies.

He released her and made for the couch to make himself comfortable even though his niece had not yet welcomed him to, and she showed no sign of wanting him anywhere near her furniture.

"Make it snappy" Darlene said curtly.

"Ok, I heard about your job, and I must say am sorry for their loss, because you are such a brainy that anyone in their right mind wouldn't dare fire you, more so if they know what a sacrifice you made to work for them" Brian said in a light tone, not exhibiting any sign of mockery in his voice, but Darlene didn't let her down even though it felt so good hearing her uncle call her a brainy.

"You didn't come here to say that. Did you?" The seemingly unflattered woman said to her Uncle. But Brain's attention had already been drawned by an envelope on the coffee table, more so because it's content that consisted of an employment letter, were spread out within eye sight.

"I had come here to let you know that, the position of President is still vacant from the time you put a pause on it, and Realism Magazine is not worth fretting for, but when I saw you at the door, I thought otherwise, bu...uut seeing this letter on the coffee table, I feel like saying"

"Bingo" Darlene said boringly

"Perfection" Brian said with enthusiasm, the same time Darlene spoke.

"What exactly do you want Brian?" A Darlene who had already run out of patience said.

"I want you to get your shit together and take up this job offer" he spoke while pointing at the envelope.


"Because it's something you love to do, because it would make Benard proud, because you need a job that guarantees a good health for you" Brian said

"That not what I meant, what I mean is that, why did you come here to talk about jobs if you couldn't come when I needed you to?" The bored woman said.

"Because, once the board finds out that you are wasting your life away, they will contest the will, and Bernards hard work will be scattered among opportunistic people who called themselves friends and family of Benard" Brian elaborated to a confused Darlene. "Plus, Jemmy is worried about you, she is barely doing any medical stuff right recently. Please take the job" The older Richardson begged the younger and hoped it amounts to something beneficial.

"Maybe, now please leave my house, I hoped for an apology I didn't get" Darlene said, and Brain Perceived that, his speech might yield good results after all.

Three hours after her Uncle had stepped foot out of her condo, Darlene woke up from a tipsy-aided nap, she thought of how her misery is putting Jemmy's life on hold and instantly felt sorry for being the cause of her worry. She uncoaxedly went through the routine that Jemmy had been taking her through for the past three weeks, she didn't even glance at the beers in the fridge when she went to get some fruits, she instead drunk warm water for the rest of her day like jemmy had advised her to. She then went and ticked all the boxes on the chart haging on the wood at the bottom of the stairs, because the chart is meant to monitor her exercise routine. But despite her willingness, the routine still turned out harder than what she played in her mind before beginning the routine. She drove by the mansion to tell John to deliver dinner to her condo.

On her way back home, she passed by a supermarket just to check out any interesting thing in their vegan side, just few minutes into the supermarket, she felt sharp pain run from the upper back of her foot to the rest of her body.

"Oh crap!" She spat and turned to look at whoever might have not been taught by well on how to push a trolley, but to her surprise, a woman spotting a neatly organized ponytail was already diving from her place behind the trolley, for Darlene's injured foot.

"Oh boy! Am so sorry" the blonde said from the floor next to Darlene's foot, and started to rub soothing circles on the injured foot. For a moment Darlene considered closing her eyes and getting lost in the feel of the angelic touch, but she resisted the overwhelming urge. "If I haven't see how sorry you are, I would have been tempted to think that, you run on my foot with a trolley just so you could have an excuse to touch me" Darlene instead spoke to ease the woman's fear.

The woman looked up from Darlene's foot and smiled, "touching a goddess's foot is not on my 'not-to-do' list, besides, trying to relieve pain that has been caused by me, is something that comes naturally to me" the red cheeked blonde said, after she had studied Darlene's face for any sign irritation.

"You hit people's feet just to have a reason to touch them, you like to sit on public floors, you have the antinode to all the pains you cause, plus you are a flirt. What other things should a stranger know about you in the first five minutes of meeting you"? Darlene said to the young blonde who is still holding her foot in her hands.

"My name, and that i buy coffee for all the people whose legs I hit" the blonde said and gave Darlene's foot one last soothing rub, before getting up and offering her hand to Darlene "Meg"

"Darlene" the older woman said and took the hand Meg had offered for a hand shake. "I would say it's nice to meet you, but meeting you almost cost me my foot, so I think I will pass"

"There's nothing a cup of coffee bought by a flirt can't fix. Wanna try it?" Meg reasoned out.

"My wife would not like that, so I think I will pass again, but on second or even third thought, it is nice to meet you Meg" Darlene said, just so she doesn't give the young woman any false hopes romance.

"You are so beautiful, I hope she knows it too" Meg said and went back to her former position behind the trolley to continue her shopping. Darlene watched as Meg started to disappear and she felt something close to 'pain' because of how far away from her the retreating figure was getting.

"Meg wait!" Darlene called out.

"So you couldn't resist my charm after all, how could you even pretend that my wink hadn't convinced to you of how good coffee with me would taste" Meg said, and and for some reason, Darlene found her forwardness enthralling.

"No, I was thinking that, since your clumsiness almost cost me a foot, you could help me shop some vegan foods" Darlene said, and then whispered "am not so good at shopping"

"Anything for a beauty like you" Meg said and Darlene blushed. Darlene felt like she could talk and walk with Meg for the whole day and not get bored, but unfortunately, they had to part ways after the shopping, that didn't stop at just vegan foods, but also every other thing Meg suggested to the older woman, and Darlene felt guilty for having wanted to ask Meg for her number, but she also felt bad for having not asked for it, in the end, she decided to focus on loving Jemmy instead of crushing on young girls.

"Honey let me..." Darlene said to Jemmy who was trying to untie her shoe strsps, and then knelt down to complete the job for her.

"What has gotten into you?"

"If you stay patient, you will find out what" Darlene said in a sultry voice.

"If it has anything to do the with chicken pepperoni aroma I am smelling, then my patience might get tested" Jemmy said and started to go towards the kitchen, but Darlene grabbed her left arm to stop her from going any further, and pushed her on the wall of the staircase, she then locked her lips on the doctor's in a wet passionate kiss, she paused for a second and spoke in a rush, "the pepperoni chicken is meant to say sorry for being a bitch about living healthily, but what has gotten into me, is majorly this" and then pressed herself hard on Jemmy whose lips were being attacked in the most passionate way and hands were pinned above her head. In between the making out session, Darlene saw the face of a certain blue eyed blonde and got even hornier, she broke the kiss and said. "Saving the best for last honey"

"And my patience is indeed getting tested after all" Jemmy spoke in-between sighs, while trying to calm down from the 'high' Darlene just took her in.

"If you take a shower, and come down here, you won't regret your patience getting tested" Darlene yelled out to the aroused woman upstairs.

"Have I told you before? I hate you" Jemmy yelled back.

"Let's see if you will still be saying the same, two hours after now" Darlene yelled again.

"You better have an epic plan up your sleeves then"

"You will know how epic, when you are screaming my name, now get your doctor ass in the shower", and with that, Darlene resumed putting plates and food on the table.

"Am happy for you, at least you won't be at the mercy of wine and spirits" Jemmy said, thirty minutes after she was left hanging in her own aroused state.

"Brian invited himself here, and spoke some unfiltered truth to me that made me realize that, the more I get lost in my own self, the more I hurt the people who care about me, mostly you, and am really sorry for making you worry about me" Darlene said quietly and took a sip of her water.

"Honey, let's eat, I don't want you crying when you should be celebrating a new and happy life" Jemmy said, and Darlene smiled, she wondered whether the blonde from earlier was an angel meant to push her into making her wife happy, but she didn't dwell so much on such thoughts, because what mattered the most to her at that moment, she got it. A job at GUTE GESUNDTHIET and a happy wife plus a secured inheritance.