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Transmigrated, Elon finds himself, in a medieval fantasy world. Trapped in his new body, belonging to that of a socially depressed youth, through an obscene ritual. Upon receiving the memories of the previous body owner, Elon was fraught with righteous indignation. Swearing to take revenge on his behalf... But there was more to this world than it seemed. After being mystified by the several change in his body Elon discovered he had r18 abilities, thanks to the mysterious system like tablet in his soul. And so... Starting from a small revenge , a conquest began. ... Kindly support this book. I hope to write something different and super thrilling. B Erotic Conquest. By Absolute_Solitude

Absolute_Solitude · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 20: Group Of Four

Looking at the dirty brown parchment that seemed to have been devastated by time, forgotten. Elon revealed a surprised expression.

"A map?"Elon said, discovering something that almost people on earth fantasized about. That wasn't what surprised Elon though, rather it was the slight pain he felt in his head at his discovery of the old map, which means it was related to something that happened in the missing parts of his memories.

But as quick as it came, the slight pain disappeared leaving behind nothing for Elon to ponder on as he held his head in confusion while holding the dirty parchment.

'Aren't there supposed to be memory fragments appearing after such pain?' Elon thought, using the Hollywood ideology of people who suffered from dementia.

Sadly reality was often different, Elon memories from that time remained blank and empty.

Realizing how futile his effort was,Elon placed the dirty time worn parchment in his pocket, ignoring his unwillingness to have such dirty thing on him.

Quickly going through the several remaining pieces of old items that seemed to have been dug from an archeological site. Unlike the time worn map, he felt no subtle change in his mental health while going through the remaining items which he identified as worthless trash.

Sighing in pity for the previous him, the former owner of his body , for being a victim of several scams… As it so now happened to be that each of this worthless item was worth in gold coins, ranging from a few hundreds to a thousand, the previous him was more like a wealthy idiot than a spineless coward. But Elon couldn't blame him anyway, since he was the result from all this.

Scanning the classroom for the last time, to see if there was anything that was left untouched; "Well… let's move on to our next destination."

Following that, Elon left the dust clothed classroom.

Burning brightly, the sun continued to show it's cruelty.

Since stepping through the gates, entering the academy, with Amelia being an exception he hadn't engaged in a conversation with any other person, maintaining his peace of mind while ignoring the strange glances he received.

Walking through the bustling path, beneath the shadows of uncounted tall Elm trees that forested both side , excluding the crowd from the blazing sunlight above while acting as shelter. Elon stood out like a crane in the midst of other students dressed in different robe attires, that seemed more befiting and pronounced for noble scions like them,as they avoid making contact with him… something which Elon found funny. Back on earth someone dressed in similar robe attires would have hundred of necks turned towards them even before they could reach their destination, sometimes it became a trend.


Right then,just when Elon thought his payback plan was going to be put on hold, the arrival of a group of four that headed towards him attracted his attention.


Though unfamiliar, and yet at the same time familiar through the memories of his previous self, Elon clearly remembered this four.

'Miko, Tucker, Wilder, and Elton.' One of the popular groups known to have humiliated Elon, although not in public and of course without any physical contact, pretending to mistakenly spill something on him,calling him vile insulting names was what they did. As far as there was no blow exchanged everyone accepted the entertainment, although the current him knew that it was 99% the previous him fault for not putting them in place, he wasn't going to forgive this people.

Based on his own observative pov, the previous Elon must have suffered from a disease that completely detached some of his emotions from him, such as revenge, anger, vileness, arrogance, spitefulness and viciousness, unable to refute insults thrown at him. Though these chains were later broken, Elon wasn't far from death by that time till the him now transmigrated.

Watching silently as the four approached him with a well hidden coldness in his eyes, Elon kept a neutral expression on his face.

Wearing friendly smiles on their faces, the young noble cohort arrived before Elon with unhidden intention to humiliate him as usual.

Based on Elon's memory Miko was a direct descendant of Earl Madison, a rather well known noble within the capital, as he happened to be related to the House of Orvati under the Archduke , but a distant one at that, separated by a few generations. Nevertheless he still proved to have their backing. Adding to the fact that both house of Maxwell and Oravati were rivals, Elon had a slight suspicion that Miko continuously trying to humiliate him or make fun of him was under the orders of his father, after all he wasn't the only child, neither was he in the first line of succession. Whatmore he also had a rather well known beautiful sister within the academy,who was part of Susan's gang.

And as for the three underlings beside him, Tucker,Wilder, and Elton. They were unknown family members of a high noble family, with their parent holding no important position within the kingdom. So, although they were considered noble scions, they were insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Having no other choice they had to look for a higher pillar for support, in hopes to form connections.

Sadly this pillar of theirs… was going to end up totally, or rather brutally shattered today.

"Huh? Heard you swallowed a bear's heart today,huh?"

"Come on show me…" Miko scoffed, with a mocking smile on his face the instant he arrived next to Elon, while the three around him wearing equally noble robes released boisterous laughter, attracting the surrounding students into watching with a look of interest on their face.

Unfazed,Elon said with a sudden look of understanding,his hand touching his beardless chin;

"I see… now,even the most insignificant of all beings enjoys the feeling of subordination…"

"... being a noble is quite nice, ain't it?"

And without having to lift a finger, silence reigned.

The surrounding became quiet as everyone stared in shock.

For the first.. for the first time, Elon finally found the voice to rebuke someone.

And not just that, he instantly took down four people, at a time with a single sentence.

Killing four birds with a stone.

Not only was Miko dumbstruck, so were his underlings , not knowing how and what to reply.

Although they had been told about what happened at the gates today, which was the reason why they were here. They merely believed that his knights had some how persuaded him to give the command, whatmore they were already in the academy, personal guards were banned from entering.

"Yo.. you… you bastard!" Before Miko could raise his hand to block the mouth of his sideling who had spoken, these words were already spilled.

Though they had humiliated and insulted Elon so far, it wasn't in public or this loud either, mostly in less crowded places, talked but never shouted it out loud. Only if one was close by would they hear.

And ow the current situation had more brutal consequences, the fate of a nobody knows noble practically throwing the Grand Duke's mental credibility in mud.
