

A world that dominates another world. An empire with extremely high ambitions. A land of danger, chaos but also immense opportunities. An inevitable war on the horizon. A group coming to gather despise the racial differences A family facing destruction because of power. A chosen one looking for his destiny. if your interest is peeked come follow Dez and the adventures he goes true in his life.

IneedNovels · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Yes, your Majesty.

Dez and his friends began strolling inside a forest 12 kilometers outside the West city gate.

"Where is your dream forest Dez I can't see anything special here."

Ethan asks while looking around acting like he's searching for something.

"You will know when you see it. there is no way you can miss it. Just relax a little we will get there soon." Replied Dez

"And what are we going to do there today?

It was the first time he saw Suki so interest in something and that made him happy.

Dez's feelings for Suki were a little confusing for him. He's always busy with training and studying he barely sees her. her appearance definitely attracts him. but for his actual feeling, he felt confused.

And Suki lives in another city too. Very far away from Leven city, when you need to go there you will need to go with a teleportation device. Or a normal journey will take you months. Yet no matter how little he sees her, her beauty always mesmerized him just like this moment.

"Hey, Dez…. I'm talking to you why do you have that foolish look on your face. Stop daydreaming, what are your plans for today?"

Getting his composure back Dez replied.

"Well, do I have to even plan something? We will just do stuff, have fun, I don't know. there is a lot of areas to visit, things to see and experience. You will see just wait."

Suki at first wasn't too happy that Dez didn't have a plan but after hearing his word she calmed her heart and decided to wait.

" my dad sealed a big chunk of the heart of the forest. The part of the forest is very big, my dad told me that he did use his domain to claimed it, but he only claimed half of the dream forest the rest is open and wild. That's why he has one of his plant soul companions living inside and protecting it As a guardian there. We will also visit her for sure."

Suki has always been attracted to the unorthodox side of things like sealing, illusions, cursing, blessings, and all the intangible aspect of this world.

"How did your dad seal it ?"

"I never ask him so I don't think I can describe it, I myself know very little about that. But I'll show it to you when we get there."

For Dez, his most fun activity when he visits the dream forest was to play inside this dream forest and nothing else.

"Did your father really used his domain on a forest? Why not on a city?" Ethan didn't understand why emperor Kaihen would do something like that.

Suki had to shake her head, this Ethan sometimes annoyed her.

"What city? Your blockhead isn't Leven City under the domain of the Selklor family.

Dez looks at Ethan and shook his head too.

"We only need one capital and besides, domains are used on important places and this forest is also very important, it's really worth it. Once you get inside the dream forest you will understand. If I could choose I may have definitely lived there instead of Leven city. It's absolutely gorgeous too you'll see."

"Na bro. That's so boring, You need to live in a volcanic area like my family. feel the earthquake, see the eruptions, magma beast thrown into the air, now that's awesome. it's all about the eruptions my friend." Said Ethan full of pride.

"Yeah, that's why your brain is built like that. Giggle suki.

Ethan looks at Suki in confusion but like a moment of realization, he connected built like a volcano +eruption + brain = ??? he understood she was calling him stupid in his face and he had enough.

"Are you trying to pick a fight whit me weird eyes? Yelled Ethan.

"I dare you to call me that again brick head." Say suki with an angry face while taking her glasses off.

"Ohh you think I'm afraid of you? The last time I lost I was only 11, and you cheated. You haven't tried the new Ethan yet. don't ask for it. or you'll regret it." Said Ethan pointing his finger at Suki.

Seeing his friends gazing fiercely at each other and about to fight Dez felt he had a responsibility as a good friend to stop them and step in.

"O the sight of hot-blooded children. Ok, that is enough guys, we aren't little children anymore that fight for little things every time." Said Dez stepping in between his friends.

"And you, you're close to 13 already Ethan. Show some maturity and don't get angry for small things. And you Suki you need to stop being so mean to Ethan we are friends. Calling him stupid is so immature. Said Dez shamelessly, like a senior scolding his juniors, forgetting how often he himself called Ethan blockhead.


what …."

Suki was flabbergasted.

"Yeah…. What are you going on about maturity and that bullshit? Aren't you the one that 2 years ago went Challenging every kid you saw and beating everyone up because 'YOU' tough it was disrespectful that the other kids didn't address you as young Majesty? Then you line them all up and let them yell your majesty in unison until 'YOU' were satisfied?"

"Hahaha Well… 'that'….."

"that's the old me you see."

True be told his mother had bestowed on him some 'personal training' for doing that.

"I'm more mature now. I've grown up now can't you see? And I'm about to start my high school so I have matured and I'm not a kid anymore unlike you guys."

Ethan couldn't believe his ears "bullshit!!"

"Dez your only 12, and aren't we all going to start high school, Ethan is even starting his second year. ," Suki replied with a sarcastic voice.

Dez Acted like he didn't hear a thing, he put his hands behind his back Straighten his body like a pointing spear, and with fluidity in his steps kept walking.

"It's obvious that you guys can't understand."

"Hmm, really… I have a great idea, it has been a long time since we had a sparring. Why don't we fight and see who's the strongest among us? Why don't we do a little sparring before we go to the Dream forest?" proposed Ethan. He was eager to beat that arrogance out of Dez.

"Better not. don't worry About that and waste our time. I'm always going to be stronger than you two."

Said Dez whit a carefree tone and kept walking. Undeniably he still had his ego inflated.

Not long after he spoke he Instantly felt 2 killing intents lock on his back.

He instantly jumped away. And he heard a low boom. After looking back he saw that Ethan had hammered slam the ground.

"You have some fast moves 'your majesty," said Ethan giving Dez an evil smile.

"What do you say Suki why don't we teach our 'lord' here some lessons before we continue?"

"Yes, Ethan I think that's a great idea it seems some 1 has gotten a little cocky over the months…"

After that Suki took out 2 energy guns pointed at Dez and smile.

"Wow… no."


"wait a minute this is a misunderstanding."

….(Evil smile)

"Guys come on Why are you both going against me?"

…(Evil smile)

"Wow, Suki guns? Really? you know I'm not at the awakened level yet, there is no way I'm winning against those energy guns… come on can't we talk about this like the friends we are.?"

Every time Dez spoke he did so While stepping back. With his hands raised.

"Maybe your right, guns may be overkill I don't need a dead husband before marriage."

Hearing that Dez took a breath of relief. But not for too long.

Putting her gun back into her space ring Suki opened her jacket. Her jacket was full of small pockets from top to bottom.

In these pockets, she had small needles, poison needles, kunai, short throwing knives, shurikens, a pocket holding a set of small and palm-size balls. and if that wasn't enough from her space ring she grabbed a bow, to be more specific a one and a half meter long compound bow that was full of wheels and lines.

After arming herself she jumped to a close-by tree and disappeared. You could only hear her voice.

"I'll make sure to entertain you well my 'majesty'."

Ethan, on the other hand, deactivated his 12 training bracelets and put them also in his space ring.

From the ring, he took 2 black and red flame design iron gauntlets that went all the way to his elbow and 2 boots from the same collection that went up to his knees.

Smashing his fist into each other's you could hear some booming sounds displaying his immense physical strength.

"I see…"

"you guys are determined to test me today."

"I see…."

"I guess I'll have to play a little rough today."