

A world that dominates another world. An empire with extremely high ambitions. A land of danger, chaos but also immense opportunities. An inevitable war on the horizon. A group coming to gather despise the racial differences A family facing destruction because of power. A chosen one looking for his destiny. if your interest is peeked come follow Dez and the adventures he goes true in his life.

IneedNovels · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 5 where are you.

Dez hurriedly stood up and ran away. In his heart, he told himself.

"I'm not running away, this is only a tactical retreat. Only a tactical retreat to save my life."

Dez ran jumped stepped on a few branches and disappeared into the trees.

Ethan went after him, but he was no way near as nimble or as quick as Dez was. Losing Dez made Ethan furious.

"Hey, you coward you think you can run away from me…

Get back here and fight like a man."

Yelled Ethan.

"Yeah sure. Why don't you try to take on one of Suki's bombs without your shield… later we can talk about who's the better men then."

Scoffed Dez when he yelled back. Not wasting much time he jumped away to another tree and kept running.

Not long after he heard a bang. And then something crashing down.

It was the tree he was hiding in before when he shouted back at Ethan.

Ethan was kicking all the trees in that area to the ground.

"It doesn't matter where you hide I WILL FIND YOU!"

Yelled Ethan like a raging mad bull. But this time no answer came.

He knew his little gimmick wouldn't work for long.

Dez was gone and silently gone too.

Dez took a deep breath. His eyes went back to normal, and now he had some time to take a look at his injuries.

Not too bad it could have been worst.

Both of his legs had burn marks. He also had a cut on his left leg below his calf, but luckily it wasn't deep.

After calming down a little Dez had some time to think.

"That bomb was so close, she is taking this way too seriously."

Even though Suki can throw those bombs at him he didn't doubt for a second that he would win. Dez has not given up on his chances of winning. He was reflecting on the fight and looking for a way to win. Dez knew that if you want to accomplish something sometimes it's better to use your brain and look for more than one way to get to your goal.

This time it was the same. If he kept fighting Ethan and letting Suki rain down attacks on him specifically that bomb he will surely lose this battle, It is foolish and would never work.

He first needs to find Suki.

And finding Suki was easier said than done.

During the battle, Dez wasn't able to sense her at all. It was like she was completely gone.

"Was I focus too much on Ethan? it was so unusual that I never felt her position."

On a different tree about 500 meters away from Dez stood Suki.

"You think you can hide from my eyes. My little Dezion."

" No man that I Suki Loong choose to marry can be a weakling. If you can't even win this little sparring I will be really disappointed."

thought Suki while taking out 3 tennis size balls, one green, one metallic, and a yellow one.

Yes… the marriage proposal was a request she had made 2 years ago the same year Dez came to the other children's and bravely challenge them. And valiantly beat every single one of them. She was love-struck told her mother and requested for Dez to be her husband.

Both families showed some interest, but it ended mostly in a; let us wait and see. In this world, people marry at a very young age. And are encouraged to have a lot of offspring.

The only thing is that Suki is terrible at showing her Affection and emotions. Unlike other girls who are a lot more daring in taking the initiative.

The light metallic Ball was a sleeping gas ball. And the green one had an itching-inducing gas that let your whole body itch for days. And the yellow ball was a small explosion ball the same one she used just now. She decided to use all 3 instead of just one. For Someone who has awakened these items are dangerous but not lethal, but for a normal person, they could have effortlessly taken their lives.

Suki didn't hesitate to use them at all, for her, these items were just mere toys.

The Loong family.

The family that holds the mountain city. Know as the city of Dragons.

The Dragon city was build in a colossal mountain range. Adorn with sculptures of magnificent dragons.

The tip of the mountain was transformed and sculptured to resemble a fierce dragon looking down on his city. From time to time you can actually see real dragons flying in the sky above the mountain region.

The Loong family is also very rich. They are the best architects you can ever find on this continent. More than 80% of all the cities were built by them including Leven city.

The Loong family loves to fight from afar. And throughout the years they had managed to build this fighting style in their killing art.

And Suki from a very young age awakened what they call "the eye of the mighty Dragon." It's a bloodline Heritage. Bloodlines can only be passed down by emperors if someone possesses a bloodline power it means this person is a descendant of an emperor powerhouse.

This bloodline is the reason why she has 2 different eye colors.

Later when she can master her power and 'open' her second eye her both eyes will have the same color again. Those are called 'the true eye of Iskra' the ancient dragon And she will be considered worthy to rule her household and they will be fated to attain greatness. Why? because only the ones who 'open' both eyes can see and guide them and are the real and sole rulers of the Loong family.

Suki closed her normal eye and her other eye started to change.

Her iris change and turned just like the one of a serpent. The image she was perceiving had changed. now she was able to detect invisible fields of energy that surround every living thing; this can be used to see a target's emotions, health status, power level, or moral alignment. The Loong family members call this energy field auras. But hers was not there yet and was a lot simpler, but it could be used to find a specific aura.

And looking around her, she found Dez. She stood there waiting and looking. Letting Dez take the first step. Knowing she had the advantage in this fight.

"What a headache..."

" How am I going to find her."

"Think Dez Think..."

"There has to be a way for me to get close to her.

Or at least find her. Or perhaps I can find her by sensing her presence, it's time to see if the training I did in the past 2 months can help me now."

Dez closed his eyes and starts sensing Around him. He instantly felt a strong presence coming from the southeast. From that Same direction came some booming sounds.

That clearly wasn't her.

That was definitely Ethan. Dez didn't know what he was doing, but Ethan was raging and smashing and destroying everything around him. Other than that he felt nothing, absolutely nothing.

"This can't be right, it's impossible I cannot feel her presence, how is it that I can't sense her at all."

"Strange has she grew so much stronger. Can she conceal herself from me now?

No. I can't believe that!"

He tried again, and again, but he only felt Ethan there. And it seems Ethan was staying at the same spot too. He wasn't moving or searching.

There was only 1 logical explanation for this outcome in Dez's mind. "she's hiding around Ethan using his wild seething presence to hide her own."

"What a smart girl. Well, I guess I like smart girls."

Dez felt happy at that moment. But he soon became serious.

"Come on I have to focus now. This is not the time for distractions."

" I think I only have 2 options; I can either take Ethan down fast or I can use Ethan as bait and lure her out"

This time I will focus my attention on her if I can't, I'll have to take that big Boy out and then look for her."

" I have to show you guys all the progress I did past year. My dearest friends.

Dez used the branches to silently move close to the destruction site Ethan left behind.

When he came close he tried again to find Suki, but again he didn't felt a thing.

Ethan was like a bonfire in the middle of the night. Dez was only 12 and sensing presence is something new to him, he wasn't very proficient in it yet.

But what he didn't expect was that Suki already learned how to hide her presence from the training she did with her guardian Night, and it was working unexpectedly well.