
Dex's Adventure Through The Elemental Nations

Clair/Dex is bored of her first life, so she/he decides to end it and see what happens after death. But his/her system has an update and new possibilities arise. Now he/she's going to live as Naruto with some extras, but was it the right decision to change the childhood difficulty from Normal to Very Hard? Read it yourself and see what changes Dex will bring. Here comes the chicken eating and crazy being called Dex. We all hope the Elemental Nations are ready for him. Clair will be OP, just not as OP as previously. She will also start fairly weak, cause she is a baby..... Have a funny read. There might come more tags, like reader Interactive or Romance, but again I'm not sure. Don't know if I have to say it, but I don't know anything from the Naruto Universe, I only own the new things I introduce and naturally Dex. —————————————————————— this is not my story....I'm just reposting so we can appreciate his work. n i already got his permision to repost. but if the author want to got this taken down just just messege me in RR. if u want to see the original profile of author u can go to : https://www.royalroad.com/profile/16399 for original work of author u can go to : https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/8047/dexs-adventure-through-the-elemental-nations-completed **Disclaimer** -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

Eierlyfire · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 2

Dex's POV;

The uncomfortable feeling got stronger and I could hear muffled sounds of encouraging for my mother Kushina.

"Almost there Kushina, just one or two more pushes", said an elderly female voice and the pushing effect increased.

"This hurts, dattebajo", screamed another younger female voice. But like the woman said, it only came two times, before it suddenly got really cold and bright. I tried what was necessary for a newborn and started to breath. The first breath was really hard and I had problems with it, until someone slapped me. This helped me to breath in and I tried to look around. Everything was blurry and I could only make out a few forms.

"It's a boy and he's healthy", said a woman from behind me.

"Yosh, now we just have to completely suppress the Kyuubi", said a third voice, this one sounded male. But two wet sounds were audible and I got separated from my first holder.

"Yondaime Hokage, step away from the Jinchuriki, or else this child will die after it's first minute", said my new holder and I already knew that this one was Obito who's now trying to kill me and my parents. And he will probably succeed with 2/3 of his plan.

Minato, my father, asked him who he is, but Kushina cried out in pain from her seal.

My holder asked again for Minato to step away and then threw me up. Luckily I was quickly caught, unluckily he attached paper bombs on my towel.

The world turned bright yellow and I felt that my towel was gone, it also was windy and I felt like throwing up. Good for whoever is holding me, that I haven't eaten yet.

"Good, Naruto is unharmed. His target was Kushina and he separated us", said my holder, who is now identified as Minato.

Yeah, perfect. Obito is now extracting the Kyuubi.... The world was again yellow and I was laid down in something soft, probably my crib.

A few minutes later I was again grabbed and Kushina hugged me while crying. He voice sounded pained and she held onto me for dear life.

Her touch was strangely comforting and I got really sleepy. This was really not to my liking, but I could do nothing against this feeble child body and its cursed short span of staying awake.

The good thing was I didn't stay asleep for long, an earthquake and the sound of an explosion woke me up.

"Don't worry, your father will be back", she said in a soothing voice, while stroking my head. The explosions came again and again, but she just kept stroking my head.

And again dad came with a yellow flash and I felt like barfing. It was also cold and my [Qi Sensing] kicked in, a gigantic amount of Qi was right next to us. It felt like it would burn anything that will touch it. Loud thumps and small earthquakes came nearer and my father spoke something about stopping him. So I can safely assume that the chakra is the Kyuubi and that he's now going to turn me into a Jinchuriki. My mother then said and did something that made her fell down and she began a speech about her taking him with her into the grave. She sounded extremely tired.

Minato, on the other hand, began his own speech and I couldn't get how they were able to do that. I mean there is a fucking 20 story tall monster behind them, that wants to kill them and they are holding their speeches. Their speech carried on until Minato told Kushina about his plan to seal the Kyuubi in me.

Minato then held a speech about me saving the world and the strategic necessity of having a Jinchuriki. Seriously, can't they just do it? I never was one for long speeches if your enemy is just restrained by a few chains. Kushina probably restrained the Kyuubi with her chains, otherwise he would have long ago killed us.

I'm only going to speak with them if they lay on the ground, bloody and without any limbs. That or if I know that they can't do shit.

Kushina protested but it got suppressed by the next speech of Minato about duty and things that are right.

But at last it finally went on and I heard a "Fujin", before I was put on something.

"Here is my chance!", screamed a third male and powerful voice. A Crunching sound was next and my parents spoke about them dying for their child.

"Kushina,... I'm launching the Eight Signed Sealing now, so now is the right time. So let's tell Naruto... what we want to say to him", said Minato between pauses.

"Yes, Naruto, eat healthy, grow big and strong, sleep enough, study hard, make friends, wash yourself, be happy and above all find someone you can fall in love with. But remember that we're loving you and will always do. There is so much more I want to tell you, so much more", said Kushina between sobs and tired pauses.

"Naruto, my words as a father are to ditto what your loquacious mother said", said Minato.

"Fujin", was then said by Minato and something overcame my skill of [Insensitivity to Pain]. The Chakra that was put into me felt like it was boiling water that is poured into all my veins. It flowed through each pathway and then settled down in my stomach.

I cried in pain and overheard the two °thumps° that were my parents who were dead and fell down.

I don't know how long it took, but the feeling died down and I fell asleep.

It's really strange how it's written in so many stories that the protagonist falls asleep, right after something important and taxing. But I mean, I am a baby and I got unhealthy amounts of chakra pushed into me.

I can't say how long I was asleep, but I woke up to shouting.

"We have to kill the demon, before he gets free and kills us all", shouted someone.

"We won't kill him, he is a hero who saved us all", shouted another voice back. The second one was way nearer to me and sounded old. I think it was Sarutobi.

"We can train him to be our perfect weapon", suggested another elderly sounded voice. Probably Danzo who wants to make me his puppet for war.

"No!" said Sarutobi with authority.

"He will grow up like any other child and will be a ninja like his parents wanted", said Sarutobi then and shouts of denial and shock came from many people.

"You can't let him stay near our children", screeched a woman.

"We have to kill it", demanded a man and a few more shouted in agreement. I then felt a wave of Chakra that was washing over everyone. It came from Sarutobi and was probably some Killing Intent that can be projected throughout Chakra.

The noise in the room died down and Sarutobi began to speak again;" We won't kill him, he will grow up like any other child. And I hereby forbid any of you to speak about him and his status as a Jinchuriki. This is an S-Rank secret and is punished by death if someone breaks it."

"Then let's come to the next topic, the fourth is dead and we need a Hokage", said Danzo.

"I think I'm....", he tried to say but was interrupted by an elder woman.

"I vote for Sarutobi, he brought us through the Third Great War and knows what do to in situations of crisis. We can't afford someone who we have to teach before he can act."

"I agree with Homura", said someone else and more and more people agreed. I'd love to see Danzo's face, but sadly my eyes aren't good enough as of yet.

"Then it's decided, I'll be back as the Hokage, until I find someone who has the right mindset and skills for the position as the Hokage", said Sarutobi and I swear I heard Danzo's teeth gritting in anger for this slap in the face about his mindset.

"Dog!", Sarutobi then shouted and a person came near us.

"Yes Hokage-Sama?", asked the person.

"Bring Naruto here to the orphanage. Tell them he lost his parent during the attack", said Sarutobi and I was handed to the other person. If I'm right then he's Kakashi, I think is ANBU synonym was dog.

A burst of speed followed and we reached the orphanage, which apparently wasn't destroyed.

"The Hokage says that he'll stay. His parents died during the attack", said Kakashi and gave me to someone else.

"So many died because of that cursed thing, I wish I were strong enough to fight it myself. We'll take care of him", said a woman in a kind tone and then put me down somewhere.

I felt tired again and fell asleep.

I awoke on the next day, some people were standing around me. Speaking about me and calling me it or demon. So here it comes, the reason for my [Insensitivity for Pain].

"You mean that he's the Kyuubi?", asked the same woman who put me down.

"Yes, the Fourth managed to seal him into the form of a child. He is weakened, but sadly not dead", said someone who sounded like Danzo. So it's his fault that all this happened. Kinda obvious, he wants me in his ROOT. And the offer is much sweeter if he can tell me that he will make me strong and get me away from my torturers.

"Then we have to kill it", shouted the woman. Her kind tone was gone and it was replaced by fear and anger.

"We can't kill it, not yet. The Fourth said that we have to weaken it before. It will regain its whole strength if it dies now. No, we have to stun its growth and hinder it from getting to strong in this form. Then we can safely dispose of it", said Danzo in an assured tone. He sure is a good liar.

"But how can we do that?", asked the woman, already completely on his side.

"Only give it food once a day. Only wash it when the Third comes for a visit, he thinks that this thing is a boy. You know how he loves children, so the demon used this form in order to deceive him.

Don't let it play with other children, it could influence them. And don't pick it up if it isn't necessary. Its Chakra could harm you. I'm sure you can think of other things that will stun him. But as I said, he can't die yet," explained Danzo.

"Are you sure? I mean he looks so peaceful", asked the woman. A little doubt must have come as she heard what she has to do.

"I'm certain. Look, no normal human could do that", Danzo then said and cut me with a knife. Of course it healed instantly, thanks to the Kyuubi.

"Oh Kami, it is a demon. I will do what you say Danzo-Sama. This wretched thing won't be able to harm us", she then said with hate.

"I thank you for that, you're a hero of the Leaf and coming generations will thank you", said Danzo in a praising tone.

"I have to go now, there is much to do. This demon destroyed and killed too many of us and we are weakened", he then said and left.

"The demon", mumbled the woman who stood behind and I looked at her silhouette.

"No human child could look so focused on his second day after birth", she then said and also gave me a cut. It thankfully didn't hurt. But that was only thanks to my skill.

"So it really is true," she then said, as she saw me healing.

"I'll make sure that you stay this weak", she said and left.

Great, this has to suck.

The weeks went by and the woman showed her helpers how quickly I heal and told them about me being the Kyuubi. These news travelled quickly and more and more people came to hurt me. Some hit, others tried to strangle me and a few cut demon or other curse words in my skin.

The caretakers made sure that no older child stays in my presence and I got my own room, where I laid. They did indeed only fed me once a day. Luckily I still have my inventory, and with it a freaking lot of things. This way I was able to put milk from it inside my mouth to drink. It was difficult to do it at first, because I had to drink from a lying position.

I could also put my... waste... into a separate folder of my inventory. This made them more convinced about my status as a demon, but I won't have shit on me and won't starve to death. I mean I need my teeth, so that I'm able to eat chicken. And I won't get them, without food.

They also didn't pick me up. This was a problem. Normal babies get heavy psychological traumas when they aren't held. They can get psycho and unemotional. This can't happen to me, but it also deforms the head and can produce problems with the growth of the body.

I had to find a solution and I also knew what I had to do.

I had to train my Chakra so that I'm able to enhance my own strength. This way I could turn myself over.

So I felt for any Chakra around and in me and the skill worked on overtime. I felt any and all chakra in the whole village and I think beyond. The two strongest signatures were probably the Hokage and Danzo. Danzo because that signature was underground and he has his base in the tunnels of Konoha.

I was overwhelmed with how many people I could now feel. I also felt their emotions. Most of them felt sorrow and many hate. Two presences were near me and came nearer. It shortly after turned out that these were two of my so called caretakers, who thought it will be funny to play °Tick Tack Toe° with me as the game board.

I ignored them as best as I could and tried to get used to the feelings of thousands of people. I didn't manage it that day or the day after. I should have taken the skill [Ultra Ultimate High Sensitivity] That skill did allow me to control my body perfectly. Now I have to wait until I can learn the Shadow Clones for training. Good thing I have the Forbidden Scroll from a different Naruto Dimension.

The best tool I will have during this life will be my inventory.

Days passed and after two weeks I saw Sarutobi for the first time. My eyes were now working like they should and I could see that he was beyond tired.

"Hey Naruto, I see you look healthy. And you smell fresh. They must've bathed you", he said with a chuckle.

Yeah, they threw me into the hot water and then picked me a minute later out. They then put the shampoo on me and made sure that some of it came into my eyes. Thanks for your care.

"Work is really hard, but I have to restore the village. Your parents would want that from me", he then said. Probably only to convince himself that it was okay to give me away and don't care about me myself.

"I'm sorry but I have to go. There is just so much paperwork and we have to stay wary of Iwa and Kumo. Both would love to see us burn", he said and stroked me once before leaving.

I ignored the women who took the clean blanket away from me and kept focusing on reducing the intake of Chakra signatures. I was already able to ignore most of them, only a few thousand were still there. They are larger than the rest. And none of the tinier signatures was mine. So I think these are the Genin and upwards, which also would mean that I already have Chakra on a Genin level.

That is good, because I need lots of Chakra.

I found my own Chakra two days later, it was one of the Genin level Chakra signatures. It's flowing leisurely through me and some of it trickles down into my stomach. And some red Chakra comes out of it, whenever I get one of my °Happy Meetings°. The caretakers came up with the idea to sell beating time to villagers. They made money, the people could let out their hate and my growth got stunned. A win-win situation for every none demon involved.

I think I'll let Konoha burn. I tried my best to develop my brain towards a good memorization. It was fairly easy, I just had to do math calculation, while trying to not get interrupted during my beating sessions. I good at it, I think. I'm not getting any Skill notifications any longer. I looked through the setting, but it seems like this planet doesn't support a skill and character status table.

Anyway, back to the important things. I found my Chakra.

At first I tried to will it into movement, which didn't work well. It even began to sting after a minute or two. But thanks for my massive time of reading fan fictions and other books, I quickly came up with other things.

One solution would be that I'm too young to use my chakra. This wasn't something I would acknowledge, so I choose the second solution.

I'm not allowed to will it, only to guide it. So I imagined blockades which will block some of the Chakra from one way and turn it to another. Like hands that are directing a stream of water.

It worked, but was really hard at first. The Chakra felt like mud water and moved only slowly.

So I had to improvise with my plan to turn myself from one side to another. I tried to play the turtle that fell on her shell. I wiggled from left to right and managed to move myself that way. It was tiring as hell, but worth if it means that I won't have a deformed head.

I must thank my [Calm Mind] skill for that, I think I won't have been able to think of so many things, while simultaneously getting beaten/tortured two or three times a day.

The only skill I haven't used is [Acting] but that skill is going to be important, once I left this shit hole.

The weeks turned into month and I was able to guide my Chakra faster and more like I wanted. It now flows as fast as a small creek and not like mud or syrup.

I'm now working on enhancing my strength through Chakra. I just have to guide the Chakra into my cells and guide it to move around. The feeling of Chakra enhanced strength is great. Sadly I can't be super strong in this state of my body. It only enhances them, there can't be something enhanced where nothing is to begin with. But it's almost as good as eating good fried chicken, but only almost. And, which is not possible with chicken, you can get too much of it. Too much Chakra and your cell burns itself out of existence.

I once burned my whole arm black. This made the caretakers frightened as fuck and they skinned my whole arm with a knife. Which brings me to the beatings.

The beatings got harder and more bloody. I'm really impressed with my regenerative abilities.

I mean, they once ripped out my finger- and toenails or cut my nose off. That stung like hell and that's something if I feel it through my skill. I once got an arrow to the knee... no wait, to the eye, and this toenail ripping was almost as bad.

Humans really grow sadistic when they have power. I don't know if I was an example. Probably not.... Okay, I was onesadisticc asshole sometimes. Like when I experimented on some bandits how much Mana a brain can savely hold. Took me a couple of bandits to find the right amount.

My live continued and I was still kept inside my room. My only visitors were the villagers who bought some time to beat me and the caretakers who either did the same or gave me some leftover food. Oh and don't forget the monthly 5 minutes visit from Sarutobi who annoyed me with his problems and how sorry he was. He always said how good it is that I look so healthy. Which is not the norm to people like me. Also with my Jinchuriki status and such.

This happened until I was one year old. I was already able to walk and am pretty sure that I'm stronger than most 3-year-old children, but no one knows that.

It was night time and I overheard some villagers speaking about a festival. Must be the annual Kyuubi festival. Oh boy, these were the worst days for any Naruto in both fanfic and manga/anime.

And true to my fear, the head woman from the orphanage came with a rope and said that today's a special day and that they're going to play a game called Piñata Game. They plan to play this game each year from now on.

She then grabbed me, bound my hands and feet and then hung me up on a hook on the ceiling. A few minutes later a group of civilians and even some Ninja came inside. Some of them had bats, other knives, and some even brass knuckles.

They all had an evil smirk on their face and made a fine orderly line in front of me.

"Thanks for your appearance, today is the sad day of Kyuubi's attack. But you are able to pay him back for the loss he's given you. Each of you is allowed to have 5 minutes with him. But you know the rules, no deadly wounds. Danzo-Sama said that he has to be at least 10 years before we can safely dispose of him", said the head caretaker in a happy tone and the first civilian stepped forward.

"I'll have fun beating you. You cursed demon killed my little sister. She was only 14", said the man, before he used his bat to break my knee. This was enough for me to ignore him fully. I just watched him and let him do his thing. These beatings end most of the time with a few broken bones and some cuts. Nothing really too worrisome. The Kyuubi will heal me in a day and it's not like I feel more than an annoying thump. I'm not able to decrease the skill as of now, which is good.

The only problem was, the beating didn't stop this time. They first broke any larger bone in me and then started to cut wherever they found some skin. After that they started to cut things like earlobes, fingernails and my nose off. All of them will regrow. I think I might even be able to regrow some limbs. I just have to find the right amount of Chakra to stimulate the growth.

The civilians then stopped, they weren't able to proceed without risking my death. So the Ninja took over, they all must have vast knowledge of the human anatomy. It's necessary for their work. That wasn't really good for me, because they cut my arteries and veins up.

Remember children sideways is for attention long ways is for results.

They then cut off some of my flesh. This really started to sting, but it turned into pain as they purred salt on the wound. That resulted in my fist grunt of pain since I was born. And made them happy beyond anything.

I tried to get out of my robes, but they only got tighter from all the blood. They proceeded with stabbing me in my stomach. This let my stomach acid flow out and my body began to eat itself from inside. This hurt like hell. I started to struggle more but it was futile, they already broke my bones and cut my tendons.

And suddenly their movement got way slower, I saw everything clearer and I knew what happened. I think it's again thanks for my [Calm Mind] skill that I acted fast enough and shut my eyes.

I then felt for the chakra that flew towards my eyes and guided it away. Hoping that it will turn off my shortly awakened eyes. I think I managed to do it because no one said something and they didn't make a fuss as they cut off my eyelids.

They stopped shortly after and one of them was a medic nin, who healed me enough to stop my bleeding. Ninjas are able to inflict way more damage without killing someone if they are able to heal their victim a little.

It took me a week to heal from that and I only got minor beatings like strangulations or weatherboarding from them during that time.

This repeated procedure repeated for the next two years until I was three.

During that time I managed to inspect my eyes. Turns out I don't have the Rinne-Sharingan yet, only the normal Sharingan. But I already got three tomoe in each eye. Must've been the stress I got during my beatings. I also increased my Chakra reserves above most people in the village. I think I have now enough to be considered a high Jonin in terms of Chakra.

And then something good happened after my third birthday. Sarutobi came and asked the head caretaker why I'm not out playing with the children and that he never saw me outside. The orphanage is apparently right next to the Hokagebuilding and he has a good view on their playground from up there.

The caretaker sweated bullets and explained to him that I was sick before and that I'm now good enough to go out and play. She assured him that he will see me the next day outside.

And true to her words I was let out. They also made sure to warn any child about me and that they have to stay away from me. I knew it instantly and saw it in their eyes that they are already brainwashed. So I walked into a corner and sat down. I started to do the leaf exercise. It's a training for Chakra Manipulation and helps one with the control. You have to put a leaf on any part of your skin and let it stick to you through your chakra. This will help your with your outer body Chakra control. I understandably did it out of sight from anyone. But I one day I was interrupted by a boy who came over to me. He was the same age as me.

"Hi, my name is Rufus. What's your name and why are you all alone?", asked the boy. He didn't look afraid.

"Naruto, the other children won't play with you if you stay with me", I said and tried to reason with him to go away. He's cutting my training time.

"I don't care, you looked lonely. Can I be your friend?", he asked with a friendly smile.

"You'll see. You won't stay my friend when no one is going to speak with you any longer", I said and proceeded with my inner Chakra control. Already ignoring him.

"Do you want to play?", he asked and ignored my attempt to ignore him masterly.

"Yes play, you know tick tack toe or catch", he said and scribbled a tick tack toe field in the dirt.

I groaned but relented and played tick tack toe. There can't be only training. You sometimes have to relax. I think I was too tired from all this shit that I never noticed how he could speak way better than children should at our age.