
devouring uchiha shisui at the beginning

Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity). When he woke up, Sato found himself transported to the world of Naruto, a world filled with powerful ninja and bloodline abilities. However, to his dismay, Sato discovered that he had become an ordinary civilian without any bloodline inheritance. It felt like a nightmare. But soon, Sato stumbled upon an extraordinary ability he possessed—the power of devouring. This ability allowed him to consume both the living and the deceased. By devouring the dead, he could absorb their blood and memories, gaining valuable insights and knowledge. And when he devoured a living individual, he could acquire everything they possessed—their skills, powers, and more. This is the incredible tale of Sato's transformative journey, starting with his fateful devouring of Uchiha Shisui's body. Orginal: https://wap.faloo.com/1288210.html

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Chapter 94: Sato's Status In Konoha

The Konoha F4's family was completely wiped out by the surviving Uchiha Naraku. Insider news about the Uchiha clan's downfall spread throughout the ninja world almost immediately after it happened.

This event caused a major stir in the entire ninja community. Ordinary citizens speculated about the political intricacies of a powerful nation and attempted to decipher the true story behind the Uchiha clan's demise. People questioned whether Uchiha Itachi was the sole perpetrator or if there were other individuals responsible.

Meanwhile, influential figures turned their attention to Konoha's vulnerability, considering how outsiders could infiltrate the village and eliminate four prominent families. Uchiha Naraku, embodying the legendary Susanoo, wielded immense power, cleaving Konoha apart with a single blow, leaving a colossal black slash in its wake.

When intelligence from various ninja villages verified the information, many powerful figures fell silent. Questions arose about whether Uchiha Madara's level of strength had been attained by Uchiha Naraku. The concept of the Gunbai being taken by Uchiha Madara and the true identity of the wielder of Susanoo—Uchiha Naraku—were also pondered. There was speculation about the connection between Uchiha Naraku and Uchiha Madara, considering the immense power demonstrated.

These speculations led to mixed reactions and uncertainty across the ninja world. Amid this turmoil, Amegakure chose not to exploit the situation for its advantage due to Uchiha Naraku's enigmatic stance toward Konoha.

After the Uchiha clan's demise, suspicions arose about potential involvement of high-ranking Konoha members. The question of why Uchiha Naraku didn't fully destroy Konoha despite possessing the power to do so remained. Instead, he eliminated specific targets, leaving a trail of unanswered questions.

Uchiha Naraku's motives for sparing Konoha remained ambiguous. Did he intend to strike fear into the village, or did he harbor memories and a reluctance to annihilate it? As the villages weighed their options, they decided to adopt a wait-and-see approach rather than instigate a war.

On another front, Obito and his companions learned that Uchiha Naraku wielded the second pair of Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. This power was demonstrated through his control over the legendary susanoo and his manipulation of powerful illusions. Uchiha Naraku's abilities surpassed even those granted by Hashirama's cells. Additionally, it was revealed that he possessed the Adamantine Sealing Chains of the Uzumaki family.

Obito assigned Black Zetsu to investigate Uchiha Naraku's origins and details, knowing that these anomalies could significantly impact their millennium-spanning plan. Despite potential complications, Obito remained focused on investigating and addressing these potential threats.

Amidst these events, Sato's attention was consumed by assisting Tsunade in healing the wounded. Sato has the right eye of Shisui, briefly considering using Shisui's eye to revive his soul. However, he decided against it due to the potential risks.

Sato's recent actions, which included eradicating the four major moth families and securing his position, solidified his influence within Konoha. He had effectively eliminated any potential threats to Tsunade's authority and ensured that his unique abilities remained concealed from prying eyes.

As the village worked to recover from the aftermath of the devastating attack, Sato's impact and actions continued to shape Konoha's future.

Being Tsunade's younger brother, Sato possessed considerable influence and autonomy in Konoha. His recent actions, coupled with his reputation, fueled admiration and reverence among the villagers and ninjas. Sato's appearance had an impact on the people, imbuing them with a sense of hope for the village's future. In their eyes, he was the symbol of strength that could protect them from potential threats, much like a towering tree shielding them from the storm.

Sato's role in Konoha was akin to that of a crown prince in ancient times, poised to take over the throne once the current ruler passed away. The expectation was that, as Sato's Wood Style grew in power, he would eventually reach the level of the First Hokage. This growth would ensure that the village had a potent defense against any future calamities.

With this promising future, Sato had become the embodiment of Konoha's aspirations. His status as a savior figure and potential leader had cultivated fervent devotion among the population. This reverence was analogous to the fervor observed around a prince destined to ascend the throne.

As Sato continued to embrace his role as the "Prince," Kei was engaged in a separate mission concerning Shisui's left eye. Sato permitted Kei to possess the corpse slave Senju Hashirama and assume the guise of "Uchiha Naraku" using a Transformation Technique. This allowed Sato to maintain his facade as 'Uchiha Naraku' while Kei undertook his own mission.

Kei, now in possession of Second Tsuchikage's body, approached Uchiha Itachi and Kisame. However, before they could converse, Kei issued a warning to Kisame, signaling his intentions. After Kisame left the scene, only Uchiha Itachi and 'Uchiha Naraku' remained.

The purpose of Kei's visit was straightforward. He demanded that Uchiha Itachi hand over Shisui's left eye. Uchiha Itachi initially claimed that he didn't have the eye, but 'Uchiha Naraku' informed him that he already knew the truth through his connection with Shisui. Despite Uchiha Itachi's initial lie, 'Uchiha Naraku' continued to assert his demand.

However, Itachi's Mangekyō Sharingan enabled him to see through 'Uchiha Naraku's' weak chakra, indicating that he was merely a clone. This revelation complicated Uchiha Itachi's plan to use Shisui's eye to activate the Kotoamatsukami on 'Uchiha Naraku.'

In light of this revelation, Itachi changed his approach. He admitted to having Shisui's left eye and proposed a deal to exchange it for the safety of his brother, Sasuke. 'Uchiha Naraku' saw through Itachi's intention to give Sasuke the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. Despite Uchiha Itachi's actions, 'Uchiha Naraku' expressed disinterest in him, indicating that his goals were focused on a different path for the Uchiha clan.

With the situation resolved, Uchiha Itachi handed over Shisui's left eye to 'Uchiha Naraku.' After confirming its authenticity, 'Uchiha Naraku' departed without further interaction. Kei rejoined 'Uchiha Naraku,' and the two left the scene, thwarting any potential ambush by Itachi and others.

As these intricate dealings unfolded, Sato's influence in Konoha continued to solidify. With his actions echoing throughout the village and beyond, his impact on Konoha's destiny remained undeniable.