
devouring uchiha shisui at the beginning

Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity). When he woke up, Sato found himself transported to the world of Naruto, a world filled with powerful ninja and bloodline abilities. However, to his dismay, Sato discovered that he had become an ordinary civilian without any bloodline inheritance. It felt like a nightmare. But soon, Sato stumbled upon an extraordinary ability he possessed—the power of devouring. This ability allowed him to consume both the living and the deceased. By devouring the dead, he could absorb their blood and memories, gaining valuable insights and knowledge. And when he devoured a living individual, he could acquire everything they possessed—their skills, powers, and more. This is the incredible tale of Sato's transformative journey, starting with his fateful devouring of Uchiha Shisui's body. Orginal: https://wap.faloo.com/1288210.html

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105 Chs

Chapter 91: Izanagi

Despite Danzō's possession of Hashirama cells, which granted him control over multiple Sharingan and the ability to utilize the Uchiha clan's Izanagi, the reality remained that, lacking Uchiha blood, his mastery of Izanagi was short-lived—restricted to a mere minute of immortality. Each activation of this technique consumed a Sharingan, affording him a fleeting respite from death.

With the option of utilizing Uchiha Shisui's right eye to extend his immortality window to one minute at most, Danzō was presented with a conundrum. The value of Uchiha Shisui's right eye was so immense that he hesitated to employ it for such a purpose. As such, his available time for immortality remained at a mere ten minutes.

Sato grasped this critical vulnerability and adapted his approach accordingly. His current objective wasn't to repeatedly kill Danzō; instead, he aimed to exhaust the limited timeframe of immortality at his adversary's disposal.

Thus, Sato commanded Susanoo to enact a downward slash, dismembering Danzō once more. However, he now paid little heed to Danzō's repeated resurrections, choosing instead to prioritize the elimination of other Root organization members.

Observant to his surroundings, Sato spotted Yamanaka Fū preparing to unleash a puppet imbued with soul-sealing techniques. Taking swift action, Sato manipulated his Mangekyō Sharingan to emit an impressive surge of Yin escape Chakra. This ethereal energy infiltrated Yamanaka Fū's mind, immobilizing him as Sato applied Genjutsu Binding, anchoring Yamanaka Fū in place.

Having neutralized this threat, Sato subsequently controlled his Susanoo, directing it to swiftly dispatch Yamanaka Fū.

Meanwhile, other Root members attempted to erect defenses with Earth Style ninjutsu. Their efforts led to the creation of multiple earthen walls in an attempt to thwart Sato's advance, while the ground beneath him was transmuted into a shifting, muddy river. Yet, even though these measures posed some hindrance, Susanoo—the embodiment of destruction—demonstrated its might, slicing effortlessly through the walls while effectively navigating the mud river.

Sato acknowledged the unexpected resilience of these Root operatives, acknowledging them as more formidable than the prior adversaries he had encountered. Yet, he regarded them merely as a more worthy challenge compared to the previous foes.

Sato's attention refocused on Danzō, who was preparing to enact a sealing technique. Responding rapidly, Sato executed a combination of techniques to immobilize and incapacitate Danzō before subjecting him to Susanoo's lethal strike.

With this menace dispatched, Sato cast his gaze upon the root organization members who remained. Drawing forth an immense torrent of Yin Chakra, he triggered the fourth form of Susanoo, transforming into a black titan clad in armor—a manifestation of the "real Susanoo."

Each hand of the titan wielded a Chakra-infused samurai sword, and with this unparalleled power at his disposal, Sato embarked on a relentless onslaught. The air was filled with black slashes as he methodically carved through the members of the root organization and Danzō, delivering devastating blows that left little room for defense.

As the deafening crashes of his strikes reverberated throughout the underground base, the very earth itself quaked in response. The seismic disturbances rippled outward, casting their tremors beyond the confines of the battlefield.

As the battle unfolded, the major ninjas observing from outside the Four Red Yang Formation, along with Tsunade and Shizune from the ninja school, were struck with a profound sense of shock as the ground beneath them rumbled. Suddenly, an enormous collapse occurred nearby, resulting in a massive crater. Emerging from the pit was a transparent and black Chakra titan, its appearance captivating the attention of the onlookers.

The titan, soaring to a height exceeding ten meters, acted as a vessel for Sato, who manipulated his Chakra with precision. Forming intricate hand seals, Sato conjured a temple-sized flaming arrow that he promptly launched into the pit below. With an authoritative command, he invoked "Fire Release: Great Fire Extinction!" and watched as a towering column of fire surged into the sky.

Through his Kagura Mind Eye, Sato discerned the obliteration of the root organization's underground base. With the exception of several White Zetsu clones harmonizing with the earth and Danzō in his invincible state, the remaining members had fallen. Victims of stoning, the merciless slashes of Susanoo, and the engulfing flames—death had claimed them all.

Reflecting on the dwindling minutes of Danzō's invincibility, Sato withdrew from the full-body Susanoo. He skillfully located Danzō's position using the Kagura Mind Eye and swiftly enacted a series of hand seals. Almost immediately, two illusory Shadow Clones manifested beside him, advancing in tandem toward Danzō's location.

Yet, as the confrontation intensified, Sato's presence alongside his two shadowy replicas wavered and vanished. This uncanny display astounded the observing White Zetsu clone, prompting a realization that Danzō still possessed an escape route.

Amidst towering trees, Danzō assessed the situation, his brow furrowing in determination. With resolute intention, he extracted Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan from his right eye—momentarily causing his eye socket to pierce. However, this act was enveloped in illusionary magic, rendering the eye retrieval a mere figment of reality. His eye, fully restored, bore no evidence of the ordeal.

Sato, flanked by his two ethereal replicas, materialized in the vicinity, initiating an assault against Danzō. A swift and forceful thrust of a hand emerged from thin air, driving into Danzō's eye socket and extracting Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan. In the blink of an eye, Shimura Danzō and the precious eye vanished, reappearing seconds later. His eye was intact, and his manipulation of Izanagi ensured that the extraction was nothing more than a fleeting illusion.

Now exposed and cornered, Danzō faced Sato and his two phantoms in combat. Struggling to differentiate between them due to their unparalleled speed and constant positional exchange, Danzō grappled with the enigma before him. He recognized the similarity to the famed Body Flicker Technique, a proficiency associated with the owner of his right eye. Yet, the distorted forms of the trio made it nearly impossible to discern the true Sato.

In a dire bid to ward off this impending threat, Danzō refrained from employing the Kotoamatsukami, as he couldn't ascertain which entity was genuine. This hesitation brought forth a palpable sense of mortality, exacerbated by the dwindling time left for his Izanagi.

Though he narrowly avoided the Kotoamatsukami, Danzō felt the tightening grip of impending demise. His mastery of Izanagi extended a fleeting respite, yet the minutes slipped away. Were it not for this desperate resort, he would have been left with nothing but the shadow of despair as death loomed ever closer.