
devouring uchiha shisui at the beginning

Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity). When he woke up, Sato found himself transported to the world of Naruto, a world filled with powerful ninja and bloodline abilities. However, to his dismay, Sato discovered that he had become an ordinary civilian without any bloodline inheritance. It felt like a nightmare. But soon, Sato stumbled upon an extraordinary ability he possessed—the power of devouring. This ability allowed him to consume both the living and the deceased. By devouring the dead, he could absorb their blood and memories, gaining valuable insights and knowledge. And when he devoured a living individual, he could acquire everything they possessed—their skills, powers, and more. This is the incredible tale of Sato's transformative journey, starting with his fateful devouring of Uchiha Shisui's body. Orginal: https://wap.faloo.com/1288210.html

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105 Chs

Chapter 101: Quick Work

As Sato and his group closed in, he recognized that the escort team from the Cloud Shinobi Village was indeed the same Samui team he was acquainted with. Moreover, the leader of this group happened to be, none other than Samui.

Sato, much like many other men, had a fondness for certain attributes in women. He had a particular liking for those who could be described as having, well, more noticeable features. This included individuals like Hinata, Tsunade, Terumi Mei, and, of course, Samui.

Among these four formidable female characters, it was Samui who stood out with the most, let's say, "impressive assets." Her short, blonde hair, captivating green eyes, and a bust size that would leave anyone's shoulders feeling sore, combined with her exquisite facial features and typically aloof demeanor, made her the epitome of Sato's preferences.

While Samui didn't make it to Sato's top three favorite female characters, that didn't dampen his admiration for her attributes. He intended to add her to his collection, just as he had done with Karin, as one of his maids.

However, this time, Sato planned to employ a more direct and ruthless approach to transform this enemy ninja into both his undercover agent and maid.

With a quiet "three two one," Sato whispered something to Hinata and Karin. Then, he gently removed the chin part of his cat face mask. His hidden hand swiftly formed a seal, and in an instant, a massive figure materialized in the sky. It faced Samui's team and one of their mission targets below, releasing a powerful stream of water.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Biting Explosion!"

A colossal amount of water descended like a torrential rain, covering the area.

"Clear the way!"

Sato's actions immediately caught the attention of Samui and her team members. As the water obscured the sky, Samui, who had always remained expressionless, displayed a hint of surprise and promptly escaped the deluge's path.

Omoi and Karui from Samui's team didn't hesitate to abandon their senior village leader, who had recently had his Chakra-restraining chains removed and was still recovering his strength. The pair skillfully avoided the torrential water that crashed down.

The immense weight of the water struck their leader, causing severe internal injuries. Without prompt medical attention, he would likely succumb to his injuries soon.

After the torrential water landed, it surged upward like a colossal fountain, transforming into waves several meters high that radiated outwards.

Samui, who had escaped the deluge's path, leaped backward to avoid being caught in the ensuing wave.


However, just as Samui and Karui escaped the wave's reach, they heard the unmistakable sound of chains being drawn taut.

Turning their gaze in the direction of the noise, they saw four chains, each tipped with kunai-like spearheads, thrusting toward them.


Upon witnessing this, Omoi and Karui swiftly drew the short swords from their backs, their blades flashing with blue and white Chakra. With astonishing speed, they dodged the chains' piercing thrusts.

Simultaneously, they retaliated, targeting the individual who stood on a rock. This person wore a black cloak and a white cat face mask—the appearance of an Anbu from an unknown ninja village.


Just at that moment, a petite figure, also donning a black cloak and an Anbu mask, jumped up behind the first Anbu. Their black glove lacked finger coverings, and their clenched fist was raised to strike Samui.

The fist was enveloped in a blue Chakra aura, which distorted the air around it. This attack appeared to be an incredibly powerful steel punch.

Unfortunately, or perhaps by design, the timing of this figure's attack coincided with Omoi's own attack charge, leaving him with no opportunity to alter his course of action.

As a result, Omoi had no choice but to interrupt his attack and evade the incoming strike.

Karui, prompted by her instinctual sense of danger, also opted for a swift retreat.


Hinata's fist, covered in blue Chakra, struck the ground. The impact caused the earth to sink several meters away from her, shattering like glass. A multitude of cracks radiated outward like a spider's web.

Seeing this spectacle, Omoi and Karui were left speechless and wide-eyed. Even Samui, known for her impassivity, couldn't help but look astonished.

Karin, who had been standing behind Hinata and had been the one to withdraw the Adamantine Sealing Chains, was the first to react, her beautiful eyes widening in amazement.

Sato, who was already engaged in combat with Samui, was equally taken aback.

He was aware that Hinata and Karin were better suited to mastering the Chakra Enhanced Strength than Sakura.

What he hadn't expected was for Hinata to acquire this skill so quickly.

Karin's rapid mastery of the Chakra Enhanced Strength was understandable, given that she had little else to focus on besides the sealing technique.

Hinata was different. Her primary pursuits were the development of the Byakugan and the practice of the Gentle Fist technique, not the Chakra Enhanced Strength.

Nonetheless, Hinata using the Chakra Enhanced Strength was a sight to behold, offering a striking contrast to her usual demeanor.

"Adamantine Sealing Chains of the Uzumaki clan, a steel fist brimming with destructive power, and that astonishing Water Style... Who are you people?" Samui inquired, her usually cold demeanor replaced with a sense of urgency.

"Never mind, I wanted to play with you," Sato remarked after a few moments of contemplation. Stirred by Hinata's growth, he decided to take a different approach.

Sato slowly removed his cat face mask with one hand, forming seals with the other. "Wood Style—Wood Clone Technique."

Hearing the name of this technique, Samui's face no longer had a cold look, but her beautiful eyes widened for a while.

I saw four Wood Clones extending from Sato's body before transforming into four afterimages and vanishing instantly.

When the four Wood Clones reappeared, they were positioned strategically in the southeast and northwest directions along the mountain roads.

"Four Violet Flames Formation!" The four Wood Clones clapped their hands together upon appearing and struck the ground. A transparent purple barrier swiftly enveloped the surroundings, leaving the Samui team with no hope of escape.

Samui recognized Sato as the ninja who had gained notoriety in the ninja world. After Senju Hashirama, Sato was the second Wood Release ninja, and his prowess was renowned. Samui's expression turned grim as she, representing the Cloud Shinobi Village, began reasoning with Sato. "If Konoha goes through with this, aren't you afraid it'll lead to a war between our nations?"

Sato removed his mask and cloak while one of his Wood Clones activated Kagura Mind Eyes to perceive Sato, who was now several kilometers away from Fang Yuan. He responded with a sly smile, "Don't worry, no one will find out."

Almost instantly after uttering those words, Sato's figure disappeared from Samui's sight.

Sato's mastery of the Body Flicker Technique allowed him to move without making a sound, seeming to teleport through time and space, much like the Flying Thunder God Technique. Samui hastily activated her perception technique, but to no avail.

In the next moment, Sato reappeared behind Samui out of thin air. Samui reacted swiftly, turning around with her dagger in a backhand grip, aiming to strike Sato. Her speed was remarkable, creating a dynamic scene.

However, while Samui's attack was swift, her short sword found nothing. The Sato that appeared behind her wasn't his real body but a mere Naraku clone.

"Wood Release Silent Killing Technique!" Before Samuel could widen her eyes in surprise, an illusory force disrupted the flow of Chakra within her body. A vibrant green branch, resembling a snake, materialized from thin air and swiftly ensnared Samui's mature, curvaceous body.

The branches immobilized Samui, binding her into a tightly-wrapped bundle. She lost control of her body as if her limbs had been sealed with a heavy jutsu. Moreover, her Chakra and physical strength began rapidly depleting, absorbed by the branches coiled around her.

In less than ten seconds, Samui's Chakra and physical strength were drained dry. Even if Sato released the Wood Release Silent Killing Technique now, Samui would be powerless to fight or escape.

This was the most fearsome aspect of Wood Release—the ability to seal, coupled with the capacity to absorb Chakra and physical energy. Once caught by Wood Release, if not swiftly freed, one would soon lose the ability to resist. Even if they broke free, they'd still be weakened compared to the Wood Release ninja, putting them at a disadvantage.

When the strength difference was substantial and the Wood Release ninja utterly dominated, Samui's helplessness was a prime example.

In a single move, Sato, a Jōnin known for his versatility in the Cloud Shinobi Village, had effortlessly subdued Samui, who was highly regarded by the Fourth Raikage.

"Hinata, Karin, deal with your opponents quickly," Sato instructed.

Before Hinata and Karin could react, Omoi and Karui, having realized that Samui had been captured, were left stunned and unable to respond.


Witnessing the two losing their composure, Karin, about to respond to Sato, immediately employed Adamantine Sealing Chains once again. Four chains extended from her body, targeting the two Cloud Shinobi.

Simultaneously, Hinata initiated a Gentle Fist technique.

Omoi and Karui appeared to enter an illusory space as the world around them darkened. A vast Eight Trigrams array manifested beneath their feet, causing their bodies to involuntarily stiffen.

Although they swiftly broke free from this rigid state, they contemplated whether to rescue their captain, Samui, or to subdue or take the enemy in front of them hostage.

Omoi suddenly noticed a flash before his eyes. A black figure materialized out of thin air, and then a potent force descended upon him, causing intense pain. Chakra flowed into his body, obstructing the circulation of his own Chakra.

"Gentle Fist—Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms…"

"Two palms, four palms, eight palms, thirty-two palms, sixty-four palms... Boom!"

A series of Gentle Fist strikes landed, sending Omoi flying and causing him to cough up blood. He could no longer feel his body, as not only had Chakra's flow been blocked, but the powerful force had also shattered his internal organs. In one set of sixty-four palms, Hinata had nearly killed Omoi.

"Omoi, ahhh…"

Seeing Omoi instantly incapacitated, Karui's expression fluctuated. Then, she focused on controlling the four chains to deal with her. Karin successfully ensnared Karui with the Adamantine Sealing Chains.

Karui, immobilized by the four chains, could only vent her frustration with a helpless roar, "Damn these chains!"

"Sealing Technique—Re-Seal Limbs!" Karin, who had mastered the Adamantine Sealing Chains and sealing techniques, remotely used the sealing technique to take control of Karui's body.

Observing the two women taking advantage of their opponents' disarray and swiftly neutralizing them, Sato nodded in satisfaction and relief.

"You two handle them and the target. I'll interrogate this woman."

Sato stood up, raising his hand to halt Karin, who was approaching for a reward. He then effortlessly picked up Samui, who had lost control of her body due to the seal, rendering her unable to speak. After leaving a message for the two women, he used his Chakra-controlled branches to create an opening and disappeared from their perception range.

He reappeared in an underground secret room he had acquired and constructed through Kei. Under Samui's terrified gaze, his Sharingan transformed into a Mangekyō Sharingan with a black lotus pattern.


Looking down upon the bound Samui, Sato's left eye emitted a dazzling scarlet light. Subsequently, a radiant golden light shone brightly within Samui's eyelids, passing into her brain and soul through her eyes—the windows to the soul.

The golden light engraved in Samui's brain and soul an aura that could only be lifted if she achieved the status of a god on Earth, like the Sage of the Six Paths, or if the caster concealed it with illusions of equal caliber—the most potent illusion, Kotoamatsukami.