
Into Battle Once More

"It seems the effects of dual cultivating are too strong after I awakened to Azoth's power."

Asura watched the princess sleeping in her light blue silk pyjamas with a small blanket covering her body while she gently snored. He shook his head, his softened eyes lingering on her figure, and he smiled bitterly.

Celine's attachment to him seemed intense because of her situation and the stress of competing with her siblings. He didn't want to rush things because there was already so much on his plate. 

However, if she asked him to help her, he would. 

"I have to leave soon. Will she be angry if I don't wake her up?"

A moment later, another person suddenly entered the small cave, a place that needed the royal key of the Elven family. However, the brunette that entered was the half-elf Spica. Asura only knew her name thanks to Celine speaking about her and seeing her the first time he met the princess and kidnapped her.
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