
The master smith

After being done with the shower and wearing some recently washed uniforms everyone felt a lot better, while Andrew was still doing push ups outside.

Henry explained to his father he was going back to camp then said to Lewis and Brian, "Lewis, Brian help me get some boxes on the storage, I found some of that dark chocolate."

Entering the storage, saying for Cerbes to stay out, Henry walked to the bored soldier taking care of everything and said "Hey I kept some boxes of chocolate here earlier, I would like to take them."

The bored soldier was stunned for a second, just like the first time he saw Henry, after a second he asked "Uh, Henry Evans right."

The soldier looked at a list then said "Give me a second, I will get them." going to the backroom, his boredom seemed to have disappeared.

Out of nowhere Brian asked "Do you think some people in the future will fuck monsters?"

This time even Lewis gave Brian a weird look, but Brian didn't care and continued "I mean slimes already rape people, maybe there will be some sexy monsters like those in hentai, maybe a big sexy vampire lady or a sexy succubus."

Henry asked "Dude, what? how are you in the army?"

"Well, I don't say this kind of stuff in front of my superiors."

Lewis said "I am your superior you degenerate."

The soldier carried the three boxes out, he put them on the ground and said "Here is your stuff Henry, why do even need three boxes of chocolate?"

Henry said "Reasons, beside who doesn't need three boxes of chocolate. Thanks for the help." Putting the three boxes on his shoulders.

Brian asked "Don't you want us to carry one? You are already carrying the backpack."

"Nah, I am fine, they are quite light." Henry said, walking out.

As soon as they walked outside Angela, who was petting Cerbes, saw them and asked "Are we going? Are those the chocolate boxes?"

"Yeah, lets go, get us a ride Lewis." said Henry, taking a look at Andrew who was still going.

Angela said "Yeah, get us a ride Lewis, I want to see my family."

Lewis said "I am your superior not your driver goddammit." but still went to get them a military jeep.

They soon where on their way towards the blue spring camp, Brian going too for no reason whatsoever.

Lewis who was driving asked "So you don't just plan to giving him the boxes of chocolate right?"

"Of course not, I am not dumb. I am just going to bring two with me every time I see him, if he really loves making knifes and swords he is going to like me just by bringing the mantis blades, the chocolate is extra."

Angela asked "What are mantis blades?"

"In Odessa, the town I lived before all this, was infested with a bunch of giant praying mantis with long blades for arms. Me and my father managed to somehow kill this elite, I was lucky, it just kept doing the same attack so I managed to defend while my father shot it dead.

After I killed I took his blade arms with me, I want to see if it can be turned into knifes."

Brian said "Dude aren't you a bit overpowered? You killed three elites, your stats are high as fuck, your face is so pretty that if you dressed like a girl almost all men would turn gay, and now you even got a magical dog as a skill."

Cerbes said "Excuse me? I am a proud Hellhound, not a magical dog."

"Holly shit, it can talk! Its scooby dude, tell me you named him scooby."

"I am not named scooby you idiotic fool, my name is Cerbes, you are lucky you are master friend or else."

Lewis said "Being called a fool by a do, hellhound. That is a new low Brian."

"Man even dogs are smart now, this is truly a new world."

Cerbes looked at Henry and said "I know he is your friend master, but can I bite him?"

Henry smiled patted him and said "Just ignore him, he speaks before thinking. Beside do you really want to touch him?"

Angela looked confused and asked "Am I the only one that heard the gay part?"

Brian completely ignored Angela and said "Dude, what the fuck man? I am not disgusting I just took a shower."

Talking away they soon reached the main camp, Angela said her goodbyes and accompanied a soldier who knew where the survivors where sent too.

A soldier under the command of the old sergeant came to bring Henry to the sergeant, but ended up accompanying everyone to Henry RV so he could store the boxes, finding hard to say no to Henry when he asked politely.

As soon as they reached the RV Henry saw Josh familiar face, seated in the trailer stairs looking dejected and tired. When he looked up to see who was approaching energy instantly returned to his body.

Josh yelled "Henry you fucker, give back my house keys."

Henry smiled "Hey Josh, you are alive."

"You thought I was dead? Don't try to change subjects, I want my keys."

"Of course, hold this box" giving a box to Josh Henry picked the key from his pocket and opened the RV.

After putting the other boxes above the others he threw the keys to Josh and said "I want those back." picked the mantis blades and core and walked out.

"I want those back my ass, this are mine you fucker." slamming the door shut.

Henry said to the soldier "Shall we go mister soldier?"

They walked to a smith shop where a buff old man, named Albert, was working on a wood handle of a knife.

The soldier saluted and said "Sergeant I have brought the recruit who took your sword."

Without taking his eyes of his handle Albert said "Thank you soldier, and I am not a sergeant anymore, you can go now. I will be talking with you in a second recruit, just wait there."

As he waited Henry looked at the wall decorated with almost a hundred knifes and swords.

"Quite the collection, is that a zweihander?" said Henry.

Albert said "Yes it is, so you are boy Olivia talked about, it looks like her transformation messed with her head, she made me give my baby to a pretty boy that never lifted a sword before.

What are you doing here Lewis? The idiot too."

Lewis said "Olivia sent me to take him here, Brian tagged along. And Sir, I can attest for Henry strength, giving him the sword was not a mistake."

"I don't care about his strength, give me my sword let me take a look at it."

Without saying anything Henry put the mantis blades on a table, took the scabbard and sword of his waits and gave it to him, then took a small bar of chocolate from his pocket and begun to eat it.

With loving eyes sergeant Albert begun inspecting his katana, cutting his finger when he tried to see if it was still sharp.

He looked at Henry and said "What did you do to my baby? Its sharper than when gave it, but has no sing of being sharpened. Why are you eating at my shop?"

Henry said "I have being out all day fighting and didn't get a chance to eat, do you want some?"

Seeing Henry slyness, Lewis shook his head with a smile on his face.

"Is that some chocolate? Give me one. Now explain what you did to my sword."

"Here. About the sword, its probably my skill doing, I have this skill that increased the sharpness and durability of a sword. Maybe it sharpened the sword."

Albert picked a simple short sword of this wall and gave it to Henry saying "Show me."

Happy that the sergeant didn't seem angry at him and that his tactic worked he gladly used his skill, the drawing of eyes appearing all over the blade as it begun glowing blue.

Very curious about a skill that could help him in his forging, Albert asked "Do you know by how much it increases the sharpness and durability?"

"I don't know by how much it increases after I deactivate the skill, but while I use the spell it increases thirty times the original value."

Albert shouted "What?! Are you joking with me? Thirty times, thirty, that is an absurd amount."

"Maybe before all of this, but now its just good, its nothing super amazing. Unless I can get my hand on better and better swords this skill will end up useless with time, this is why I brought this for you to see."

Henry gave the mantis blades to the sergeant, who begun inspecting it with great curiosity.

He said to himself "Very light, thin but seems strong, is this bone? Hmm.

Did this come from a monster the soldiers been talking about? You want me to turn it into a sword?"

"Yes, it was the arms of a giant mantis monster. Before I would like to have it turned into a sword, now I would much ratter use your katana."

"Of course, my katana is better, but this blades are very interesting, they look like some form of bone, but not exactly bone.

If I remove this insect skin over here, clean it, and put a handle it would make for a fine blade, a very fine blade."

Henry threw the small red core to Albert and said "Can you put that on the handle of the sword? It is some kind of magical core, it came from the same monster. I have been wondering if it might give the sword some special proprieties."

Albert looked at it a little then said "I am not a fan of putting jewels in my work, but since there are two I will give it a try. Now get out of here, I want to start working on this.

Come see me tomorrow morning, if I am not done by them I will let you use my baby again."

Outside Henry said "My plan worked better than expected, he became a whole lot nicer after the chocolate, didn't eve had to ask for him to make the blades, hehehe."

Lewis shook his head "You are some sly snake, you are going to make an old man stay up all night working."