
The arrival

It was early into the morning, Henry had just finished one of the devious art commissions that gave him his money. He got up, closed his eyes, stretched his fat short body and yawned, ready to got to sleep. But when he opened his eyes he was not in his room anymore.

Above him as black sky where thunder constantly clapped, showing that there where dark clouds in the sky, below him a ground covered by a warm warm blue liquid that looked like some liquid neon.

"What the fuck?" said Henry as he looked around himself, only seeing the neon blue liquid and the thunder filled sky as far as his eyes could see.

Suddenly a tall figure emerged from the ground in front of Henry. The light coming from blue liquid and the thunders avoided it, leaving a black figure which showed only his nine glowing blue eyes.

As soon as Henry eyes met the figure glowing blue eyes, which where more beautiful than any precious gem in the entire world, he could not look away.

The man smiled, showing his sharp glowing blue teeth, and said, "Come me, we been apart for too long, let us become whole".

Henry body begun to walk step by step towards the man, even though in his thoughts he was screaming for his body to stop, getting more and more afraid with each step.

His body did not stop until it was in front of the demon, he put his cold hands on Henry shoulders, the darkness that shadowed the man beginning cover Henry.

The demonic figure said filled with happiness "Finally we can become one entity, become whole and powerful." The ground below Henry and the man suddenly disappeared and they fell into the endless neon blue ocean below.

Still seated into his chair Henry woke up with a scare, before he had any chance to calm down a screen appearing in front of him. In the screen an angelical figure, with only one arm that held a magnificent magical sword appeared, it had head but had no face, surrounding him where six glowing white wings and above his head was a golden halo.

Even without a mouth it emitted a domineering voice "The gods have arrived and so has change. Humans have lived lazy, safe lives for far too long, you will now go to the bottom of the food chain.

Your pain, your sorrow, your struggle to go back to the top will be entertainment to the gods, do not disappoint."

As soon as it finished the screen disappeared and as soon as it disappeared a thunderous roar hit the entire city, paralyzing in fear almost every living thing in the city for a few seconds.

Henry was one of the first to recover, he ran to his window and looked outside, seeing a giant red dragon flying above the city, looking at the chaos below like a king.

Screams, gun shots and bestial roars begun echoing thru the city as everything begun to turn to chaos. Explosions joined the echoing, when two fighter jets suddenly appeared and fired two missiles at the dragon.

The missiles didn't even tickle it, only serving to make the dragon angry. An oppressing red aura appeared around his body as It sent another roar, sounding like a powerful thunder, its two gigantic wings dispersing the smoke around him.

The dragon golden eyes quickly locked on the fighters jets that dared attack him, the space between the big red scales of his neck beginning to glow.

It wasn't fire that came out of the dragon mouth, it was a thick laser bean that destroyed the two fighter retreating jets in one incredible precise swoop.

Henry who managed to see the whole scene felt his knees going weak, the only thought on his mind was "I have to get out of here". But as soon as he turned around he fell face first on the ground.

"Ouch, shit" he exclaimed as he got up, he looked at his foot and saw that his short had fallen to his foot, as his short fat legs had turned into long slim fit ones, his once big belly had turned into a six pack and his terrible skin had turned softer than a baby one.

He gulped, his brain quickly associating things, "That was not a dream, I, I can think about this later, I need to get the hell out of here before whatever shit is happening reaches this place."

After putting his shorts right, tying the lace on them so they wouldn't fall again, he put some clothes on his old backpack and ran to the living room, almost hitting the wall when he ran faster than he expected.

His parents eyes where on the television, hopping to see an emergency broadcast start.

"What are you doing? We have to get out of the city." Henry shouted.

Hearing and unknown voice his parents quickly turned around, stunned for a second when they saw Henry beauty, especially his angelical eyes.

His dad, Richard, gripped his old baseball bat with strength, ready to attack, and said "Who are you?! How did you get into my house?"

"Its me Henry, I don't know how I became like this, we can talk about it later. We need to get the hell out of the city first, there's a giant dragon outside and probably a lot of other monsters too. Grab some food and a weapon and lets go."

Henry did not wait for his parents to respond, running to the kitchen, where he put whatever he could find on his backpack, throwing the many drawing inside of it in the trash to make some more free space.

With his baseball bat still in hand, Richard walked into the kitchen and asked "Henry? Its really you? What is happening?"

Not even looking away from the fridge Henry responded "Yes its me, I have no idea what is happening. I just know that outside there is a huge dragon that can take missiles to the face like its nothing.

From the roars I heard there must be more monster, we have to get out of here before they reach us, now get a bag put anything useful in it and get."

Suddenly a loud animal screech and a human scream came from nearby, Henry felt goosebumps thru his whole body. He grabbed a kitchen knife and said "Dammit, they are already here. Turn off the TV, close the curtains and get yours and mom stuff, don't do any loud noises."

Having felt more fear than his son, he did not question him, even feeling a little relived that someone had a plan. He nodded to Henry and walked back to the living room.

Finishing filling his backpack with food Henry walked back to the living room and opened the curtain slightly, looking at the front street for what screeched early.

It didn't take more than a second for him to find the culprits, four human sized red praying mantis walking around the streets, their arms where long sharp blades. Two feasted the body of humans while the other two looked around for more prey.

Henry grip on his knife tightened as he felt a deep anger start to build in him, an anger against his weakness, against having to hide.

He closed the curtain and went to check on his parents who where in their bedroom.

"Hey are you guys ready? Don't pack too much, we will have to go on foot." Henry said, when he saw his mother with suitcase almost completely filled with clothes.

Henry mom, Barbara, looked at him, once again getting a little stunned by his beauty, then asked "What? Why can't we use the car?"

"Four giant mantis that eat people on streets, I have no idea how strong or fast they are, but they will get to us before we can leave with the car.

Waiting for them to leave is not a good idea since more can show up and surround the place, so we will go thru the backyard."

Barbara closed her suit case and said "Are you sure we should go out? The guy on TV said we should stay at home and let the army take care of everything."

Henry scorned "The president doesn't know shit, I just saw two of his fighters jets worth millions fail to do any damage and get completely destroyed. We are on our own.

This monsters are coming from the middle of the town, so lets go to that maple lake outside of town and wait for a few days, see how things go.

Dad you still have that old radio? We should take it."

Richard felt a bit weird being called dad by Henry unfamiliar face and voice, he thought for a few seconds then said "Yes, its on the garage, I will get it."

"Good, meet us at the kitchen, and we will go. Don't shoot that gun unless you need to."

Richard nodded and put his big camping backpack on his back and went to the garage with his old hunting rifle in hand, just as he passed the door a man and a woman screamed outside accompanied by the screech of a giant red mantis.

All three of them trembled, especially Barbara who had always been the most fearful of the three. Unlike the three there was some anger mixed with Henry fear, a deep hate for being weak forming inside him.

His now blue eyes, just as beautiful as the many eyes of the monster from his dream, and the knife in his hand glowed slightly with his anger.

Shaking his head to try getting over his feelings, Henry said "Are you done? Do you want to take anything else."

"No, uh, Henry, son, what happened to you? Why do you look like this?"