
Devourer of Demons and Gods

Deep inside of us, we all hunger for something. Money, power, fame. What if you could obtain those things just by eating it? Strange isn't it? It takes the saying 'You are what you eat' to a whole new level. For Dolan Eranger, a young prince who awoke in a strange land after being slaughtered by his best friend will learn what it means to 'enjoy the meal', and 'become what you eat'. -WORK IN PROGRESS-

Jacob_Grau · Fantasy
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Chapter 8: Dolan vs Emilia Part I

Edgar's sword clashed against Emilia's bare hands. "What in the-" Emilia kicked Edgar straight in the stomach, sending him flying.

"Oh? Did that surprise you?" She looked down at her hands and smiled. "I've enhanced them with magic."

Edgar nodded. "Ah. Guess that really does make you a witch."

Emilia's face turned sour. "You'll be his next meal soon!" Lunging at Edgar she slashed at his face. Pulling the hilt of his blade in front of his nose, Edgar blocked the attack. Edgar glanced back at Dolan who was slowly recovering.

"Edgar!" Dolan stuck out his hands, still bent over in pain. "I'll take care of her. Trust me."

Edgar looked him up and down and nodded. "I guess. If you wanna die go right ahead." Edgar dashed off towards the throne room, leaving Dolan and Emilia alone.

"Haha! That bastard just used you as bait!"

"Yeah. What a jerk. I was joking." Looking back to Emilia, Dolan's chest swelled. "Listen. Emilia. I know I just up and disappeared but I-"

She raised her hand and cut him off. "Spare me your excuses. I only rescued your soul and brought you here because the Vulga told me to do it."

With whimpering eyes Dolan pleaded with her. "Emilia! Please! Did those times we spent together mean nothing? We are friends! We've known each other for literal years. Are you being manipulated or controlled?" He reached out to touch her. "Please. I just want to help."

She smacked his hand away, tears flying from her eyes. "You know nothing Dolan! Nothing! About me, my clan, or why I am helping the Vulga! Nothing! Why did you have to come back!" She lunged at him, claws flashing. Ducking and dodging, Dolan evaded her strikes.

"Jesus woman." One of her nails nicked his chest, sending a squirt of blood spewing out. "Can't we just talk? I don't want to fight you!"

Emilia stopped and began to laugh. "Fight? You? Even when you murdered thousands, you never did it with your own hands. You always had someone else fight for you. I don't want to hear some bold speech from you."

Dolan withdrew the yari at his side. Popping the weapon, he extended the prongs outwards. "I'm hurt. Honestly I'm a bit excited to show you what I've learned. I'm not completely helpless anymore." Cracking his neck Dolan launched his yari outwards towards Emilia. She smiled, slashing her hands out infront of her to block the blades. But Dolan rotated his wrist, causing the blades to drop below her arms and slash across her stomach. Pulling the yari back into his hands, he smirked. "Pretty neat right? Now come on. I don't wanna fight. Let's be friends."

Emilia gave Dolan the stare of devils. Cracking her neck, she snarled. "I will have your soul!" Lunging at Dolan, she swung her claws at his face. Dropping his weight to his knees, Dolan rolled out of the way causing Emilia to crash into a pile of debris in the corner of the room. She stood up shaking the rubble and dust off her back. She pointed her palms backwards, shooting a beam of white energy at Dolan's heart.

With widening eyelids, Dolan threw his hands up to protect himself. The beam collided, sending him flying backwards through the air, and crashing upon the cold marble floor. "I think she's possessed." Just then she jumped on top of him, her eyes filled with a light blue energy. "Yup. She's possessed." Slapping her across the face he knocked her off him, escaping. Readying himself once more, Dolan withdrew his yari, snapping it into a readying position. Emilia ran at Dolan. Dolan twerked his body right, then jerked the yari across the left of his body sending the blades soaring directly into Emilia's path. She simply curled her hands around the blade and threw them to the ground, killing their momentum. Smirking, Dolan popped the yari once more causing the blades to come soaring back towards his hand, directly at Emilia's back. Striking her directly in the small of her back. Emilia crumbled to the ground immobilized. Dolan seized the moment and jumped on top of her, pinning her to the ground.

"Get off me!" She cried, flailing her arms violently.

Dolan grabbed ahold of her arms and held them down. "Emilia! It's me! Dolan! You recognize me don't you? Come on!" He stared directly into her eyes, his gaze piercing through to her soul.

Emilia stopped squirming. Something inside of her shifted. The light blue light that had filled her eyes began to subside, and her body relaxed. "Dolan-" She whispered, tears forming in her eyes.

Dolan gave her a soft smile, slowly raising his right hand to cup her face. "It's alright. I'm here now."

Emilia shook her head. "I can't fight him. He-" Her voice cracked. "He- The Vulga has my soul. I can-"

Dolan grabbed her face. "Shh. It's alright." Bringing her head to his chest, he comforted her. "I'll take care of it."

Emilia just wept. Her tears soaking Dolan's bloodstained shirt. "I'm sorry. I couldn't stop him. What was I supposed to do?" She hid her head in Dolan's lap.

Dolan pressed his lips together as he thought to himself. "I've caused this same pain in so many others." Looking toward the palace door, Dolan said, "I'll make things right. Starting with you." Gently removing Emilia's head from his lap, Dolan stood. Brushing off his shirt and pants, he walked towards the throne room. "Hey sunshine." Looking back at Emilia and her tear stained face, he smiled. "I'll be back soon, so wait for me ok?"

With a broken smile and spirit Emilia smiled back. "Mhmm!"

It's a very very short chapter, I know!

I'm seriously sorry to do this to everyone, but I have a reason for it! Don't worry, it's not a personal reason, but a story driven creative reason! I promise it has a key role in the story.

The next chapter will be longer!

Besides, who doesn't love part 2s?

Jacob_Graucreators' thoughts