
Devourer in Naruto

The soul of an anti-social sociopathic otaku gets reborn in Naruto with a few abilities. Follow him as he climbs to the top in his quest for survival. I'm not a writer just a normal guy that likes Naruto, so expect the novel itself to not be of outstanding quality but I think every Naruto fan would find the story itself interesting if you can overlook the bad writing style. **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content belongs to their respective owner(s).-

Note_Ihf · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Chapter 6

[Indra POV]


Just before I lost consciousness I heard the robotic sound of the system, it sounded so soothing.....

[Host in Critical condition, Healing Host with Remaining Chakra]

[Action Failed!! Insufficient Chakra Levels]

[Transporting Host to System Space for Immediate Medical Care]

[3....2....1... Transfer Failed]

[Host still in Critical condition, 70% Chance of Dying]

[Awakening Otsustuki Bloodline]

[Action Failed!!, Lack of sufficient Energy Levels]

[Releasing Nature Energy from System Space]

[Action Failed!!, System Assimilation at 70%]

[Contacting xxxxxxxxxx for Bypass]

[Access Granted]

[Awakening Otsutsuki Bloodline]

[Action Rejected!! Partial Awakening Granted]

[Host in Critical Condition!! 95% Chance of Dying]

[System Assimilation at 40%]


A massive amount of chakra exploded out of Indra's body as his appearance quickly changes, Itama got sent flying immediately and was already knocked out before he reached the ground. If anyone was watching they'd see Indra coldly walk up to the unconscious body, of Itama, picks it up, and starts absorbing his chakra at a very fast rate.



Indra stares impassively at the seven shinobi that appear right in front of him with the 'Body Flicker Jutsu,' then he threw the body of Itama to the side as the boy was no longer useful. Indra coldly watched Hashirama not even bothering about the six weaklings with him, they'd die soon enough but Hashirama was a threat, one he wasn't sure of matching even with his most recent power-up. Indra summoned his chokuto from his system the moment Hashirama unsheathes his sword. Already anticipating an attack from the future 'God of Shinobi'.

Indra sped toward the closest Senju member while maintaining a constant flow of wind chakra through the blade to increase its sharpness, the Senju shinobi raised his sword to block but the sword strike was so fast that he couldn't react on time, Indra's chokuto went through the Senju shinobi sword-like 'hot knife on butter', digging deep into his sides. Before his brain could register the pain, Indra held his face and slammed it on the floor creating a mini-crater, within a few seconds the shinobi had almost his entire chakra pool absorbed, increasing the four year olds' chakra.

Indra immediately shot back as two intertwined wooden pillars shot up from the ground directly beneath his feet, protecting the downed Senju from Indra's chokuto.

[Hashirama POV]

I watched as this 6-year old boy one-shots a B-rank shinobi before he could even react while comfortably dodging my 'Wood Release: Threaded Tree' jutsu that I created right below him.

'I have to protect my team,' I thought with a frown, already knowing they'd all get killed if I don't protect them from this child.

'Water Style: Black Rain Technique'

A flammable black mist appears right between the horned kid and my team forming a cloud that proceeds to covers the area in black oil the moment I dispersed the jutsu.

'Fire Style: Fox Fire'

Ten orbs of fire form right in front of me, I launched the fireballs at the flammable oil and it ignites immediately creating a fire-wall that would burn for a while, giving the rest of my team time to escape.

"Don't attack him, you're all no match for him, I'd fight him myself" I say to my squad while walking towards the horned kid as I don't want to see any one of them die.

'I know I'm stronger than him but I still don't want to kill him, he might become an enemy of my clan in the future but for now, he's still a child,' I thought as I sped towards the horned boy.

'Haha, Tobirama would surely chide me if he hears my thought, I can already picture the annoying look on his face' I muttered with a smile on my face.

The moment I came out of the already diminishing fire wall, I sensed five projectiles coming at me with so much speed, in less than a fraction of a second I already completed the hand signs for,

'Wood Style: Dome Wall'

Wooden pillars shoot out of the ground forming a dome-shape around me,


I felt something hitting the wooden dome right in front of me, wondering where they appeared from because I couldn't see anything with my eyes.

With the wood dome opening up and sinking back into the ground I sped towards my current opponent with my sword already descending by the time I got near him.


"I don't wish to fight you," I say to him while staring at his expressionless face and almost dead pupil-less eyes. The very next moment the iris and pupil of his left eye turn yellow with a black wheel-like pattern with 8 spokes coming out of its centre.


I screamed out in anguish as two rods suddenly appear from my back going through my midriff unobstructed. Confusion clouding my mind with blood already pooling at my feet, I started feeling dizzy with the amount of chakra that was been absorbed from me by what seems to be the same rods sticking out of my body.

'This!!!, where did those rods come from, I couldn't see anything, he wasn't holding it either, it's like they just appeared from thin air,' I thought while panting heavily from the sudden wave of dizziness that quickly assaults me due to massive chakra loss.

I raise my head to stare at the face of my current enemy, 'an innocent child that this war-torn world has turned into a killer,' I thought while gritting my teeth in both pain and anger. Anger at the fact I let my guard down because he's a child, anger at the fact that this battle is quickly turning to a life/death battle.


I groaned in pain as the black rods suddenly shot out of the now gaping hole in my stomach then vanishing from my eyes before reappearing back on his palms. I could sense my chakra in the black rods been absorbed by the boy but it was slower, far slower than when he absorbed chakra from Itama.

'He must be getting to the limit of he's weird chakra absorption ability' I thought while looking at my already healing wounds.

Keeping my eyes on him, while preparing my next attack,




We cross swords again with me gaining the clear advantage, taking out a kunai from my holster, I aimed at his chest with the intent to kill, he moved slightly to side only receiving a graze on his upper arm, I elbowed his temple, making him stagger back, I pounced on that slight opportunity, attacking him with my sword with increasing intensity.

He parries or blocks every swing of my sword but with an ever-increasing difficulty. Without hesitation I attack him again, he manages to raise his sword to defend but his reaction was just a fraction slower than earlier.

The force from my sword blasted him away from me, destroying a couple of trees before tumbling on the ground and finally coming to a stop. I sped at his heavily breathing body while forming hand signs for my next jutsu.

'Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergence'

The moment I finished my hand signs, the earth splits as trees sprouts from the fissures capturing its intended target before he could escape.

I slowly walk up to his still downed body, keeping my guard up for any sudden attack with those black rods.

This?!!, The horn is gone, along with those markings.

Taking a good look at his bloodied face, 'He kind of looks like a younger Madara'. I thought,

"You remind me of my friend when we were younger and for that I would spare your life today but if we ever meet on the battlefield, I won't be this merciful," I say to him as I turn back to meet up with my clan members.