
Devils Summoner

This is a story of a war which was passed down from gods to humans. Through the possession of human bodies, Angels and Demons alike fight each other over an ancient ordeal dating over 1,000 years. This war started from Lucifer’s never ending grudge over his father, eventually cursing all who resided in the Golden Road. Due to the Devil’s power being toxic to most human bodies, he has had only 1 successful summoner, though was only able to reach 20% of his true power, until finally, a new successor for his strength comes into the midst.

Stratuuss_X · Fantasy
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12 Chs



In the beginning, God had 4 children, Lucifer, Ignacius, Freda, and Chad. Out of the 4, Freda and Chad were the star children and were always praised by their father. In Lucifer's eyes, it seemed as if God neglected him and only cared about his younger siblings. Lucifer was jealous of his younger siblings and planned to revolt against his father. In order to do this however, he went to tempt his easily deceived younger brother Ignacius.

"Ignacius, you trust me don't you? Your big brother wants you to help him with something.."

Ignacius, unsure of what to do, joins his brother scared of what might happen if he doesn't. Lucifer discussed his plans with Ignacius. And the next day they marched to the Heavenly Castle. The two of them arrived to have a banquet with the rest of their family. They decided to poison their father's tea, and then fight Chad and Freda together. When dinner time came, Lucifer distracted his siblings and Father as Ignacius excused himself. Ignacius poisoned his brother's drink instead of his father's. During the banquet, Lucifer takes a sip of his tea, and feels uneasy, realizing how he has been betrayed by his brother.

Lucifer stands up and yells, " Ignacius! How dare you!"

Lucifer's eyes turn dark red as he falls into a furious rage. The other members of the family were startled by this, as Ignacius explains the situation. They understand what Ignacius is saying and they get ready to fight their older brother, as they tell their father to move aside. They engage with him in combat, all coming at him at once. Though he was overwhelmed by them, Lucifer held his ground as they entered hand to hand combat with them. After a while they realize that their fight would go on for quite some time if they kept up like that, so they decided to fight at their full strength.

" Lucifer, we don't wish to fight you, just give up and accept your punishment!"

" I refuse!!" Lucifer responds

Lucifer releases the seals on his back and starts screaming out in pain. The feather felt wings that once rested on his back were replaced for a pair of wings formed from the power that was opened on the seals on his back. His siblings watched in terror as their older brother completed his transformation, with a black crown on his head, his skin grayed with small horns that grew throughout his body.

" So that's the forbidden magic brother has..." Freda says

Ignacius was frozen in fear as Lucifer's eyes glared at him.

" I think.. That i'm going to leave you for a while younger brother, as you watch your siblings die before your eyes!" Lucifer shouts as he laughs with a look of insanity in his eyes.


Lucifer's pupils transform into 2 black rings with a purple ring that lays in the iris of both of his eyes. As he looked at his younger brother, Ignacius felt an immense pressure fall upon him as he fell to the ground, unable to move.

" What happened to him Lucifer, what have you done!" Chad shouts

" Don't worry so much Chad… He'll be spectating for the time being…"

Freda and Chad both jump at him trying to catch him off guard, but he catches both of their fists, and throws them across the floor.

" The only chance the two of you have of defeating me is by using all of your power, and you both know it!"

" Sister, as much as I hate to, we both know he's right, let's do this!"

Freda nods her head and they both ungo their transformation. Freda's transformation finishes with her having metal plated armour on her chest down, holding a staff. Chads left him with armor on both wings, and chainmail covering his right side. Lucifer notices their transformations are both finished and he summons a staff made with the energy that was sealed on his back.

" Transformation Magic; Stage 3, Devils Broadsword!"

The staff changes into a broadsword and the three of them start exchanging blows. After a while, he notices the disadvantage he is at and backs away from them.

" Transformation Magic; Stage 1, Twin Daggers!"

The broadsword changes to two short daggers and his speed increases, allowing him to keep up with both of them in the fight. He targets his sister and eventually gets hits on her, and knocks her out.

" Even our sister is knocked out, what are you going to do now my brother!"

Lucifer approaches his brother and with a gaze of bloodlust, and Chad falls to the ground. Freda then screams from the ground at Chad,

" Don't give up brother! We must win!"

" I know.. But I don't think we can sister… he's too strong!" Chad replies

" Don't get your hopes up now! I wanna watch all of you reach into the pit of despair!" Lucifer says, while chuckling.

Meanwhile, God was watching the fight and was furious with Lucifer. The only thing which was stopping him from fighting was to protect his childrens pride. Lucifer closes in on Chad, and transforms his daggers.

" Out of respect for you my brother, I'll strike you down with my strongest move! Transformation Magic, Stage 5… Hades Scythe!"

The once small daggers transformed into a Large Scythe that caused the things around him to break. In horror and rage, their Father was about to intervene, but a servant came to him and said,

" Lord, I have news reporting that demons are now laying waste to the rest of the Golden Roads!"

" An all out attack?! Lucifer, you must be behind this!"

"Of course I am Father! You did leave me to rot down there in hell after all! While I was down there, I took over the place, making my own army!"

Father was furious at Lucifer and began to rush at him with his Lightning Staff, however, Lucifer's Scythe was already charged and Father took the bait.

" Foolish Father, if you rush at me now, you'll die! Instead, watch your precious son Chad die in your stead!"

"Scythe of Hades, Act 1! Strike of the Persecuted!"

As Lucifer's attack was about to land, Freda rose back up right on time to stop the attack, sending it back at Lucifer,

" Angels Staff, Opposing Judgement!"

This ability sent Lucifer's attack back at him and landed on himself and fell to the ground.

" No, no, no, no, no, NO!!!"

Lucifer rose from the ground and chanted an ancient dialect that only Father recognized, It translated to.


With this, it was all over, his final attack not only killed all in the Golden Road, including Lucifer's followers, but placed a curse on them, including himself, forcing them to inhabit human's bodies for years to come.