



I hit something at full speed, though it didn't hurt as much but it was annoying and disorienting.

I couldn't find out whether what I hit was a pillar or a wall 'I could feel the unusual bent shape of the object, maybe it's a rock? no it felt how should I say it? bone like in texture? but at the same time it felt too rough?'.

The more I try to guess from my memory the texture of an object the more I realize that this is an insane thing.

The inability to understand something brings fear, especially when you were used to that something before.

I tried to change my course of movement a little to the left to figure out if my path was really blocked.

'I have to escape I cant waste time here, otherwise I will get eaten by either one of them who survives their battle'.


'You are right indeed'-???


'You will die if you keep wasting you're time'-???


'W~who's voice is this?, did I go crazy and start hearing voices now?' The voice in my head confused me, I didn't sense anything with my senses.

The voice I heard had an unusual intonation it wasn't deep enough to be considered male, but it also wasn't soft sounding like a female voice.

It clearly had no specific accent, it felt too bizarre hearing a voice without an accent which promptly made me question whether it was my brain's playing games on me or did it really happen.

Until I heard it once more. 


'No you are not going crazy'-???


'I will you help with the directions, otherwise you are sure to die'-???


'Wait who are you?' My doubts were cleared when I heard that voice again.

As I realized that it didn't come from any direction, the first time I wasn't paying attention to where the voice was coming from.

This time it was different I clearly didn't hear anything or even perceive any sound or air vibrations which I should've, with my enhanced sense's.


'Who am I shouldn't be important to you right now'-???


The more I heard the voice the clearer it became that it came straight into my mind bypassing all my other sensory receptors.

My confusion grew higher with every second as it was getting harder to comprehend such phenomena.

'I simply don't understand how should I describe it? and why is it like that?' The more I tried to understand it the harder it got.


'I would say disoriented and confused as you're not used to this kind or information intake without outside factors or premeditated thought process before you're formation of an inner though'-???


His sudden response left me in shock, as the looming realization fell on me that he knew what was going on in my head and how I felt better than I knew.


'b~but~' I tried to ask he more about how he is able to do it and who is he, but my Questions were cut short by his next line. 


'You should focus on staying alive'-???


'Or else the knowledge of how I'm doing it and who I am wont stay with you for long'-???


'Y~Yeah! right, so how can you help me?!' At this point I didn't feel like I had any other options but to hope for this voices help maybe he can deal with that thing.

That was unlikely as I didn't feel any other entity around me which might indicate that he is communicating with me through a longer distance.

He also might be a ghost or astral entity, or he can conceal his presence.


'I am not anywhere near you so I can't help you directly'-???

'Change your direction facing you're Right side and start moving, I will tell you to either move to the side to the left or right while you go straight'-??? 


 'Yes Sir or Mis?' I started moving to my left as he said even though it's strange as I was trying to form a map in my head and came to the realization that I was moving in the direction that's closer to those things.

I am gonna pass besides them at some point, even the though of me getting close to those monsters brought fear into my heart and made me doubt my benefactor 'are you trying to kill me?'


'No I am trying to guide you to the direction of the only available food source or should I say safest safest food option for you're future, move to you're right'-???



'Are you serious, do you think I would care right now about some food?' I have to get out of here and escape that newborn menace.

I am getting tired of moving 'can't I just run away and hide though'.

I erased that thought the next moment as it probably won't work considering those things have as high senses as mine.

Even so there was something off, when I though about that thing I couldn't understand why IT felt so much stronger than me even though we were born at the same time.

Was it because it ate it's brother, I wanted to ask this the voice.

'why should I g~'





I hit something 'F*ck why dose it have to be a maze I was born in!?' I probably should start listening to him or else I might really die.










I was mortified by the noises that came from my left, I nearly halted my movement.

Clearly I could tell that they started fighting by the sound of those noises.

'I just hope those two off each other' My hopes were up as I could see a possibility of survival, until I heard the next words.


'I am sorry to tell you this but the one that nearly killed you landed the first hit and will likely win'-???

'Move to the left'-???


I couldn't even process what he said as I had to change directions again, I feel how I'm losing all of my stamina I am at my limit.


'Move right' -???


I was rather disappointed and wanted to complain, but I couldn't as I had to focus on following his directions, to not repeat the same mistake again.


'There's also the fact that he managed to digest the food further than his sibling that barely finished it's meal'-???


'What? why was he able to digest his food so quick?' I was dumbfounded by what I just heard but than it hit.

'Dose that feeling of IT being stronger than me has to do something with him consuming food?' if my hypothesis is true than I can understand why this unknown voice wanted me to move towards food source first.

This answers my question that I didn't finish.


But now that I have this information I can't even begin to imagine how much stronger IT will be after eating two more of our siblings.

'Just to make sure that thing was stronger than me because it ate another living being yeah?'.


'you got out of the pile of bones now just keep move straight and you will get there'-???


'So I was born in an egg, a egg under a pile of bones? really? and why do you ignore my question?' I couldn't believe it.

'This is the grimmest spawn I've seen, this is some King's field level of Bullsh*t'. 


'Yes, yes and well kind of'-???


'Are you really answering me with yeses for my questions? than why didn't you answer so in the first place?' I don't get it anymore.

I am so tired I can't even think straight, it felt like I ran a marathon 'and wait did you just get the reference? or did you prey into my memories?'.


I don't like at all the thought of someone going through my memories but I also don't feel like complaining considering that I rely on this voice to survive 'guess I will just ignore it'.


'Yes, as for why I didn't answer was because you came to the right conclusion your self'-???

'And no I didn't get the reference, nor did I search you're memory'-???


'Wait wait wait than how did you know how to answer that question? clearly you're lying!'I can't help but complain.

If he didn't get the reference and didn't look through my memories that I had left than it's obvious he lied 'So what? did you just say "yes kind of", because you didn't know what I was talking about?'


'No I didn't lie, I just searched it up'-???


'Ouh, now I feel a bit embarrassed sorry' Even though I got my answer, I was still confused as a new question raised

'What did you mean by searched it up, was there really internet here?'


'Listen I can't answer you too many questions now, the more I talk with you the less time I have left to talk after you survive this'-??? 


I finally realized why he tried to speak as little as possible, it truly made sense.


*sniff* *sniff*


'what is this delicious smell I feel?' After all that stress and horror while slithering I went through to get here I could finally smell the food source he was talking about.

It smelt like blood but not the same blood of those things, to my own horror it means it's either raw meat or a corpse, I could only hope it's not a corpse.

The closer I got the crazier my sense's went off telling me to devour whatever is in from of me no matter what it was, it's driving me insane.

'I want to ~ DEVOUR IT!'.


'We are nearly there now prepare to bite into the corpse the moment we get there'~???


So the time has come I am still reluctant to do it, but I knew I got no choice.


'You have strong jaw muscles so you can rip large chunks of flesh easily'-???

'Also don't try to chew the meat swallow it you're specie might be young and undeveloped now but as an adult you can digest with ease in seconds bones, so even as a hatchling you got insane stomach acid concentration'-???


'Really? no wonder IT was able to eat it's sibling and digest it's stomach contents so quick' I should thank him for the warning I might have wasted more time if I didn't this before hand, but I still couldn't let out of my mind that what I'm about to eat was indeed a corpse, and 'I still don't know which animal this corpse belongs to'.


'It's a human corpse'~???


'WHAT? WHAT? IT'S A HUMAN CORPSE ARE YOU SERIOUS!?' I couldn't hold back my panic to the point that I halted my movement immediately just as I reached the corpse.

This was too much even for me 'I~i~i cant do it are you CRAZY!?'

No wait let's think about it, it can't be real it must be a joke 'yeah sure it's a joke, I didn't know you had such humor! but it's too dark you know? what would a human corpse even do here?'.


'Sorry my bad two human corpses *heh*'-???


I swear to God I'm sure he smirked at me right now.

'please tell me this is a lie! this cannibalism I can't do it, yes I know I'm a different species right now but still I was a human!'.

I couldn't bring myself to do it I just couldn't.


'I can't, I don't want to lose my humanity' I was trying to convince myself, but then he dropped a Nuke with his next sentence.


'As a matter of fact this is a different world and the inhabitants of this world have an entirely different genome structure so it's not cannibalism even if they look like humans from you're world and are called so'-???

'Also you have no choice you must do it in order to survive'-???


'B~but I~' I couldn't finish my sentence as the voice responded in a dark tone this time.


'But you know . . . it's either lose you're humanity or . . . it's lights out . . . The choice is yours'-???


I had no choice, yet there was the illusion of choice presented to me.

'it's gonna be ok'

(' - ')-b

BarneyEnjoyercreators' thoughts
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