

once upon a time there was a knight who saved a maiden is danger from the tyrannical wizard, the knight is the maiden they had a son called vithonic how long would be the devilkghth the better known the purple knight or knight in purple armor the protector of realms

senhordogamerplay · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 purple armor knight became involved in protecting the local villagers from raiders led by Lord Durnan who sought to take advantage of the situation created following the death of Prince Rardus II. This particular prince died fighting alongside Duke Orinias of Alshar in battle waged far away beyond the borders of Eriador. Afterward the duke returned home victorious having won back part of the kingdom lost centuries ago due to treachery committed by the elves living nearby. In doing so however he also brought ruin upon several neighboring countries including the Kingdom of Silvanesti.

the Purple Knight or incredibly known as Devilkghth was victorious in Batanha for his great power Devlight became known as the purple knight who would protect the oppressed.

Devilkinghth or incredible known as Devilkght become famous throughout Faerun for his prowess in combat and ability to defeat evil wherever it appeared. As word spread of his exploits heroes began seeking ways to challenge him for fame sake although few succeeded excepting those brave souls willing to face the dragonborn warrior alone. Some said he fought dragons personally while others claimed he slew monsters left right center everywhere! Others swore blind he'd slain giants whilst others insisted he killed ogres and trolls alike.

All those statements were true Devilkghth was so powerful that he defeated and killed 100,000 creatures and monsters and enemies singlehandedly. No wonder legends grew tall concerning his deeds. Yet somehow every tale told ended badly for whomever challenged the mighty hero. All fell victim either dead or captured alive never returning home nor telling tales thereafter. Those fortunate ones able to escape unscathed often suffered terrible injuries requiring months of healing afterwards. Many times friends met foes together and perished simultaneously leaving loved ones wondering whether fate played favorites amongst mortals. Whatever the case may be Devilkghth remained undefeated save for one occasion when he faced three opponents all equally matched in strength and skill.