

Even realistic things the secrets you do not know. Every curtain has happenings behind

kelvin_chris · Realistic
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3 Chs

chapter 3

You seemed oblivious to these Few observations as you danced more energetically as if you were contesting for a prize,but each time you turned around while displaying your rubbish dance moves.

You spotted the aged women who couldn't help but shake their head pitifully,they pitied your mother the most.For almost 2 weeks you had been mad,the children giggled from time to time they found you amusing,finally you resorted to picking rubbish on the streets the milk cans on your chest dangled.

You stumbled on a baby doll and when you picked it up,you clasped it to your chests smiling and talking gibberish,words which the passerbys couldn't comprehend,you held the doll as if it were made of gold or something precious.You squeezed it into your bag quickly.

The onlookers kept increasing in numbers,the potbellied men you could see their hands roll over their bald head in a tufiakwa expression.

You saw some spit in total disgust but you proved ignorance,there was this unusual happiness in you,the mischievous smile on your face was nothing compared to the happiness inside of you.

Tomorrow will complete two weeks and baba had assured you that after displaying and faking madness for two weeks you'll become stinking rich.This gingered you to even dance more.