

"Every wish has a price. That price can range from a random person in the world dying or it could end up being your own soul being taken. Us Devils don't care how good of a person you are, once that wish is made your fate is sealed." Never make a deal with the Devil...That is a lesson the protagonist has to learn the hard way as the price of his wish ends up being the lives of his parents. As reality sets in, he tries to escape the contract but he no longer can as he is now "Devilbound". After making his wish, the Gates of the Underworld is now opened and devils have been terrorizing the human realm. His only hope of protecting his home is to fight back the Devils along with his three Devil Girlfriends and Devil Slayer. Enjoy an action packed and romantic tale in the story, Devilbound.

FiveClover · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Summoning

I sit in the student council's room as I always have and plan events alone. Most would call me the Lone Wolf, some would say that I am lonely and introverted. I just allowed them to say whatever they wanted about me. I was in my fourth year of my academy and the new semester already started. I wasn't the most interesting person despite being Student Council President.

I know how most of these stories start out. Either you're the lame boring normal guy who ends up with a random harem because you were somehow friends with the most popular girls or you're this super popular guy who already has women all over him and he's so impressive he has to die and just becomes more impressive. Honestly I was somewhere in between except my friends stem from the Student Council and I am rather impressive when it comes to grades.

I heard the door open and looked over to see who it was. It was my best friend, Flanna Rufina. She's one of the most beautiful women in the entire academy and I am the only one she really talks to.

"Lukas Achilles. Why are you still here? You should be home." Flanna said.

"I'm still planning an event for the academy. Maybe a dance or something to celebrate our current academic standings. Nothing really comes into mind honestly. I don't know what kind of dance I want to do." I said and fixed my glasses.

"Well you can plan at home. Building's shutting down once the last club leaves." Flanna said and crossed her arms over her chest. "Come on, we can walk home together."

"Right right." I sighed softly and stood up. I packed up my stuff. I made my way over to Flanna and we left the room together and soon left the building.

As we walked home together, we made our usual small talk. Flanna and I have been friends since we were both first years. It took a lot to make it where we were in the academy. It took having perfect grades, attendance, and even a high reputation at the academy.

We soon split ways and I walked up the hill to go home. I made it to my house and walked in then greeted my parents as I always have.

"Lukas!" My mom said cheerfully and hugged me. "I was so worried that you might've wondered off again!"

"Mom...I'm not a little kid.." I said with a groan.

My mom was a bit too clingy. I am an only child so it makes sense, but she was too clingy for my liking.

"Hey, sport. You got a package as well. I think it was something you needed for your Halloween party on the 31st." My dad said. "I put it on your bed."

"Okay dad. Thank you." I said then finally escaped my mom's grasp.

"I made dinner if you're hungry~ I hope you like it!~" My mom said and swayed from side to side.

"Thanks mom." I smiled and walked to my room.

I walked into my room and closed the door. I dropped my bag on the floor and walked to my bed. I noticed a box on my bed then opened it. I pulled out a book and looked at it.

"Is this the book I ordered..? It doesn't even look like the same product." I said to myself.

It wasn't just any old book. I soon came to realize it was a grimoire.

"A grimoire...Why-" I started and grunted as the book began to burn my hand. I dropped the book and noticed the book glowing by itself.

The book began floating and opened then symbols appeared above the book. It was in a language I couldn't even understand. Soon the symbols translated themselves into text I could slightly understand.

"Kaheote Touc." I said and the pages began flipping rapidly. A high wind began blowing and I grunted then covered my face. The book vanished and the wind stopped. I felt a sense of dread loom in my room and felt incredibly tired.

I ended up collapsing on the floor and falling into a deep sleep. My mom heard the loud sound of me collapsing and rushed into my room. She checked on me in a state of panic then soon noticed I was asleep. She sighed in relief and helped me onto my bed.

I didn't dream of anything. It was just dark. It was like I was in a void of pure nothingness. As the seconds went on, it felt like an eternity before anything happened. Soon a void opened above me! It emanated an otherworldly hum. Suddenly, a woman floated out of the void and hovered before me.

'This woman is beautiful...but why is she staring at me like this?!' I thought to myself.

The look she gave me was condescending...judgemental even.

"Why and how did someone so weak end up summoning us?" The woman spoke.


"Is your desire that great to the point you had the ability to summon us?" She continued.

"Us?" I asked myself.

Just as I was about to give my remark, another girl, more shy than the first, floats out of the void and chimes in.

"Come on, Aella. Be nice! He is only human." The girl said. She appeared beside the woman named Aella, an amused smile on her face as she looks me over.

"But his energy, Ophelia! It's so weak. We are the daughters of the strongest Devil Kings in the Underworld meaning we are three of the strongest Devils known to exist and this mere HUMAN summoned us!" Aella said.

I was ready to give my retort, but I noticed a third woman appear from the void.

"Human or not, he summoned us so it is our duty to grant his wish." The third woman spoke. "Regardless, you left our Realm so quickly we almost lost you within the pathway."

"Yomi is correct Aella." The second girl giggled.

The third woman joins the other two, an unamused look on her face as she looks me over.

"Either this is one of the best dreams I've ever had or one of the worst and misleading nightmares I could ever have. Either way I'm not complaining about threw beautiful...devils hovering over me." I said to myself.

The second woman named Ophelia looks at me as she heard me mumbling. "What was that?"

"Nothing. Anyway...who are you three and why are you hovering over me?" I asked.

All three of them share the same look of surprise at my question. The one known as Aella comes closer, an indignant look on her face. She seemed to already be annoyed by me.

"You're the one who summoned US! Obviously you have something you want so badly and now we are here!" She said, practically fussing at me.

I stared at her, blinking a few times. It then hit me, the grimoire I took out the box with the weird language. "Oh no...I actually summoned Devils.."

"We left our Realm to come here. Now you have to make a wish." Aella said.

"Do I really..? It was a completely accident summoning." I said.

"It's the rules." The third woman said.

I looked at all three of them. I thought about what all I could wish for. "There is a catch to this right?"

"Yep, as always all wishes have a price but it is completely random." Ophelia answered and smiled sweetly at me.

"I see..." I responded. I took another chance to think over my wish as this could be the last wish I could ever make. "I wish.."

The three women lean forward, ready to hear the wish they will be granting for me.

"I wish that you three were my girlfriends who lives with me." I said.

They all looked at me, their eyes wide with shock hearing my wish. Ophelia and Yomi both look over at Aella as if waiting for her to object, but instead Aella shrugs and snaps her fingers, granting my wish.

"So be it." Aella smirked.

Everything fell dark once again.

The morning felt like it was here earlier than expected. My head ached, but probably because of what I was dreaming about. It felt so real at the same time very fake. As I stir on my bed, I felt that something was off about my bed....like there was extra weight on my bed.

"The hell..?" I mumbled then fluttered my eyes open. I sat up and froze.

I noticed the three women on my bed, totally relaxed as if they belonged there. Admittedly, part of me was excited to see these three beautiful women on my bed however...I couldn't help but to think how freaky this all was.

"Why are you three in my bed?" I asked.

"What's the matter?" Ophelia asked.

"Yeah, you made the wish not me." Aella scoffed.

"He seems to be trying to keep his cool." Yomi spoke.

'Of course I am! Why should I start freaking out in front of them?! I always found that annoying in anime where the guy would suddenly flip out.' I thought to myself.

"Well either way, I need you three our of here before my parents find you in here." I said and got out of bed.

All three share a look before Ophelia shakes her head.

"Uhm...your parents..." Ophelia started.

"What about them?" I asked.

"Your parents are dead." Ophelia said with a bit of sorrow in her voice.

I rose an eyebrow, looking at her skeptically. I rushed out of my room and went into my parents' room then noticed them laying on their bed. I walked to the bed and noticed their lifeless bodies on their bed. My eyes widened and I shook their bodies, but they were unresponsive. I checked their pulses. Ophelia was right...my parents were dead.

"Every wish has a price. That price can range from a random person in the world dying or it could end up being your own soul being taken. Us Devils don't care how good of a person you are, once that wish is made your fate is sealed." Aella said.

She and the other two appeared behind me. I looked at them and notice their sympathetic faces.

"There's nothing I can do to bring them back to life?" I asked.

"All wishes and contracts are final unfortunately. There is nothing we can do. You are Devilbound meaning...you are now a Devil because within making this wish, you are now contracted with us. The only way the contract is broken is if we die and we are three of the strongest Devils to exist." Yomi explained.

"I'm really sorry.." Ophelia said.

I sunk to my knees and felt like crying. My parents...they are dead...because of me.
