
Devil X Darklight

Noe's life, while not normal, was seemingly at least settled in it's pace. Simple and easy to deal with, if perhaps boring... at least until an encounter with a group of Fallen Angels turned that routine upside down and brought him headlong into a life of Devils, Angels, and the supernatural beyond what his life already included.

SeikerHikaru · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Life 10-2

"Haaaagh… been way too quiet these past few days."

Noé sighed as he started sliding his things into his school bag. With the incident from before concluded, and sparse bits of "normal" work being had, the cool-off from then had been relatively mundane. Sure there was the small change to the fact Asia was now a semi-permanent resident in his house, but it didn't take long to adjust to that.

Though he couldn't get it through his head why it seemed Rias was a special kind of pleased as classes closed out. She was in too good of a mood for something to not have happened. So he was pondering that as they went about what was becoming a normal routine when the day ended of departing to the ORC building.

But then there was the chatter in the hallway Noé picked up on.

[Hey, did you hear about it? Over in the first-year classes!]

[Some new kid, right? Hear anything about them?]

[It's a girl! And a cute one!]

[Not just that, she's a foreigner too!]

"… well they're excited," Noé muttered, glancing at Rias as she stifled a chuckle. "What's got you in such a good mood?"

"Well, we did get a new member to the Peerage the other day," Akeno stated, Noé raising a brow.

"She find someone that quickly after what happened? Or she go deliberately looking?"

"Actually…" Rias mused, stopping as they reached the foyer of the main building, "This one came to me personally. It was quite the surprise."

"Who would have…" Noé froze as he got a sudden sense of it. The timing, the fact this new Peerage member asked. He didn't want to think it was the case. But, logic told him…

"S-Sorry it took a bit!" A certain, familiar voice slammed that realization into Noé. Turning, he saw Asia trotting down from the stairs, dressed in the Kuoh Uniform herself, going for the sweater rather than the mantle that Rias and Akeno wore. A part of Noé really wanted to shove down thinking it looked good on her. "Everyone in my class was asking me all sorts of questions! It took a while to get out!"

"… Rias," Noé deadpanned.

"Yes?" said the Devil.

"Explain. Now," not helping matters was that Noé could feel a bevy of furious glares pointed his way, to which a quick snap around caused a good handful of boys to flee. He wasn't sure he wanted to know why that was the case.

"I'll explain it in the club room, since Asia is our newest member," Rias chuckled as she folded her arms, Noé turning to her with a cold, wide glare. "Let's get going now, there's a lot to say."

"Oh ho ho, there certainly is."