
Devil X Darklight

Noe's life, while not normal, was seemingly at least settled in it's pace. Simple and easy to deal with, if perhaps boring... at least until an encounter with a group of Fallen Angels turned that routine upside down and brought him headlong into a life of Devils, Angels, and the supernatural beyond what his life already included.

SeikerHikaru · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Life 1-4

If there was an element to Tsuno as a person that would always bring Noé to question the nature of their friendship, it would be this: The fact Tsuno was perhaps the biggest pervert he knew of. The guy certainly had what could be called limitations on what he did and how he did it, but there were just some things the blonde teenager wouldn't pass up on a chance to get away with. And all purely to say that he'd done it and gotten away with it more than anything else. Not that Tsuno didn't enjoy what he did.

And in today's case, that would be spying on the girl's kendo club through a conveniently found hole in the wall. Tsuno had dragged Noé along for two particular reasons: First was obviously so he could use said hole and take notes for a little black book he carried around. Second was, perhaps almost contrastingly sensible, to fix said hole when he was done. It was utterly ridiculous in the contradictory nature of Tsuno's motivations. And yet Noé felt a bit of an admiration for the honesty behind it. Somewhat, anyway. Not much, but somewhat.

"Tsuno, what are we doing here?" Noé's question was rhetorical in nature, but he knew he'd get an answer anyway.

"Peeping on the kendo club girls, what else does it look like?"

"No no, you are peeping on the kendo girls. I am the sorry schmuck who got dragged along!"

"You're not just a schmuck, you're my look out! I mean not that I'd get caught, I never will, but can't be too careful. Ooooh! Murayama's chest filled out some more, and Katase's legs are as great as ever!" Tsuno was all but drooling as he kept rattling off random tidbits about the various kendo girls. If it were not for the small bucket of mortar and the tool for it by him, Noé would be questioning his friend's integrity.

"Seriously why are we friends?" No'e muttered, Tsuno just snickering as he wiped off his lips. "Really?"

"Because who else is gonna hang around the guy all the delinquents call Boss, but who also gets off easy whenever the President grills his ears off?" Tsuno remarked, getting a glare in response, "Hey relax relax, I'm just yankin' your chain."

"Also couldn't you just do, I dunno, something else? The internet is a thing!" Noé only got snickering as Tsuno put his eye back to the peep hole in front of him.

"I will not deny that fact, but, there is a merit to voyeurism my friend. Especially when you don't get caught! Besides people used to pay for voyeur shows, all I'm doing is finding another method!"

"The fact that you know that is what unsettles me more."

"A man has his ways. Now!" Tsuno pulled his eye back and clapped his hands together as if he were praying to a shrine. "Though the skeeze in me may hate to do this, the honorable man says it must be done. Goodbye, accidental peep hole, you served your purpose well."

"I'm never sure how to feel about the fact you admit this so readily." Noé hung his head in defeat as Tsuno began filling the hole up, turning his head just to be sure they wouldn't be spotted. But, such would not be the case, and Tsuno's work was done within moments, and the two of them gone before anyone would ever be the wiser until the fix was discovered.


As had been his plan since the morning, once school was done and over with, Noé had taken to some shopping to stock up on foodstuffs and other items he knew he and his father were getting low on since the other day. This was usual for him, since his father worked all day and with his mother out traveling all of the time, it left him to do most of the domestic work around the household when he had free time. It was what he could call a simple life, but one he didn't mind. If maybe only interfered with by the occasional odd hiccup like his regular encounters with gang members.

There's something around tonight… Noé slowed his walk a bit as he scanned around the streets, barely illuminated by the remaining evening light. Not some gang trying to pick a fight, and not one of Dad's little drones… something else that's been eyeing me for a while. Keeping his pace slow but casual, Noé turned his intention from going home to finding a place he could call secluded. The entire way, he felt that sensation of being watched, but despite it, he didn't shift from his calm air.

When he finally reached one of the town's more secluded parks, well and away from the neighborhood at this time of day, was when he finally came to a stop before the fountain centering it. Let's see… tree line makes sure no one happening to pass by will see anything out of the ordinary. And I can't feel anything else… a few presences… four, maybe five? If there's more then they're trying to hide.

"Heh… you know, if you were going to follow me, you could have at least said something."

Noé turned around, the presence behind him letting out a light laugh. The one who greeted him was a teenaged girl with long black hair, dressed in a black coat and skirt, as if only to make her dark eyes melt into the colors around her pale skin. She let out a laugh, like Noé didn't have an idea there was something entirely abnormal about this situation.

"Oh my, am I that obvious?" She said with a cute smile. "I'm sorry then. It's just… see, I've been watching you for a while…"

"Uh huh… you and a few others apparently," Whatever act the girl had been putting on froze as soon as Noé spoke, the boy looking around with his eyes lidded. "So, what's the deal, eh? You wanderers or working with someone? Cause I can sense at least three, maybe four more besides you in this park. You're definitely not with some of the gangs, they're a lot more obvious… meaning you've got something to be…"

Noé was interrupted by a loud keen in the air. The second it sounded, he caught a flash of red in his vision, and his free right hand flew upwards as he caught something. A spear made of burning red light, one that made the skin on his hand tingle like it was trying to burn him through.

"Well now, it looks like you have sharper instincts than we thought," The girl kept a confident look on as she leaned to the side. Noé let out a chuckle of his own, the spear in his hand darkening as it faded away while his hair and eyes faded from their glamour into their natural appearances. "I knew it."

"Knew what? That I'm not human?" Noé grinned as the girl before him sneered. "This night just got a lot more interesting…"