
Devil war

sighte0124 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

first act

Absolute silence reigned in my room. A silence full of harmony and tranquility. Lying on my side in the bed, I still observed the darkness that surrounded me with my eyes closed. I was enjoying that peace listening to the nightingales of Heaven hum outside the window in the early morning.I was still dozing off and at peace with myself, as soon as I heard the door to the room snap open and an energetic voice start screaming, I realized that my kingdom of tranquility had just been destroyed. Reluctantly I rubbed my eyes with both hands as I forced my still relaxed body to cooperate by sitting on the bed, trying to calm down so as not to commit violent acts against my brother. After waking up, I finally saw who had dared to disturb my tranquility, my brother Lucian.In fact, now leaning against the side of the bed was a boy with golden blond hair and two little sapphire eyes that burst with calm and energy. Every time I looked my brother in the eye it immediately passed like a rush of adrenaline and energy that made me happy for no real reason and I still couldn't figure out why. I realized that Lucian had risen from his position and before I could say anything he destroyed my kingdom of darkness by opening the windows. Immediately the sunlight filled the room with heat and divine light blinded I threw my head under the covers. "Come on Alex awake" my brother said with joy while I with a sigh I returned to the surface from the covers and finally I said with a voice a bit hoarse and mixed "What do you want?" against him who was now looking at me happy. "Are you happy because I woke up?" I wondered confused as I tried to accustom my sight to that heavenly light that had now filled the whole room, eliminating the darkness and my sleep. I began to look around and as soon as I saw my reflection in the mirror I yawned annoyed by that mess.In the reflection I had seen a sleepy boy with all short curly hair stuck to his face in white and blonde, like platinum. On the face, two large sapphire fawn eyes tending to an emerald green that were both charming and sweet. An oval face without imperfection covered with an almost amber tanned skin and finally a violent red parted lips that made my profile worthy of an angel.Finally, on the sides of my sturdy shoulders were attached behind me, my wings of gold and silver and a bright white, very soft to the touch that now slowly were waking up like myself. I was so focused on my appearance as soon as I woke up that I didn't realize that Lucian had finally made up his mind to speak. In fact, he was telling me to go take a shower and get off quickly because there was a guest who had been waiting for me for several hours. I got out of bed at the word "guest" and began to fill my head with questions, I was about to ask my brother for an explanation when he had left the room closing the door with a little violence."Let's go bathe" I thought, knowing by now that the only way I had to find out the truth was to bathe, get dressed and go downstairs. Unfortunately I knew I would be out late because I loved being in the water in peace. I went to the bathroom, where I turned on the water at maximum power to fill the large tub made of stone used by ancient civilizations as quickly as possible, filling it with hot and thermal water. Immediately I added red rose petals and other bath salts until the closed air in the room came a show with different sweets and exotic scents that immediately relaxed my muscles.Slowly I took off the one garment I was wearing a light white dressing gown that I was forced to wear due to the rules of heaven. "Each angel must wear appropriate clothing for each ritual of the day, including night, morning and afternoon wearing light and graceful clothes entirely white, only in the workplace or at school will a certain clothing be assigned that must be respected" I recited from memory those rules that by now I knew like the back of my hand, as I plunged my naked body into that tub full of sweet aromas and the water so hot that it was pleasant to touch. I leaned back against an emerald green stone tub wall with my legs outstretched. "Luckily it's big" I thought looking at how my toes didn't touch the other side of the tub but that it took at least 20 cm to get there. I took a sponge similar in color to a dying sun and slowly began to wash my whole body with the bubble bath. Suddenly, despite the warmth of those waters, I felt my whole body tremble, as if the water had become frozen. After a few seconds, I realized that everything was the same as before and so I decided to dismiss my thoughts about what had happened a moment ago. I took some balm that smelled of a very sweet coconut scent and began to spread it all over my skull with neat and delicate movements. As soon as it finished, I drained the water and put on a white bathrobe with the letter of my name engraved on it, left the room and went back to my room where I quickly dried my hair with a hair dryer, a tool used by humans that shot hot air and that heaven had accepted after many women complained that being in the sun too much would make their hair dry. I turned on the hairdryer and started laughing thinking about how my mother went crazy when I was a child when to dry my hair, at the time without the wonderful tool, we used the sun and my mother had to wait at least 4 hours for them to dry because the sun that day was dim and much less bright than usual.

After combing my hair, I went to the closet where I pulled out my underwear and a white tunic that reached all the way down to my feet, adorned with several shiny gold buttons along its entire length and put on some gold-colored braided sandals and finally got off. the stairs ready to find out what was happening below, from where now different voices and laughter came. The first thing that struck me about the living room was the relaxing and pleasant atmosphere that immediately overwhelmed me as soon as I went down the stairs to go to the living room. In that living room I had combined everything and more, I thought as I passed the light blue sofa and the memories came back to my mind. I pictured myself as a child one day sitting on the couch with an innocent expression on my face and my desperate parents. I had dirtied the walls and furniture of the room by drawing animals and molds with my wax crayons. It had taken a whole week to clean everything up and Lucian, after taking the blame for not paying attention to me, received the punishment of fixing everything. After leaving those happy memories behind, I finally made my entrance into the kitchen where I immediately saw my parents sitting at the coffee table on high chairs talking to a turned-back figure wearing an elegant white suit. "It won't be" I said to myself as my parents noticed my presence stood up and came to meet me "Good morning Alex, you made us wait a long time" said my father with folded arms, a sign that he was a little angry about my delay, before I could say anything else it was my mother who took the floor saying "Honey, sit down with us for breakfast, I made you your favorite biscuits" said this she pointed to a tray leaning against another table where Lucian was sitting eating his Breakfast. I was about to protest and ask who was that strange person sitting across the room when Lucian looked up at me "The sleeping beauty finally woke up, come on come and have breakfast" he said kindly, immediately after I was sitting in beside him. As soon as I was close enough I could see that he was eating milk and biscuits and that he had a milk mustache over his nose, and without holding back he burst out laughing. Immediately he looks at me confused and I immediately went to his ear and whispered "You have a mustache". Lucian touched himself under his nose and with a childish gesture wiped the milk with his tongue. "You really are a child" I commented smiling again as Lucian went back to drink the milk from the cup, being careful not to get dirty again and ignoring my comment with a shrug. Yes a child, I thought as I finally took a cookie from the plate. Cookies with almonds and chocolate. I only need one bite and I found myself in a new world of flavors and sweetness. The chocolate melted in my mouth along with the crunchy almonds and quickly finished the contents of the tray. I have always loved cookies, although I live in Paradise, with each new bite I always feel reborn and as if I felt disconnected from my world. I was too intent on tasting the cookies that I didn't realize I was alone and that now the room seemed bare and I was wearing rags. On the hand where a biscuit used to be there was now a deep cut from which blood oozed out. I looked around dazed, that was not my home, that kitchen was bare there was only the table with the bench on which I was sitting, the sink etc ... I stood up and as soon as I started walking on the floor blood, terrified I fell to the ground screaming. "That's enough!" I screamed, immediately a noise attracted me, a scream from across the room. "The voice of a child" I understood as soon as I saw a cradle resting on the ground a few meters from me all bloody with a baby inside that squirmed as if possessed, crying red tears. That sight made my skin crawl so much that I began to feel my whole body giving in, feeling weak, useless. "It doesn't have to go like this," I said without understanding what I was saying as a knife appeared in my hands. "Everything can change" I said while I was holding that knife with both hands, the baby stopped crying and started laughing but it was too late the blade was already stuck in his chest. As soon as I realized I had blood on my hands I threw up, I collapsed to the ground, I feel dirty and suddenly cold. "I'm sick of these nightmares" I cried as I felt several eyes on my skin pointing at me "Are you okay honey?" listen to my mother, immediately opened your eyes and saw her sweet worried eyes alight on my tiny figure. Suddenly I regained control of the situation and seeing all eyes still on, I began to laugh saying in a joking but weak voice "You fell for it". Everyone present glared at me, then finally laughed and said "Alex wasn't funny as a joke." My mother, who had knelt before, probably to help me, now got up and snorted saying "Honey, you gave me a good scare" then as soon as she got up she asked confused "Why were you talking softly?" I was about to answer when Lucian took the floor saving me "Mum is it obvious that whispering strange things is scarier than screaming like crazy or not, Alé?" he gave me a wink, nodded in response. "Well, after this little inconvenience, can we proceed? I would be in a hurry" I saw the figure from above in a subdued and authoritative voice. Immediately the room fell silent and the man in the elegant suit approached me until he was a few paces away. It is an honor to meet you Alex "said the figure more softly as he bowed forward to greet me and held out his hand saying" I am the archangel Michael and I am here because I should discuss with her about what happened yesterday " my attention was drawn to that huge figure rising in front of me with its majestic golden wings. The oval face with adorable dimples on the cheeks. The amber skin and two huge blue eyes where the encounter could be easily distinguished of the eye with the black iris. He had a very old hair which, together with the laurel wreath, gave him a majestic and almost heavenly air above the wreath. Curly brown hair fell from the crown. transparent, similar to those used by the Romans in history, from which you could see the abdominals and the tan all over the body Over his forced shoulders appeared two golden wings and so much light nti that look as menacing as a sharp knife, but equally magnificent. She wore plain white sandals and at her waist she wore a shiny black belt from which hung a scabbard. In the transparent sheath I could glimpse the most legendary sword among the angels, his sword. The sword built by God himself, winner of the supreme struggle between evil and good and known for sending Lucifer to the Underworld.The legends tell that after that glorious and sweaty victory the archangel, in order not to forget, would have brought with him every day that relic from where the remains of that epic fight are still visible: angelic and demonic blood. The thought led me to rest my gaze on the sword again where I noticed. In fact, the sword had an ambiguous color, black and silver full of ancient engravings and at the ends of the blade I saw a dark spot and next to it a gold color. "Is it possible that they are the blood of Michael and Satan?" I wondered with amazement as without realizing it my hand advanced towards that wonder without stopping wondering if it could touch without consequences.

"Alex what are you doing ?! Stop," my mother said in a worried tone, but I couldn't hear her clearly. A moment later on the face of the archangel I noticed raising his head that he was looking at me with a seraphic look just looking me straight in the eye. At that moment I realized that I was touching the sword and that my hand hurt. I put my vision on my hand and saw a huge burn on the spot that touched the sword and I felt an unexpected pain awakening from that kind of hypnosis created by myself and the sword. Almost instantly Michele took my injured hand and squeezed it tightly with both hands. Immediately a few seconds he released it and I felt a flush of heat overwhelm my hand up to the wrist, then slowly to my greatest surprise the blood stain that was there before disappeared. The archangel finally opened his mouth answering my last question "Nobody should touch the blood of a demon, especially an Angel like you" he said, pressing on the word angel for no apparent reason. I was about to ask for an explanation when he immediately turned his attention to my parents who were looking at me angry at my earlier rudeness. "Don't worry, gentlemen, nothing serious happened" he said smiling at them and then continued playing down with a laugh "Alex was just curious to answer your questions or not, friend?" the archangel asked me smiling strangely, in response I nodded and I noticed that my parents were smiling too. At least the earlier tense atmosphere has subsided "I thought while Michele exchanged a chat about me with my relatives." So let's come to us, dear Alex, would you like to take me to a place where we could talk to ourselves? "He asked after a few minutes staring at me" Perfect "I heard Michele say in an intense tone, I began to feel the heavy body. In a lively voice, I immediately recovered and after a few seconds we took leave in my room to talk in private. Of one thing I was sure the atmosphere in the room before and now had completely changed.If everything seemed calm and relaxing before, now inside me I felt only anxiety, fear and confusion.