
Devil vs Devil

Alapon_studio · Action
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"Base of cat and mouse chase"

Under the cloudy sky a old lady telling story

about a Demon called 'Betal' to his grandson.

"Few hundreds years ago in the land named 'katak' lived a Demon. His a Very powerful Demon with redish eyes, black hair and two horns. A scary thing about him is that he never killed his prey easily. Every time he got a target first he traumatised them and always puzzled them. Even if someone over his riddle then he throw a new riddle before them.

thats how he hunt targets."

Beside 'katak' land there's another land of green called 'Badia' . There's lived a powerful King. He conquered Seven enemy land who threatened his land. Oneday, he learned about Betal and his Evil thing. So, he decided to kill Betal. But Betal was clever and gave king riddle to solve. Everytime The king became almost successful Betal got away and trick him into a new riddle. After solving 12 riddles Betal put on kings way, finally king reached his destination to Betal's room. "

The boy who's listening the story got excited and asked his grandmother, "Did the king succeed? Did he kill Betal or Betal got away? "

Grandmother smiled and replied,

"Boy, you seem to be interested."

- yes, yes! tell grandma. what happend after that.

- I'll tell that later someday.

After hearing Grandma's reply the boy became sad. But the Grandmother noticed that and Said,

- Listen Boy, it doesn't matter if you succeed to kill your enemy or not but never harm a innocent people.

The boy smiled.

"yes,Grandma. i'll never harm a innocent even if i have to Sacrifice myself."

[ That's what i told my late grandma 10 years ago, I would never kill a iinnocent.

if The Guy in front of me who's pointing his gun towards me and my gun pointed toward him is telling the truth, then i killed that innocent guy thinking of him as gangstar. ]

Poom, poom

Suddenly, Sound of Gunshots heard.