
Devil Overlord - Overlord x DxD

Ainz in DxD world, basically. Eventually mirrors in some Overlord events. Type: Misunderstanding-based comedy fic with occasional hentai and horror sprinkled in. Expect a lot of 'sasuga ainz-sama' level intentional and unintentional misunderstandings. Also, if you're hardcore Christian then I'd warn that this story contains tones that might cause distress. [R18 Warning, there are Lemon Chapter's] [Snowmistys - Original]

SleepyAlfie · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
138 Chs

Chapter 56: Police air-strike levels your house

'Hm… Those were quite informative tips, thank you.'

"Don't mention it. Those explosions you showed were quite interesting as well. I'd like to meet Ulbert-sama at some point" Ddraig nodded at Momonga.

The disguised Overlord had spent most of the 'resting' part of the night conversing with Ddraig inside his head by means of thoughts, and talking back and forth about tactics, explosions and such.

It seemed that Ddraig had been quite interested in seeing Momonga's battles against 'gods' in YGGDRASIL, and he had shown the creature a few of them by thinking about the 'raid bosses' Ainz Ooal Gown had vanquished.

Ddraig had been quite the good observer, even though Momonga made sure to not show anything that the creature could effectively use against him in combat. The amount of explosions, carnage and general 'bad-assery' as the dragon had put it had been enough to sate even Ddraig's curiosity. "Got to say, that Kain guy gave me the creeps. Are you sure he was a vampire?"

'Ancestral vampire. He had a bunch of useful servants, that is, servants with valuables we could loot after we killed them and Peroroncino used a lot of the materials gained from that quest line and boss to equip his… unique servant.'Momonga thought as he let his body wake up.

"Heh… That short but stacked vampire chick?"

'Pretty much yeah.' Momonga felt a bit wary about revealing more and stopped thinking about Nazarick- not to mention that thinking too deeply about the place caused way too much nostalgia to well up.

"I've been wondering, though… You seem to consider everything to be like some sort of game? You keep slipping in these mentions like 'health' and such…" Ddraig tilted its head inside Momonga's mental-scape.

'It's easier to categorize things that way. Many powerful foes, with many powerful abilities.' Momonga handwaved in his thoughts.

"If you say so." Ddraig didn't buy his explanation but didn't press the issue.

A faint murmur came from the soft body that was lying on top of Momonga, drawing his attention away.

"Good morning, dear." Momonga reached to rub Rias's head, and she let out a quiet murmur of pleasure while stretching a bit on top of him. The two mounds of flesh on her chest caused all sorts of interesting feelings as they rubbed against Momonga's host body's chest, and the girl let out a small moan.

She then leaned back and slid forward on Momonga's chest, causing the two mounds to slide over on top of his face while his fun-bone slid out of the red-headed girl after she had gone to sleep with it inside her.

"Mhmh... " Rias groaned as she slid down so she grind the flag pole between her thighs, then lifted her lower body and lowered it in a rubbing motion against the saluting meat. "Mh… Cuddling and sleeping with that in at the same time is the best…"

"I'm glad you liked it." Momonga offered diplomatically.

"You need to learn bedroom talk…" Rias accented her words by stroking the pole with her butt, but didn't put it in her again. "Ask Xuelan-chan or Yubelluna-chan to teach you."

"...Hm, alright." Momonga nodded. 'Hm, another opportunity… I wonder how it'll affect my experience gain?'

"Again with those words? Well, can't blame you. Calling life energy 'experience' makes it sound more palatable, I guess…" Ddraig sounded a bit wary, causing Momonga to pause.

Not from the tone, but the contents of the words. 'Hoo?'

"What, you didn't know what you were doing?" Ddraing seemed a bit confused.

'I figured that an ero-world would find ero-way, so I didn't pay much attention to the fine logistics.' Momonga noted to Ddraig while continuing to stroke and scratch Rias's head while she cuddled against his chest and rubbed the pole with her thighs and stomach. 'Life-energy you say…'

"Tantric energy is literally life energy extracted from living beings and condensed into matter by a succubi." Ddraig noted. "And reproductive acts tend to generate a lot of that energy, even if most of it just dissipates when there's no succubi to gather it or a successful, um, impregnation to absorb it to form a new soul."

'...That's just what I said, ero-world will find ero-way.' Momonga lifted his mental eyebrow.

"What I'm saying, I guess, is that I'm not surprised that an undead being like you consumes life energy for… sustenance? Power?" Ddraig tilted its head. "What is the difference between this 'mana' and 'experience' anyway?"

'...I'll explain later.' Momonga noted while scratching his chin mentally, and scratching the back of Rias's head in the physical realm. 'Hoo… Life energy, eh? I wonder how [Sacrifice] works here… [Dark Wisdom] seems to work, thanks to the Elder Lich's research…'

"Time out, wait, I didn't tell you to start consuming the world like some sort of great devourer!" Ddraig's tone was slightly panicked and the dragon waved its arms around in Momonga's mental-scape. "I wasn't being serious! Ero away! Draw your power from pantyshots or something! That's an infinitely superior alternative, I swear!"

'Hm, I'll have to look into that… Not the pantyshots, but life energy as a concept.'Momonga put the idea on hold for now, however, since his duel with Serafall would require him to be on top of his game.

Ddraig looked incredibly nervous, almost as if he had accidentally knocked over a pebble and caused a rockslide on top of kindergarten or something.

Momonga sighed at the dragon's antics and focused on the real world, or rather, the body on top of his.

To that end he reached to lift Rias's head by placing a finger under her chin and lifting it so she looked at him, and then kissed her. 'With the experience gained from this night I should be able to use quite a few of my experience-draining abilities… Although I still need to be a bit careful. I'm roughly 'back' where I was before I summoned the Overlord Wiseman, that is 'level hundred' after I lost a level or two from summoning it, even if I had gained some experience through Yubelluna and co...'

"Again with the…"

'Quiet, you're interrupting my concentration.'

"...Yes, Momonga-sama."

Rias let out a loud but muffled moan as Momonga put his fleshy body's tongue in her mouth, deepening the kiss that had been going on for the whole duration of his internal scheming.

The girl's breathing became laboured as he ran his hands up her back, drawing her deeper into his embrace. Rias seemed to like lewd cuddling though. "Yesh… Touch me more, yes… more…"

Momonga noted the tight, warm sensation that came from Rias sliding the meat flagpole into her and squeezing it hard like if her body was trying to wring it dry.

"More… Haah... " The cuddling seemed to have flipped some switch in Rias as she rubbed herself on Momonga's body and her eyes looked glazed over, at least from the glance Momonga got before his vision was engulfed in red hair and the passionate kiss continued, and Momonga continued to monitor the experience trickling in…

"Hm, Rias-sama's technique far surpasses mine." A scratching came from the side and Momonga glanced over to see that Xenovia had woken up and was taking notes in a small notepad.

Momonga glanced to the other side to see Irina, who had frozen still, and Akeno, who was still asleep and was busy sleep-groping Irina while having latched into her back like a tortoise's shell.

"Uwah." Irina let a small sound. "M-Momon-sama, can you, um, ask Akeno-san to sthooooop!"

Her voice turned into a squeak as Akeno flopped over her and her face was smushed by the still-sleeping girl's breasts.

Xenovia crawled over, flipped Akeno off Irina, and Akeno latched into Xenovia instead.

"Go on without me! I'll take care of this one!" Xenovia's tone was serious as the soft mounds of flesh toppled over her face, causing Akeno to flop over the girl and bury her face in her breasts.

"Ara? Ara ara ara?" Akeno seemed to stir awake as Xenovia fought valiantly against the two melons and lost.

'Haa… well, they are lively at least.'

"Pfft." The dragon in Momonga's head seemed amused by the wording.

Rias sighed at the sight, then turned back to smother Momonga's head with her breasts.

The morning seemed to go in a blur.



Flags waved in the air as 'Momon's Peerage appeared into a well-prepared and quite ceremonial wide-open area.

Most of the Peerage looked fine, if not fully recovered. Yuuto was still occasionally grabbing his stomach and looked as if he'd puke every time he saw a bug, but seemed fine elsewise. Koneko's eyes were darting around nervously and she kept a noticeable distance to all her fellow Peerage members. Gasper was clinging to Momonga's back, acting as if he was dead drunk- which was more or less the case as the renewed [Weaken] was still in effect, holding back his spilling-over powers.

Koneko was sending Gasper some really weird glares, but Momonga ignored them for now.

Outside that, the rest of the Peerage seemed to be fine, or even in high spirits- albeit in the case of Xenovia and Irina, the both wobbled a bit with their walk for reasons that Momonga knew quite well.

"So… This is the entrance to the Rating Game grounds, eh?" Momonga eyed the area. He recalled some familiar landmarks here and there, namely a mountain in the distance with a vaguely dragon-shaped crater on it as well as some craters in the woods that hadn't been leveled and re-planted yet.

"We won't be staying here for long." Rias nodded beside him. "With the combination of potential war between Three Factions, attack on the capital, and the Supreme Being situation the Rating Games have been put on hold for now. With the exception of your fight against Serafall, of course. That's going to be… hm, political as well."

"Hm?" Momonga turned towards Rias as she seemed to be making some sort of point. "Political?"

"Well, a Maou fighting a duel is… rare. Very rare." Rias bit her lip a bit. "I think that Beelzebub and Sirzechs-nii are using this chance to pit you against Serafall in a public manner to both rally morale of the people by showing them the Maou's strength, since that attack on our heartland left many questioning Sirzechs-nii's capability to protect them… And also to dissuade your, um, followers from diverting their attention to you and away from Underworld's grasp. You know, seeing their 'true god' get crushed by a Maou is going to get people to question the wiseness of backing you up."

Rias glanced towards a crowd outside the 'Rating Game Arena', or rather a spectator arena that would have a portal at the center which would give the people present a first-class view to the fight happening in the Rating Game pocket dimension. Because of that the tickets were quite popular with young devils, and all Peerages got a free ticket to the seats by just being there.

That being said, Rias's look was quite… troubled as she looked at the crowd of devils who were waving golden flags with vaguely skull-like emblems, that apparently counted as 'True God's Cross' or somesuch.

The rest of the Peerage fared worse, with the exception of the 'church trio', as they stared openly at Momonga, and then at the crowd of devils.

A 'Boom' came from behind the Peerage as the [Dominion Authority] teleported behind Momonga, or rather about ten feet back and twenty in the air, showering the group with feathers as the massive 'angel' opened its eight pairs of wings wide.

"Our Lord has arrived, and now we shall perform our charge! Fear not the hand that strikes, but hate the target of his wrath! See the False Idol cast down by the True God before your eyes, and repent your past heresy!" The angel's booming voice caused the grass to flatten as it seemed to be in high spirits and used perhaps a few more decibels than what was strictly speaking necessary.

Momonga sent the angel a wordless message to be quiet as it was making a scene, which went through thanks it's the close proximity to it's summoner.

The Dominion Authority stuck the butt of its pole-mace to the ground instead of speaking, and a shining golden flag appeared on the pole-mace as if it was a flagpole.

'Oh, so that's where the crowd got the design idea from... ' Momonga sighed as he looked at the emblem of 'Momonga' on the flag. 'Well, this isn't good…'

Nevertheless, he knew that the eyes of the crowd would be on him, so he couldn't break the character expected of him without getting a severe backslash from the crowd. Potentially turning the so far peaceful but excited crowd into an angry riot of disillusioned devils.

"Heheee… And so the deception continues, ahii…" Ravel's voice was quite shaky and possibly a bit insane as well as she scanned the crowd with glazed-over eyes. "Hail the destroyer, the devourer of worlds, who comes as a hero to vanquish a puppet he himself put up and takes your women as his prize…"

Momonga was somewhat worried over Ravel's mental state but he couldn't start to pick her brains just yet, mostly because the situation allowed him no distractions.

Lady Phenix hadn't woken up yet, causing Momonga some worry over her physical state because her life would be quite effective bargaining chip in the Underworld's politics, but the Overlord Wiseman had insisted that she was alright, just sleeping off fatigue as he had sent some doctors to take a look at her.

At the same time Momonga had learned that apparently she had become his mistress, or rather she had been contracted to him as a mistress thanks to 'reviving' 'Lord Phenix'.

The news had caused Momonga's already overworked brains to shrug and add the woman to a mental pile of 'things that happened', taking the news in a stride and wondering just what exactly he should do with the woman, outside pumping useful political information out of her in a way that wouldn't overwrite Momonga's personality. She was quite well versed in the Underworld's politics, after all, so he could use her as a diplomat of sorts…

"Look alive, Momon-kun." Xuelan's words caused Momonga to snap out of his considerations. "You're looking as if you're in your own world. But your 'followers' look like they're waiting for a speech."

'Crap.' Momonga knew that he was not good at making grand speeches that grabbed people's hearts, so instead he did the next best thing- giving the task to someone more capable.

He sent a mental order to the Dominion Authority to continue speaking while he adopted what he hoped was a 'cool' pose, channelling his Chuuni as it seemed to resonate with the Devils quite a bit.

"Behold! The Lord stands before thee!" The Dominion Authority lifted its pole-mace in the air. "Bask in his Divine Glory!"

"Greetings, devils who gather before me!" Momonga realized that the angel had mis-understood the order of 'make a speech' to be 'set the stage' and had stopped after introducing him.

That being said, Momonga had no option but to wing it and hope for the best.

He realized that a basic deep red dress suit and pants that he wore once again wouldn't fly for a 'True God', so he changed his attire with [Create Greater Item].

Momonga hoped that a white-and-gold robe he wore wasn't too tacky.

It was a near-match to his Overlord-class specific gear that he had used in YGGDRASIL but without any of the stats of the Divine-class gear he had worn, and which he still had in his inventory.

He briefly considered wearing the actual items, but since he had heard of Rias's description of 'skeleton wearing violet' when she had been hit by madness debuff, he was a bit hesitant to wear the exact same items.

That, and he felt a bit squeamish in displaying his chest and stomach to the public and his main gear was a bit… revealing when worn by someone with actual flesh. To that end he had closed the chest-piece of the robe

He used the flourish of the cloth billowing as it settled on him to mask him grabbing the [Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown] from his Inventory and holding it beside himself.

"Gheuh?" Rias paused as she turned to stare at Momonga, letting out a surprised sound. Momonga figured that it was likely because of the staff, since she hadn't seen it wielded before.

"Ara?" Akeno covered her mouth with her sleeve, as the girl wore her miko outfit once again.

"I see you have come to see my battle, and come to meet me." Momonga eyed the crowd who had fallen silent. 'Guh, I never realized how unwieldy these shoulder-pads are when actually worn… Oh well…'

He felt a bit like a tank, that was, unwieldy and over-telegraphed as he opened his arms. "I greet you, devils! Cheer for me, and join me in my inevitable victory!"

A wary cheer rose from the crowd, and quite a few flags were raised towards his direction. But it seemed that the initial reaction to 'him' was quite lukewarm.

"Uwaaaah!" A squeak came from somewhere in distance, and a navy-blue ball zig-zagged like a schizophrenic missile at Momon, impacting his chest and causing him to spin over and end up facing the devils once again after doing a complete three-sixty degree turn.

Except he had a navy-blue clad missile glued to his chest.

"Waaah! Mo-kun has super tacky clothes! Eww! White doesn't suit you at all!" Serafall held her nose after hopping off Momonga's chest. The girl wore a fairly official-looking navy-blue uniform which looked incredibly out of place for the usually pink-clad magical-girl, but Momonga figured that since the duel was an official occasion, she was expected to dress the part. "I can't wait to tear those tacky robes off! And then… teehee~"

Momonga blushed and heard a couple of growls from the crowd of devils. 'Oh… Oh, right. Appearing 'divine' probably isn't a good idea right now. These guys are preparing for a fight with 'Heaven' and 'Fallen' right now, so donning either faction's colours probably won't help my case…'

"Hehe… you've seen right through me, Levi-tan!" Momon announced, pointing his finger at Serafall, letting the Staff float beside him and grabbing the side of his head with his other hand while arching his back as if she had struck a blow against his face.

He then re-cast his [Create Greater Item] to swap the white and gold robes for a set of pitch-black armor he had used to duel Yuuto, complete with a red cape and a face-covering helmet.

The armor felt slow and sluggish as he didn't have [Perfect Warrior] active, but he figured that he could at least move around in the armor even if he didn't have the appropriate stats to properly wield it.

He didn't draw the two huge blades on his back as he had already learned from trying to wield Yuuto's blade that without proper mastery he'd just fumble with them, which would be extremely bad considering the amount of literally worshipping eyes on him.

The combination made him look like he was a 'tryhard', in his personal opinion, but it seemed that devils had an utterly ridiculous sense of 'coolness' so going for 'sensible' or 'appropriate' wouldn't fly- which meant, he had to once again channel his Chuuni, drawing in from what he would have found cool fifteen years ago. "Indeed- the first strike goes to you, my lady! But you'll find that I will be... the one doing the stripping in our match! Prepare yourself to be humiliated live on air, and viewed by the whole Underworld!"

'I can't believe I just splurted that out… I didn't know what to say!' Momonga panicked for a moment as he extended his hand towards Serafall who recoiled and put her hands on her chest, despite the two being so far apart already that he couldn't reach her without lunging at her. He realized that as he channelled the 'Chuuni', it gained too much power and started saying unnecessary things.

"Oooaahh!" A much more spirited cheer came from the crowd.

'Wha…. oh.' Momonga felt a bit resigned as [Emotion Suppression] squashed the panic, leaving him with the realization that his blunder was probably a valid 'counter-challenge' in the ero-world.

"You know, you have your 'pretending to be an idiot' act dialed down to a tee. Just, don't spray it inwardly. Please. I can't help but shiver in some sort of combination of disgust and fear every time you think of yourself as a dum-dum when you pull a victory from the jaws of defeat." Ddraig noted. "Also, just so you know, that hole over there is getting too wide for my liking. And that hand that grasped Touch Me-sama and almost dragged him in is not helping my case."

Momonga glanced 'inwardly' to note that the chasm was indeed widening in his mind, and Peroroncino-plushie was helping Touch Me-plushie calm down after the latter had been almost dragged into it. 'Well, that's not good…'

He returned his attention to the real world as Serafall swooned. "Kyaaah! You've already shedded your harem netori protagonist skin, and laid your beastly eyes on this poor innocent magical girl-maou! No! Please wait until we get into the Rating Game! I need to mentally prepare myself!"

"Ho hoo? Then prepare as much as you'd like, Levi-tan." Momonga felt that since Serafall had confessed to him, in a way, he could probably capitalize on it a tiny bit to put pressure on her. Or pressure on her to go easy on him. "Indeed, prepare all you want, my cute Sera-tan… I'll crush you no matter what you do, and no matter how well you prepare!"

"Kyaaaaah!" Serafall held her hands on both sides of her face and she blushed. "No! I must endure! I can't fall to your charms when So-tan's virginity is on the line! I'll beat you for sure!"

"Ha, your determination grips my heart! I can't wait to take it and break it!" Momonga felt faint as he channelled his Chuuni to find appropriately corny counters to the pre-battle verbal battle that determined his 'validity' in the eyes of the devils who had gathered. "Show me your determination, your strength, and your despair as I claim victory!"

"And the combatants are already going at it! Ladies and gentlemen, we witnessed a pre-game banter between legendary Serafall Leviathan, one of Four Maous of the Underworld, versus a self-proclaimed True God and officially-confirmed Phenix family's adopted son, Momon Phenix!" A announcer's voice came from somewhere above, and Momonga glanced to the side to see a floating loudspeaker.

"It looks like time for talk has passed." Momonga spoke with quiet words and extended his arm towards Serafall, and she took it. "Let's have a fun match, neh?"

"Y-you can't say that when you've threatened to take my heart and crush it in your hand! That's super corny!" Serafall looked away while blushing. "Going from hard challenges to soft cuddling with words is unfair! Awawa… No! My heart can't waver! So-tan is counting on me!"

She seemed to regain her confidence and shook Momonga's arm, almost dislocating it in her fervor. "May the best Maou win!"

"I look forward to it." Momonga replied automatically, causing Serafall to pause for a moment, then blush a bit and disappear.

'Hm, teleportation?' Momonga wondered as the cheering of the 'True God' worshipping devils seemed to become quite energized from seeing their 'idol' standing and the Maou leaving the scene.

"High-speed movement. You should be able to see if after using [Boost] a couple of times and your body and soul adjust. You'll get used to it." Ddraig supplied helpfully. "I'm pretty surprised she'd use it to flee, considering the amount of energy it takes."

'Thank you for the advice.' Momonga thought as he lifted his hand up to greet the devils while the Dominion Authority slammed the butt of its pole-mace on the ground to 'rhythm' the chanting of 'Mo-mon! Mo-mon!' coming from the crowd.

"...Right, I'm not even going to bother. I'll be in the observatory." Rias sighed while running her hand by her hair and flinging it a bit, causing her brilliant red hair to spread open in the wind like a cloak. "Diehauser Belial-sama is casting for the Game and has asked me, as your wife, to come and comment on the match with him."

"Ara, do go easy on Momon-kun, Rias-chan…" Akeno seemed amused and waved at Momonga. "I'll lead the rest of the guys to their seats. Ravel-chan has a seat in the VIP seats, since she's a high-class devil…"

"Ahe… I wonder, was my existence a choice? Or my blood? Or was it pre-ordained? Did you arrange mom and dad's marriage, like you arranged their divorce?" Ravel wobbled away from the group like a zombie while muttering all sorts of disturbing things in front of her, and seemingly to no-one in particular. "Have you predicted my life from before it started? Are my daughters and sons, if I am going to have them, also planned in advance? And the fates of their sons and daughters? How far do your plans reach? Ten thousand years?"

'...Yeah, I think Ravel needs therapy.' Momonga sweatdropped as he overheard the girl's muttering.

He put it aside, disabled his anti-divination spells because he suspected that the fight would be observed magically and it'd be bad if the crowd got shelled by his automatic anti-divination spells, and stepped through the gates leading to the arena proper, trying his best to ignore the chorus of screams and cheers that accompanied him from the crowd of young Devils.



"And here we are, ladies and Gentlemen! Today's match is brought to you by Sirzechs Lucifer and Ajuka Beelzebub, and cast by your very own Diehauser Belial! And as my guest co-narrator I have none other than Rias Gremory, or rather Rias Phenix, who has gone from the Heirress of illustrious Gremory house to wife of Momon Phenix! How are you doing, Rias-chan?"

"I'm… surviving. I hope I can say the same for Serafall-sama after the match… Or her sanity, for that matter…"

"Bold words! But it is expected, after all he's your husband! But let us see how it goes! Ladies and gentle-devils, our battlefield today will be no other than the City of Kuoh! That's right, the Pocket Dimension has recreated the very city in the Human World where our illustrious Rias Gremory, sorry, Phenix and Sona Sitri go to school and to gather their Peerages! Last match we saw Kuoh Academy, but thanks to the destructive powers of at least one of our competitors, the area was widened to make it easier for the combatants to fight at full power! And here we have the first…"

Momonga tuned the announcer-voice out as he stepped into a shimmering magical circle after re-equipping his earlier red dress suit, mostly because the white robes were tacky and the black armor next to useless when he didn't have [Perfect Warrior] up.

The magical circle activated and he was teleported into some kind of market square. 'So this is the Rating Game dimension, huh… It feels a bit familiar, but that's given since I've been here once before…'

"Focus." Ddraig advised.

"And the battle begins in Three- Two - One- Go!"

Momonga instantly cast [Time Stop].

'And here we go again… Ddraig?' Momonga thought as he cast his buffs, going from basic [Body of Effulgent Beryl] and [Body of Effulgent Ruby] to more general-use [Blessing of the Magic Caster] and such, each of the spells increasing his resistances and the potency of his spells once the [Time Stop] would end and the delayed spells would take effect.

The dragon didn't answer and Momonga looked 'in' his head to see that the dragon had frozen still in his head. 'Hm, figures. He's technically not part of 'Me' but rather a tag-along in my soul… Phew, at least that means I'm safe from peeping when I have [Time Stop] active.'

He finished casting his buffs, ending it with a wide-area [Widen magic: Detect Life] which he hoped would pick up on Serafall's abnormally large health-pool.

[Time Stop] ended, and Momonga became aware of the huge health pool moving towards him at very high speed.

He teleported away from the health signature that was making a beeline towards him. 'Hm, I can use [Detect Life] like a radar…'

Momonga then cast a [Fireball] at the ground by his feet to cause a blast of debrii, fire and smoke to obscure his body for a moment, which he hoped would conceal his next 'spell'.

"[Boost]" Momonga intoned calmly while the red gauntlet flashed in his hand momentarily.

"Wh-what the hell happened?" Ddraig looked disoriented as he had regained mobility after the [Time Stop] ended, but Momonga ignored the dragon's confusion.

Momonga locked onto the 'health signature' that had made a near one-eighty turn after Momonga had disappeared from his previous signature and was making good time towards his current location, which was on the roof of mock-up 'Kuoh Academy'.

Then, he 'locked on' to a mountain in the distance that placed the 'Health signature' between him and it. 'Hm, with [Body of Effulgent Beryl] and [Body of Effulgent Ruby] active, I should be able to use their secondary activation to completely negate the effect of one blunt-damage attack, and one fire-damage attack. Afterwards I'll have to re-cast them…'

"Hold on, what are you planning on doing?" Ddraig's tone sounded more than a little high-pitched.

"[Boost]- [Maximize magic: Widen magic: Nuclear Blast]"
