
Devil Overlord - Overlord x DxD

Ainz in DxD world, basically. Eventually mirrors in some Overlord events. Type: Misunderstanding-based comedy fic with occasional hentai and horror sprinkled in. Expect a lot of 'sasuga ainz-sama' level intentional and unintentional misunderstandings. Also, if you're hardcore Christian then I'd warn that this story contains tones that might cause distress. [R18 Warning, there are Lemon Chapter's] [Snowmistys - Original]

SleepyAlfie · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 36: But the hostess sent the mafia after you

"Well then." Sirzechs was feeling more than a bit apprehensive as the group of three Maous, that being Sirzechs himself, Beelzebub and Serafall, as well as Grayfia and the rest of Sirzech's present Peerage, were shadowing after a group that had existed from Phenix family's grounds.

Or rather, two groups as the first one was composed of Lady Phenix, Momon and his new Peerage, and Diehauser Belial who had seemingly allied himself to the Phenix house. In addition there was a significant contingent of Phenix family's security with the group, making it look almost as if the group was preparing to go to a battle.

A second group consisted of Lady Phenix's Peerage, or the last two members of it after Lady Phenix had retired from Rating Games, and a small security team who departed in another direction.

Sirzechs had ordered his Bishop, MacGregor Matthers to shadow the smaller team, while Souji and Grayfia remained with the group of Maous who shadowed the larger team containing the 'big hitters' of the Phenix group.

Unfortunately Sirzech's other Peerage members, Beowulf and Enku were elsewhere and couldn't respond to Sirzech's summons at such a quick schedule, but Sirzechs had little concern over the lack of fighting power, considering the people already present, even if the situation deteriorated into a battle be it against the 'Supreme Being' or against someone else.

"So, what do you make of this?" Sirzechs motioned towards the group. "Looks like a battle force."

"Quite so. I'm wondering though, did Lady Phenix find out where the 'Supreme Being' is located or the location of one of his agents and is moving out to fight them? The question begets another- why hasn't she contacted us about it?" Beelzebub theorized. "Either she's taking independent action against the enemy, and has somehow recruited Belial to her cause… or she's planning on executing some plan under our notice."

"Let's hold that thought until we know more." Sirzechs advised as Grayfia's theory of Lady Phenix being mind controlled had seemed to connect a few dots on Beelzebub's mind. "I'm not going to declare Lady Phenix a renegade or do anything as hasty as that unless we get solid proof and material evidence. Her family has suffered enough- and yes, I know, in your theory that'd be a deliberate plan to lower our guards around her and garner sympathy. Assuming she was mind controlled, of course."

"It all fits-"

"Yes, of course but let's practise restraint, while still staying on guard." Sirzechs sighed. "Sheesh, with the recent mysteries about, you're getting really outlandish with your theories."

"We live in outlandish times. Asmodeus already informed me that he had found Angels in Momon-san's estate when he transitioned to the Human World and went to perform basic reconnaissance. He didn't confront the Angels because of the Truce and since the Angels seemed to masquerade as the service staff of the mansion, but there's more and more pieces falling on this puzzle with each passing moment…" Beelzebub lifted his phone to show a message to Sirzechs. "Did they infiltrate his estate? Does Momon have dealings with the Angels? Would Issei have such dealings, and the Angels are searching for him? Why are they dressed as french maids?"

Sirzechs narrowed his eyes at Serafall who had frozen suddenly. "Serafall-san. Do you perhaps know something about this subject?"

"N-no, not at all, I have absolutely, definitely, utterly no clue why six angels would just appear in Mo-kun's home…" Serafall was sweating rivers of sweat, quite literally due to her water-based powers. The dripping water was causing a small pond to form under her.

"I never mentioned there were six angels." Beelzebub adjusted his glasses so they turned opaque. "I wonder, perhaps you might know something after all, Levi-tan?"

"Uuguu! Using a nickname is uncalled for! Unfair! I can't lie when my realsies name is invoked!" Serafall stomped her feet. "Fine! Mo-kun knows those angels. But you can't tell anyone, I swore to keep it a secret! Definitely!"

"He knows angels?" Sirzechs sounded doubtful, while Beelzebub was confused as well.

Grayfia and Souji glanced at each other, confused.

"I imagine He'd-ow know all Angels. Well, sort of, uh. Yeah." Serafall blushed harder while a localized raincloud seemed to form over the group. "Uuuhh… well, it's kinda rainy today, no? I love rainy days. Yep."

Serafall's attempt at steering the conversation didn't work.

Sirzechs and Beelzebub glanced at each other.

"Do you think Serafall is also mind-controlled?" Sirzechs asked, and Beelzebub shrugged.

"I think that'd be a preferable alternative." Beelzebub adjusted his glasses again.

"I'm here, you know…" Serafall whimpered, but just hugged her new fairy as the two ignored her.



"Hm?" Momonga glanced at the departing group of Devils as the 'team' Lady Phenix had assembled set off from the manor. The decision to split the teams in two seemed a bit odd.

"The rest of my Peerage and a small team will go to Tannin and ensure the safety of my remaining children." Lady Phenix noted. "Belial and myself should be enough to buy you and your Peerage time to rescue Ravel, assuming we can't kill the creature puppetting my son's body whom I assume is going to be around. Moreover Belial should be more than a match for Kokabiel, as he has quite extensive knowledge of the Fallen Angel's powers."

'Belial uses knowledge of the enemy as source of his powers, or augments them somehow with that?' Momonga noted the off-hand remark and stored it securely in his head, adjusting his potential worst-case scenario battle plan accordingly.

"... If the worst comes to worst, and this Supreme Being shows up, we'll fall back." Lady Phenix continued. "At that point I'll inform the Maous about our escapade and the appearance of the 'Supreme Being'. Sirzechs and the rest of the Maous will be forced to take field, since not doing so would cause all of them to lose face in front of the entire Underworld, compromising their position."

Momonga felt a bit appreciative of the woman's ability to craft a simple plan that would force the Maous to act even if they didn't want to, only if it wasn't a plan that would be in Momonga's detriment.

"Now, we'll fly. Would you like to ask your… hm, familiar to guide us?" Lady Phenix finally told Momonga and glanced at the rest of Momonga's Peerage.

"Certainly." Momonga used the confident act to hide his rising nervousness over the lack of control he had on the situation without resorting to drastic actions. He lifted his hand, and the crow from [Lead of Yatagarasu] took flight from his forearm. "Take me to Ravel."

The Crow let a caw, before starting to fly in one direction.

"Now then, wings everyone, please." A pair of huge bat-like wings appeared from Lady Phenix's back, as did with Belial, and on most of the Devils present as well.

The only exceptions were Momonga, who didn't even know having wings was a thing expected from him, Xenovia and Irina, who probably had much the same problem, and surprisingly, Akeno.

"Ah, Lady Phenix, I beg your pardon but Xenovia-san and Irina-san are new additions to Momon's Peerage, and having been part of Church before their… recruitment, they have little experience with Devil's racial traits." Rias came to the two ex-Exorcist's aid before anyone could comment anything. "In addition, Akeno has… a physical condition that severely reduces her willingness to use her wings."

'Hm? Akeno is suffering from some ailment or disability?' Momonga noted the piece of information and decided to resolve it later- Increasing the fighting strength of his Peerage and their loyalty, or preferably both at the same time, would only strengthen him by proxy.

"Uugh, I don't wanna have ugly bat wings…" Irina groaned and pouted as Rias helped her bring forth her wings, which flopped lifelessly in her back. The situation was pretty much the same with Xenovia, who looked decidedly unhappy to have such appendages.

"I can, um, fly." Momonga explained away as Rias came to him. 'Issei was devil, and since occupy his body, I should have wings as well… but seeing how the abilities from this world and from YGGDRASIL seem to mish-mash in highly eccentric ways I should probably test the wings out in private before using them in public- if the wings come out as some undead-like variant, I'd blow my cover instantly… I wonder if it's the same for Akeno?'

Momonga cast a silent [Fly] before Rias could object, causing quite few of the people present to do a double-take.

"I… see. Right, I won't even ask." Rias sighed before going to Akeno. "Akeno…"

"I can carry you, Akeno, if you don't want to use your wings?" Momonga offered, scooping Akeno up as she looked like she'd want to say yes but couldn't due to peer pressure.

"Ara?" Akeno seemed a bit surprised, but went with the flow. "My, Momon-kun…"

"Don't mention it." Momonga noted before feeling a tinge of regret as Akeno flung her hands around his neck in a showoff-ish way, causing Rias to groan. 'Uh, I should have probably used something other than princess carry… Oh well.'

"Let's go." Lady Phenix didn't seem amused by the exchange, which was justifiable as the display was delaying the rescue effort.

The group of Devils, and 'devil' flapped off the ground and followed the now-bored looking crow.



The travel didn't take long, considering the speed at which most of the devils flew. Belial had to grab Xenovia and Irina after a while and carry them like sacks of potatoes on his shoulders as the girls had troubles keeping up, and the flight had gone from idle flapping to high-speed chase after the now-spooked out crow.

The group finally landed on the edge of a swamp, seeing that the crow had come to perch on a crooked tree nearby.

The fact the group had departed during morning didn't help the amount of revulsion that the overgrown swamp generated, somehow appearing both unnatural and repulsive despite the sky above being bright and slightly cloudy. The cover the the trees seemed to stretch shadows and block light, causing the day to be partly obscured and the sky that showed to the wetland below was filtered sickly green from the leaves.

"Hm, this foul mire is truly fitting for the undead." Lady Phenix noted dryly as her red dress was stained to her knee by foul-smelling water upon landing.

Gasper seemed a bit dizzy from having been in the sun during the flight, but it looked like the general atmosphere of the swamp was invigorating the vampire cross-dresser.

'Ah, negative energy, of course.' Momonga noticed the energy oozing from the swamp instantly. 'That means there are quite a few undead in here…'

Back when he had initially created the Undead creatures as distractions, Momonga could 'feel' the undead he had created like if there were invisible strings floating around his body, each corresponding to an undead, but it seemed that the sensation had disappeared when he had left the Underworld, appearing back when he had returned to it.

By proxy he could feel the string being 'frayed' if there were undead under the control of the undead he had created, and looking at the swamp, Momonga could feel that the string leading to the Elder Lich was practically overflowing with tiny frays. 'Just how many undead did he manage to create?'

It seemed that the answer came in the form of a group of arms rising from the swamp, grabbing and pulling at the landing devils.

A devil that was part of the security detail was pulled under the swamp-water as soon as he landed, a scream turning to gargle as his head disappeared under the surface, and a puddle of red swamp-water appeared where he had disappeared.

"Undead! Below the surface!" The swamp around the group was scorched dry in an instant as Lady Phenix flared and a wall of fire exploded outwards, setting the trees ablaze and causing the Crow to be blasted off the branch it had been perched on.

The area-of-effect fire ability seemed to only lightly scorch most of the people present, but it cleared the cover from the undead that had been lying in ambush.

"Kyaah!" Irina seemed to be freaked out by the sudden appearance of the undead, but her training as Exorcist and holy sword wielder kicked in automatically, allowing her to pull out Excalibur Mimic and stab the now-holy glowing blade into a carcass of the security-devil who climbed out of the hole he had disappeared into, his eyes sunken, pale and face lined with bites that looked like they had come from human-like teeth.

The now-undead nature of the devil was clear as his neck had been clearly snapped, with its steps hobbled by the fact of having most of its internal organs flowing out through a gnawed-open stomach.

The holy blade penetrated the undead devil and let a sizzle, followed by a hollow roar that was cut short as Irina carried the swing through, splitting the undead in two from shoulder to waist.

"Good strike, Irina-san!" Yuuto complimented the girl. The swordsman had brought out [Flame Sword] and had swept it in arc, causing the undead carrying swords and shields to catch fire from the blade's projectile attack.

Similar small fights appeared all over the spot in the swamp that had now turned to burning clearing. The fights came to an end, however, as the undead attack seemed to suddenly wilt, almost as if some overlying entity had decided to call off the attack as useless and had decided to conserve his strength for another attack with a different plan.

"This is worrying." Lady Phenix noted as the group formed a perimeter around her, Belial and 'Momon'. "We have been discovered already."

"It seems so." Momonga noted while the Crow he had created landed on his shoulder, indignant from having his wings singed by Lady Phenix's magic. 'Hm, this provides an opportunity…'

"I propose we revise our plan and split up." Momonga told the group, drawing a lot of stares and gazes that told him that their opinion was quite the opposite. "Our element of surprise was never going to be a core stratagem of our battle-plan. However we didn't believe that we'd be attacked instantly, which means our enemy must have the entire area locked down tight. That means, if we move as a single large group, we'll be easily tracked and if we push the enemy harder, they'll bring Ravel out as a hostage. If we play our cards wrong and push too aggressively, she'll be killed and turned undead to force us to fall back or destroy her."

"Assuming she hasn't been killed already." Belial noted, cringing a little bit as he noticed the look on Lady Phenix's face. "So, how would splitting apart help the situation?"

"Simply put, I can use my crow to locate Ravel, split from the main group and rescue her while you cause ruckus and make a show of being held back by the undead. That should allow our enemy the misconception that he's winning, and thus won't use Ravel as a hostage as there would be no need for it. In the best case scenario the enemy's leader will go to 'finish off' the main group by itself." Momonga crafted a plan. 'And it would allow me to get into contact with the Elder Lich first…'

"Can you truly infiltrate so well that you won't be noticed?" Lady Phenix asked while Belial seemed to be nodding thoughtfully.

"As long as you cause enough ruckus." Momonga told her. "After all, the stealth I can gain is proportional to the distraction you can give me. Moreover I feel that our enemy will be sending his best troops against you, after all we managed to clear the initial ambush with minimal losses."

The friends of the security team member who had been killed hissed a bit at 'Momon' for the casual dismissal of their comrade's sacrifice, but Lady Phenix didn't seem to care much as she was deep in thought.

"However, if you are caught, we'll have two hostages instead of one. Potentially three if Lord Phenix is also here." Belial noted. "You'll need some backup. Do you have someone in your Peerage who'd be able to back you up in case something happens?"

Momonga thought for a while, then turned around. "Gasper? Can you follow me and hide if I need you to?"

"Eep!" Gasper jumped as 'he' hadn't expected to be addressed so suddenly. "I-I'll try… I've had some p-practise…"

"Is she truly proficient in stealth?" Lady Phenix asked, a bit doubtful and Gasper wilted under the glare.

"...Your backup seems a bit scared." Belial didn't seem to be overly impressed by Gasper either. "Infiltration is not for the faint of heart."

"Gasper-kun is proficient in stealth, and he has an ability that should allow him and Momon to infiltrate the enemy's ranks easily." Rias came to Gasper's rescue, and Belial seemed to do a double-take on the gender-specific referral.

"Moreover, due to Gasper's specific, hm, racial ability, I have a feeling the undead might be confused by his presence. That should give us an extra layer of stealth... which I can exploit as well." Momonga paused as he considered the words that had left his mouth. He then turned to Rias to wave her down as she seemed to make the connection. 'I spoke too much… Oh well, Rias should be able to keep the information to herself. At best having her keep a secret will only reinforce her loyalty to me…'

Rias seemed to get the hint and just looked at 'Momon' with sad eyes.

"I… see. Very well." Belial coughed and got his bearings back on track. "Alright. In that case, go forth, Momon and Gasper, while we buy you time and forge you an opportunity to rescue Ravel!"

Gasper didn't seem to be overly enthusiastic, but nevertheless followed Momonga as the two groups parted ways, with the crow sitting on Momonga's shoulder pointing its wing in one direction like a resigned and singed road sign.



Rias felt incredibly troubled as Momon and Gasper departed from the group that started to make their way towards the center of the swamp, or at least what the local maps showed to be the center of it.

The Crow would lead Momon and Gasper straight to the enemy's stronghold, which meant that the two would have to take a long way around and try to sneak in. Meanwhile the main battleforce would need to head straight to the enemy's stronghold that the Crow had pointed towards, and stop to fight every enemy on the way, dragging the fight out as long as they could while also making enough ruckus for the enemy's leader to come out and investigate.

Yet, Rias could not help but feel troubled by Momon's explanation for the 'stealth' ability he claimed to have. 'He told me that he'd turn undead if he was killed, and since Gasper killed him before… That means he's planning on having Gasper kill him so he can infiltrate the enemy, and since Gasper is part-vampire the enemy would not think of him as one of us, specifically if he's with undead-Momon…'

The fact the boy was willing to have himself killed, even if it didn't spell the end for him, just to save Ravel warmed Rias's heart yet caused her quite a bit of dread. 'I knew he was a good person, but… to go that far… how far would he go if one of us were to die or get wounded badly?'

She didn't want to find out the answer. Issei had died once already in front of her for her sake, and she did not want Momon to do so as well.

"You seem troubled, Rias." Lady Phenix moved to walk beside Rias as the group advanced, the security detail the matriarch of the Phenix family had brought serving as scouts while Momon's Peerage, Lady Phenix and Belial served as the main force.

"I… I'm just thinking that Momon might do something drastic to get Ravel back." Rias bit her tongue. 'I… shouldn't tell anyone about his 'second stage', but, if I don't and they find out anyway, would they attack him too? There's a real chance of accidental friendly fire here… If Momon sacrifices his 'life' to save Ravel, and we cut him down because of his method… No, I can't allow that to happen!'

"Listen, everyone. I… need to reveal something to all of you. It's important, and I want no-one to take this the wrong way or act hastily, but… there's an important reason why Momon chose to undertake the infiltration mission himself, and specifically for going together with Gasper." Rias stopped the group, causing Lady Phenix's eyebrow to twitch in annoyance and frustration from the delay. "I'll make this brief, but… when Momon recruited Gasper into his Peerage, he discovered an important detail of his 'being'. Simply put, and again please don't act hastily, he does not die when he is killed."

"Ara?" Akeno tilted her head. "Is that why he didn't die when he approached Gasper alone? Gasper-kun has- sorry, had a tendency of accidentally killing anyone who was in prolonged contact with him without adequate protection or hadn't been introduced to him beforehand."

"Phoenixes are immortal." Yuuto reminded Akeno.

"True, but… it looks like Gasper was able to overcome his immortality and kill him." Rias gulped, ignoring the looks sent her way. "Momon… died. But didn't. Simply put, when Gasper killed Momon accidentally, Momon turned undead for a brief moment, but was able to heal himself back to life afterwards."

Most of the group did a double-take on Rias's words.

"W-what? He turned undead? And..." Yubelluna was shocked. "He… healed himself from undeath? Could… could he…"

"If that's true, then…" Lady Phenix was equally shocked. Then her eyes teared up. "R-Riser… Momon! Could Momon heal him?! If... "

"But, doesn't Momon have part of Riser's soul in him?" Akeno noted. "Would it stop him from resurrecting Riser?"

"True…" Lady Phenix seemed to deflate, while Yubelluna and Xuelan looked incredibly conflicted.


"What exactly is going on?" Xenovia whispered to Irina, who was equally out of the conversation happening around the two.

"No clue." Irina tilted her head while whispering as well. "Are they saying Issei-kun, um, He-ow, is undead somehow? How does that even make sense"

"I have no clue either. Let's just keep a low profile for now…" Xenovia whispered back.

Unfortunately, invoking the 'name' had caused half of the devils present to look at the girls, but luckily the group didn't feel like confronting Xenovia or Irina for the use of the 'word' so they turned back to their own troubles.


"Ah… Right, I don't know if Momon could heal Riser, but we could probably try… Anyway, what I wanted to say is that I think I know why Momon wanted to be the one to infiltrate the enemy and rescue Ravel- Momon can have Gasper kill him, which would turn him undead, and…" Rias continued her speech as the two ex-executors stopped their whispering.

"...And that way the undead already within the enemy's stronghold wouldn't recognize him as an enemy. Clever. That just leaves us to distract Kokabiel, which shouldn't be too hard, assuming he's here." Belial seemed to be impressed. "Honestly, the whole part about him being undead doesn't make a lot of sense, but if it's true, it's going to be a boon in our rescue attempt."

"Agreed. However his death turning to undeath is worrying, even more if he retains his personality and free will. Even a Phoenix would just die if their immortality was broken. Could it be that he is, actually, an undead who is alive, somehow, rather than a living being that is turning undead on death?" Lady Phenix seemed to connect a few dots. "But, how does his Phoenix part factor in? I swear I saw him regenerate in front of my very eyes."


"...Momon…" Yubelluna and Xuelan seemed even more conflicted now as the two turned to face each other after hearing the theory. "Is he the same as Riser? And if undeath could be healed, if... he could be brought back..."

"...L-let's just worry about it when the time comes, right?" Xuelan's usually cheerful attitude seemed to have evaporated like hairspray into the wind, replaced by a mix of conflicted and twisting feelings.

"I don't think that's a good idea…" Yubelluna noted. "What if, what if Riser comes back and asks us to join him? I already told Momon that I'd be with him, but… I didn't truly think Momon could… hold on, did he know he could heal Riser? He asked, 'what would I do if Riser came back as he was?'. Did he know, but didn't tell us?"

"...He could have been worried that if we asked how he learned that, we'd have turned against him for being undead…" Xuelan seemed to connect a few dots as well. "I… I'm not sure. I'd like to be with Riser again, but…"

"Me too…" Yubelluna bit her lip. "But at the same time, I don't want to turn my back on Momon… No. I've made up my mind. I've already told Momon this much. If Riser comes back, I'll tell him I'll be Momon's. Riser can challenge Momon for me if he so wants, and if he wins, then I'll transfer to his Peerage as a wager. I'm not a fan of being traded like a piece of meat, but… I have a feeling that if the two are put against each other, they'll reveal their true feeling about having us with them."

"...I think I'll do the same. Assuming Riser is returned to us in the first place." Xuelan seemed to latch onto Yubelluna's resolution, and used it to forge her own.


"Honestly, all things considered I feel we should reserve judgement on Momon no matter what he does." Akeno voiced her opinion, turning towards Rias and drawing the eyes of the group. "Remember what Serafall-sama told Momon? And how Angels now serve him?"

Rias's breath caught as she connected a few dots, and she almost fainted then and there. "H-hold on, no… I just… uh…"

Akeno seemed to connect a few dots as well, and turned towards Lady Phenix who seemed confused, so Akeno quickly recounted the story of the Angels in Momon's manor to the woman.

"...And now he has maid-Angels. Moving on, God-ow is dead, correct?" Akeno asked Lady Phenix, ignoring the outrage that came from both Xenovia and Irina for the question, and also from Asia who had been quiet until now.

"He-ow died in the last great war between Three Factions, slain by old Maous." Belial noted from the side, and Lady Phenix nodded.

The Church trio growled, but Rias picked up from where Akeno left off. "What if… if 'Momon' was undead from the start, but inhabits Issei's living body… And we saw Momon command Angels who referred to him as 'lord'..."

Lady Phenix seemed to hyperventilate as she connected the dots as well, while Belial frowned hard.

"Don't tell me, the dead God-ow has turned undead somehow and is now occupying this 'Issei's body and is calling himself 'Momon'?" Belial asked with a frown. "This seems… far-fetched, somehow. Shouldn't the undead be his servants then, if he has become Undead God-ow? Or is he still the old God-ngh, but just undead?"

"He-ow probably won't be able to control undead if this 'Supreme Being' has taken control of them from Him-ow, or if this 'Supreme Being' is a usurper of sorts. Or if He-ow is just undead, but not ruler of the undead. After all, He-ow was the lord of souls of the dead, Angels, and so on. Undead however, may not quite fit that definition. And I doubt Rapture was just him saying 'zombie apocalypse'." Lady Phenix noted, looking incredibly confused. "…Right, this is just… I'm going to need some proof."

"That makes two of us." Belial noted. "Still, if this 'Supreme Being' can control Undead and manages to dominate now-undead God-ow then it would likely spell the end for the Underworld as we know it. However, I'm somewhat curious- If this 'Momon' was indeed God-ow, his power would be far more impressive than what we have seen so far."

"Ah… Momon said that he doesn't remember much, just bits and pieces that are coming back to him…" Rias noted, feeling more and more faint with each passing word. 'No, I can't… This is a seriously bad time and place to faint, stop! I need to stop speaking, now!'

"So, we have possibly amnesiac, possibly undead, possibly God-ow, going undead mode to rescue a kidnapped kid from an undead stronghold, and we might get jumped by an undead usurper-or-hunter of said god-ow." Belial noted, then turned towards Lady Phenix. "I'll be honest, Lady Phenix, when you called for me to help I expected a simple smash-and-grab."

"Are you withdrawing your offer to help?" Lady Phenix snapped out of her stupor from the words, leveling a sharp stare at Belial who shrugged.

"Quite the contrary, you couldn't pay me enough or call enough favors to keep me from seeing this storm unfold." Belial grinned a smile wide enough to be called excessive. "I live for these moments! I expected to be bored out of my mind, then fight Kokabiel and stomp him, but honestly this is folding out to be better than any Rating Game!"

Lady Phenix sighed in relief while Belial didn't seem offended by the lack of faith on her part.

"R-right, but… I just wanted to let you know, don't attack Momon if he appears undead after he rescues Ravel…" Rias said, looking a bit white after her initial warning had torn itself out of her control and taken the reins, leading the group in a wild ride around their worldviews.

'Perhaps I should just stay quiet about Momon from here on out…' Rias frowned. 'No, wait, could it be that… being close to him has infected me with his ability to cause insanity just by speaking?!'

Rias stopped, turned around, reached for Akeno, buried her face in the confused girl's bosom, and let a long, loud groan into the mounds.



Momonga sneezed.

Gasped tilted 'his' head. "A- Are you catching a cold, Momon-kun?"

"No, I just feel like someone just said something outrageous about me." Momonga rubbed his host body's nose.

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