
Devil & Jaeger

Rin Enshino, a 4,000-year-old Assassin who earned the titles "Devil of Light" and "God of Destruction" for his overwhelming strength and massive power, now lives as an average student at the prestigious Aya Academy after the end of a 2,000 year long set of wars called the Disgraceful Baths. His oldest enemy, Elizabeth "Lisa" Forne, who's known for being relentless with hunting her prey, earning her the name "Jaeger" now tries to live the same life as Rin. Though later during their first encounter out of combat, their school is attacked, and their identities are revealed to the world. To add to Rin's headaches and struggles, Lisa decided to confess her love to him in front of their whole school! On top of his current issues, Rin is also tasked with facing a new enemy rising in the shadows, and an old one in the public eye. Rin’s life has only gotten more difficult as time keeps passing, but will this be the breaking point of it all?

Fortuneee · Fantasy
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6 Chs


There isn't a thing in the world that could bring me as much joy as soaring through the air as you jump from building to building and fighting. The thrill it brings me as my sword clashes against another weapon, my bullets hit their target, my fists colliding with the enemy and theirs colliding with mine. But as there's nothing that can bring me as much joy, there's nothing that can bring me as much hatred as killing. I, an Assassin, and one of the greatest ones at that hates killing. Isn't that ironic? I've never had a problem with killing demons but when it comes to humans, I can't stand it. I know it's my job to punish anyone who tries to take innocent lives for their own benefit and evil beings in general, but seeing the faces of humans as they're dying is something that would haunt a person with as many kills as me. I'm not even a human, so what gives me the right to take their life? I stopped being a human the moment I made that contract with the gods, and just like every other Assassin, I knew the weight my decision carried. Now, 4,000 years after I was reborn an Assassin, I have over 30 billion total kills, counting humans and demons. Every Assassin is given the choice to carry a count. Our count can represent a bunch of stuff like how many lives we save, how many people we help, the number of times we win a fight, lose a fight, survive a dangerous encounter, or even the total amount of kills we have, like me. The count we Assassins have can be found on either our Sacred Weapon or somewhere specific on our bodies. A Sacred Weapon is a special weapon that an Assassin carries which carries the soul of a human. These humans made contracts with the gods that allow them to live on as indestructible weapons serving Assassins who they choose to be their masters. I have 4 Sacred Weapons of my own: 2 long swords and 2 hand cannons. Why they chose me as their master is beyond me but despite that, I'm glad they did.

Humans were extremely weak compared to the Demon Race before Assassins were born. Once the gods decided to create the Assassins they also made the decision to give humans a way to fight back against the demons without needing the help of the Assassins, so they gave them magic. While humans have magic, we Assassins have elemental control. Fire, ice, wind, earth, lightning, water, and even the element of gravity are ours to control and master. Mastering one element alone takes a lot of time and practice, but mastering every single one takes years. As someone who spent 5 years mastering each element to the fullest, it's a long and hard process. While the elemental powers of Assassins are limited to the elements and nothing more, human magic has a near-infinite amount of variety and not to mention fierce capabilities depending on who is the user. Once humans acquired magic and Assassins were born, humans got the idea to expand their reach in the solar system. Mars and it's moons were colonized, along with venus and certain moons of the outer planets like Io. Though it only really benefitted the demons, as they now had more food from the new space to breed.

The Demon race is known for their infinite army that is constantly replenished as long as they have a Demon King or Queen in power. The power of the Demon King is no joke, they could easily eradicate humanity if the Assassins hadn't existed to protect them, and the highest-ranking demons and the royal family all have the terrifying ability to nullify immortality temporarily. Even if they used that nullification on a small part of our bodies, continued exposure to it would take away our immortality for days or weeks. But about 3 years ago, I went to the Underworld alone and massacred them, their entire royal bloodline, and their king. I'll never forget how it felt as my sword went straight through to his heart. Killing the Demon King meant that humans wouldn't need to live in fear of dying brutal and miserable deaths to the Demon Race.

The Gods, however, are a different story. No one knows much about them but how powerful they are. When I met them, it was like so much power was pressing against my soul to the point where I almost felt suffocated. I didn't see their bodies since it was too dark from my perspective but knowing the basic legends about gods, it's safe to assume they were likely beautiful. Every time they've been asked why they don't just fight the demons and their ruler directly, they say it's forbidden for the 8 most powerful gods to fight amongst each other. It's strange how they said, "8 most powerful gods" instead of just "gods". Most Assassins with bright minds think that there other gods who aren't as powerful and do other things such as granting wishes or protecting humanity alongside the Assassins. It's a crazy idea but very possible.

The events leading up to the death of the Demon King were the 3 wars between Humanity and the Demon Race, which we called the Disgraceful Baths, for all of the blood spilled between humans and the lives claimed by the demons. There were barely any breaks between these wars, due to the relentlessness of the demons. The final war was the longest one of the 3, taking over 900 years worth of time. During the final war, the demons decided to launch an attack on a small section of Europe, slaughtering the millions of innocent people living there. Because of this attack, a decision was made to launch an attack on the Underworld and try to kill the Demon King. The decision was made to send out a small group with human soldiers and a few Assassins. After realizing the unknown dangers of the Underworld, the armies of the world decided to send in one Assassin, me. Because of the immortality Assassins had, it was much safer to send even one Assassin than Humanity's greatest soldiers. I volunteered to go alone and kill as many demons as I could. When the armies agreed to let me go, I didn't hesitate to go down to the Underworld. It was the best decision to send an Assassin after all since it turned out that the entire place has a disgusting air that was impossible to breathe in until your body adjusted to it, a process that took days. Another thing we didn't know or expect was how fast time passed down there. To everyone else, I had been gone for 5 days, but in actuality, I'd been down there for 2,000 years. I spent 2,000 years fighting and killing. By the time I reached the Demon King, I'd already killed about 22 billion or so demons. I keep my count on all 4 of my Sacred Weapons, so I never forget who I truly am. I don't regret anything I did over those 4,000 years I've lived because I if I hadn't done any of things, or gone through the things I did, I wouldn't be the person I am today.

I still remember how humans and demons called me the "Devil of Light" for my skills alone and not because of my powers because when I used even a fraction of my true power things got really bad. The way I used my powers to cause destruction earned me my "God of War and Destruction" title. Any Assassin with mastery of every element has the ability to kill gods alone, but one with mastery over the elements and all forms of martial arts, breathing techniques, and is a good combat strategist is practically a god. Of all the names I've been given, Devil is the most common, with the title "God of War and Destruction" being a close second. Or maybe they're used just as much depending on where you are. But despite everyone I've ever met and fought, there's only one person who I've ever seen as my equal in combat, and they're called "Jaeger". Known for her relentlessness and fighting style, she gained the title of "Jaeger". Jaeger is the German word for Hunter, so it's a fitting title for her. She also had the secondary title "Flame Princess" because of her terrifying fire. We fought on opposite sides so many times and when we clashed swords, the only thing left would be pure destruction. I still remember the time we decimated the moon trying to kill each other. I always enjoyed fighting her no matter where we fought. Our conversations during the fights were "interesting" to say the least. They were the type that friends would have all the time and quite frankly, I felt strangely closer to her with every conversation and fight we had. Just the thought of us two being close creeps me the hell out.

One thing that I will always admit to is that Jaeger is the only person who I've ever seen as an equal. She makes up for what I lack in areas of combat and vice versa. I always take pride in winning my fights, but when it comes to Jaeger, I can't do that because neither of us have ever beaten the other. Our fights always end in ties. They always have, and they always will. It's like a law of nature or something. We've fought 897 times and not once have I lost or won. Why that is, is absolutely beyond both of us.