
Devil in Devils son in-law

Nova Wakes up to find himself in a world from a story he read, Devils son in-law. a world for the strong, only power matters. if your weak you will get used up and left for dead, before he gets the chance to worry though he thankfully gets a system. A DxD system in a demonic world, Nova beings his own story with knowledge of future events and aims to survive the approaching end times.

Pretending_Author · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs


[ Confirm purchase - Tier up - 1000 sin ]

[ total = 1000 sin ]


[ Congratulations on promoting to Demon king - rolling ability wheel! ]

[ Ability drawn - Balam - super strength ]

The familiar flow of power rushed in, and along with it comes a wave of pain that seems to burn my muscles. like ants chewing on my muscles, I short distance teleported a few times heading back to my house. head spinning and body aching like never before I feel like I am being torn apart and put back together just to be torn apart again. arriving outside the house I teleport straight to the bedroom and flop down on the bed.


Waking up, I stand up and grab my still damp shirt soaked in sweat, and pull it off, only to rip it straight off. fumbling around trying my best not to break things I get washed off and put on clean clothes but before putting on the shirt I look at my chest, the Balam trait seems to be passive I can't activate it in any way and I didn't get any new knowledge. looking at my current build I would guess I had a 20% increase in muscle mass, this body was already in good shape but now it's shredded. I have no way to judge my current power, I know I am a demon king which should even pass the current Athena, as far as I can remember this puts me even with joseph one of the biggest internal problems to the dark moon. but I believe that my actual physical strength is above that I don't know how much I will need to fight someone in devil king to get an idea or go befriend Paglio and if that works he should be able to judge my physical strength.

* Knock knock *

"Nova!" a muffled voice calls.

Walking to the door and opening it a short girl walks in like she owns the place, which she kind of does since it's Alice.

"Hello Alice, is there something wrong?" she is eyeing everything in here like she is looking for something.

"Hmmm in the books it says that..." hearing her whisper about some book I am reminded that this princess has been corrupted by this world's smut. "Ahh, no I wasn't looking for anything," she says with a bright smile. " I was wondering if you were going to be busy today?"

"Not that I know of Shea still hasn't sent for me so I am free." she looks at me a bit odd then I remember Shea is a lord and heir to the throne of the empire and I called her by her name. "Lord Shea?"

"Whatever it's not like I care just don't let my sister hear you call her name like that. if you are not busy you should come with us today I managed to trick * cough * convince Athena to take me to the blue lake and I would like to hear more about where you come from." if we're going to the lake that's where Paglio is at I should buy some food and drinks to bribe the guy.

"Sounds fun, how long till we leave? I would like to buy some snacks and drinks if we're going to be going out."

"Do you even have any money? your pretty much a homeless person, but I will buy you some food at the cost of three stories from your home world. also, we are leaving now Athena went to get the rhinos so if you want to get some snacks then let's get them on the way." seems its time to meet Paglio ideally, I would have more time to prep but I can't let them go on there own they may get eaten.


After Alice buys some food and gets denied alcohol I snag some into my inventory and we head to meet Athena. I guess it's hard to get alcohol when underaged if you are the Lord's younger sister and everyone fears her wraith. arriving near the gate we notice Athena strapping a saddle to a big beast, but on closer inspection, she seems to be doing it just to tune out the person trying to chat her up.

"Hey, Alice who's the big guy talking to Athena?"

"That annoying guy would be Alan, why are you jealous he's talking to Athena?" she says with a teasing grin "you don't have much to worry about she hates him since he tried to marry her by asking her dad without her even knowing."

"That's not why I asked, I was just curious who he was he's a pretty big guy must be though." She gives me a once over

"Speaking of big guy did you grow or something? at first, I thought I was seeing things but you defiantly look a bit bigger yourself."

"Maybe I have been feeling different ever since I came to the demon world, might have something to do with that." I have been feeling VERY different since I came to the demon world. laughing at my bad joke Athena turns to us and seeing Alice approach rolls her eyes.

"Alice I was beginning to think something happened to you, what took so long?"

"We stopped and got some snacks. where is Kia I don't see her?" she looks around and Kia hearing her voice walks out from behind one of the other rhinos.

"I am here princess Alice are we ready to leave now." she wants to get away from the male guard who was keeping her busy talking while Alan was hitting up Athena.

"Yea let's get going!" I step up beside Alice and give her a hand to climb up than hear Alan speak up.

"Princess where exactly are you heading I can send some guards to escort you for your safety."

"Not needed Alan we are just heading to the blue lake." Alan hearing the destination looks a bit apprehensive.

"Princess I really should send someone to assure your safety we have been hearing about some strange things from the blue lake I think the poison dragon might have woken up."

"Alan we will be fine we have Athena with us or are you saying your guards are better at protecting me than Athena would? and as far as the poison dragon waking up don't make me laugh it's been sleeping for more than two thousand years it has the light and dark lock of lord midnight sun himself." Alan looks over nervously at Athena who glares at him begging him to say his guards are stronger.

"Well who is he?" he says pointing at me then squints "isn't he the human that was given to Aldas I was there when he asked to use him for his experiments." quite a few people begin looking over at hearing human. I haven't had many problems with my appearance but I hope I get a way to disguise myself soon.

"Don't worry about what I do Alan and just guard the gate as you should." Alice sounds fed up with this guy already.

"Yes, princess Alice." gritting his teeth he shoots a glare at me like it's all my fault. I walk over and climb up on the back of the fourth rhino and am happy it has a saddle I remember that they didn't even give one to Chen Rui. grabbing at the reins I mimic my companions and off we go out the gates along the path. as the rhinos accelerate I am surprised just how fast these big beasts can go. turning to my side I make eye contact with Athena and give her a short wave and she turns back forward giving me the shoulder.


Arriving at the lake it lives up to its name. it is a very dark blue looking beautiful with all the colorful plants surrounding it. knowing these plants are all poisonous I check for sin to see how much is available and am shocked. not by the plants but by the super-rich sin the water is a huge mess of all seven colors and it's all blending and meshing into a mosh pit of sin.

"Beautiful." and I mean it, it's one of the best scenery I have seen since arriving in this world. I can't wait to absorb it though that's got to be a couple of thousand points at least. speaking of points how much am I at?

[Shop - Sin total = 325

Tier up - 10000 sin

Contracts advanced - 1000

Magic circles advanced - 5000

Garden - 1000

Temple of Sin - 1000

Evil piece

Queen - 5000

Rook - 2000

Bishop - 2000

Knight - 2000

Pawn - 500 ]

Evil pieces? how will those work? will it revive the dead like the original as long as it's done shortly after death? if so that opens a lot of possibilities, and also how much does it restrict the converted devil? lots of questions but no points to test anything yet I should buy a pawn and test it on someone I could kill after if it doesn't work out.

"It is beautiful, isn't it? It's too bad you would die from touching it or it could be fun to swim in it." Alice is looking around "let's find some jade dragon fruit and we can eat and Nova can tell us stories." going to have to be mindful of what I say in front of Kia but even in the original she never said anything to blood fall that got Chen Rui hurt. still need to be mindful though you never know.

"I can go find them for you, Alice." Kia offers and even omits the princess when addressing her.

"Ok Kia be careful." Kia begins to walk off when Alice brings out a blanket and some of the food.

"Alice I can go catch some prey so that we have enough to eat if you want." Looking at all the food I was curious why she wanted more than I remember she is a super glutton. odd I haven't seen any orange come off her so it doesn't count as a sin, but then again I haven't watched her eat a lot so maybe that's why.

"Do you need help?" I ask to be nice and she just waves me off and walks off away from the direction Kia is headed.

After some time Kia comes back and has quite a few fruits and Athena comes back with a big goat of some kind. helping her get some firewood and lighting it I sit back as she preps it. trying one of the dragon fruits it tastes like Pistachios.

"This would be a good ice cream flavor." Alice's ears perk up at an unknown name.

"What's ice cream?" She and Kia look over as I begin to narrate the absolute pinnacle of sweets. by the time I am done Alice has stars in her eyes.

"Nova can you make ice cream?" shouldn't be too hard so long as I can find some milk and cream.

"Yea I can so long as I can find some ingredients. when we go back later I will make you some but we should save a few of these jade dragon fruit to put in it the flavor would be really good." Alice took half of the fruit into her storage bracelet.

"Ok sounds good I can't wait to try it cold sweets sounds good." seeing her friend so excited Athena also starts to get in a good mood. " Nova tells me some stories from your world." the next few hours or so are spent with me giving a very brief rundown of star wars to the best of my ability. but just when I began to doubt if Paglio was even going to show up.

"So the old man with unlimited power got tossed and was presumed dead, but then came back by the use of clones?" they all seemed pretty disappointed with that turn of events.

"Yea honestly clones usually ruin every good story if I am honest." I start to feel a bit cold, then I notice the other three dozing off and realize it's happening.

"The story was pretty good up till that horrible ending." I look over to see a man with black hair and almost sickly colored skin but his physique is anything but sickly. looking back at the girls I notice Athena trying to resist falling asleep. "Huh you're tougher than you look, what are you? you don't smell like any human I've ever seen and I know you are not a demon either."

"That's because I'm not either of those." I smile as I pull out some of the wines I stole before leaving and as they appear they also disappear and I hear the sound of gulping. and look back up to see both bottles in the hands of the presumed dragon.

"Ahhhh It's been too long since I had any wine, the other fellows that came didn't even bother to bring any for me." he looks at me making eye contact "So no demon and not human, and you for sure aren't a dragon. What exactly are you?"