

{Eren's Perspective}

"W-where did you take my friend! All he did was protect me!" I shriek at the three soldiers cleaning up the blood on the floor

Armin: "E-Eren please calm down I'm sure he's okay!" when Armin says this, one of the soldiers laugh before turning around and looking at the duo

Soldier: "He assaulted a Garrison soldier causing him to lose his tongue. This can be counted as treason against the Garrison unless either the commander says so or he's proven not guilty in a trial which is unlikely haha!"

The crowd looking at all the Garrison soldiers with disdain as they were thinking about what he just said, the thought of the same boy who let them have the chance to feed their families being beheaded makes them furious.

Then the crowd of people starts picking up rocks and start throwing it at the soldiers while yelling things like

"That young man didn't do anything wrong, your soldier was going to hit that little boy!"

"Are these the people who are supposed to protect us?"

"Why are we in the care of you guys! Executing a child!"

The 3 Soldiers currently being reprimanded by the mob, huddling together while their backs turned and then a man in the Garrison uniform with a bald head that reflects the light and a grey mustache walks through the mob

???: "What is happening!" the man screams in a commanding tone.

Like their Savior has just saved them from being eaten alive they turn around saluting

"C-commander Pyxis, we were just cleaning up blood from a soldier and then they started rioting, p-please help us out!" one of the soldiers yell out

Eren: "One of your soldiers tried to attack me and my friend hit him! Now he's been taken somewhere!"

Carla: "Yes please help us, sir, he was just helping my child."

Pyxis: "Is this true? What caused him to try and hit you, young boy"

Eren: "I kicked him… but he was saying that more people should've been eaten and it made me angry so I kicked him" when I say that the man stares at my eyes before turning to the three soldiers

Pyxis: "You three! Two of you go get that injured soldier and one of you go get that boy for me."

"Y-yes sir!" then they proceed to run off.

{Akuma's perspective}

Inside the office room with Yurei still kneeling on the ground, the atmosphere is quiet.

'Sigh, I wanna get out of here..'

Akuma: "Yurei, I'm going to explore later, you have my report?" I say with a small smile.

Yurei: "Yes Master, currently in the Shiganshina District they're 4 squads of Scouts surveying the perimeter of Wall Maria on the North, East, South and West gates! The Military Police is currently on high alert protecting Wall Sheena!" and then he proceeds to tell me all sorts of information about their locations and purpose.

"Good job, continue your duties, as usual, inform me of anything suspicious. But it seems we have a guest."

Yurei then gets off his knees and sits in the chair facing across me, before I also sit.

Then a young man walks through the door and the salutes

Soldier: "Commander Yurei!" He says saluting

Yurei: "Yes? What is it."

Soldier: "Commander Pyxis has requested for that child to come with me to the food court!" He says while pointing at me

Yurei: "Alright, let us go." When he says this the soldier looks confused for a moment before disregarding it.

Then the soldier nods before I get out my seat. Leading me through the twisting and turning corridors I finally make it back to the square where I see a crowd surrounding Eren and Pyxis.

Me behind Yurei we walking into the mob

Yurei: "You have requested for this child Pyxis?"

Pyxis: "Ah yes Yurei, I have."

"Is it true that you were able to defeat a Garrison soldier by yourself?" with a face of curiosity he speaks.

Akuma: "Yes." I say with a flat tone, the crowd looking at me in awe, praise and worry then Pyxis says

"Hahaha! Interesting, that guy was Top 3 in the training corps. And you defeated him with one punch!"

Akuma: "Are you gonna laugh the whole day or finally say something old man, I'm getting bored"

When I say this everyone almost chokes before Pyxis coughs before stating.

Pyxis: "I don't know if you're just confident or that idiotic. Don't refer to me how you want. Where are your parents? 'Who does this little kid think he his?".

Akuma: "Are you stupid? They're countless children without their families here but you still act like everything is fine and dandy, is this our military force meant to support us or "support the king?"."

As I said those words everyone like a fire lit in their hearts starts speaking out

"I want my mother back!" A little child says

"Give me my parents back..!"

"My baby... My baby is gone!"

"My husband.."

When I say that I take note of the people speaking out like this, I have other plans for them.

Pyxis clears his throat and then he raises his hand, then he speaks out

"Everyone! I am deeply sorry for your loss, I am also sorry for these circumstances but I can not do anything to bring them back. All we humanity as a whole can do is fight back!"

Akuma: "Then why are all the trained soldiers protecting the king while he cowers behind those large walls, while us the people are being pushed to the front as cannon fodder? Why do the nobles have large storages of meat and delicacies?

And can you also explain the fact that the same soldier who complained about having too many mouths to feed had more than 5 loaves of bread hidden under his jacket?"

At this moment the whole square is surrounding us and when I finish speaking they burst out in anger and then like a phoenix burst into flames




The three soldiers are currently anxiously wanting to leave, Pyxis like he's regained his purpose again finally speaks.

Pyxis: "Yes... You're correct, the government are cowards and only want to protect themselves. Yes, they will do anything to protect themselves, including disregarding the people. I am truly from the bottom of my being that I cannot help.. I am trying my best. As for the reason why this soldier had food hidden I do not know but he will be punished.

I know you grieve so I only ask that you give me the chance to correct this?"

"And you young man, you've made me regain something I've lost for a while, we will regain your homes back."

Akuma: "Good, that is what I wanted to hear from you Pyxis. Now I will leave with my friends."

I say pointing at Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and Carla; "What are you standing there for let's leave?"

Eren: "Y-yes... Let's leave."