
Devil Hunter System in One Piece!

1 year after the death of the Pirate King, a young orphan wakes up with the [Devil Hunter System]. What happens next? Read and find out.

ArenFera_1870 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Mad Deer

Deep within the jungle lies a clearing. It was a clearing of flowers that flowed beautifully with the wind. This place could be seen as a spot of heaven. With the perfect amount of sun shining and the wind gently blowing, one can easily take a nap in these parts.

What one doesn't actually see is the many scratches marks that are dotted in the nearby trees and rocks. These weren't ordinary scratch marks but they are rather a sign of territory for one of the Jungle Kings.

The Mad Deer.

A deer that constantly sharpens its antlers to the point it can puncture an adult with ease. A deer that charges head-first into battle like a bull. A deer so mad, it even attacks its own kind.

Felix observed the deer above the tree line, his target from the system telling him that this king had ruled bloodily.

"Is that him? That's the Mad Deer king?" Felix asked his guide, his eyes noticing dried blood on its antlers.

["Yep."] His guide affirmed his suspicions. "What can you tell me about it?" ["Deer are naturally agile and speedy. This one has more bulk on its legs since the energy required to puncture a human adult is quite high. So expect a speedy charge as well as some slashes from the head. Other than that, be careful."]

Felix nodded and waited for his chance. An idea formed in his head on how to tackle this problem and he will use the DE in his body to do so. (DE = Demonic Energy.)

Since his outrage a couple of weeks ago, Felix under the tutelage of his guide, began controlling the DE in his body. Some are simple like enchanting limbs to be stronger, faster, or see better and have better reflexes. Others were odd, such as using the DE to climb up a tree or stick a leaf on his head for some time.

Felix's guide told him that this training was from a land of ninjas. How his guide knows of this, Felix didn't care as his control over DE was showing results.

Just then, an opportunity presents itself. Felix focused the DE in his body, specifically his legs and arms, and shot right at the deer at high speed. The deer failed to notice Felix at the last second as the small child climbed on its back and held it tight.

The deer thrashed about in a wild attempt to free itself from Felix's grasp. The boy held for dear life as the DE he controlled made sure that his grip didn't slip.

"Grgh! Hold still, you animal" Despite the grip, Felix's DE wasn't infinite, and sooner or later, he would be thrown out violently. So as much as his small arms and hands can muster, he tightened his grip around the Mad Deer's neck in an attempt to choke out the king.

The Mad Deer continued its thrashing, now bashing its body against the sturdy trees in an attempt to kill its would-be killer.

This continued for 5 minutes until the Mad Deer started to slow. Its movements were sluggish and its knees started buckling. For a moment, Felix thought that he was about to successfully choke out one of the kings of the jungle.

And yet, that moment proved to be what the deer king needed. With one last burst of energy, the Mad Deer jumped as high as it could and slammed into the ground on its back.

"Gah!" The sudden force and attack left Felix breathless and let go of the Deer King. The Mad Deer escaped from the chokehold and circled around Felix as an intimidation tactic. "Ugh, that hurts."

As Felix was slowly getting up, the deer found its chance and ran with all its might and aimed its sharpened antlers at its killer. Felix widened his eyes at the sight and poured some DE on his entire body and brain.

At the last possible moment, before the Mad Deer can kill Felix. The child had swiftly moved at the last second with his DE-empowered body and using his DE-empowered brain, Felix gathered the last remaining energy in his body and punched the Mad Deer with all of his might.


The impact shook the forest as the body of the Mad Deer flew toward a boulder and made spider-web cracks all around it. Blood splat on the cracked boulder as the Mad Deer, in so much pain, let out its final breath before peacefully dying.

"Hah... hah... hah..." Felix's breath was heavy but not tired. His bruised back was already healing with his regeneration as he walked towards the Mad Deer king's corpse and offered a silent prayer. "Thank you for the challenge, O Mad One."

(Apologies if this fight seems quick. I just don't like drawn-out fights.)

["You made quick work on that one. Good job, Felix."]

"Thanks, Sirius. That technique you taught me, the 'Leaf Technique' really improved my control over DE."

["That was all you. I simply told you how to do it. Let me just check this box..."]

[King of the Jungle]

[Kill the Blood-Soaked Snake]

[Kill the Mad Deer: Complete!]

[Kill the Blue Monster]

Felix felt pride wash over him. He had killed a supposedly king of this jungle with his bare hands. It was mildly tough, the only hard part was when he got slammed. Other than that, it was smooth sailing from there on.

[You should rest. Your DE levels are low and that means weakness. Do not show weakness ever.] Sirius commanded. Felix nodded and indeed felt his DE powers were drained.

Sitting nearby, Felix relaxed and breathed slowly. Allowing his energy within to naturally come back.

Sirius explained to Felix that his regeneration of both his body and energy is equal to his completion rate on the template. And after killing the Mad Deer, it got slightly bigger, by 1%.

Meaning if Felix manages to kill the other kings here, he'll reach 15% and get a new weapon. All the more reason he's eager to have his energy refilled.

(Sorry if this chapter is a little short. I just wanted to get this arc over with.)

So what do you think of the system's name: Sirius? I know, it's from that manga/anime but I was reading the LN by accident and just got the meaning of his name.

I'll be out for a bit, exams are kicking my sleep/deprived ass right now so hopefully, I'll be back with more Devil Slayer Template content.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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