
2 finding a base of operations and its first member

-Haru pov-

I was in the subway with my sister just prying that this will pass while I walked around as explosions were heard from above so I decided to start checking out the system I got

Me:{hey system can you please explain what one piece is or what a devil fruit is exactly?}

Ops:one piece is a manga published in 1997 Created by Eiichiro Oda the story focuses on Monkey D. Luffy—a young man made of rubber after unintentionally eating a Devil Fruit—who sets off on a journey from the East Blue Sea to find the deceased King of the Pirates Gol D. Roger's ultimate treasure known as the "One Piece", and take over his prior title. Gathering allies and defeating enemies

Me:{ok and devil fruits?}

Ops:Devil Fruits are mysterious, distinctive fruits scattered throughout the world, known for permanently granting their eaters superhuman powers and an equally permanent inability to swim. With only one notable exception, an individual can only acquire the powers of a single Devil Fruit and survive. Each Devil Fruit grants a special power to anyone,animal ,or object who eats it, from the simplest powers possible, such as stretching like rubber, to powers capable of causing large-scale destruction like creating earthquakes. Each Devil Fruit is unique, and there is no other like it; that is, there is no (natural) Devil Fruit that has the same power as another. These fruits are broadly grouped into three classes: Zoan, which allows a user to transform into an animal as well as an animal hybrid; Logia, which grants a user the power to create, control, and transform their body into a natural element; and Paramecia, which offers any of a vast array of strange abilities that do not fit into the other two categories.Devil Fruits have empowered many of the world's most significant individuals, especially among the Three Great Powers. This, along with their general rarity, causes them to be highly sought-after; single specimens may be valued at hundreds of millions in Belly or dollars and extensive efforts have been made to mass-produce artificial versions for warfare.

Me:{so since I ate one that means I can no longer swim and eat another?}

Ops:that would be true if you don't have me but with me by your side you can somewhat bypass those drawbacks

Me:{how ?}

Ops:training and learning but your current strength now you can eat another devil fruit or copy your sisters

I thought about the last devil fruit I have on me but I decided not to eat it since there's a chance I could get a better fruit and I won't copy my sisters fruit

Me:{ok but what about other powers that's not a devil fruit ability or is it only devil fruits?}

Ops:no it's…complicated but one of your rewards is the Rokushiki training manual so I'll start there

I decided to go back to Sam so I can calm her down since she was panicking I mean who can blame her for panicking since aliens are invading because of Tony stark

Me:{go on}

Ops: the Rokushiki consists of six basic techniques and a secret seventh technique that only a true master of Rokushiki can achieve. Furthermore, most of the users have displayed their own variations and derived techniques, allowing them to increase their versatility and originality. Also, certain users tend to be more specialized in one technique, such as Fukurou with Soru, Jabra with Tekkai, Kaku with Rankyaku, or Rob Lucci and Who's-Who with Shigan.According to Lucci, those who mastered the Rokushiki will have the strength of a hundred men. The overall strength of a Rokushiki user is measured by Doriki, which Fukurou can measure by using his "Te-awase." The higher the level, the stronger each technique's potency becomes.[4] The Doriki measurement doesn't take devil fruit powers into account though.Rokushiki is the main style of combat for the World Government's agents, in particular, CP9 and CP0. Some of the Marines have demonstrated its usage as well; Koby used Soru against Monkey D. Luffy,Vice Admirals Momonga and Dalmatian used it to confront Luffy at Marineford,Momonga also used Geppo against Luffy,and Dalmatian also used Shigan against Luffy, Vice Admiral Vergo used it on several G-5 marines on Punk Hazard and Captain Tashigi used it during her confrontation against Monet. The (non-canon) former Marines Z and Binz are Rokushiki users, with Z being able to master it and Binz seen using at least Soru.It is unknown exactly how much Rokushiki is spread around the Marines and how widely known techniques are, but it seems the most commonly known technique is Soru.Outside of the Marines, there are also others who learned the Rokushiki techniques, or adapt their principles to create their own, similar techniques. The (non-canon) World Government hating pirate Byrnndi World was somehow able to learn the Soru and Geppo techniques.Monkey D. Luffy utilized his Gear 2 mode to grasp the concepts of Soru, gaining an advanced version of it,while Sanji gained an advanced variant of Geppo that he can utilize both in midair and underwater

Me:{interesting} Rob lucci sounds like a pro

Sam:are you talking to your system?


Sam: you said that you had a gift package so what else did you get

Me:besides the devil fruits I also got 1 billion dollars,a monster egg,flame dial,another devil, and a rokushiki training manual

Sam:can I see the monster egg?

I agree and pulled out a weird egg and hand it to Sam and she looked at it Fascinated

Sam:it's beautiful

Me:yeah ….its been quiet for a while maybe the alien invasion passed?

I decided to take a look outside the subway station and saw a bunch of corpses of aliens and flying whales decided to take some weapons I turned into swamp and began absorbing the corpses till I felt like I gotten 23 at best and a few hover crafts thing

Me:that should be enough now better hide

I ran back into the subway and saw Sam holding a creature that reminds me of a Komainu but had a golden mane and white spots

Me:Sam the alien invasion stopped but what's that you're holding?

Sam:oh umm while you were up there the egg started hatching and this thing came out and Immediately became fond of me so I named it Alpha

Me: must've been the imprint effect anyway since our house was destroyed we'll have to stay somewhere else but now that we have powers we'll be hunted by the government so it's best we hide

After Sam agreed we went back to what remains of our home and salvaged a few basic items we found a backpack and put alpha in it for cover and one the way back to the subway I heard crying so I told Sam to go to the subway and wait for me I followed the crying to a little girl probably 7 or 9 at best with white hair on her knees in front of a collapsed building

Me: what happened

Girl:(looks at me with tears) I I I was in m my room when all this happened t then my mom took me out of the apartment and told me to stay near the a allyway while she went inside to g grab dad but then I iron man crashed through where my apartment room is and a explosion h happened

Me:it ok(tried making her comfortable) I recently lost my parents too because of iron man but because of that my sister and I gained a power by consuming a fruit


I pulled out the Moa moa fruit and hand it to her while she looked at it confused

Me:this is a devil fruit and before you ask no it does not take your soul but takes away your ability to swim

Girl:why tell me this?

Me:it's because I see potential in you and don't want you to suffer alone

After I said that the girl bit into the fruit and swallowed it holding back the urge to vomit

Me:(put my hand out)come kid there's someone I like you to meet

Ann:my name is Ann (grabs my hand) I hope you don't leave me

I lead her back to the subway where my sister was waiting with alpha and after introduction we went on the railway since the invasion broke most of the stations so no trains were going through and after a while we spotted a torn off track and saw it lead to a huge abandoned station which was probably closed off years ago but looks livable so now we have a base