
Devil among devils

Same story, a different Issei. Warnings! Extremely OOC. Grossly Overpowered Issei. Gary-Stu Issei. Plot? What's that? Characters from other series shamelessly inserted in an awkwardly random manner. Harem, of course.

Zero_Hand · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Vol 1 - Chapter 8

"Hello, my name is Sasaki Chiho," the brown-haired girl bowed to the class. "I've just transferred here from the nearby

public school. Please take care of me."

'Well, I suppose this was only to be expected,' Issei mused as the brown-haired girl took a seat next to him.

"How are you, Chiho?" he asked quietly, to avoid the teacher's notice.

The shorter girl smiled at him hesitantly. "I'm okay," she replied in an equally quiet voice. "Rias-senpai said that she

would explain everything today and got me transferred here this morning."

Issei nodded. "She asked me to take you to the clubroom after school," he told her. "You'll be meeting the everyone

else there."

Chiho nodded in acceptance before turning to Tamamo and Mordred. "I didn't know you two went to this school, as


"I'm glad you'll be attending here, Chi-chan~" the fox-girl grinned. Mordred simply grunted and continued staring out

the window.

As Chiho and Tamamo chatted quietly, Issei's mind drifted towards Morgiana. She'd been enrolled as a first year and

he was slightly worried about how she was being treated. He knew she could handle herself in a fight, but…

His gaze turned towards Masuda and Motohama. Just because those two happened to be in his class didn't mean

there weren't other perverts out there. And if any of them tried to touch his super kawaii imouto…

His classmates suddenly scooted away from him as he began emitting an aura of death.

Back at the apartment, Chachazero suddenly felt like laughing; so she did.

So caught up in her laughter, she didn't notice the shadowy figure silently land behind her until it was too late.

"Well that was certainly entertaining," Mordred commented as she led the group towards the clubroom with a spring

in her step. Issei trailed behind them, grumbling darkly.

"Why did I have to stand outside?" he grumbled. "Why didn't you do something, Tamamo?"

"I decided you needed the punishment," the fox-girl sniffed. "Siscon."

Issei actually tripped. "W-What did you call me?" he demanded.

"Siscon," Mordred agreed. He glared at her.

""I'm not a siscon!" the brown-haired boy growled.

"I didn't know that Issei-san is a siscon…" Chiho muttered. "I'll have to shift my strategy…"

"You too, Chiho?!" Issei growled. "Is no one on my side?"

"I'm on your side," Morgiana spoke up, making Issei smile at her warmly. "…Onii-chan."

She finally called him her brother again… But, why couldn't he stop crying?

"Welcome back, Isse- are you okay?" Rias asked in concern when they stepped inside. It seemed everyone was here

today. Even Ashiya was waiting for them.

"He'll be fine," the blonde-haired girl said offhandedly as Issei quietly sniffed behind her. "We brought your new pet."

Chiho stepped forward gazing at all the new faces nervously. "H-Hello, Rias-senpai," she said, bowing politely.

"Thank you for enrolling me here."

The crimson-haired devil waved it off. "It was nothing," she smiled. "Now, Chiho, I believe you'd like some


The brown-haired girl nodded. "O-On Sunday, you mentioned something about… devils?"

Rias nodded. "Yes, Chiho," she said, unfurling her wings behind her. "I'm a devil, as is everyone in this room."

"E-Even Issei-san?" was her meek question. The brown-haired boy nodded, but didn't unfurl his wings.

"Indeed, I am, Chiho," Issei said. "The man who attacked you Saturday night was a being known as a fallen angel;

angels that have fallen from grace due to their sins."

"But you should know, Chiho. When we tried to heal you, your body rejected the process for some reason."

The girl's eyes widened. "T-Then how am I still alive?"

"In order to save you, I had to reincarnate you into one of us," the crimson-haired princess replied, watching her


"So… I'm a devil now?" Chiho asked after several moments.

"You're taking this rather well," Rias noted. "Normally people panic when told they've become a demon."

The small girl smiled slightly. "W-Well, I figured if Issei-san is a devil, you can't be all bad," she answered sincerely.

Said boy smiled at her.

"I see," Rias remarked, smirking at Issei.

"And you saved my life," the brown-haired girl bowed to her. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," the redhead nodded. "But, it came at a price. The moment I reincarnated you, you became my


"So in exchange for my life, I have to serve you?" Chiho asked, her voice meek.

"You're actually quite lucky that Rias was the one to reincarnate you, Chi-chan," Issei told her gently. "Her family is

well known for their extraordinary affection towards their servants."

"Yes, welcome to my family, Chiho," Rias said with a warm smile.

"T-Thank you," the brown-haired girl bowed. "I owe you my life. I'll do my best to live up to your expectations!"

"That's all I can ask you," Rias nodded. "Now, I believe it is time for introductions?"

Akeno stood and bowed to her. "I am Himejima Akeno."

Kiba smiled his 'prince smile' at her. "I'm Kiba Yuuto. Nice to meet you, Chiho-san."

"…Toujou Koneko." The white-haired girl nodded at her.

"They are all my servants," Rias explained. She gestured towards Issei. "And Issei-kun is another high-class devil. He

is also in our club for convenience's sake."

Issei smiled at her. "Welcome, Chiho," he nodded. "I believe you've already met my servants, but we'll introduce

ourselves again." He gestured towards Ashiya.

"Shirou Ashiya," the white-haired man nodded. "Nice to finally meet you, Chiho-san."

"H-Hello, Ashiya-sensei,"

"My name is Tamamo-no-Mae," the fox-girl winked. "But just call me Tamamo~"

"Y-You're the Tamamo-no-Mae?!" Chiho asked in shock.

"The one and only," Tamamo grinned. She patted Mordred on the shoulder. "This is Molly Knight, but you've probably

heard about her under the name Mordred Pendragon."

The brown-haired girl's brow furrowed in thought. "Mordred…" she muttered. "I… think I've heard that name…?"

"Oops, guess not!" the fox grinned. The blonde girl growled at her.

"I don't believe any of you've met Morgiana here," Issei said quickly. The shorter girl bowed.

"Nice to meet you,"

Rias' brow furrowed. "Morgiana, huh?" she muttered. "No surname?"

"I believe I've heard of her," Kiba stated, though he looked unsure himself. "She was in One Thousand and One

Nights. Specifically, the legend of Alibaba and the Forty Thieves."

"Ah, yes. She was a slave, if I recall the legend correctly," Rias nodded. Morgiana said nothing.

"She was indeed a slave," Issei interjected. "But she was freed long before meeting Alibaba."

"Alibaba-san was a good friend of mine," Morgiana spoke, her voice quiet. "He, Aladdin and I went on many

adventures together."

"I see," Rias nodded. "So once again, the legend was distorted over time. I'm not surprised."

The crimson-haired girl stood from her desk and smiled. "Anyway, I welcome you to the Occult Research Club,

Chiho-san, and Morgiana-san."

"Thank you," Chiho paused. "Er, Buchou? You said that Issei-san is a 'high-class devil'. What would that make me?"

"You, a newly reincarnated devil, are automatically low-class," Rias answered.

"If it makes you feel any better, you don't have to stay a low-class devil forever," Tamamo offered, seeing her

dejected look. "With hard work you can be promoted to mid-class, high-class or even ultimate-class."

"What class are you, Tamamo-san?" Chiho asked curiously.

"Technically I'm still low-class," the fox-girl said. "But that's just because I've never bothered to take the promotion


"What?" Kiba looked shocked. "Why not?"

"Because I'm perfectly content with the way my life is now," Tamamo shrugged. "I serve my Master. Always have,

always will."

"I have served Issei-sama since the beginning," Ashiya explained with a humble smile. "I have no need for titles or

glory. I have dedicated my life to serving him and that is what I shall do until the day die."

"The same holds true for me," Morgiana added. "Issei-sama removed the chains that bound me and gave me wings."

Mordred grunted but nodded nonetheless. "I wouldn't mind seeing a little more action," she muttered. "But not once

did I regret my choice in following him."

The others looked awed by their unflinching loyalty, causing Issei to rub the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Anyway," he said, breaking the silence. "I think you should aim for becoming a high-class devil, Chiho."

"You really think I can do it?"

"I know you can," Issei nodded. Chiho looked up at him, a determined gleam in her eyes.

"Alright, I'll work hard at becoming a high-class devil!" the girl exclaimed. She paused. "Uh… how exactly do I do


"Well, there are several ways," Rias began. "The first way is the easiest, but also takes the longest."

"It involves granting wishes and making contracts with humans," Akeno told her. "The number of contracts you hold

proves your skill to the higher ups. Once they feel you've acquired enough, they allow you to take the promotion test."

"The second method is through military accomplishments," Ashiya said. "Doing great deeds during times of crisis will

gain you a lot of respect."

"This is the fastest way, but since we are currently in a ceasefire with the other factions, this method is a lot less likely

than it once was," Kiba explained.

"The final method is through Rating Games," Rias continued. "Rating Games are matches between two opposing

peerages. A peerage is a group of servants headed by a high-class devil such as myself or Issei-kun. They've

become a very popular way to settle disputes and are seen as a source of entertainment for others."

"…If you're good, you get promoted," Koneko said.

"Unfortunately, only mature devils can participate in Rating Games," Rias said. "I'm not yet of age, so that route is

blocked. That leaves us with the first method."

"So I have to grant wishes?" Chiho asked. Rias nodded.

"More like providing service," she explained. "The client will tell you what they want, and if it is within your power to do

so, you will grant their wish; for a price, that is. The price can be anything: money, items or favors owed to us. The

goal is to form a contract with the clients and have them summon us repeatedly."

"What kind of wishes do you provide?"

"Well, I get less jobs than the others, given my higher ranking," Rias said. "My contracts usually involve examining

cursed objects. Akeno's contracts are usually from executives of corporations. Kiba usually contracts older woman

who have him cook and clean for them. Koneko's contracts usually ask her to play video games or do cosplay."

The brown-haired girl nodded. "And what about Issei-san?"

"I actually haven't had a contract in years," Issei admitted. "We've been traveling for so long; having long term

contracts wasn't really an option."

"Understandable," Rias said. "Now, Chiho, there's more I wish to explain to you. Like I said earlier, the man that

attacked you was a fallen angel."

"That's right," Chiho exclaimed. "You said something about factions?"

"That's right," Ashiya nodded. "In the beginning, there were only two factions: Heaven and Hell. Back then, there was

open hostility between us, but no outright violence."

"That all changed when the original Lucifer fell from Heaven," Rias continued. "When he fell, he brought a third of the

angels with him. However, Lucifer sought refuge in the Underworld and became a sort of devil/fallen angel hybrid."

"But many of the fallen angels still viewed the devils as enemies and refused to join Lucifer," Issei took over. "When

Heaven demanded that they relinquish Lucifer, the leaders of Hell refused. Angered by the refusal, they attempted to

take him back by force."

"And so sparked the Great War between our Three Factions," Rias said. "A war between the devils, angels and fallen

angels. It lasted for eons and ended only recently with the deaths of our original leaders."

"Who were your original leaders?" Chiho asked.

"Their names were Leviathan, Mammon, Asmodeus, Belphegor, Beelzebub, Lucifer… and Satan."

"They were known as the Seven Princes of Hell," the crimson-haired girl said reverently. "…one for each 'deadly sin'.

Lucifer was the last to join them under the sin of 'pride'."

"Each of them held unimaginable power," Akeno said, bowing her head. "But one stood above the rest…"

"Satan, Lord of Wrath, the King of Demons, The Devil himself," Rias was practically gushing at this point. Each of

Issei's servants was smirking at him as he fidgeted uncomfortably. "He is said to have been the single most powerful

devil to ever exist; that his power rivaled that of God Himself."

"But… if he was so powerful, how did he die?" Chiho asked, oblivious to Issei's discomfort.

"No one knows," Kiba said, shaking his head. "Some say that it took God's own might to strike him down. Others say

he simply grew too powerful and destroyed himself."

"They never recovered a body," Akeno said. "So we have no idea what happened." Just then, a phone rang in the

background and the black-haired girl excused herself to answer it.

"His death may have brought an end to the war, but it was a huge blow to our people," Rias continued solemnly. "We

were left completely leaderless and at the mercy of our enemies. Only five of the original Maou had left behind

decedents. They were Beelzebub, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Belphegor and Lucifer."

"Beelzebub, Leviathan, Asmodeus and Lucifer's descendents took control of the Underworld and wished to continue

waging war against the other factions," Ashiya continued for her. "Belphegor's descendents were against further war

and refused to get involved."

"They may have had the same blood," Rias scowled. "But they lacked the power and talent of their ancestors. Our

people were decimated in the battles that followed. There were originally 72 great families among us known as the 72

Pillars. That number was reduced to a mere 34 during their rule."

"But by then, the other factions had taken heavy casualties as well," Issei stated, happy to be away from the subject

of… well, him. "The fallen angels were the first to retreat, followed by the angels. That left the devils with a broken

government to deal with."

"It was then that a civil war broke out," Rias stated. "The family of Belphegor gathered powerful individuals to oust the

'False Maou' as they were called. One of them was Ajuka Astaroth. He had invented an ingenious method of

reincarnating other beings into devils in order to repopulate."

"The then current Maou rejected this idea, however," Kiba said. "They felt that reincarnating other beings into devils

was a disgrace. They and their faction adamantly refused the plan. The Belphegor and their faction supported the


"Roygun Belphegor, the current head of the family gathered four others," Rias continued. "Serafall Sitri, Ajuka

Astaroth, Falbium Glasya-Labolas… and Sirzechs Gremory."

"G-Gremory?" Chiho asked in shock. Rias nodded, somewhat reluctantly.

"My brother," she said. "Anyway, Roygun's faction eventually defeated the Maou, with each of them fleeing into the

human world. They haven't been heard of since they went into exile."

"Roygun had the chance to become ruler of the Underworld," Issei said. "But he turned the position down. He stated

that it was time for a new generation to rise out of the ashes of the old." He smiled. "I couldn't agree more."

"And so, Roygun's four generals took up the mantle of Maou," Ashiya continued. "Becoming Serafall Leviathan, Ajuka

Beelzebub, Falbium Asmodeus and Sirzechs Lucifer. And those four continue to lead a new, modern Underworld to

this day."

"Wow, so your brother is a pretty amazing person, isn't he?" Chiho asked. Rias nodded.

"Yes," she said. "But anyway, we've digressed from what I wanted to tell you." The crimson-haired girl looked at her

seriously. "Chiho, although we currently have a ceasefire between our factions, there are still skirmishes going on all

the time. That fallen angel that attacked you is not the only one in this city. I need to train you to be capable of

defending yourself. At least until one of us can get to you."

"S-So you want to teach me how to fight?" the brown-haired girl asked nervously.

"Well, then this is pretty good timing," Akeno's voice called out as she re-entered the room. "We've received a call

from the Arch-Duke. We've got a stray devil."

"A stray, huh?" Rias mused. "This is good. Chiho. We're going on a hunt. I want you to watch us and get a feel for

how we fight."

"R-Right now?!" Chiho squeaked. Rias nodded.

"Don't worry, I guarantee your safety," she reassured her. "Issei-kun, would you mind accompanying us? I believe

she will feel more secure with you there."

"If you wish, senpai," Issei shrugged. Their group stood and began to gather around Akeno.

"Let's go," Rias ordered.

"What is a stray devil?" Chiho asked nervously as they appeared before an old, decrepit building on the edge of town.

"They are servant devils who have betrayed their masters," Kiba explained. "They break the laws set in place and

leave on their own. That's why they are known as strays."

"This one is particularly wanted because she's been causing havoc in the human world," Akeno said. "She's been

luring humans to this building and eating them."

"E-Eating them?!" the brown-haired girl squeaked.

Issei sighed. "I assume she's wanted dead or alive?"

"Indeed." Rias nodded as they entered the building. "Chiho, how much do you know about chess?"

"It's like shogi, isn't it?" Chiho asked.

"Yes, it's very similar," the redhead said. "The way we fight is based off the game of chess. As master, Issei-kun and I

are the «King» of our respective peerages. Additionally, there is the «Queen», «Knight», «Bishop», «Rook», and

«Pawn». As «King», Issei-kun and I can grant the attributes of these pieces to our servants."

"This technique is the very same method Ajuka invented," Issei explained. "It is known as the 'Evil Piece System'."

"Now, I want you to watch how we devils fight," Rias said. Suddenly Koneko tensed while Tamamo frowned.

"She's here," the white-haired girl announced.

"The smell of blood is overwhelming," the fox complained, covering her nose.

"What's this?" a voice called out. "There's something foul here… but I also smell something delicious… are you sweet

or are you bitter?"

Out of the shadows, a nude woman's torso appeared before them. Her black hair fell to her chest, partially covering

her breasts as her psychotic eyes stared them down.

"Stray devil, Vizor," Rias announced. "You have abandoned your master and let your powers run rampant. You will

now face judgment. In the name of the House of Gremory, I will destroy you!"

"Impudent little brat, aren't you?" the woman sneered. "Shall I dye you red, like that hair of yours?"

Chiho let out a whimper. Issei patted her on the head. "Don't worry," he said. "Often times, their bark is worse than

their bite."

"She looks pathetically weak," Mordred frowned. Tamamo nodded.

"Even I have to admit that," she agreed.

"You little pieces of shit!" the woman raged. The rest of her enormous, hideous body emerged from the shadows.

"A-A monster?!" Chiho squeaked as the woman began massaging her breasts. Issei's eyes narrowed.

"Ashiya," he commanded. The white-haired man nodded. Suddenly, magic circles appeared around Vizor's breasts

and beams of energy burst forth, only to be met with Ashiya's barrier. They watched as the area around them began

to melt as the energy touched it.

"She shoots acid from her tits?" Mordred asked, her voice deadpan.

"Definitely a monster!" Chiho exclaimed.

"Don't let your guard down," Rias advised her. "Now it's our turn. Yuuto!"

"Mordred, you're up." Issei nodded. The blonde girl let out a grin. "Don't destroy her in one attack. We're teaching


The knight scowled. "Fine," she grunted as a majestic sword appeared in her hands.

The two blondes suddenly disappeared. "W-What happened?" the brown-haired girl asked. "They disappeared."

"That's just pure speed," Rias explained. "Mordred-san and Yuuto's position is «Knight». The «Knight»'s specialty is

speed and melee weaponry."

"But their weakness is a low defense," Issei explained as Vizor's arms were sliced off. The blondes reappeared; Kiba

with a smile and Mordred with a disappointed frown. "They can be overwhelmed by a powerful attack if they aren't


"Koneko!" Rias ordered. Mordred patted Morgiana on the shoulder as she passed by.

"Your turn," the smaller girl nodded and stepped up with Koneko at her side. Vizor charged at them, her monstrous

body ripped open, revealing a set of huge, jagged teeth.

"Watch out!" Chiho cried out. Morgiana nodded at Koneko before leaping aside as Vizor enveloped the white-haired

girl in her jaws. "Koneko-san!"

"That's nothing," Rias said offhandedly. "It'll take more than that to harm Koneko."

Issei noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see one of Vizor's arms, which had been severed

by Kiba and Mordred, crawling towards them.

Suddenly, a hail of kunai rained from the shadows, impaling it and pinning it to the ground. He smirked to himself

before turning back towards the fight.

Apparently, Koneko had forced the monster's jaw open and threw it high into the air. Morgiana crouched low and

leapt after it, leaving a crater in the ground. With a grunt, the small redhead kicked the monster into a pillar, causing it

to crumple beneath her weight.

"Koneko is my «Rook»," Rias explained. "And I assume Morgiana-san is as well. Their power is simple, absolute

strength and defense."

"Their greatest weakness is their low speed," Issei told her as the brown-haired girl gaped at the spectacle.

"But Morgiana-san is the fastest «Rook» I have ever seen," Rias said appreciatively. "It was remarkable, really. Next

would be the «Bishop». Unfortunately, I don't have mine with me. Issei-kun, if you would?"

He nodded. "Tamamo?"

The fox-girl grinned, her ears and tail suddenly popping up. "Sure thing," she stepped towards the monster, who was

struggling to get up. "Sorry, but I can't refuse my Master~"

With a lazy snap of her fingers, Vizor was enveloped in flames. The monster writhed in agony as the fire slowly grew

in intensity. "Ara ara, is it my turn yet?" Akeno asked, placing a hand against her cheek. "I'm getting jealous."

"In a moment," Rias nodded before turning to Chiho. "Tamamo-san is Issei-kun's «Bishop». The «Bishop»'s strength

lies in her magic. Since Tamamo-san is a kitsune, her specialty is in fire magic. Akeno."

"Ara, what should I do, I wonder?" the black-haired girl licked her lips.

"Akeno is my «Queen»," Rias explained. "And I believe Ashiya-sensei is Issei-kun's «Queen»."

Ashiya twitched at his newly assigned title. The girls grinned at him. Oh, they would never let him live this down…

"Like in chess, the «Queen» possesses all the attributes of the other pieces," Issei said, smirking at Ashiya as well.

"This generally makes them the most powerful and balanced member of the peerage, bar the «King»."

Rias nodded as lightning began crackling around Akeno's fingertips. "And Akeno is indeed my most powerful

servant," she said.

"Damn you…!" Vizor howled.

"Oh, you're still quite lively, aren't you?" the sadistic girl questioned. She raised her hands. "Then how about this?"

The monster howled in pain as the lightning struck. "She is «Queen», but magic is her specialty," Rias said as Akeno

began breathing heavily from Vizor's screams of agony. "…and not only that, she is the ultimate sadist!"

"S-Scary…" Chiho muttered.

"Akeno, that's enough," Rias commanded. The lightning subsided and Akeno turned around.

"Oh, what a pity," she said in disappointment as Rias approached the downed stray.

"Do you have any last words?" the redhead asked.

"…Kill me…"

"Very well," Rias nodded. "In that case… Checkmate."

In a flash of red and black light, Vizor's body was destroyed, her howls of agony echoing throughout the building.

"Amazing…" Chiho uttered as the light subsided. Rias sighed before turning around.

"It's over," she smiled. "Why don't we head home?"

"Actually, our place isn't too far from here," Issei offered. "Why don't we head there? We'll treat you guys to dinner."

His servants looked at him as though he were insane. "Issei-sama, what are-"

"Relax," Issei said, a grin on his face. "I know what I'm doing."

"Very well, Issei-kun," the crimson-haired girl smiled. "Lead the way."

"So this is your home?" Rias asked as she and her servants stared at their rundown apartment. Issei grinned as his

servants looked away in embarrassment.

"Sorry if it's a bit small," he chuckled.

"Issei-sama…!" Ashiya hissed. "How do you intend to feed this many people?"

"Simple, Ashiya," the brown-haired boy grinned. "Our missing member has finally arrived."

The white-haired man's eyes widened. "You mean-"

"Yo," a voice called out from above. They glanced up to see a girl, balancing easily atop a telephone line. The girl had

long black hair, tied into a ponytail that reached her shoulders and dark, onyx-colored eyes.

"Ara, am I looking at a mirror?" Akeno questioned with a confused smile. She was right. Now looking at her for the

first time in over a month, Issei saw the girl was indeed very similar to Akeno. But whereas the sadistic girl carried a

constant serene expression, the new girl's gaze was aloof with her mouth forming a straight line.

She wore a loose, high-collared white shirt that highly resembled a kimono top. Though he couldn't see it, he knew

that there was a red and white uchiwa fan emblazoned on the back. The shirt itself was open to her waist, revealing

that her breasts had been tightly bound with white sarashi cloth and leaving the rest of her midriff exposed.

Around her waist was a dark blue cloth that reached from halfway up her stomach to her knees. Over this she wore a

dark purple rope as a sort of belt. For her legs she wore a pair of tight black shorts with a pair of black leg warmers

that left the skin of her thighs visible and a pair of thin black sandals.

The girl suddenly disappeared in a swirl of leaves and reappeared directly in front of Issei.

"Done gaping?" she questioned, a smirk on her face.

"Not yet, give me a few moments," he replied easily. The girl rolled her eyes and looked like she about to say

something, but was interrupted.

"SUUUUUUZUUUUUKIIIIIIII-CHAAAAAAAAN!" Tamamo cried, capturing the taller girl in an embrace, sobbing all

over her shoulder. "You're finally here! I'll never have to eat cucumbers again!"

"Oi, stupid fox!" the girl snapped, struggling against her. "Get off!"

Issei began prying the fox-girl off, smiling slightly. "Everyone, this is Uchiha Suzuki," he introduced the girl.

"Kawarimi no Jutsu!" she suddenly disappeared, a wooden log taking her place. Rias and her peerage stared at the

log in shock. "Damn fox," Suzuki's voice grumbled as she stepped out of the shadows.

"She's a ninja," Issei nodded at their stunned appearance.

"A ninja…?" Rias muttered. "I've never heard her name before…"

"Of course you haven't," the black-haired girl scowled. "You think an assassin would go around spreading her name?"

"She also happens to be filthy rich!" Tamamo cheered. "Ne, Suzuki-chan! Let's go eat!"

"Finally, some real food," Mordred grumbled.

"Sorry to dump this on you, Suzuki," Issei said sheepishly. "Do you mind?" He began growing worried as she refused

to look at him. "Suzuki, are you okay?"

"…yeah, that's no longer possible," she said after a while, still not looking at him.


"After the… after the fox and I were separated, I got into a bit of… legal trouble," the black-haired girl began.

Issei paled. "L-Legal trouble?" he squeaked. "How much did you…?"


"E-E-Everything?!" he shouted. His servants had all gone pale as well. "You lost everything?!"

"…if anything, I'm in debt." she still refused to look at him.

Debt. Debt. Debt. Debt. Debt.


Issei slowly sank to his knees.

"Well, I hope you're all okay with cucumbers and milk," Ashiya said as he began leading the way towards the


"This is all your fault!" Mordred snapped at Tamamo.

"Karma," Morgiana added.

The fox-girl simply collapsed to the ground, tears streaking her beautiful face. "WWWWWWHHHHHHHYYYYYY?!"

she cried out her sorrow to the heavens above. "Is it because I ditched her?!"

The blonde girl growled at her, grabbing the hysterical fox by the collar and dragging her towards the apartment.

Morgiana picked up their still motionless master and slung him over her shoulder, following after the blonde.

"Itadakimasu…" Everyone said unenthusiastically as Ashiya set their cucumbers on the table.

"Itadakimasu…" Tamamo muttered, though she made no move to eat. Her head was slumped onto the table. Issei

hadn't even moved since Suzuki had informed them of her new… their new financial status. Debt. Such a small word,

yet it seemed so big.

"I wonder which body parts sell for the most…?" he muttered. "…Perhaps I have a use for Chachazero after all…"

"Now that you mention it, today as been remarkably pleasant," Ashiya remarked. "Where is she anyway?"

"Oh, her?" Suzuki shrugged. She stood and opened one of the cupboards. Everyone stared in shock at the greenhaired puppet that sat, tightly bound by metallic wires. She glared at them all venomously, but said nothing, as her

mouth was taped shut with duct tape.

"W-Wha… How…?!"

"Ah, that's right," Issei muttered. "Suzuki is the only person that can control Chachazero."

The black-haired girl raised an eyebrow as everyone bowed to her.

"We acknowledge this power." They said in eerie unison.


In the cupboard, a still-bound Chachazero was thinking dark thoughts. All of them involving a certain black-haired

ninja dying a horribly painful death.

A/N: See? Told you I knew what I was doing!

Okay, I admit it. I completely made up half this chapter as I wrote it.

Uchiha Suzuki – (Naruto) – Suzuki was born as the illegitimate child of ninjas Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Karin.

The two were teammates as Sasuke traveled the country as a criminal along with two others. Karin was in love with

Sasuke from the beginning and constantly sought to gain his affection. Sasuke did not feel the same way and chose

to ignore her advances. Eventually, Karin, desperate for his attention, tricked Sasuke into getting drunk and slept with


When Sasuke discovered this, he was enraged. He scorned the woman and left her, completely disregarding the

possibility that she may be carrying his child. Heartbroken, Karin traveled alone and eventually gave birth to a baby

girl. She raised the girl into childhood, but as the child's similarities with her father grew, she simply could not stand to

be around her anymore. Karin left her child in a small village, alone and without a means to care for herself.

She was eventually found by the man who would eventually call himself Hyoudou Issei. The girl had grown up as a

thief in the slums of her town. He was impressed by her skill but pitied the reasons for which she used those skills. He

offered her a chance to live a different life. She was wary of him, but accepted regardless.

He unknowingly took her to her father's village, where they trained her in the way of the shinobi. She was labeled a

prodigy by her teachers. But everyone was shocked when the girl activated her Sharingan, or 'Copy-wheel eye'. It

was a genetic technique that allowed her to memorize anything she saw and copy any technique that she saw. It was

a well known technique of the Uchiha clan.

The Hokage, the leader of the village, recognized the girl's appearance as belonging to an old friend of his and asked

that a paternity test be performed. It was confirmed. Suzuki was the daughter of Uchiha Sasuke, who had passed

away in the last war.

And so she inherited the Uchiha's assets, which included scrolls for every technique they'd accumulated in their

library and a large fortune. She continued to hone her skills and became renown throughout their underground world

as one of the most powerful and talented shinobi of her generation.

But eventually, it came time for Issei to move on. Unwilling to part with the person who had completely changed her

life, Suzuki demanded to go with him.

He warned her that following him would be dangerous. She knew that her village would label her a criminal and hunt

her down, but she didn't care. She secretly left the village with him, the entirety of the Uchiha fortune hidden away for

her to retrieve later.

And so she continued to follow him. The person who had given her a life. And a family.