
Devil among devils

Same story, a different Issei. Warnings! Extremely OOC. Grossly Overpowered Issei. Gary-Stu Issei. Plot? What's that? Characters from other series shamelessly inserted in an awkwardly random manner. Harem, of course.

Zero_Hand · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Vol 1 - Chapter 4

"Please go out with me!" a black-haired girl cried out, bowing low as she awaited his reply.

The girl in question was wearing a different uniform from his own. It consisted of a red jacket with the letter 'P'

embroidered upon her breast pocket, a white undershirt with a red bow and a green skirt. Her dainty hands cradled

her handbag as her violet eyes looked up at him nervously.

'Well, this is unexpected,' Issei thought, resisting the urge to heave a world weary sigh. The girl was a fallen angel, he

could tell that much. But what did she want from him?

"I'm sorry, but who are you?"

The girl seemed to flush in embarrassment. "S-Sorry," she stuttered. "My name is Amano Yuuma. It's just… I've

watched you walking by a few times already, but I've only just managed to gather the courage to ask you out. You're

not… seeing anyone, are you?"

"Well… no," he said cautiously. 'Well, her story technically checks out.'

He had noticed her watching him walk home from school and at work. However, he was certain that he'd kept his

aura hidden at all times; the time with Rias and her peerage a few days ago being the sole exception.

But, he'd made sure to cover his tracks on that occasion as well. He was somewhat glad that Chachazero was still

somewhat upset with him and was currently at home. Most likely tormenting Ashiya.

"That's great!" The girl's face lit up. "So… will you?"

'Well, let's take a look at the pros and cons,' he mused.

Pros: He would be spending time with an attractive, hell, gorgeous girl. He'd always had a thing for angel girls; fallen

or otherwise. In fact, his past relationship with a certain archangel could be considered the stuff of legend.

He could also use this to discover the fallen angels' motives here in the city and why they were watching him in


There were also the girl's own feelings to consider. It was hardly uncommon for a fallen angel to become infatuated

with a human. In fact, having explicit relations with humans was the most common reason that angels fell. Neither

was it unheard of (though still rare) for a fallen angel and a devil to be intimate. In fact, Azazel had informed him some

time ago that Shemhazai married a devil woman. The eccentric Governor General had expressed his hope that it

would lead to further peace between the factions…

But he was digressing.

Cons: He knew for a fact that several females would give him sheer hell for getting a girlfriend. Hell hath no fury like a

woman scorned, after all. And knowing a certain fox's skills with maleficium, he held no doubt that she would exact

terrible vengeance on him.

There was also a high likelihood that this was all just a ploy of some kind, one that would no doubt end unpleasantly

for both of them.

As he watched her fidget, Issei realized that he'd been staring at her with a severe expression for several minutes

now. He was about to answer when he suddenly remembered something Azazel had brought up during their last


"A new organization has been moving in the shadows," the Governor informed him solemnly, as they shared a bottle

of brandy. "I fear they plan to disrupt the tentative ceasefire that we've established. They call themselves the Khaos

Brigade. And that's not the worst of it. I fear that I may have a traitor among my own organization."

"What makes you say that?" Issei questioned, pouring himself another glass.

"Groups of fallen angels have begun behaving erratically," the former angel sighed. "You know of my interest in

Sacred Gears, no? Well, I asked my fellow Grigori to help by monitoring Sacred Gear users... But these users are

starting to disappear."

"You mean they're killing them?"

"Some of them have turned up dead, yes," Azazel admitted, taking another swig of his drink. "The fallen angels

responsible claimed that it was in self defense, but you can understand my doubts. Most of the Sacred Gear users,

just up and vanish."

"That is suspicious," Issei murmured before downing his drink and standing. "I'll contact you if I discover anything."

Shaking himself out of his little reverie, the brown-haired boy smiled slightly. "Sure, I'd love to," he said finally. 'I can

only hope Tamamo will understand my reasoning.'

The girl, Yuuma, he reminded himself, smiled brightly. "Really?" she let out a sigh of relief. "T-That's great! Here's my

number, call me!" After writing her contact information on a slip of paper, she handed it to him with a beaming smile.

"I hope I'll see you soon, Ise-kun!" With a quick bow she ran off in the opposite direction he was headed.

Issei simply watched her disappear around the corner. "Indeed, Yuuma-san…"

"Well, well, well," a smug voice called from behind him, making his eyes widen. He recognized that voice…!

"Seducing school girls now? I thought you were better than that, Master."

Spinning around, he spotted a blonde-haired girl leaning against a nearby lamp post. The girl wore her hair in a

messy ponytail with locks of hair framing either side of her face. She was short, with him being a full head taller than


She wore a white tube top with blue trim that left the majority of her midriff exposed, giving him a good look at her

perfectly toned stomach. Slung casually over her shoulder was a bright red leather jacket. The only thing protecting

her lower body from exposure were a tiny pair of daisy dukes. She accessorized with a thick black belt with silver

studding. Completing the ensemble was a pair of black combat boots studded with silver skulls.

But her most striking feature, in his opinion, were her bright, forest-green eyes. They glared at him with a fierce

intensity rarely seen in today's youth.

"She was hardly a simple school girl, Mordred," Issei answered her. "You should have been able to tell what she is.

She wasn't even attempting to disguise it."

The blonde rolled her eyes. "I was teasing," she grumbled. "Lighten up, will ya?"

"When did you arrive?" Issei asked as he approached her.

"I arrived in Japan a few days ago," she replied offhandedly. "I decided to take the scenic route, though. Hope you

don't mind."

"There's not exactly anything I can do about it at this point," the brunet quipped. His ears perked up however, when

he heard the sound of motorcycles approaching them.

Within moments, the two were surrounded by what appeared to be a gang of delinquent bikers. Issei tensed as he

gazed at them warily. There had to be at least a dozen of them and each of the gangsters was glaring at him


"What's going on here?" Issei muttered.

Then, to his utter shock, one of them spoke up, "Yo, aneki! Is this guy givin' you trouble?"

Mordred waved them off. "Nah, he's cool."

"You sure, aneki?" he asked again, still glaring at Issei.

The blonde girl, who couldn't be any taller than 5'2, sent a menacing glare at him. "I said: he's with me, got it?" she

snapped. The poor man nearly wet himself as he nodded. "If I find any of you messing with him; you deal with me,


"Yes, aneki!" The blonde girl nodded.

"Alright, make yourselves scarce!" she ordered. "I don't want any of you bothering me. If I need you; I'll come get you.

Now, scram!"

Issei watched numbly as the biker gang drove off, the sounds of their motorcycles disappearing in the distance.

"Mordred, I… wha…?"

The blonde-haired girl threw him a grin. "That gang confronted me right after I left the Tokyo Airport." Mordred

explained as she began walking away, beckoning him to follow her. "They thought I was a helpless little foreign girl

and tried to intimidate me into coming with them."

As the girl spoke, she led him around the corner where a sleek, red and black motorcycle sat waiting. The nearby

pedestrians seemed to avoid walking near the bike and began walking faster as they spotted Mordred.

"Of course, I wasn't going to have any of that," the blonde continued. "So, I beat the shit out of them. You should have

been there. It was glorious." She slipped her red jacket on and donned a pair of dark sunglasses. "They were so

moved by my sheer superiority that they dubbed me their new leader."

Issei felt like face palming, so he did. "Mordred Pendragon, heir to the throne of Camelot and Knight of the Round

Table: leader of a motorcycle gang." He heaved a world-weary sigh. "Why does this not surprise me?"

The girl merely shrugged before swinging a leg over her mighty steed and revving the engine. "Hop on, Master," she

urged. "Just tell me where to go."

He did so with another sigh. He was too tired to argue with her. He could only hope Tamamo would take the news

about Yuuma well.

"You WHAT?"

God damn it. "I said: I agreed to be her boyfriend," Issei said tiredly as he, Tamamo, Mordred and Ashiya sat around

the kotatsu with their tea. Chachazero sat on the kitchen counter, getting her kicks from their argument.

"And just why would you do that?" the fox-girl demanded, crossing her arms.

Issei tried to ignore the way her breasts heaved. He failed, much to her delight. She remained peeved at him,

however. Mordred glanced down at her own A-cup and scowled, which she promptly hid by taking a sip of her tea.

Rubbing his temples, Issei replied wearily. "I told you all about this new organization called the 'Khaos Brigade',

right?" At their nods, he continued. "Well, their actions so far have not been in favor of maintaining peace between the

factions. According to Azazel, members of the Grigori have begun behaving strangely. Sacred Gear users are

vanishing and he fears there may be a traitor among his organization that is responsible."

"And you intend to use this fallen angel girl to try and gleam information on who this traitor is," Ashiya deducted. Issei


"It's very likely that the lower ranking fallen are simply pawns being used by a higher power," he explained. "If I can

get a name, Azazel can handle the rest."

"Ah, mou..." Tamamo whined. "Fine! But you have to take me out on date after you're done! I believe I'm entitled to it;

considering that I've been unfailingly loyal. Not to mention utterly adorable."

"I'll see what I can do," Issei sighed. An evil glint entered in the fox-girl's eyes.

"Ah, but if you don't, terrible things shall await you," she whispered ominously. "Though, I suppose it would be rather

inconvenient for you to fall down a flight of stairs and break both your legs, so that's out. Hmm… waking up in the

morning as a potato bug would be fitting… but that's way too gross, so that's out, too…"

Issei could feel a cold chill riding up his spine as she spoke.

"Ah, but nothing screams 'divine punishment' quite like dysentery caused by eating moldy bread!"

"That would be a good plan," Ashiya nodded. "If we could afford bread."

Immediately, Tamamo went from vengeful to depressed, as Ashiya reminded her of their financial status. "Mou," she

cried, wiping her eyes and turning to the blonde knight sitting across from her. "Why'd it have to be you that showed

up? Why couldn't it have been Suzuki?"

Mordred gave her a harsh glare. "You got a problem with me?" she growled.

"Ohoho, if it weren't for you, I could be living in the lap of luxury, little girl."


If possible, Mordred's glare intensified. "You…!"

Issei sighed. "Ashiya…"

The white-haired man nodded before walking over and smacking their heads against each other.

"Ow!" the two girls cried, looking up at him with tears in their eyes.

"Enough bickering!" he snapped. "You're troubling Issei-sama!"

"Ah, before I forget, Mordred," Issei stood and walked over to one of the kitchen drawers. He withdrew the

appropriate identification papers and handed them to the blonde girl. "You'll be attending Kuoh Academy with us

tomorrow. I've already arranged a uniform in your size."

The knight frowned as she looked over her new ID. "Molly Knight?" she sneered.

"Blame Ashiya," Issei and Tamamo replied in unison.


"Wait a minute," Mordred's eyes widened as she glanced at Tamamo, who was still clad in her uniform. "You mean I

have to wear that?"

"Is something wrong?"

"It's so… perverted!"

The others looked at her as though she were insane. "Mordred," Issei said irritably. "You're wearing even less than

that right now!"

"But… look at it…!"

"Aw, the little girl is afraid of skirts," Tamamo giggled. She did a little twirl, giving a tantalizing look at her panties.

They were black; with lace. "It's fine, we can probably get you a boy's uniform."

The blonde girl nodded in satisfaction. "Good, I-"

"Besides," the fox-girl cooed. "I'd rather have Master's attention all to myself~" Mordred froze. "Master loves this

uniform, right? Don't you think Tamamo looks sooo adorable~"

Issei coughed nervously as the fox-girl sauntered over to him, her hips swaying in a hypnotic manner. Her ears

suddenly propped up and a single tail burst out from her lower back. The tail emerged from beneath her skirt, causing

it to hike up dangerously. The appendage wrapped itself around his wrist, preventing escape.

"…ear it…"

"Hmm…?" Tamamo hummed as she slowly wrapped her arms around Issei's neck. "Did you say something little girl?"

"…'ll wear it…"

"Oh, Master…"

"I said I'll wear it! I'LL WEAR IT!" the blonde girl finally shouted, her face turning red. Whether from anger or

embarrassment, Issei was unsure. "Get off of him!"

"Hmm… I don't think I will~" Tamamo giggled before tilting her head up and kissing him deeply.

Behind her, Mordred began shaking, as she slowly lowered her head until her bangs shadowed her eyes. "Master…"

she began, as something began taking shape in her right hand. "Which would you prefer? A fox-fur coat or a hat?"

With a shriek of rage, the blonde tightened her grip on the fully formed sword and leapt at the fox-girl. Tamamo

immediately summoned a magic circle in retaliation.

In her corner, Chachazero watched the escalating fight and laughed with psychotic glee.

A/N: Holy shit I had a lot of fun writing this one. It practically wrote itself.

And so another of Issei's servants appears!

Molly Knight/Mordred Pendragon – (Fate/Apocrypha) – The 'son' of the King Arthur, or should I say Arturia?

Mordred was conceived between Arturia and her sister Morgan le Fay through unorthodox means. Morgan had

blackmailed Merlin into turning Arturia into a pseudo-male. Morgan then used magic to extract sperm from the nowmale Arturia and created a homunculus clone of Arturia. She named the child Mordred. Due to her nature as a

homunculus, Mordred grew much faster than other children but also possessed a shorter lifespan. Told that the

throne was rightfully hers, Morgan bid Mordred to take her the King's place. And though Mordred shared that desire,

before that came her adoration to the King. Ashamed of her twisted birth, Mordred envied normal people and

worshipped the 'perfect king'. Given a helmet she was told to never remove, she ventured to Camelot and joined the

Knights of the Round Table.

She protected the way of the knight, all the while continuing to hide her dislike of others. However, even that came to

an end when her mother, Morgan finally revealed the truth of her dark birth. While shocked, she was overjoyed. While

not a proper human being, she shared the same blood as her beloved King. She felt that in name, mind and body,

she was fit to be the true successor of the King. And so she went, without the slightest feelings of rebellion, spurred

on by the truth, and approached the King with delight.

The King rejected her. She was told that she could not be 'his son' and could not be the heir to the throne. Her love

and childish worship of the King died then. Believing that the King rejected her because of her inhuman nature, she

left Camelot only to return as the leader of its conquerors.

The two met on the field of battle. King and knight. Father and son… Mother and daughter. The two faced each other

on a hill of swords. Mordred pointed out that Camelot was gone and that the victor no longer mattered because there

was nothing left. Blaming the King, Mordred asked if the King hated the 'son of Morgan' that much. Arturia

emotionlessly replied. "Not once did I despise you. There was only one reason I would not give you the throne. You

did not have the capacity of a king." The two charged forward to meet each other. Mordred was bested by her 'father'.

Freed of the mask forced upon her, with a face identical to her 'father', she spoke her final words. "…Father…" all the

while reaching out to touch the King at least once, but was not even granted that wish as she fell. Being bound by a

powerful curse, Mordred still swung her sword even as her strength left her and mortally wounded Arturia.

As the King staggered away, Mordred was left, dying upon a hill of swords. As she cried out her anguish, she heard a

voice. To the stricken girl, it was the most beautiful voice she had ever heard. The voice asked her if she happy with

the way she had lived her life. Of course she wasn't! Her entire life had been a lie. Always alone. Manipulated by

those around her. Envying those around her. Always alone…

The voice spoke again. It offered her a second chance. A new life. It promised to care for her as though she were his

own. It offered her love and warmth. The chance to live her life the way she saw fit. To not be manipulated and not be

judged for what she is.

But it also warned her. That while he would never judge her, others would. She may come to regret her decision

should she agree. She would be binding herself to servitude, to an unknown entity.

But as the last of her strength left her and her body grew cold, she whispered the one word that would forever change

her Fate.


And for the first time in her bitterly cold life… she felt warmth.

A/N2: So did that back-story completely kill the mood or what?


Make sure to check my profile for character reference. If you want to know what they look like, I've got links

on my profile.

Also, I need some character ideas, guys.

Just note that these positions are already filled:


1 Bishop

1 Knight

1 Rook

And at least 1 Pawn. I'm still considering how many pawns I want this character to be worth.

And for all I know I might just retcon everything.