
Devil among devils

Same story, a different Issei. Warnings! Extremely OOC. Grossly Overpowered Issei. Gary-Stu Issei. Plot? What's that? Characters from other series shamelessly inserted in an awkwardly random manner. Harem, of course.

Zero_Hand · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Vol 1 - Chapter 2

"I'm back!" Issei called out as he and Chachazero stepped into their apartment.

"Welcome home, Issei-sama!" Ashiya called out in return. The brown-haired boy slid his shoes off and entered the

sole room of their apartment. "Did anything of interest happen today?"

"There seems to be quite a few devils attending the school," Issei replied as Chachazero hopped off his head and

onto the kotatsu.

"Most of them seem low-class in terms of power," the puppet continued for him. "Though two of them seemed midclass. We believe they are pure-blooded devils, with the others being their servants."

"Ah, the 'Evil Piece' system, as I recall," Ashiya commented as he took his own seat at the kotatsu. He reached into

his back pocket, revealing an envelope. "Issei-sama, we've received a missive from the others."

Issei took the proffered message and read for several moments before nodding. "The others will be arriving in short


"Where'd they all go anyway?" the green-haired puppet asked curiously.

"Well, when we had to flee the country," Issei began, prompting the puppet to cock her head in faux innocence. "We

were forced to scatter."

"Really?" Chachazero muttered, rubbing her tiny chin. "I don't remember any of that…"

"I believe you were too busy trying to kill everything around you to notice," the brown-haired boy deadpanned.

"Ah, yes," the doll nodded, a nostalgic smile on her face. "That I remember."

Issei let out a sigh. "Well, anyway-"

"I'm home!" a voice called out, causing all three to freeze. As one, they turned to see Ashiya standing at the doorway

with a stunned expression on his face. His arms were laden with groceries from the hundred-yen store.

"Ashiya?" Issei questioned in surprise. He turned back to the white-haired man sitting across from him, his eyes

narrowed. "Tamamo…!"

'Ashiya' let out a playful smirk before being enveloped in a cloud of smoke.


When the smoke cleared, 'Ashiya' had disappeared. In his place sat a beautiful girl with light reddish-pink hair and

mischievous amber eyes. Her hair was tied into long pigtails using a large blue ribbon. She wore a dark blue and

black kimono that left her shoulders completely exposed and gave him an ample view of her sizable bust.

Her figure was slim and attractive, further emphasized by the elegant black and gold obi tied around her waist. And

though the outfit left her shoulders exposed, the arms of her kimono remained, in imitation of arm-warmers.

The kimono itself cut off at her upper thigh, giving him a good look at the milky skin of her legs before it gave way to

dark purple stockings. And though she currently wore no shoes, Issei knew she kept a pair of elegant black geta


However, her most exotic features were by far the canine-esque ears jutting from the top of her head. That, as well as

the long, bushy tail that was currently swaying behind her in amusement.

"Guilty as charged, Master," Tamamo giggled.

"Oh, great," Chachazero groaned. "The fox-girl."

The only sign she heard the puppet was the twitching of her ears. Instead, the fox-girl latched onto Issei's arm,

pressing her breasts against him provocatively. "Oh, I missed you so much, Master!"

Issei smiled wanly. "I missed you, too," he replied before carefully removing himself from her grip. In the background,

Ashiya merely sighed before getting started on supper.

"Tamamo, I'm surprised you found us so quickly. And where is Suzuki? I thought she was with you when we split up."

"Oh, her?" the fox-girl asked offhandedly. "I ditched her after we escaped."

"You what?" Ashiya demanded as he set fresh cups of tea down before them.

Tamamo waved him off. "Ah, she'll be fine," she said. "She's a tough one. Besides, you pamper the others too much,

Master! You should pamper me instead~" She took a sip of her tea and frowned. "What's with this horrible tea?"

Ashiya scowled at her. "It's all we can afford right now, especially after our party last night."

"Mou!" the fox-girl whined. "You had a party without me?"

"Wouldn't call it much of a party," Chachazero remarked. "These two idiots were making a big deal about katsudon."


The puppet looked at her master, her expression deadpan. "You may be my master, but you're still an idiot." She said

bluntly. "Honestly, 327.65?"

"So what?"

"We were in English class!" the puppet snapped. Issei averted his eyes.

"Well, I wanted them to accept me without asking too many questions and drawing unwanted attention to myself," he

said. "So I may have cast a tiny hypnosis charm on them…"

"Well, that backfired spectacularly," Chachazero deadpanned. As the two continued to argue, Tamamo stood and

poured her undrunk tea down the sink.

"Oi!" Ashia growled. "Don't waste our resources!"

The fox-girl ignored him in favor of looking around the apartment with a frown on her face. "Why are we living in such

a tiny apartment?"

"Oh, no!" Chachazero muttered, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Our humble abode does not live up to the

standards of the great Tamamo-no-Mae! Whatever shall we do?"

"But of course!" the legendary kitsune sniffed. "I was the courtesan of an emperor, you know!"

"COUGH-glorified whore-COUGH!"



"This is only a temporary base," the white-haired man spoke up, sensing the impending explosion. "Until we can

gather our resources, however, we're stuck here."

"In other words; until Suzuki gets here, we're screwed," Tamamo asked dryly. She sent a dangerous glare at

Chachazero as she said this. The puppet stuck her tongue out in response.

"Well, if somebody hadn't ditched her…" Issei muttered, prompting the fox-girl to cock her head innocently. He rose

from his seat and made his way over to one of the kitchen drawers. He withdrew a large envelope from the drawer

before returning to the kotatsu and handing it to the fox-girl.

"These are your identification papers. We've enrolled you as a second year student at Kuoh Academy."

Tamamo took a look at her papers and frowned. "Maeno Tamamo?" she huffed. "Very creative."

"Blame Ashiya,"

"So, what's our source of income for the time being?"

"Well, I'm working part-time at WcDonalds. Ashiya is working as a telephone operator at some small-time company."

Issei paused, raising an eyebrow at the now giggling fox-girl. "What's so funny?"

"I-I'm sorry!" Tamamo placed a hand over her mouth in an attempt to stifle the sound of her laughter. "I-I'm just trying

to picture you asking me, 'Would you like fries with that?'"

The brown-haired boy quickly grew irritated. "You just wait!" he snapped "I know for a fact that I'll be getting a

promotion soon. That shall be my first step in climbing the corporate ladder and RULING THIS COUNTRY!"

"Master, you're doing it again," Chachazero interrupted his maniacal laughter.

Issei coughed. "Thank you, Zero-chan." The puppet nodded.

"So," Tamamo said, as though her master hadn't gone into a hysterical fit just a few moments ago. "I placed a few

seals around town before coming here. Already, I've detected supernatural movement."

Issei nodded. "As I told you, we've already discerned that there are two pure-blooded devils living in this town. Both of

which have several 'Peerage' members."

"Devils, huh?" the fox yokai muttered, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "My seals informed me that there are several

fallen angels moving throughout the city as well."

"The word around town is that the church on top of the hill was abandoned until recently, Issei-sama," Ashiya

supplied. "Apparently, a strange priest moved in and several other characters have been seen coming and going. The

fallen are likely based there."

"Any angel presence?"

"None so far, Master,"

Issei nodded. "Alright then, we'll continue to lay low and observe them," he said. "Hopefully they remain neutral. I'd

prefer to avoid having to deal with Azazel's nonsense. Just thinking of having to listen to him prattle on about Sacred

Gears is giving me a headache."

"And what of the devils, Issei-sama?" Ashiya asked. "Should we contact them?"

"I'd prefer not to, but I believe they've already noticed me," Issei admitted.

"No kidding, those two girls were practically drooling over you," Chachazero interjected snidely.

"Girls?" Tamamo smirked. "Ohoho, are you seducing more women, Master? Aren't we, your beautiful and ever-sowilling servants enough to sate your lust?"

"They were Rias Gremory and Himejima Akeno," Issei said, ignoring the fox-girl, much to her chagrin. "Apparently

they are quite popular among the student body."

"Gremory?" Ashiya asked in surprise. "Of the 72 Pillars?"

"The very same," the brown-haired boy nodded. "After some digging, I've discovered that the president of the school

goes by the name Sona Shitori. I believe that is a pseudonym for her true name, Sona Sitri."

"Those two are the heiresses of their respective families," Tamamo noted. "And both are sisters of the current leaders

of New-Hell."

Issei nodded once more. "Indeed," he intoned as Ashiya placed their dinner before them. "Itadakimasu."

"…What the hell is this?" the fox frowned, staring at the 'meal' before them.

"Cucumbers dipped in honey!" the brown-haired boy said enthusiastically. "If you close your eyes and pinch your

nose, it really does taste like watermelon!"

The legendary kitsune closed her eyes… and wept. "Suzuki!" she wailed. "I'm sorry for ditching you! Please, get here


"Mou… I'm so hungry…" Tamamo groaned as the two walked through the gates of Kuoh Academy the next day. She

had transformed into her fully human form before leaving the apartment. This left herself with a normal pair of ears

and rendered her tail-less.

Issei had to admit, she pulled off the uniform spectacularly with her slim figure, long legs and a sizable bust. Needless

to say, she was drawing quite a bit of attention.

"Who's that beauty?"

"Why's she walking with Hyoudou-kun?"

"Don't tell me they're a couple?!"


"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea…?" Issei muttered.

Tamamo giggled. "Aw, what's the matter, Master?" she asked teasingly. "Feeling shy?"

"We're trying to avoid drawing too much attention to ourselves,"

"Well, you already screwed yourself over on that part, yesterday," Chachazero whispered. She was once again

perched atop his head. "Face it; you're always going to draw attention to yourself no matter where you go. It's

Murphy's Law."

Issei merely sighed as they reached their class. He took his seat as the kitsune spoke with the teacher. The brunet

boy hoped that she could at least introduce herself in a normal fashion…

"Hello, everyone! " she exclaimed with a wink. "I'm Maeno Tamamo and I'm Issei-kun's mistress~"

'Of course not,' Issei thought as chaos ensued.

A/N: Characters will most likely be fleshed out later on when they actually meet Rias and the others. For

those of you who just can't wait, here's a quick character bio.

Characters introduced so far:

Hyoudou Issei/Maou - (High School DxD) - With the appearance of a young teenager, one would never suspect

that Hyoudou Issei is one of the most powerful beings in existance: one of the original seven Maou. Which one? The

most powerful of them all, naturally. Satan, the Lord of Wrath, the King of Demons, the Devil himself. After the deaths

of God, Issei, drained of much of his power, fled into the human world with only Ashiya at his side.

Knowing that his enemies both external and internal would take advantage of his weakened state to kill him, he

remained hidden among the humans. But the world moved on without God... and without him. Believing their leader

to be dead, talented young devils eventually rose up to lead their people. The world found relative peace without

him... and so he continued to isolate himself from his people, even as he regained his power. But, as Chachazero

said, Murphy's Law is a bitch and no matter where he went, trouble was sure to follow...

Shirou Ashiya/Alciel - (Hataraku Maou-sama/The Devil is a Part-Timer!) - Seemingly a young man in his early

twenties with grayish-white hair and gold eyes. Ashiya is Issei's most loyal and powerful servant. A constant

companion, Ashiya and Issei have been together for as long as they can remember. An extremely talented

practitioner of magic, Ashiya has used his magical prowess to serve and protect his master for millenia upon millenia.

He's also a damn good cook when given proper ingredients. (i.e. not 100¥ store groceries) Servant. Friend. Comrade.

World's Greatest Housewife. Ashiya is all of these and more.

Chachazero - (Negima! Magister Negi Magi) - An enchanted doll created by the beautiful and powerful Dark

Mistress, Evangeline Athanasia Katherine (Kitty) McDowell. A cute child's plaything, right? Wrong. Have you ever

heard of Chucky? Well, he's got nothing on Chachazero. As psychotic as they come, her blades have been bathed in

the blood of countless people; human or otherwise. Given to Issei by Evangeline in a failed attempt at courtship,

Chachazero is nevertheless completely devoted to her new master. And should anybody attempt to move in on him...


Maeno Tamamo/Tamamo-no-Mae - (Fate/extra) - The legendary kitsune herself. Long ago, she was known as the

most beautiful and intelligent woman in Japan. There was seemingly nothing she did not know. Not surpising from a

being that was created from a part of the goddess Amaterasu herself. Her beauty and knowledge earned the attention

of the Emperor, who made her a part of his court. However, the Emperor soon grew ill. A priest began investigating

the cause of the illness and after a powerful ritual, discovered Tamamo's true identity as a nine-tailed fox.

She was chased from the court and attacked by the Emperor's army. She defeated this force, but the battle took its

toll on her. She was defeated by a second force and sealed away in the Killing Stone, which would poison any who

attempted to free her. Years later, the stone was stumbled across by the man who would eventually call himself Issei

and the Demon King set her free. Grateful, the beautiful fox swore to follow and serve him to the best of her abilities.

And so the Demon King utilized his formidable power to reincarnate her into a devil. Even now, centuries later, Issei

continues to utilize her abilities to disguise herself from nearly all forms of sensory, cast powerful illusions and her

formidible youjutsu. Although skilled in senjutsu and proficient in the martial arts, Tamamo is more of a 'Caster' type...

A/N2: Fucking hell. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. Not to say I had much idea what I was doing
