
Devil among devils

Same story, a different Issei. Warnings! Extremely OOC. Grossly Overpowered Issei. Gary-Stu Issei. Plot? What's that? Characters from other series shamelessly inserted in an awkwardly random manner. Harem, of course.

Zero_Hand · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Vol 1 - Chapter 10

Issei almost had to physically restrain himself from strangling the man sitting across from him. Honestly, how could a

single person ever be so… so… bullheaded?!

"And I'm telling you," the brown-haired boy growled. "That Dragon Ball can never hope to compare to the sheer

masterpiece that is Neon Genesis Evangelion!"

"Oh, please," their client, Morisawa scoffed as Chiho shuffled awkwardly in between them. "Just look at the main

character! How could anyone like an anime where the main character is a little wimp?"

"And how could anyone possibly enjoy a main character that is completely overpowered?!" Issei demanded. He could

vaguely feel a sense of irony here somewhere but he ignored it.

Earlier this evening, Rias had asked Chiho to go forge her first contract. The brown-haired girl had been

understandably nervous and asked if Issei could accompany her. Rias had agreed and now here he was arguing with

some otaku/hikikomori over which anime was better.

He'd originally asked Chiho to cosplay for him, but the girl was simply too embarrassed to do so, so Issei distracted

him by commenting on his anime collection. That turned out to be a mistake. The two devils had arrived here in the

afternoon and their argument had gone well into the evening.

Honestly, he had way too much to deal with right now with their debt and the fallen angels. At least Phoenix had

promised to help them get their money back. Or at the very least get their kotatsu returned to them. But now he had

to deal with this shit!

"Alright, we'll settle this once and for all!" Issei shouted. Morisawa nodded at him and the two turned to Chiho, who let

out a small 'eep'.

"Chiho-san!" the older man exclaimed. "Which do you think is better?"

"Eh?" the brown-haired girl squeaked. "W-Well, I actually like Sailor Moon more than either of them…"

"Oh, you did not just go there!"

"So you didn't get a contract?" Rias asked, raising an eyebrow. The two devils bowed to her in embarrassment.

"Sorry," Issei apologized. "It was my fault."

"Well, it does say here that he had a lot of fun with you, Issei-kun," the crimson-haired beauty remarked as she read

Morisawa's review. "He says he'd like to meet up with you again."

"Is that so…?" Issei chuckled sheepishly as Chiho looked even more dejected than before. "Sorry, Chi-chan."

"Well, Chiho, would you like to try again?" Rias offered. "We have another request if you're interested."

The brown-haired girl nodded. "Yes, Buchou!" she exclaimed, a determined look in her eye. "I'll even go by myself

this time!"

"You sure, Chiho?" Issei asked. She nodded once again. "Alright, I'll prepare a circle for you to use."

"Alright Chiho," Rias nodded. "Do your best to get a contract this time."

"Yes, Buchou!" They watched as the girl stepped into the circle and disappeared. The crimson-haired beauty turned

to him.

"So, what's this I hear about repossession?" she asked, amusement dancing in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry!" the brown-haired girl bowed.

"So you still didn't get a contract?" Chiho flushed in embarrassment.

"He wanted me to turn him into a magical girl," she admitted. "I couldn't do that so I ended up having to watch magical

girl anime with him instead."

"I'm beginning to think you're a magnet for strange people, Chi-chan." Issei said from the corner where he was still

sulking from Rias' earlier comment.

"But I don't want to attract strange people!" the girl cried. She began muttering to herself. "I want to attract Isseisan…"

"Did you say something?"

"Nothing!" Rias sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"Well, we've got one more contract for today," she said after a while. "Do you want to give it one last shot?"

"Y-Yes!" the girl exclaimed. "I promise, I'll get a contract this time!"

"Please do," Rias nodded. Issei stood and summoned a transportation circle.

"Good luck, Chiho," he smiled as she disappeared.

Chiho appeared before her destination in a flash of light. 'Strange,' she thought to herself. 'Last time I appeared

directly inside the house.'

"Oh, well," she muttered, clenching her fist. "I'll definitely get a contract this time!" The brown-haired girl took

determined strides as she approached the client's place of residence. "Hello?" she called out at the door. There was

no answer.

Chiho twisted the doorknob. "It's open?" she questioned. "Hello…? I'm a devil sent by the Gremory! I'm here to…!"

She froze as a cold chill rode up her spine. Her skin began to prickle, as though the temperature had just dropped


"W-What was that?" the girl whispered. She looked into the dark hallway. There was a faint light in the living room,

likely from candles. "Hello?"

There was once again no answer. She was tempted to just leave, but the image of Rias' disappointed face kept her

from doing so.

"I won't let her down," she whispered. "And I won't let Issei-san down either!" She took off her shoes and stepped

inside. "I'm coming in!"

Stepping into the candlelit living room, she glanced about. "Hello, where are…!" she let out a squeak as she felt her

foot step in something warm and wet. "What is this…?" she rubbed the liquid off her foot. It was red.

It was then that the heavy, metallic scent of blood washed over her, nearly causing her to vomit. Chiho looked up to

see her client, crucified to the wall.

"Sinners must be punished." A male voice called out from her left. She spun around to see a white-haired man with

red eyes sitting on the couch. The man sent her a psychotic grin. "Well, like my handywork?"

"Y-You did this?!" she gasped. He giggled.

"Well, if it isn't a little devil girl!" the priest exclaimed. "Wow, what a treat!" he performed an exaggerated bow. "My

name is Freed Sellzen. I'm a holy priest performing exorcisms for mankind!"

"Y-You're a priest?" Chiho stuttered fearfully. He smirked at her cruelly.

"Well, I'm certainly not a shitty little devil like you," he cackled.

"Why did you hurt him?!" the girl demanded, backing away as he took a step towards her. "He didn't do anything!"

"He tried to summon a devil," Freed said offhandedly. "And since you're here, I'd say he succeeded. That's more than

enough cause to kill him." He looked at her with his insane eyes. "To destroy a shitty devil's face in the shittiest of

ways…" he drew a sword in his right hand and a pistol in his left. "Is my job... but…"

Chiho shuddered as his eyes roamed over her body. "You're a cute one, aren't you?" he asked lustfully. "I think I'll

have a little fun with you before I kill you."

"N-No…" she whispered as he approached her. Freed leapt at her, causing her to shriek as she jumped away. She

landed on all fours and began crawling away from him.

"Oh, yes!" the man shouted, panting like a dog. "I love it when they scream!"

"Someone help me, please!" Chiho choked, feeling tears beginning fall from her eyes as the man towered over her.

She suddenly felt a large presence in her mind.

[Do you want power?]

Issei glanced at the clock on the wall.

"They should be returning soon," Rias said, noticing his glance. Just as she finished speaking, a transport circle

appeared on the ground, a small figure taking shape.

"Welcome back, Koneko-san," Issei greeted. The white-haired girl nodded at him. "What did you have to do this


"Played video games," she answered as Kiba appeared behind her. "…got a limited edition manga for my trouble."

"And Mika-san had me cook for her once again," the blonde told them as he handed Rias a small wad of cash. "She

gave us this in exchange."

"Ara, ara," Akeno said as she appeared in a flash of red light. "I'm the last to arrive? I must be losing my touch."

Looking at her rather… erotic outfit, Issei felt he'd rather not know what she'd been doing. Opening his mouth to

comment he was interrupted as a bright blue circle flashed into existence.

"Tamamo?" he asked, noticing her wide-eyed appearance. "I thought you were at work?"

"Master, where's Chiho-chan?" the fox demanded, still in her cosplay outfit and hinting at the urgency of her


"She went on a job, why?" Rias asked curiously.

"Wait, I thought you still had tracking charms on her?" Issei asked in confusion. His eyes widened. "But if you can't

sense her that means…!"

"There's a barrier wherever she just went," Tamamo said gravely. "She may have fallen into a trap set by the fallen


"God damn it!" he cursed, leaping to his feet.

Rias likewise stood with a look of fury on her face. "Akeno!" she barked. The black-haired girl nodded, her face


"Yes, Buchou," The group gathered around her as she prepared a transportation circle. Issei glanced at Rias' face. It

was twisted in a mixture of rage and terror.

'Please be alright, Chiho,'

[Do you want the power to defend yourself?] the voice asked again. [Are you going to die here and be violated

by this man?]

"No, please help me!" Chiho cried. Freed laughed at her.

"No one's coming!" he cackled, placing his sword at her throat. She hissed in pain as it burned her.

[If you want to survive, you must stand and fight.] The voice told her.

"But I can't fight!" The white-haired man looked down at her in confusion.

"What the hell are you talking about?" he demanded. Just then, someone came through the door.

"F-Father Freed!" a blonde girl cried out in horror. "W-What are you doing?!"

The man twitched at the interruption. "What does it look like I'm doing, Asia?" he rolled his eyes. "I'm killing this shitty

devil here, just like that sinner over there!"

Asia looked where he was pointing and gasped, covering her mouth in mute horror. "W-Why?!"

Freed let out an aggravated sigh. "That man contracted with a devil," he explained impatiently. "It's our duty to judge

him for his sins. And this is the devil he summoned. It's our job to kill her too."

"But she hasn't done anything to us!" the blonde nun cried. "She's an innocent person! Please, just let her go!"

Chiho's eyes widened. This nun wanted to spare her? She felt hope blossoming in her chest.

"…Are you serious right now?" the white-haired priest demanded. "Look, she's not a person, she's a devil. We kill

devils. Understand?"

The blonde girl shook her head fiercely. "No!" she repeated. "Please, don't!"

Freed glared at her. "Oh, so you're turning traitor now?" he growled. "Then perhaps I should kill you as well as this

shitty devil?!" He lunged at the blonde, pinning her to the wall by the throat. His eyes trailed down her body. "But

that'd be such a waste… You have a very fine body, Asia-chan…"

"W-What? No…!" Asia squeaked, struggling against him as he began tearing her clothes off.

[Girl, this is your chance!] the voice shouted in her mind. [It's now or never. Stand and fight!]

Chiho scrambled to her feet. Her eyes dilated with fear as she watched Freed tear off the nun's clothing. "I won't die

here…!" she whispered to herself. "I can't die here…!"

"Oh?" Freed turned towards her. "Finally ready to fight back, you shitty devil?"


Suddenly the room was enveloped in a blinding green light coming from Chiho's left arm.

"What the fuck?!" the white-haired man exclaimed, covering his eyes.

"W-What is this…?" Chiho whispered in awe as she stared at the bright red gauntlet now covering her arm. "I feel…


"So you're a Sacred Gear user?!" Freed shouted, turning his sword on her. He lunged at her and Chiho brought her

arm up in fear.



"What?" the priest exclaimed in surprise as he leapt back. "So it's not demon-based?"

"I-I can do this…" the brown-haired girl whispered.


"I can do this!" she leapt at Freed, her fist raised.

"Too slow," the man easily sidestepped her attack, slicing her lower back with his sword. Chiho cried out in agony as

the sword burned her. "Well, that was anti-climactic." He sighed slightly. "Well, I'm bored now. I'll just kill you and go

play Nario Cart at the arcade."

"No, don't!" Asia cried, covering her bare chest with her hands. Freed twitched.

"Okay, seriously, this is getting a little old!" he snarled.

"I agree," a voice called out as a bright red light enveloped the room. They turned to see the Occult Research Club

appearing behind them. Rias glared at him darkly. "It's time to end this game."

"B-Buchou!" Chiho cried out, relief in her voice. Issei looked at her crumpled form and growled.

"Asia!" Freed snarled. "You were supposed to erect a barrier!"


"I-Issei-san?" the nun cried out in shock.

"Hmm?" the white-haired priest hummed. "Do you know each other, Asia-chan?" He grinned. "I knew it! So you are a

traitor!" He raised his sword and licked Chiho's blood off. "Oh, so many shitty little devils for me to play with!"

"Buchou, the fallen angels are approaching," Koneko announced. Rias nodded.

"Our priority is getting Chiho away from here," she ordered. "Akeno, prepare for transport. Yuuto keep him busy.

Koneko, grab her."

"Roger," Kiba rushed the priest, who leapt back. Koneko took the chance to grab her fallen comrade and rush her

towards Akeno.

"I'm so sorry, Chi-chan," Issei whispered to the girl squeezing her hand. She smiled at him.

"It's not your fault," the brown-haired girl said. He squeezed her hand once more before turning towards the blonde


"I-Issei-san, what are you doing here?" Asia asked, still covering her chest as the boy approached. Issei's eyes


"Did he hurt you too, Asia?" he asked. The blonde nun blushed slightly.

"N-No, but he tried to…" she didn't need to finish her sentence. He immediately understood what she meant.

"Tamamo," he growled. "Erect a barrier around this place."

"Of course, Master," the fox bowed and raised her hands upward, a blue magic circle appearing on the ceiling.

"Issei-kun?" Rias questioned.

"Go," he ordered. "Get Chiho away from here."

"Issei-san!" Chiho shouted. He smiled at her.

"Go rest up," Issei ordered. "I'll see you soon."

Rias nodded and she disappeared with her peerage in a flash of red light.

"I-Issei-san," Asia said quietly. "Y-You're a devil?"

He smiled at her sadly. "Yes, I am," he nodded, kneeling next to her. "But knowing that, does it really change

anything? We were friends before and we're still friends now."

Her eyes widened. "R-Really?" she asked shyly. He smiled.

"Always," he said.

"My, isn't this touching?" Freed interrupted. "It's so beautiful it makes me wanna puke!"

Issei sighed. "Sorry about this Asia," he whispered, waving a hand over her face. "Make sure to tell Yuuma what he

did to you. Now, sleep."

The blonde's eyes slowly fluttered shut as his spell took hold. He caught her before she fell and gently placed her on

the couch.

"Oi, you ready to die now, shitty devil?" the priest asked, licking his sword once again. "I'll kill you, then rape your

sexy fox girlfriend over there before I rape little Asia here!"

Issei slowly stood, his entire demeanor changing in an instant. The candles around the room began going out, as his

very presence seemed to eradicate the light around him.

"Oi, what the…?" Freed muttered as his light sword extinguished itself. He frantically shook the hilt. "Light… light up

damn you…!"

"You have overstepped your bounds," a demonic voice growled. The priest glanced up in fear at the approaching

figure. He raised his pistol and fired until the clip was empty, but he might as well have been throwing pebbles for all

the good it did. "Go on, stray priest. Pray for salvation."

"O, God," he whispered. His entire body shook as the… thing took another step towards him. Demonic eyes stared

him down as the priest slowly sank to his knees. And staring into those eyes…

He knew the true meaning of terror.