
Devil's Pampered Wife : She Devil

"Huuuh, sometimes I dosen't understand how could someone be so stupid! What you thought, you'll return after so many years & we will serve you the Singhania Empire in a golden platter?! Who you are?" "Wh–what you m.. mean, I.. I am Sitara Singhania!" "Haaa haah haaa! You really think so?! Well, initially I never wanted to share this, but as you're gonna die in some minutes! Lemme tell you about it, twenty-one years ago, Nayantara Jindal gave birth to a dead child!" "Youuuu...!! You're ly.. lying!" "No, I! I had killed the actual heir of this family in his mother's womb! That's not the only thing, I also killed his parents, and his grandparents! You're just a tiny pawn whom I used to acquire this empire without dirtying my name! Now good bye, sweetie!" "Nooo! Wait! Tell me who I am! Help!" "Bye darling! My wife's waiting for me, after all it's our first night! Enjoy the fire!" ......... Sitara Singhania, a not so beautiful, but sweet, cortous, fearful and polite young lady! Also the heiress of one of the elite family in country I, who had faced utter humiliation, and taunts, criticisms from the society because of her looks for all her life, & was known as the ugly princess! Well, this is what the society used to think about her, or should say this was how she portrayed herself before the society to hide the raging volcano inside her! She wanted revenge! Revenge for herself, her parents, her grandparents! When she left, she was a weak, innocent, little child, but after nineteen years when she finally returned, she's strong, fierce, bold, cunning, vicious, extremely deadly & dangerous! The fire which she had raised in her heart very carefully & lovingly for all these years, now had turned into a volcano, and was ready to engulf everything! She had one motive, one wish, and one dream : Revenge! ......... Krishna Bharadwaj, the most powerful person in the business world! Known as the dictator of several countries! The owner of unlimited power, and wealth! The well known Devil in disguise! Rumored as the god of death! Notorious, ruthless, treacherous, ferocious, merciless! The said devil emperor, sitting on the highest throne & ruling with an iron fist! Nobody has even the power to take his name without any goosebumps raised on their skin! But there was one problem, instead of so much power, wealth & everything, none of the young ladies wanted to even think about him in their ugliest dreams! And the reason behind this was, nobody in this world had ever seen his face other than his very own personal team! According to the rumors, which were spread by the secret & trustworthy sources, he was the most ugliest being in the world! Every women who tried to step in his vicinity were vanished from the earth! Well, everything was perfect in their lives, and they were bust & focused to their goals till now! But problem arose when they coincidentally met each other! The said devil fell in love with the girl, and wanted her in his house, and in his life at any cost! Now, this was just the devil's wish! The angel had no such feelings, nor plans! It was just a part of game for her! And that's why she offered him the contract of 365 days! His task was to make her fall in love with him in that period of time! Which she believed was absolutely impossible! .......... Now will he get succeed in his mission? What will happen when they will stay together? What will he do when he'll learn about her secrets? Will she fall for him? Will he be able to melt her stone heart with his endless love & pampering?! ......... "Forget her!!" "Never in this life, nor in afterlife!!" "Man, she dosen't love you." "But I love her!!" "What is so good about her?" "Everything is more than good about her!!" "Why don't you understand, she's someone else's girlfriend!!" "In this lifetime and in every other lifetimes, she can only be mine and mine only!!"

Komolika · Urban
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277 Chs

Unborn Child

After finishing the whole dinner, Rajveer took his medicines without anymore argument. Tara also didn't said anything, she was busy with her own thoughts. Closing the laptop she put it on the table beside his bed.

"Its time to take rest, so, take some rest. Good night." Then wished him good night after lying him down on the bed, then turned to leave.

But as she took a step, she felt a soft tug, a warm hand was gripping her wrist tightly from behind, feeling confused she turned to look at the man who was looking at her.

"Wanna say something?" She asked softly.

Rajveer didn't said anything and just stared at her, he was literally confused with his own behavior. Noticing her questioning gaze which was directed towards him he let go of her hand and shook his head lightly.

Tara stared at him for a moment, she had noticed a conflict in his eyes when she was looking in them. But didn't said anything and just left the room with a curt nod.

Her mind was elsewhere, filled with a name. Previously she was so frustrated, that her mind stopped working. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed a number. As usual the call was received after third ring, "Hey, is everything alright?"

The person asked with a concerned tone, "Yeah, listen Vihaan, is it possible for you to send me a detailed report about this 'Eden Group'?" She asked with a little hesitancy.

"Aaah, if you want an all detailed report, then it'll take some time. Is it okay if I send it in three days?" The person asked her for some time to prepare it.

Tara thought for a moment, "Take five days if you need to, but I want every detail about them."

"Okay then, you'll get it soon. Bye." The guy disconnect the call after they finished talking, leaving Tara with her thoughts.

She closed her tired eyes, so many things just changed in her life in the span of a night. Every single truth of her life has turned into utter lie. One dream turned her life upside down.

Isn't it funny, in my wildest dreams I had never thought about something like this. Huuh, the identity which I used to feel proud of, isn't mine. I, Sitara Singhania, the only daughter of Sirish & Nayantara Singhania, the heiress of Singhania group is....

Mom, Dad, I'll surely find out the entire truth. I promise, the person who snatched your unborn child from you, who snatched your life mercilessly will never die this easily.

I'll snatch every single thing from them which they holds dear in their lives, the type of death that I had planned for them will even shake their souls. They will tremble with just the mere thought of taking another birth.

The punishment for their every single sins will be served very soon, you just wait and watch!!

I swear on you, it's going to be very interesting!! Very very interesting!!


Charlie!! Charlie!! Charlie!!

We love you Charlie Dii!!

"Hello people, we are standing inside the BB Stadium and you can listen how excited people are, just to see their superstar, and to listen to her mesmerizing voice. Now let us show you the large crowd once again which is gathered here for tonight's concert."

"Yes, millions of followers and fans are present here for their star Idol, Charlie Chauhan. They are expressing their excitement, happiness and their undying love for her through their loud cheers."

"Charlie Chauhan, the most popular and famous name in today's music world. The youngest singer who won three national and one international award in her six years of singing career."

"People are going crazy, the entire stadium is packed up, even a tiny bit of space is not available. Everyone is shouting, cheering their Idol's name. There are placards, banners with them. Its an amazing view."

In between the camera flashes and media announcement, Raghav and the other two boys entered inside from the vip section and took their seat, which had a perfect view of the well decorated open stage which was situated at the centre.

BB Stadium, the 2nd largest and famous stadium in the country is totally filled. All the tickets were sold out around an week ago, its literally houseful.

They just stared at their surroundings in amazement, "Yaar, whenever I attend her concert, I feel like I've entered inside a different world!!" Kush exclaimed in amazement.

Rick just nod in agreement, "Exactly, look at the crowd. This people are going crazy just to see her once."

Raghav?! Raghaaavvv!!

They started to threw each other a knowing look as they realized that the man was lost in his own dreamland. He didn't even uttered a word since he entered inside.

"What you think, what will he do when he'll heard those words." Rick asked feeling a little concerned seeing his friend like this.

Rick and Kush just laughed, they were highly amused by the thought, "I think he's gonna pass out, out of shock & surprise. And if that happens, then it'll be a disaster."

"Where's that girl anyways, didn't she said that she'll arrive within an hour?" Raghav asked them all of the sudden breaking their daze.

The two glanced over their watches before pulling out their phones. Previously they decided to arrive together, but then Tara changed the plan at the end moment.

One of her patient's condition had suddenly deteriorated, and for that she had to stay behind.

Rick dialed her number in his phone but the call disconnected after ringing for sometime. A frown appeared on his face, "Are you by any chance calling me?"

A female voice could be heard from behind as he put his phone behind his ear. The trio snapped their heads behind together to see the girl standing at the door with her smiling expression.

"Rose, what's your problem? Why do you always want to give us a heartache?" Raghav walked towards her while scolding her for not receiving the call.

She hugged him ignoring his glare, "I had already arrived when Rick called, that's why I decided to not respond."

"Such a stupidity can only be expected from you." Kush mocked her after listening her explanation.

Tara just threw him a sceptical look in return before ignoring him and walking towards Rick. "You've decided to never change, huuh?" He asked as the girl sat beside him, Tara just pouted. "Awwe, you know me better."

They just rolled their eyes off before concentrating on the stage. The host was standing on the stage with the microphone in her hand.

"Good evening everyone, I, Maya Sharma, your host of the night welcomes you all here in this concert. Its my third time hosting a concert for Ms. Charlie, and I'm proud to say that the excitement is bigger than before.

I've hosted so many events in my career, but these type of lovely environment and crowd is very rare to be found. Just like you all, I'm also a diehard fan of ms. Charlie.

So, I can understand about your excitement, let's not talk anymore & start the countdown now, as she's here in between us.


