
Devil's Pampered Wife : She Devil

"Huuuh, sometimes I dosen't understand how could someone be so stupid! What you thought, you'll return after so many years & we will serve you the Singhania Empire in a golden platter?! Who you are?" "Wh–what you m.. mean, I.. I am Sitara Singhania!" "Haaa haah haaa! You really think so?! Well, initially I never wanted to share this, but as you're gonna die in some minutes! Lemme tell you about it, twenty-one years ago, Nayantara Jindal gave birth to a dead child!" "Youuuu...!! You're ly.. lying!" "No, I! I had killed the actual heir of this family in his mother's womb! That's not the only thing, I also killed his parents, and his grandparents! You're just a tiny pawn whom I used to acquire this empire without dirtying my name! Now good bye, sweetie!" "Nooo! Wait! Tell me who I am! Help!" "Bye darling! My wife's waiting for me, after all it's our first night! Enjoy the fire!" ......... Sitara Singhania, a not so beautiful, but sweet, cortous, fearful and polite young lady! Also the heiress of one of the elite family in country I, who had faced utter humiliation, and taunts, criticisms from the society because of her looks for all her life, & was known as the ugly princess! Well, this is what the society used to think about her, or should say this was how she portrayed herself before the society to hide the raging volcano inside her! She wanted revenge! Revenge for herself, her parents, her grandparents! When she left, she was a weak, innocent, little child, but after nineteen years when she finally returned, she's strong, fierce, bold, cunning, vicious, extremely deadly & dangerous! The fire which she had raised in her heart very carefully & lovingly for all these years, now had turned into a volcano, and was ready to engulf everything! She had one motive, one wish, and one dream : Revenge! ......... Krishna Bharadwaj, the most powerful person in the business world! Known as the dictator of several countries! The owner of unlimited power, and wealth! The well known Devil in disguise! Rumored as the god of death! Notorious, ruthless, treacherous, ferocious, merciless! The said devil emperor, sitting on the highest throne & ruling with an iron fist! Nobody has even the power to take his name without any goosebumps raised on their skin! But there was one problem, instead of so much power, wealth & everything, none of the young ladies wanted to even think about him in their ugliest dreams! And the reason behind this was, nobody in this world had ever seen his face other than his very own personal team! According to the rumors, which were spread by the secret & trustworthy sources, he was the most ugliest being in the world! Every women who tried to step in his vicinity were vanished from the earth! Well, everything was perfect in their lives, and they were bust & focused to their goals till now! But problem arose when they coincidentally met each other! The said devil fell in love with the girl, and wanted her in his house, and in his life at any cost! Now, this was just the devil's wish! The angel had no such feelings, nor plans! It was just a part of game for her! And that's why she offered him the contract of 365 days! His task was to make her fall in love with him in that period of time! Which she believed was absolutely impossible! .......... Now will he get succeed in his mission? What will happen when they will stay together? What will he do when he'll learn about her secrets? Will she fall for him? Will he be able to melt her stone heart with his endless love & pampering?! ......... "Forget her!!" "Never in this life, nor in afterlife!!" "Man, she dosen't love you." "But I love her!!" "What is so good about her?" "Everything is more than good about her!!" "Why don't you understand, she's someone else's girlfriend!!" "In this lifetime and in every other lifetimes, she can only be mine and mine only!!"

Komolika · Urban
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277 Chs


No. 69th Cabin,

After a soft knock on the door, Stella entered inside the cabin with another nurse, Helly. She was carrying a food tray in her hand.

The two looked at the man inside before setting the table before him with his food.

Krishna was sitting on his hospital bed with his laptop opened before him, while his assistant was sitting on the couch. They were working in silence, he didn't even felt like looking up. He just continued to look at the screen.

"Sir, this is your dinner, please finish this, then you have to take your medications." Stella called out nervously to gain his attention.

Rajveer just looked up at the tray for a mere moment, and irritation filled him just with one look. "This is what you call dinner? You want me to have this?"

Two of the girls trembled with his thundering voice and temper, they shared a knowing look with each other. "S.. sir, this is asp—"

"I'm not gonna have this nasty dinner." He state his decision firmly without even giving her a chance to say anything.

Stella pursed her lips, "But sir, if you stop—" Helly stopped abruptly as she felt a pair of sharp eyes glaring onto her.

"You stay here, I'll just go and inform Dr. Singhania." Stella told Helly after failing in her task. She turned around to leave the room. But before she can step out a voice forced her to stop on her tracks, "Stop!!"

She turned towards the man nervously, "Yes sir?"

"Go and inform that stupid doctor of yours, that I'd refused to eat these nasty food, and also ordered my dinner from the restaurant." He commanded the girl arrogantly, Stella just looked at him with widened eyes before nodding her head, she left quickly.

He just stared at the door, the scene from their previous encounter flashed before his eyes which turned him angrier than before.

"Huuh, call her, I also want to see what she can do this time." He muttered under breath arrogantly before resuming his work.

The guy, sitting not so far away from him just shook his head. He can see what's running inside his boss' head, the latter is probably thinking about revenge for earlier matter.

With his level of understanding, one thing that he already had realized, and that's his boss can not win with her. The way she handled the situation earlier, it was really commendable.


Knock!! Knock!!

The door slowly opened when Charlie & Tara were busy talking with each other. She looked at the nurse who was standing near the door with a troubled expression on her face.

"Why are you looking troubled, Stella?" Tara asked feeling concerned for the girl.

Stella swallowed thickly, "Dr., its about that patient...."

The warm expression on her face replaced with an annoyed expression as she heard the mere mention of the patient. "Now what he did again?"

"He had refused to have dinner, he also said that he has ordered his dinner." Stella answered hesitantly.

Tara felt rather irritated with the person, if it was possible, then she would've already kicked him out of the hospital. But she don't have any way other than enduring this torture.

God, I want to leave this hospital as soon as possible!! She huffed in irritation.

"I'm just fed up, can't you guys handle even a patient?" She rebuked the nurse.

But the girl swallowed it, as she knows that if anyone can help her then that's only her. "Dr. Singhania, we tried to persuade him, but you know already. He just doesn't want to listen anything."

"What's the problem?" Charlie asked with a confused expression. She had never seen such expression before on the girl's face just for a patient.

"You go first, I'm coming over." Tara send the girl before answering her friend's question.

"Don't ask, this one patient has turned into a headache for the hospital and for me. Listen, I've to go and check, you leave first."

She walked towards the girl and hugged her tightly, "Once again, congratulations!! I'm very happy for you two. See you tomorrow at your concert."

Charlie just stared at her with her all smiley face, "Listen, don't overwork. And yeah, see you tomorrow, bye." She left after reminding Tara about her health.

Tara wore her white gown while sighing tiredly before stepping out of the room.


Opening the door of the cabin she scanned the surroundings, her eyes fall on the bodyguard who was standing with a bento box in his hand.

Stella and Helly were standing at one corner with the assistant and watching the whole scene.

Inhaling deeply she walked towards the bed, then swiftly took the box from the bodyguard before he can understand what happened.

"Leave the room." She ordered in a cold and commanding tone resulting the gaurd to waver a little. He looked at his boss, but the latter had all his attention focused on the doctor.

He looked at the assistant after getting ignored by his boss, the man nod his head and signalled him to left.

Tara turned towards the assistant before gesturing him to come to her. He looked at the nurses, then stepped towards her and stopped before her.

"Mr. Assistant, your boss is gonna have the food that's provided to him from the hospital's kitchen. So, take this, you can have your dinner." She held out the box to him, he just looked at her with shock, then accept it without any argument and returned to his spot.

Rajveer just stared at her with an unfathomable look after getting ignored by her. Till now he was ready to fight with her, oppose her, but now when she's standing before him, he failed to say a word.

She's ignoring me? Just like this? Does she really knows about me, my identity? Does she have any idea about what I can do with her?

Tara deliberately ignored him & looked at the food on the table before him, "Hmm, nice dinner. Boiled veggies, fruits, soup, bread, sandwiches & apricot cheesecake."

"Common now, start having dinner. You have to take your medicines also after this." She looked at him suggestively while feigning ignorance towards the bewildered look on the man's face.

Rajveer found himself in a furious mood, how can someone be so audacious to order him this blatantly. "I. AM. NOT. GONNA. EAT. ANY. OF. THESE." He sylablled each word while greeting his teeth.

Tara just smiled while stirring the soup, "Why?"

The question annoyed him more, he opened his mouth to say something, but before any word could make their way out of his lips, a spoonful of soup had already entered inside.

Krishna was too shocked to understand what just happened with him, but then looking at the triumphant smile on the girl's face he realized that he's tricked. Tricked by a mere little girl.

Tara smiled in her heart as she noticed his dumbfounded look, "Being the country's best hospital, we serve the most hygienic, healthy, nourishing and also tasty food.

Till the day you're going to stay here, you are obliged to eat this food and nothing else. I already told you to not throw any kind of tantrums.

Sweetheart, I'm not a patient person, but for once I'm trying to be one, so please don't make me lose it." Tara warned him calmly without losing her composure for even a moment.

Her voice was soft, light yet strong and intimidating. Which made the man to look at her without blinking, while she continued to feed him without uttering any other words.

He was certainly unable to understand her, since he had seen her, didn't noticed any other expression other than this, and that's the thing which irked him more.

He was not used to with these types of expression from anyone, let alone a woman. And here she is not even charmed by him, nor his status, she's behaving with him just like a regular patient.

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