
Devil's Pampered Wife : She Devil

"Huuuh, sometimes I dosen't understand how could someone be so stupid! What you thought, you'll return after so many years & we will serve you the Singhania Empire in a golden platter?! Who you are?" "Wh–what you m.. mean, I.. I am Sitara Singhania!" "Haaa haah haaa! You really think so?! Well, initially I never wanted to share this, but as you're gonna die in some minutes! Lemme tell you about it, twenty-one years ago, Nayantara Jindal gave birth to a dead child!" "Youuuu...!! You're ly.. lying!" "No, I! I had killed the actual heir of this family in his mother's womb! That's not the only thing, I also killed his parents, and his grandparents! You're just a tiny pawn whom I used to acquire this empire without dirtying my name! Now good bye, sweetie!" "Nooo! Wait! Tell me who I am! Help!" "Bye darling! My wife's waiting for me, after all it's our first night! Enjoy the fire!" ......... Sitara Singhania, a not so beautiful, but sweet, cortous, fearful and polite young lady! Also the heiress of one of the elite family in country I, who had faced utter humiliation, and taunts, criticisms from the society because of her looks for all her life, & was known as the ugly princess! Well, this is what the society used to think about her, or should say this was how she portrayed herself before the society to hide the raging volcano inside her! She wanted revenge! Revenge for herself, her parents, her grandparents! When she left, she was a weak, innocent, little child, but after nineteen years when she finally returned, she's strong, fierce, bold, cunning, vicious, extremely deadly & dangerous! The fire which she had raised in her heart very carefully & lovingly for all these years, now had turned into a volcano, and was ready to engulf everything! She had one motive, one wish, and one dream : Revenge! ......... Krishna Bharadwaj, the most powerful person in the business world! Known as the dictator of several countries! The owner of unlimited power, and wealth! The well known Devil in disguise! Rumored as the god of death! Notorious, ruthless, treacherous, ferocious, merciless! The said devil emperor, sitting on the highest throne & ruling with an iron fist! Nobody has even the power to take his name without any goosebumps raised on their skin! But there was one problem, instead of so much power, wealth & everything, none of the young ladies wanted to even think about him in their ugliest dreams! And the reason behind this was, nobody in this world had ever seen his face other than his very own personal team! According to the rumors, which were spread by the secret & trustworthy sources, he was the most ugliest being in the world! Every women who tried to step in his vicinity were vanished from the earth! Well, everything was perfect in their lives, and they were bust & focused to their goals till now! But problem arose when they coincidentally met each other! The said devil fell in love with the girl, and wanted her in his house, and in his life at any cost! Now, this was just the devil's wish! The angel had no such feelings, nor plans! It was just a part of game for her! And that's why she offered him the contract of 365 days! His task was to make her fall in love with him in that period of time! Which she believed was absolutely impossible! .......... Now will he get succeed in his mission? What will happen when they will stay together? What will he do when he'll learn about her secrets? Will she fall for him? Will he be able to melt her stone heart with his endless love & pampering?! ......... "Forget her!!" "Never in this life, nor in afterlife!!" "Man, she dosen't love you." "But I love her!!" "What is so good about her?" "Everything is more than good about her!!" "Why don't you understand, she's someone else's girlfriend!!" "In this lifetime and in every other lifetimes, she can only be mine and mine only!!"

Komolika · Urban
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277 Chs

Die In Happiness

Entering inside her cabin she dialed a number in her phone before sitting down on her chair.

The call received in fourth ring, a male voice could be heard from the other side, "Good evening."

"Yeah, good evening, sorry for not receiving the call earlier. I was with a patient—"

"You don't need to be so formal now, its fine."

"Okay, coming to the point, tell me if you had found anything?" There was a little uncertainty in her voice as she queried about something.

The man from other side released a sigh, "I've searched for it, but there's no records of that specific year."

"What nonsense, how's it possible?"

"I'm not bluffing, I'm extremely serious. I've searched every single corner of the entire record room, but there's no records present which is related to that specific year.

I learnt something, a fire broke out that year on 27th May, which was exactly five days later from the date that you provided me. In that fire the entire record room was burnt and all the records of that year was destroyed."

"Shit!!" A curse escaped from her lips.

Then something clicked in her mind, "What about the old staffs?"

"No, there are no old staff, that year the hospital was bought by our current authorities, 'Eden Group.' And they dismissed every old staffs and doctors. Nobody knows nothing about them." The man answered truthfully, but it dissapoint Tara even more.

"Don't loss your hope, I'm gonna dig deeper, we will surely get something." The person tried to assure her as he felt her distress.

Tara just sighed, "Yeah, but be very careful & cautious."


Just after disconnecting the call she kicked the desk table with her full force in anger resulting the glass and the files to fell down on the floor, and break into pieces.

She was totally pissed off, previously she thought that she would get at least a small clue from the hospital, but the hope just died.

"Dammit!! Dammit!! Dammit!!

Everywhere I'm trying to go is a dead end!!"

She slapped her hand on the table in frustration. There were countless question running in her mind, but she doesn't have any idea about how she will get the answers.

"What exactly is going on in my life? Just who the hell I am? How would I find it out?" Clutching her hair she questioned herself in a frustrated way, she was feeling rather helpless in her life for the first time.

"Ohk, I need to calm down first, getting frustrated is not gonna work. Think calmly, there's a way out for sure, and you just have to find it out." Tara said to herself while inhaling deeply, she sat down on her chair to think properly.


Knock!! Knock!!

She looked at the door, a beautiful girl in stripped black skinny jeans and a blue denim shirt entered inside with a big tiffin box.

"You're alone? Where are those three?" Tara asked the girl quietly.

Charlie replied in a matter of fact tone, "They're busy in a meeting, so I decided to visit you. Now come, let's have dinner."

Tara stood up and stepped inside her washroom to clean her hands before walking towards the plush couch and sit beside the girl.

Eeeuuu!! Chiii!!

She scrunched up her nose as the strong smell of medicinal herbs hit her nose. Charlie continued to serve her dinner, which was enriched with protein, vitamin, minerals.

"Sweetheart, stop your everyday drama, these are not gonna work. You heard doctor's instructions clearly, so start eating." She threw her a stern look while gesturing towards the platter filled with boiled vegetables.

Tara looked at her plate hatefully, "Do I need to eat these veggies everyday? This is pure torture, can't you give me anything else?"

She clasped her hands while looking at her best friend with a pitiful expression, but for her bad luck it didn't work, Charlie refused to fall for her tricks, "No, now don't waste time in talking and start."

Hopelessly she took the bowl of veggies and the fork, then started to eat with her nose scrunched up. While Charlie looked at the glass shards with a frown. "Did something happen?" She asked the girl.

Tara noticed her looking at the glass pieces and shook her head, "It slipped & fell down while I was drinking water from it, don't worry, I'll tell someone to clean this."

Charlie nod her head and drank a mouthful of water, "Why are you looking so anxious & nervous? Anything wrong?" Tara inquired observing her drinking water continually.

"There's something, I need your help with." Charlie blurt out slowly, Tara just nod and gestured her to spill it, "Actually I've decided something... About me and Raghav."

"And what's that?" She asked casually.

The girl cleared her throat, "I'm ready."

Tara threw a confused look, "For what? Spill it out clearly."

Charlie took a deep breath, then blurt out slowly, "I'm ready to say yes to his proposal..... In short, I think.... I'm in love with him."

The fork stopped midway as Tara snapped her head up to look at the girl, she was in pure shock, "What? What did you said? Repeat it once again, I think I heard it wrong."

Charlie nod her head in confirmation, "You heard it absolutely right, I love him & I think I'm ready for commitment."

Tara jumped out in excitement, she danced for a moment in happiness before picking her phone to inform others.

"Ohh my dear life!! I can't believe my ears!!

This is a great news, let me inform the others, this news deserves a grand party."

But before she can dial any number, Charlie snatched the phone from her, "Stop it, not now. I've some plans, hear it out first and state your opinions."

She sat down again but with a big smile on her face, "Okay, go for it."

"Tomorrow I've concert as you know," Tara nod, "I was thinking about..... confessing him on stage..."

She furrowed her brows, concern flashed in her eyes, "In front of those millions of your fans? Are you sure about it?"

"Yeah, I'm ready to confess. He did waited for me for so long, I want to do this for him. I want to make the moment very special & memorable for us, for him." Charlie expressed her point of view and her feelings.

After watching the confidence in her eyes Tara felt relieved and relaxed. If this happens, then it'll be great. "Wow, our girl grew up. Its a great plan, I'm already imagining his expression when he'll heard those three words from you, I'm afraid if he die in happiness."