
Devil's Pact:The Path of Reincarnation

When the soul is sold to the devil, endless beauty, power, wealth, and authority become readily available. It is a gamble that subverts the perception of the world and reshapes the order of the world. I will tread in the footsteps of the devil until the world trembles beneath my feet. —— Freyr Russell Three years ago, Freyr·Russell descended upon this world with an unparalleled calmness, leaving the midwives bewildered. He did not cry or fuss; his routine was more disciplined than that of a working adult. Rising at fixed times, feeding, sleeping, and the rest of the time, he would silently stare at the ceiling. He rarely wet the bed; a mere lift of his hand to ring the bell by the cradle would prompt the servants to swiftly bring a chamber pot. This "genius" behavior left everyone amazed. Unfortunately, this "genius" halo shattered in less than a year—because he couldn't speak! To make his son speak, the Earl spared no expense, offering a hefty reward in the imperial city: one thousand gold coins to anyone who could make his son speak! Thus, the entire city knew that the eldest son of the Earl's family was a mute idiot. As the eldest son of the Russell family, Freyr had extremely mediocre aptitude. His frail body couldn't train in martial arts, and he had no magical talents whatsoever. In the eyes of his father, Earl Edward, he was a useless son. With the birth of his brother William, Freyr was naturally stripped of his inheritance and exiled to the family's fiefdom—the castle in the Russell Plains. In the castle's secret chamber, he unexpectedly discovered the legacy of his ancestors and unlocked the dormant magical avatar, embarking on his journey of magical practice. Subsequently, he traveled far and wide, relying on his wit and means to gain various abilities, establish his own power, and help the prince seize the throne. Along the way, he discovered a millennium-old secret hidden in this continent, a secret closely related to his identity...

Jax2025 · Fantasy
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110 Chs


Several heavily made-up women, dressed provocatively with exposed shoulders and cleavage, attempted to approach Freyr for a chat, but Focker dutifully chased them away.

 Immediately, a drunken man staggered over and wrapped his arm around one of the women. "My sweet, what's so special about that kid? Let me take care of you instead," he said, giving the girl's buttocks a firm squeeze. With a coquettish smile, the girl immediately nestled into the drunkard's embrace.

 Freyr remained calm, quietly sipping his drink. Even as people around him whispered and pointed, he only furrowed his brow slightly.

 The other knights, on the other hand, looked disheartened. In this place reeking of cheap alcohol and cosmetics, they couldn't help but lament their bleak future.

 Ah, how wonderful it would be to stay in the opulent world of the capital!

 At that moment, the tavern door swung open with a bang, and in walked three men and a girl. Though they appeared weary, their attire betrayed their value, indicating they were not locals.

 The tavern fell silent once more, with all eyes immediately fixating on the lone girl among them.

 She was perhaps eighteen or nineteen, with chestnut-colored hair framing a captivating face, undoubtedly attractive to the opposite sex!

 Clad in a tight leather corset, clearly of superior quality, it was made from the hide of some magical creature, emitting a faint blue hue and adorned with peculiar patterns.

 Her attire below was even more provocative—she wore shorts, revealing her fair and ample thighs! A leather belt was fastened around her thighs, with a dagger tucked inside! She wore a scimitar at her waist and carried a delicate short bow on her back, with a quiver of silver arrows slung over her shoulder!

 Freyr confirmed that the arrows were indeed made of pure silver! It was quite extravagant to craft arrows with such pure silver!

 The snow-white thighs of this beautiful girl became the focal point of many male gazes!

 Seemingly inadvertently, she bent over, causing her corset to squeeze her snow-white and tender cleavage. Suddenly, the silent tavern echoed with the sound of two dropped glasses. The girl's lips curled into a slight smile, evidently pleased with her own charm.

 It was only then that Freyr began to take notice of the girl's companions—a robust man clad in heavy armor, bearing a thick shield on his back. From his muscular arms and the scars visible on his exposed skin, he appeared to be a warrior focused on strength.

 Another man, tall and lean, had sharp eyes and wore a black longbow slung over his shoulder. He wore a black iron ring on his finger, suggesting he was an archer.

 But it was the last man who caught Freyr's attention the most!

 He wore a gray robe and had an ordinary appearance, so ordinary that people around seemed to overlook him.

 However, Freyr immediately recognized the silver leaf emblem on his chest—a novice gray-robed mage! A certified mage who had undergone formal training in magic!

 After staring at the emblem for a moment, an idea began to form in Freyr's mind...

 A group of drunken men stared intently at the girl with the exposed thighs. Well, mostly at her thighs. One of the bolder ones, holding a large mug of ale, stumbled over to her. "Hey, beautiful..."

 Smack! Before he could finish his sentence, the brawny warrior beside her punched him away, sending him flying. The tavern erupted in laughter.

 Freyr's eyes gleamed with curiosity. A close-combat warrior, a long-range archer, a novice Wizard, and the central figure, the beautiful girl, who was clearly the leader. Could this be the legendary "Mini Adventure Party"?

 Freyr had been in this world for some time and had learned about the existence of such adventurers. Their numbers varied, from just a few to several hundred. To them, the Junior Magical Creatures in the southern forests were like moving gold coins. Hunting these creatures for rewards was their daily routine.

 Occasionally, when local governments were overwhelmed, they would hire these adventurers to handle tricky problems, like capturing a wanted thief. However, the empire did not allow large mercenary guilds to form, as the law prohibited large armed groups from allying, fearing a threat to the imperial power.

 Freyr thought this was a wise approach. Controlling private military forces ensured national stability.

 But to see a Wizard in this team? That was quite surprising. Freyr had read extensively over the past few years and knew that although this was a magical continent, Wizards were still rare beings. Becoming a Wizard required not only exceptional talent but also decades of rigorous training and significant financial investment. According to books, there were only a few hundred Wizards in the entire empire.

 Given their rarity, Wizards commanded high respect and wages, and only wealthy families could afford them. Having a Wizard was a mark of honor for a noble family, let alone commoners. Yet, here was a seemingly inconspicuous adventuring party with a Wizard, which was truly eye-opening.

 The four unexpected guests sat in a corner. The bear-like warrior was guzzling a barrel of ale, the archer was leisurely gnawing on roast meat, the Wizard meditated with closed eyes, and the beautiful girl looked impatiently at the lecherous gazes around her.

 They appeared formidable, and no one dared approach them, but whispers and hushed discussions continued, especially among Freyr's knights. These knights, hailing from the Count's estate, considered themselves superior and dismissed this makeshift team. Their discontent, fueled by the frustration of being sent away from the capital and some drinks, needed an outlet.

 Freyr, sipping his second drink, listened to his subordinates talking about the girl's legs and found it amusing. It reminded him of his past life, chatting about women in bars with his friends. However, these men, emboldened by the alcohol, grew louder.

 One knight chuckled softly, "Look at those legs. I've never seen such beautiful legs. If there was a girl with legs like that in the Red Rose brothel in the capital, she'd cost at least ten silver coins."

 "What? Ten silver coins? You've never been to the Red Rose, have you? To spend a night with one of those girls, you'd need at least one gold coin," his companion retorted disdainfully, as if he were a regular patron.

 In this era, the primary currencies were silver and copper coins. Twelve copper coins equaled one silver coin, and twenty silver coins could be exchanged for a gold coin. An ordinary family's annual expenses amounted to a few dozen silver coins. These knights earned more than commoners, making about a hundred silver coins a year. Thus, spending a tenth of their annual income for a night with a beautiful girl was considered a luxurious indulgence.