
Devil's Pact:The Path of Reincarnation

When the soul is sold to the devil, endless beauty, power, wealth, and authority become readily available. It is a gamble that subverts the perception of the world and reshapes the order of the world. I will tread in the footsteps of the devil until the world trembles beneath my feet. —— Freyr Russell Three years ago, Freyr·Russell descended upon this world with an unparalleled calmness, leaving the midwives bewildered. He did not cry or fuss; his routine was more disciplined than that of a working adult. Rising at fixed times, feeding, sleeping, and the rest of the time, he would silently stare at the ceiling. He rarely wet the bed; a mere lift of his hand to ring the bell by the cradle would prompt the servants to swiftly bring a chamber pot. This "genius" behavior left everyone amazed. Unfortunately, this "genius" halo shattered in less than a year—because he couldn't speak! To make his son speak, the Earl spared no expense, offering a hefty reward in the imperial city: one thousand gold coins to anyone who could make his son speak! Thus, the entire city knew that the eldest son of the Earl's family was a mute idiot. As the eldest son of the Russell family, Freyr had extremely mediocre aptitude. His frail body couldn't train in martial arts, and he had no magical talents whatsoever. In the eyes of his father, Earl Edward, he was a useless son. With the birth of his brother William, Freyr was naturally stripped of his inheritance and exiled to the family's fiefdom—the castle in the Russell Plains. In the castle's secret chamber, he unexpectedly discovered the legacy of his ancestors and unlocked the dormant magical avatar, embarking on his journey of magical practice. Subsequently, he traveled far and wide, relying on his wit and means to gain various abilities, establish his own power, and help the prince seize the throne. Along the way, he discovered a millennium-old secret hidden in this continent, a secret closely related to his identity...

Jax2025 · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Ancestral portrait

Freyr had confirmed two crucial points: first, the family had complete control over tax collection in their territory, and second, their military autonomy was nearly absolute.


From his knowledge of history in the other world, Freyr understood an important principle: a nation's sovereignty over its territory is significantly manifested through tax collection and military presence. Currently, both aspects were controlled by the Russell family, implying that the imperial government had almost lost its hold over the Russell territory. It was nearly an independent kingdom.


Freyr sat back on the sofa, contemplating this surprising revelation. From his previous world's history lessons, he knew that when a central government loses its authority, internal chaos often follows.


Suddenly, he stood up and turned to face the wall. The massive bookshelf, laden with books, seemed unremarkable. Yet, Freyr sensed he was being watched—his heightened senses picking up the subtle feeling of being observed.


His gaze shifted upward to a row of portraits above the bookshelf, depicting previous family leaders. The oldest portrait, on the far left, depicted a middle-aged man in an imperial military uniform—the family's ancestor who had earned the Russell Plains.


The man's eyes, cold and resolute, bore a striking resemblance to Freyr's father's. It seemed as if the portrait was staring directly at Freyr.


Freyr took a few steps back, then moved to the side while keeping his eyes on the portrait. He smiled, "Perhaps I'm being too sensitive... it's just a painting."


Turning away, he picked up another ledger. As he did, the eyes in the portrait blinked.


The figure in the portrait seemed to come to life, its gaze fixed on Freyr, curiosity evident in its eyes.


At that moment, Freyr abruptly turned back, staring directly at the portrait. "There's no need to hide. I know you're watching me." He raised his hand, holding a silver spoon that he had used for the pumpkin pie earlier. The spoon's surface was polished to a mirror-like shine.


"I saw you watching me through this," Freyr said, smiling as he looked at the portrait. "It's quite impolite to spy on someone from behind, don't you think?"




Freyr stood still, his gaze lifted, studying the oil painting hanging on the wall. After a brief silence, he received no response from the subject within.


He furrowed his brow. "Refusing to answer?"


The painted face continued to meet Freyr's eyes unwaveringly.


Freyr smirked, his intentions less than pure. He pushed over a tall ladder, climbed onto the bookshelf, and attempted to remove the painting.


The eyes within the canvas betrayed a clear sense of panic.


With some effort, Freyr detached the painting from the wall. But to his astonishment, there was nothing behind it! No mechanism, no one concealed – the painting itself was alive!


Freyr grew more serious, carefully cradling the painting as he descended the stairs.


The painted face wore a bitter expression now, its eyes filled with unease.


"What exactly are you?" Freyr asked sternly. "A living painting?"


The eyes within the painting seemed to evade the question.


"Well, this portrait is of our Imperial Marshal ancestor... You can't be the ancestor come back to life, can you?" Freyr chuckled before shaking his head. "That doesn't make sense. That ancestor lived over two hundred years ago, and this painting is clearly a later creation meant to honor our forebear. So again, what are you?"


After a series of unanswered inquiries, Freyr's expression darkened. "Oh, refusing to speak? Don't regret it later."


He gestured to the surrounding candelabras. "You see all these flames? If you don't talk, I'll burn you. Care to guess if I'm serious?"


With that, he turned and brought a lit candle closer to the painting.


The person in the painting paled, their eyes reflecting fear and pleading as the flame neared. They could only look at Freyr helplessly.


Just as the flame was about to touch the canvas, Freyr pulled the candle away, muttering to himself, "Hmm, seems you really can't talk?" He asked reluctantly, "Can you speak at all?"


The figure in the painting shook its head hurriedly.


Freyr's eyes sparkled with excitement! "Then, what are you?" A living painting! Was it some sort of magical creation?


The painting offered no response to Freyr's query. Once the threat of fire was gone, the figure within seemed to exhale a sigh of relief, then resumed observing Freyr with curious eyes.


Freyr tried asking the painting more questions but found communication difficult due to its inability to speak. The painting could only nod or shake its head. Despite his efforts, this rudimentary exchange yielded no answers.


Man and painting stared at each other intently.


Just then, the clock on the study wall began to chime slowly! Midnight had arrived!


Freyr suddenly perceived a faint glow emanating from within the painting, followed by a soft sigh that echoed in his ear.


Though the sound was ethereal, Freyr heard it clearly—a human sigh!


Then, a woman's voice spoke rapidly, "Listen carefully! I've been cursed, and only when the midnight bell tolls can I briefly speak. When the chiming ends, my voice will be silenced!


"I'll say this once: there's a secret chamber in this study, containing treasures! I can guide you to acquire those treasures, and in return, I need your help—one of those treasures can break my curse."


Freyr's eyes widened as he looked at the painting. "You're talking?"


"Yes! No time to explain," the painting's voice rushed. "Start examining the third painting on the wall; there are instructions. Follow them, and if you're not a fool, you should find it..."




Past midnight, with the final chime, the glow in the painted eyes faded, and the speaking ceased.


Freyr examined the painting up and down. The figure within also stared back, its face pleading.


"Oh, you mentioned a curse," Freyr smiled. "And there's a secret room here with a treasure that can break your curse. Correct?"


Each question was met with a nod from the painted figure, its face full of longing.


"Alright, then what's in it for me?" Freyr grinned. "Why should I assist you?"