
Devil's Luck

LifeSucks · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5~ Harbor

Arthur's P.O.V

Ugh. This boat is wobbly. I have forgotten how much I hated being stuck on a boat. I have been resting in the boat cabin for about 2 days now. Nevertheless, it is better than drifting on the ocean floor.

"Oh you're up! Come on the deck we need man power to haul in the catch." The captain said as he opened the cabin door. I excitedly got up from my bed as I have been longing for some fresh air. On the deck, I met the other crew members on the boat. There were 4 of them. Christopher is the one incharge of the other 3 when the captain is not present. Craig, is tasked to man the logistics which includes the financial computations. Kaz the mechanic and Jack, the youngest, supports the rest of the crew.

"Hey! New guy! Go help Kaz and Jack with the net!" Christopher exclaimed with a frown on his face. I glanced at the two who were busy at hauling the catch. Jack looked at me and smiled warmly. I nodded in reply as I approached them. Christopher kept his sharp gazes on me until the captain called him.

"Please forgive him, he has always been hot tempered." Kaz said as I stood beside him.

"I don't mind. I had worst companions before." I tugged the net that they were struggling to pull out of the water. It seemed to be full of fish as it was heavy.

"How in the world did you get stuck in the middle of the ocean?" Jack asked as he looked at me with curiosity. I took a liking in his natural enthusiasm.

"Well, long story short, there was a storm". He doesn't seem to be satisfied with my answer and appears to be even bothered by it.

"Storm? But the last storm has passed by more than a month ago. You're not saying that you have been drifting through the ocean all that time right?" he asked with a small chuckle, assuming that I was joking.

"Well, It must have been a really strong wind and rain then" I answered hoping that he will accept it as an answer.

"Strong wind huh." he said softly and went back to work.

"Just a bit more!" Kaz exclaimed as all three of us pulled the rest of the net unto the boat. The net broke and freed all the fishes that scattered on board. The fishes were then placed in containers with ice to keep them fresh.

"Hm. At this rate, we can finish faster than expected." The captain said while looking down at the catch. "Alright boys! Throw the net back in and take a break!"

"Thanks for the work Mr. Morgan." the captain said.

"It was the least I could do" I replied. That day, we caught at least 3 batches of fish that day. Quite a lot for one day even according to the captain. Jack sat on a barrel near the front of the ship while Kaz went at the back to check for the boat's engine. I found a barrel near the cabin and went to sit on it. "Newbie! Go and help Kaz with the engine!" Christopher shouted before I even sat down. With a sigh, I straightened out my back and started to head towards the back of the boat. I glimpsed at Christopher and saw his face filled with satisfaction and arrogance.

"Hm, what a bitter man." I heard Velgorith's voice inside my head and I shrugged.

I saw Kaz already cleaning oil from some bolts and screws. "Hey Mr. kane! do you need a helping hand?" I asked as I approached him.

He turned his attention towards me and smiled. "Ah yes. Please hand me a brush from the tool box. Take the brush with metal bristles." He immediately went back to cleaning. I rummaged the tool box and found the brush he needed.

As I placed the brush beside him, he thanked me without looking. "Mr. kane, you seem to have an intense interest with machinery."

"Yes. Machines are very intricate but they will never betray you. Well, as long as you take good care of them that is." he replied while still working on the parts. The back side of the boat was rather peaceful and quite.

"Mr. Kane, do you mind if I take a rest here?"

"Not at all, I rather enjoy company. And please, call me Kaz." I nodded in response to Kaz. And just like that, I found the place where I will be spending most of my time on this boat.


Anna's P.O.V

Today I have been stationed at the pier. This is my first assignment since leaving the academy. The chief ordered me to patrol the harbor and keep incheck the boats that were coming. Basically a meter maid but with boats.

"Better than being stuck in the office I guess." I saw a rather run down road with small worn down houses at the sides. The people there were wearing tattered clothes and rather skinny. I sighed as it dawned to me that this is a part of my country where poverty is very evident.

"Miss officer! We need you!" I was startled and looked at the source of the voice. A small child in a tattered shirt, probably 8 years of age was gasping for air as his shaking knees barely kept him standing.

"What is wrong?"

"T-the..They will hurt my mother! Please help us!" I immediately stood up and carried the child on my back. He obviously can't run or even walk anymore.

"Show me the way."




"Huff" "huff" "huff".

"Miss! Turn right here!" I ran through narrow streets, weaving through pedestrians while listening for directions from the boy.

"There! Right there! Our house is just right around the corner!" As I turned around the corner, I saw a woman on the ground while 2 men in black suits stood near her.

"Mother!" The boy shouted as he forcefully got off my back and rushed to his mother.

The men looked surprised to see me but did no effort to get away.

"What did you do to her?!" The boy shouted again as he charge to one of them. However, he was caught and was pushed to the ground.The mother begged the men to not hurt her son. The men smiled at each other with delight.

"Hey! He is only a child!" I exclaimed as I confronted them.

"Now now miss officer. You do not need to get involved in this." One of the men stated calmly as he faced me. "This is simply business. You see, these two owe us money and we are only doing what we have to do to get it back." I glanced at the child who is, at this point, hugging his mother while crying.

"There was no need to hurt them" I said as I turned back my attention to the men. They had a visible irritation on their faces.

"You need to understand. These people are reallllly stubborn. Sometimes you need to push them just a bit." He replied. That still does not justify the violence. I continued to glare at them waiting for a better response.

He placed his hand on my shoulder "Are you newly stationed around these parts? Now, the one that I am working with is really close to the chief of police. It would be better if you just turned around and go about your day. Sounds good?". His grip on me was starting to get tighter. I grabbed my baton and without blinking, I hit him in the head. He fell down to the ground and shrieked in pain.

"Y-You bitch! Do you know what you're doing?!" He yelled while blood dripped from his head. His companion rushed to his side and aided him in sitting up.

"Oh sorry. But do YOU know what you are doing?" I said while looking down on him.

"W-What do you mean?! This is a legal business!"

"I don't mean that." I grabbed my shoulder where his hand was grabbing earlier. "Ouchhh. It reallllly hurts. Attacking a officer is against the law you know?" His mouth was agaped from shock.

"T-Thats it?! My grip was not even That hard!"

"What do you mean? I think it's broken"

"You bitch! Get her!" He ordered his companion to attack me who immediately went to grab my torso. I effortlessly dodge and went to strike his chin which connected. He struggled to stay standing because of the blow. I then went to strike his stomach with my baton and he immediately dropped to the ground.

"Ugh." He groaned in pain.

The man who I struck first stood up and help his friend on his feet. "You will regret this." He said while blood slowly dripped from his head.

"No, you" I grabbed both of them and hand cuffed them together as I dragged them to the station.

"Thank you!" The boy shouted as he waved goodbye. I smiled in response and continued to go on my way.




"Please put these two on a cell. They harrased a officer."

"Right away." The men were surprisingly calm.

"We would like to have a talk with the chief." They said with a grin on their faces. The officer was reluctant to let them but his superior told him to do so. I know what they are trying to do.

About 15 minutes, I was called into the office.

"Officer Anna, the chief wants to see you."

Heyo it has been a while haha

I didn't have the chance to update the story because of my personal reasons. But I hope you enjoy this chapter. More are still to come so I hope you enjoy that too =)

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