
Devil's Depressed Sword

The story of a god who became a sword and wishes to find a owner who will bring peace. He encounters crazy people and great people

DanielStorm666 · Fantasy
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Devil's Sword

~Once in the heavens, in the gods world there was a god of destruction called Rayad. He was a young god but a very powerful one, and well respected. But there was something wrong about him...he liked women too much..

Young women, older women, married women... To him, it did not matter, but once he had sex with the wife of a higher god.. The wife told the god and confessed her sin.. The god told her that he would forgive her only if she helps him kill Rayad.

She tells Rayad that her husband isn't home and when he had sex with her, a holy arrow went right through his heart.. The husband killed him and told him that what he did was his wife's idea. Before his death Rayad swore he would never trust women again and he used a special type of magic to reincarnate but he failed to choose a good vessel.

~At the same time in the Demon Lord's castle.

- How is work?

- Your highness, It's almost finished!

The Demon Lord was the strongest demon, and the ruler of the underworld. He hired the best blacksmith from the human kingdom to make him the best sword that has ever been in this world.

- Your Highness, what's left is to offer the sword your blood!

- I understand.

The demon dropped a little bit of blood on the sword and it started shining red.

- Your Highness, it takes two hours to be ready. Let's go have a tea!

- Okay

~Back to Rayad

Hmmm... I'm falling, what target did I choose, a powerful warrior, a fighter, a magician?

Is this the underworld? I think I hit the jackpot... I will be the Demon Lord.. No.. What's this? A crafting room? A sword?

I'm falling!!!

~Back to the demon lord

- What was that sound?

- Maybe it finished faster because of your blood, Your Highness! Let's see!

The sword was floating, a black-red sword and a golden handle..

- Magnificent! Good work! You can go back to the human kingdom

- Thank you, Your Highness, I will take my leave now!


Great.. I'm a sword now, I think that's what I get for making women cheat.. At least someone strong will handle me..

The Demon King used me to tear down kingdoms, and bring peace.. He was a good person, making the world a place for every race...

- Don't stay so calm! What if they attack us?

- Shut up, Rayad! Weren't the humans the ones who wanted peace the most? Now they have peace! said the Demon Lord

- What about that princess, did you really fell in love with her?

- Yes, that's why we're married

- That human is no good, I think she has bad intentions!

- If you say that again I will throw you in the sea! She is a sign of peace between races! And I love her, she told me she's pregnant!

- You will have a baby?!

- Yeah..

I was always with Biby ( The Demon Lord's name).. Through fights and peace..

In one night everything was destroyed..

I was standing on the floor but I could see.. The princess was on my lord kissing him... Seducing him and milking him dry..

After two hours... He fell asleep but I was still awake because I'm a sword.. She got a black stone dagger that she stabbed his heart with.. I couldn't do anything...

- Dar.. Darling, why did you do this?

- Peace? Love? We honorable humans with filthy demons and beasts?! Disgusting! Things like you shouldn't exist!

- But we have a baby...

- What baby? Are you an idiot? There's no baby, I lied you... What should I expect.. I even lied about being a virgin and you believed me? Stupid demon, die! Hahahaha...

I was disgusted, angry and sad... My lord was more of a human than you will ever be, but at the end of the day I'm only a sword..

After all these years of fighting for peace.. These horrible humans..

After their leader was killed, the demons wanted revenge so they started a war... After 100 years of waiting in the destroyed castle, a ray of hope shined...

A hero found me... He's gonna take me and bring peace.. He took me to a Adventurer's Guild and sold me. Fuc#ing humans...