

After millennia of slumber, the formidable Demon King, sealed away after the epic Great Battle, finds himself unexpectedly awakened by a mysterious girl wielding a unique blood ability. Now, bound by an enigmatic contract, there journey has began in this timeline..

Mask_Kk · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


"What the hell are you doing..."

I screamed at this stupid brute who was just standing there with his head facing the earth.

"Do something he is standing in front of you."

I screamed again but he didn't show any movement.

"Fuck...What the he..."

As I walked closer to him, I saw his dead-looking eyes... He looked as if he was in a deep shock.


I heard Riyana calling me in a low voice. She isn't much of a talking person but after looking at the guy's face even she can't help but be shocked.

"What the fuck is happening hey you all.."

I tried to call others for help but saw the same look on their faces too.

"What is happening.."

"Don't bother they won't do anything now."

Suddenly I heard a very clear and very kind voice but for some reason hearing it makes me feel much annoyed.

"What you did with them.."

I asked with angry eyes as I looked towards probably the most handsome guy in the world but that was not important right now.

"I didn't do anything... I was just standing there silently didn't you see me."

He spoke with a kind smile which made me more annoyed.

"Don't fuck with me, you bastard you don't know who I am and how many connections I have, I can throw you out of this city very easily."

"Yes, I know how many connections you have... After all, you are a whore, who likes to suck other Dicks to get where you are."


I screamed at him as I took out a small Dagger hidden in my skirt and charged at him with Eyes filled with hatred.


But suddenly I felt a push on my back and I fell to the ground.


As I looked behind, I saw the guy who was the leader of their group standing behind me and looking down at me with cold eyes.

And other three were standing near my sister holding her body with the same cold look on their faces.

"What the hell are you doing..."

I asked with confusion and a shocked look but didn't get any answers back.


"Haa.. it's so easy to control you humans, your greed and fear makes it easy for me..well it's not like even without it you would have stood a chance against me.."

I heard the guy but this time his tone was much different than before, he spoke as if he was talking to some low-life species, which shouldn't exist in this world.

"What the fu..."


I tried to say something but words refused to come out of my mouth as the guy put his finger near his mouth signaling me to keep quiet.

"You fools think that you are the strongest...the most smartest... But you know what..."

He spoke as he sat down and matched my eye level, his eyes were very cold and the only thing I was feeling at that time was...fear...

"You all are nothing before the absolute power...it seems for 20000 years not facing the true power you all have grown to be much arrogant..."

The guy spoke with a voice filled with authority as the kind smile on his face started to change into a very creepy and scary one.

"It seems I have to make you all remember, what is the true emotion and expression you should have in front of the one and true power..."


After saying that his eyes which were crimson red started to change color, and they started to become dark black, so black that it seemed like I was looking at the Abyss of Truest despaire.

"Look into my eyes..."

He spoke with a heavy voice and for some reason no matter what I do I can't force my body to look away from it as tears started to flow my eyes.



"You can open your eyes now..."

Suddenly after standing there for more than 10 minutes, I heard Mr Mark's voice.

"Where are they..."

I asked as I slowly opened my eyes and scanned my surroundings trying to find where everyone was.

"Ohh..I talked with them politely and asked them to leave us alone and surprisingly they understood our situation and walked away."

Mr Mark said with a smile on his face while I just narrowed my eyes but decided to believe in him.


I took a sigh of relief as my heart was now calm as we had survived a very big problem.

"Mr Mark can I ask you something..."

"Yes but before that stop calling me Mr Mark just call me Mark...ok"

He spoke with his same kind smile and I just nodded my head slightly as a small shade of red came upon my face.

"Mr....Mark can I ask you....why you decided to help me..." I spoke in an uncertain tone.

"What do you mean..." He asked with a small smile on his face.

"I just want to know, why are you being so kind to me.." I spoke again but this time, I saw Mark looking at me with eyes filled with pity.

This was the same look that he had shown me when we were teleporting in this city...

Then suddenly my eyes became wider. "You saw my memories..." I spoke with a little surprised tone as I recalled our previous conversation.

And he just looked towards me without saying anything with those crimson red eyes that held an uncertain glow in them.

"I saw just a little, I didn't want to see them but as I tried to find out about this place, these memories came together with them."

He spoke with a calm look but those eyes were enough for me to tell that he was....sad for me.

"You are supposed to be a Demon, then why are you seeing me with those pitying eyes... I don't need your pity..."

I spoke in a strict voice but the trembling in my tone didn't make it seem strict at all.

Mark just looked at me with a calm look then he turned around and started to walk but then stopped in his tracks and spoke.

"It seems you got some wrong idea, Ms Alicia Roadmon. I am not seeking any pity on you... I am just a little bit concerned about you that's all, after all, you and I are bound by a contract, so I don't want you to be mentally ill.."

He spoke as he turned around and looked towards me, his red eyes turned a little brown and suddenly a cold wind breeze hit my face slowly and for some reason, my mind which was clouded with the fog of emotions became very clear and calm.

It was as if, I was not sad at all from the beginning, my mind feels much fresh now.

"Let's go it's going to get dark pretty soon. We should find someplace to stay..."

He spoke as the setting sun's glow laminates his face, his pale white skin shines under the glow of the sun, which made him look more handsome and beautiful. His crimson red eyes were shining and his kind smile was making his face look outerworldly.

"We should leave..."

He spoke with the same smile and a red shade came on my face while I just nodded my head with an embarrassed look and started to walk towards him.