

After millennia of slumber, the formidable Demon King, sealed away after the epic Great Battle, finds himself unexpectedly awakened by a mysterious girl wielding a unique blood ability. Now, bound by an enigmatic contract, there journey has began in this timeline..

Mask_Kk · Fantasy
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15 Chs


"So what you were saying, son.."

Somewhere in an old dark Alley, Eight people could be seen standing there.

"You know what I am going to do with you. I'm going smash that handsome face of yours into small pieces and then after I'm done with you, I'll throw you in the streets for dogs to eat you alive."

The guy in front said as he walked towards Mark and grabbed his collar.

"You know what, I'll give you one last chance to get on your knees and lick the ground while apologizing to me, and I might let you go."

Then he turned around and looked towards me and showed a very creepy smile as he spoke.

"But in exchange, I will keep this Little girl with me, so start begging if you don't want to get fucked here.."

The guy spoke with a mocking smile and hearing him my whole body shudder as his ugly smile flashed towards me.

"Hey what happened, you were speaking so much when we were alone there helpless now what happened can't speak, haa.."

Rina spoke mocking him with an evil grin and seeing that others started to also laugh at Mark, but he just stood there while glancing at all of them without even moving a finger.

"So are you done or not? Don't tell me that you all are just all for talk get this over with quickly. I don't want to spend my precious time with you freaks."

Mak spoke with a disgusted look on his face and saw that everyone's mouths twitched there.

"Alicia it wouldn't take long so just close your eyes for a second there, ok"

Mark turned towards me and spoke with a kind smile and seeing that smile, I just narrowed my eyes.

"What are you embembarrassedat seeing you lick the ground, she will l...."

"Shut up..."

Suddenly Mark spoke and with this everyone present there got quiet, no one moved or said anything as the whole area was just so quiet that it felt like not even a single soul lived in that place.

Even the sounds of birds and other animals also got cut off it was as if the whole world had lost the ability to make any noise the wind didn't make any noise even though I could feel it flowing from close to me but there was no sound in my ears.

"Can you close your eyes?"

Suddenly I felt a sound which was very calm and slow but even then it was very clear as it was the only sound in the whole area. And suddenly my body urged me to do as Mark said and I closed my eyes.


'What the heck happened, why did I get silent all of a sudden.'

I thought to myself as I looked at the handsome bastard standing in front of me, whose eyes weren't even on me as he was looking at that girl.


I tried to say something but not a single noise came out of my mouth, not only that, I couldn't even hear my breathing or my heartbeats, it was as if the word sound had been eaerasedrom the existence.

I turned towards others and saw them standing there motionless as I tried to reach them, I felt something stopping my hand in mid-air.

' What the fuck it is..'

The thing which I was touching felt very smooth but at the same time it was very sturdy as a strong wall standing in front of me.

'Heck, why won't it let me get out.'

I thought to myself as I tried to use mana to break this wall but found out that I couldn't access my Mana here.

'What the fuck is going on here.'

I thought to myself as I looked towards the wall where I could see everyone. It was as if everyone and everything was just stuck there as if the time itself had stopped for them.

' Where am I?'

I spoke to myself as I tried to go back but suddenly my back hit something strong as I looked behind my surroundings changed and I found myself in a very long corridor that seemed to stretch out for infinity.

'What the fuck is happening here.'

I thought to myself as I turned around and saw the same thing in the back, it looked as if the whole place stretched for infinity.

"Wh...I can speak again.."

As I opened my mouth wide due to the shock I had, I found out that, I got my voice back.

"Where am I?"

I asked the same question to myself again as I started to walk in front.


As I walked, I suddenly heard a loud noise, And the whole corridor turned red as the lights now are in red.

"What the fuck is happening..."

I screamed to myself but suddenly I felt Someone's gaze on me. A dark Aura.


A lurking voice came from behind as I turned back to look what it was.

The back side looked very Dark and very creepy, but that was not all, as I could feel someone's gaze from there.

No...it was not someone's gaze...it was many gazes. There were many creatures there and my eyes suddenly started to pop out from that dark area which was once a long corridor.


And suddenly I heard someone counting, the voice was something which did not feel like a human voice...it was like a mechanical voice.


As the counting proceeded, I felt that staying here could be fatal for me so I decided to run away as fast as I could towards the front area.




Suddenly a loud sound of something breaking was heard as many disfigured monsters started to run behind me, more than 100 monsters were running behind me.



I screamed at the top of my lungs as I ran as fast as I could through the swamp of Monsters each one of them releasing an aura that was strong enough to kill a normal person who was running behind me trying to hunt me down. Though I don't know how I am still alive, I could feel that in a normal case, I would be dead in a matter of seconds after getting exposed to their Lethal aura.

"Aaa... Save me... someone... anyone.. please save me, I beg of you.."

I ran as fast as I could with everything I had... I ran through the never-ending corridor.

But suddenly my eyes lit up as I saw doors start to appear in the corridor, I ran much faster grabbed one of the doors, and got inside.


I sigh of tiredness came out of my mouth as I sat inside the Dadark room with a pale face.

"I never run so fast and even without using Mana to strengthen up my body...it's a nightmare.."

I thought to myself as I took a breath of relief but suddenly my eyes opened wide in shock as I saw many eyes start to glow in front of me looking at me like a prayer.

"What the fuck, why these Monsters are here..."

I thought to myself as more eyes started to appear the whole room was filled with these eyes more than 100 eyes were looking at me.


Suddenly I heard the same voice from before and felt the monster approaching close to me.



I Screamed and stood up as fast as I could and then ran out from the same door I had used to come in.

As I came outside, I saw the monsters again coming straight towards me from behind as I started to run again from them to survive.

"What the fuck is this place!!!!!!"

I screamed and ran again as fast as I could.



I don't know how much longer has it been or how many days have passed. I am running for days probably even for weeks.

Every time the monster vanished after running behind me for 3 hours I could rest for some minutes.

The responding time of these Monsters is random as they start to come at any time and then vanish after exactly 3 hours. And because of that I couldn't even sleep properly, heck I didn't have eaten or drunk anything.

My body is so weak that running seams impossible to me. I had to drink my pee to stay hydrated by now even if that is not working as I am not getting more water.

My body feels like it is about to break apart, even putting my leg forward to walk results in horrific pain and presses my body to fall apart.

"I want to go home..."

I spoke as I started to cry. I don't know why it is happening to me or how much longer will it go on, I don't even have much strength left in my body as I haven't slept for so long and haven't had or drunk anything for so long.

"I don't know how much longer, I can go on...."

I thought to myself as I sat near one of the doors. As I drifted towards one of the doors in front of me.

"Should I go inside and kill myself..."

I thought to myself as I looked at the door in front of me.


As I was wondering the starting countdown started and a look of horror came to my face.

"No please let me rest more I don't want to run more.."

I cried but It didn't help me much as the countdown just continued.


Hearing that I dragged my body up with the wall support and started to move away but my body didn't do as I said and fell on the ground.


"No please don't do this... I beg you please don't..."

I cried, I wanted nothing more than to just get out of here and run away.


But it didn't help me as the monsters started to appear again, I tried to stand up but all of it was just futile as my skinny body just gave up on me.


I could hear the scary screams of Monsters coming towards me but my body didn't do anything as I just accepted my faith here.

"So that's how it is then..."

I thought to myself as my weak eyes turned towards the running hoard of monsters coming towards me.


A drop of tear fell from my eyes to the floor as my weak eyes closed and for the last time, I recalled about my past life and how much of a dick I was for everyone there.

'It's good by then..'
