
Devil's Advocates

Three years after the dissaperence of Rose's father and the loss of her voice and memories she had stapled together something resembling her old life until she was introduced to a world of actual magic existing between the cracks of her city. Forced to come to terms quickly with her new reality or risk losing the only lead she may have to find her father she joins the Devil's Advocates a team of young adults fumbling through life. All led by an ambiguous old man who goes by the moniker Joker. Follow Rose, Kairo, Lonan, Benni, Lobo, and Ermellia as they survive the twisted games the city has in store playing their roles as the Devil's Advocates.

Bubblegumgabber · Urban
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39 Chs

Missing Chimarias

"Uh-huh... Radney!" Nadia calls out to Radney who seemed to be hiding behind Kairo who was a head shorter than him.

"Ach Madam N didn't see you there..." He nervously stepped out of his poor hiding place to face her.

"You haven't visited Orora in weeks and making one of my girls cry is unacceptable!" Her tone was fierce.

"I-i uhh have been busy... working! I've been swapped with Devil's Advocates things." He replied with a nervous chuckle.

"Is this true Kairo?" Kairo with a deadpan expression shrugged as hard and as unhelpful as possible.

"I see." With blinding speed, Nadia had Radney's ear in her grip.

"Since you've been working so hard we can talk about settling your tab then." Nadia escorted Radney away to berate him more.

"Welp Mr.Porcupine now that the boring adult things are out of the way is Willow a new member of Devils Advocates!?" Emily asked with excitement in her eyes.

"Yes she is and I see you've met Rose... what do you make of her?" Kairo asked his tone growing serious.

"She isn't a demon and this isn't a case of possession if that's what you're asking but she has an Abyssal origin her magic is drenched in it." I felt Rose and Rugosa stir in me at the word Abyssal.

"Are you a member Emily?" I ask hoping to gleam more about the group I joined.

"No I and lily aren't old enough even though the others let Gil join." She pouted hard kicking the rim of her dress.

"Who's Gil and lily?" This put a confused face on Emily who then looks at my bracelet.

"Oh! You're new today kind of new." She said pointing at the bracelet.

"Gil is the one we're looking for now he goes by Clown and he's only in cause his father could care less and doesn't mind what kind of danger he's in and yours do ." This made Emily roll her eyes.

"So he's got himself into trouble again and you want to see if I could find him?" Radney makes his way back over to us his berating coming to an end.

"No actually I didn't think of that maybe that's why the Fates brought us here." Kairo says over his shoulder to Radney who wasn't listening.

"Ugh fine I'll search." With that, I felt waves pass through me coming from Emily a few crash past me and then it stops.

"Someone's got him hidden really well, I got nothin'." Kairo sags in disappointment I felt his urgency to find Gil grow

"Well, we tried... anyway Em if you could do me the favor-

-I don't know where Lily is and I'm under strict orders to not inform you." Emily cut his request short with a curt and short answer.

"Will you get your head on straight Lily's fine we came to find Gil and if we don't..." Kairo and Radney went on another separate argument about their lack of shared goals, but I couldn't pay much attention I felt something lurking around us. Something darted from shadow to shadow that no one seemed to be noticing dread rushed me my heart pounded as the unseen thing moved closer and closer until it just stopped the feeling was gone, but so was Emily.

"Guys, where'd Emily go?" They ignored me continuing their squabble. I searched with my eyes to find Nadia who was now also frantically searching the area.

"Guys!" I scream as loud as I could.

"What!?" They reply in angered unison.

"Something took Emily?!" I say spinning in place. For a moment they seemed confused as if the name I gave was gibberish.

"Hello?! Emily was just right here daughter of Nadia?" I watched as something oozed from their shadows. A serpent-like shadow creature writhed underneath them that they didn't seem to notice.

"Quick grab it!" I hear Rose demand. my body moves instinctively and swiftly grabbing up the snakes they fight but I feel their power drain into me. Kairo and Radney regain their wits realizing a person just disappeared in front of them.

"What happened?!" Kairo asked confused. The snakes fall limp and disintegrate between my fingers.

"That way! Quick!" Rose screamed in my mind I felt compelled to look towards the entrance alleyway to the courtyard a pressure formed behind my eyes I had to squint to make sure what I was seeing was real. A dark weave of light lead out of the alley that no one else seemed to notice.

"EMILY! HAS ANYONE SEEN EMILY!!!" Her mother panicked but everyone seemed too dazed and confused to help.

"Move now!" Again Rose's voice prompts my body to move, but I feel lighter as I sprint to the entrance of the festival to see the dark wisp rap around the corner and directly down the street.

"What is it, Willow? what's going on!?" Radney asked catching up to me on the sidewalk both Kairo and Radney stood directly in the line leading down the street.

"You don't see it... or feel it?!" Panic starts to grow in my chest as I notice the wisp beginning to fade. I run towards the car we borrowed and they follow.

"There was something quick moving from shadow to shadow it took Emily and Left these snakes and an inky black trail!" Kairo looked at Radney who with a knowing acknowledgment started the car put it in drive and floored it.

"What you described was a black-eyed child... they usually hand for hire considering their magic is unique and their way of travel is only trackable by other black-eyed children, since you can see its trail you'll direct us." Kairo looked serious the memory of the kid I saw on the bus earlier felt more surreal.

"Looks like your first D.A. mission is a search and rescue, in all honesty, it's one of the easiest." Radney said with a more joyful tone than expected.

"We were already looking for Clown we just added the daughter to the second highest family to the list..." I could hear the nervousness in Kairos's voice.

"Left!" I scream as the wisp takes a hard turn down a long street ending in a left or right turn, but the wisp kept forward into an empty lot between other buildings.

"Left or right?" Radney asked halfway down the street.

"Straight..." they both looked over their shoulder at me.

"Umm, that's the sidewalk sweet pea." Radney with such sincerity I felt crazy for saying it.

"The wisp ends in that empty lot you have to keep straight!" The wisp was starting to fade quicker I was sure if we didn't follow it would be lost for good. Radney grips the wheel tightly pressing down harder on the gas.

"Got enough in the tank to pull off a through this big?" Randey asked Kairo who seemed to be daydreaming.