
Devil's Advocates

Three years after the dissaperence of Rose's father and the loss of her voice and memories she had stapled together something resembling her old life until she was introduced to a world of actual magic existing between the cracks of her city. Forced to come to terms quickly with her new reality or risk losing the only lead she may have to find her father she joins the Devil's Advocates a team of young adults fumbling through life. All led by an ambiguous old man who goes by the moniker Joker. Follow Rose, Kairo, Lonan, Benni, Lobo, and Ermellia as they survive the twisted games the city has in store playing their roles as the Devil's Advocates.

Bubblegumgabber · Urban
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39 Chs

Missing Chimarias

Soon the music began to pick up as it seemed everyone's goblets were filled. A crescendo of string notes flooded my ears I felt myself begin to sway the thirst grew stronger matching the intensity of the music. When I couldn't take much more a set of drums joined the symphony. I felt each bang vibrate through my skull I knew I had to drink. Greedily I tip the cup back swallowing what I thought would be warm but to my surprise, the thick liquid was chilled. I shut my eyes tight it seemed the music stopped the moment the last drop passed my lips. The thirst was gone and my head felt steady if anything I had a light buzz.

I open my eyes to see the crowd around my fountain staring eagerly at me. A few awkward moments pass and all I can manage for them is a hiccup that retrieved a set of angry growls and moans before the crowd dispersed. All had left except for two an older woman with beautiful silver hair and purple eyes and a teenage girl with white-streaked black hair one of her eyes was purple while the other was emerald green. They both made their way over to me still eyeing me up as they did.

"You don't seem to be Vampryc or an arachnomorph tell me girl how did you survive?" The older woman asks as she does I notice her and the younger girl's eyes begin to glow.

"It wasn't that thick and it was kinda sweet but I love sweeter drinks..." I replied feeling the need to be extremely honest the older lady's eyes glow stopped but the girls seemed to intensify.

"Hello.olleH" The girl said at me, but not to me.

"Hello?" Rose replied surprising me further.

"You can see her?" I asked unsure why I felt slightly nude.

"Yes, what is she?" The girl asks still staring with her luminescent glare.

"We don't know." There it was again that We I was growing comfortable with.

"She could be your twin if it wasn't for the hair and horn." The young girl says with a warm smile as her eyes glow came to an end.

"You can see what she looks like?" I asked, feeling interested in the horn comment.

"Weird you share a mind but don't see each other? Here." The girl approaches holding her hands out. I hesitate but take her by the hands, and as I do an image of a girl appears she would be considered my twin if her hair wasn't jet black with a beautiful spiraling horn that curved over her hair or if the eyes weren't swirling with crimson red. I thought to myself how beautiful, but seeing my face and horned head I also couldn't help the word demon from coming to mind. This I could tell set Rose off her expression resembled hurt as she waved her hand and disappeared.

"She hid!" The girl chirped with a grin before letting go.

"I think I upset her..." I reply feeling rude which also somewhat upset me it was my body wasn't it and she is possessing it why wouldn't I think of her as a demon?

"She's not a demon..." The girl says her emerald eye glowing on its own now.

"She def gives off abyssal vibes, but she isn't possessing you. It's more like a house guest with nowhere else to go." Guilt punched through my stomach the roses memory of earlier surfaced how she felt with Kairo calling her a demon was probably nothing compared to me.

"I'm sorry Rose." I think to no reply from her.

"My name is Emily by the way and this is my mother Nadia we belong to the family you just drank from." I look at the cup and the fountain with a perplexed tilt of my head.

"You're telling me you drank a random red liquid from a blood fountain and had no idea what it was." I shook my head no fiercely as Emily and her mother shared a laugh at my expense.

"Wow you must be new to the crimson districts, each fountain represents a sect or family of blood-drinking creatures. You drank from the eldest and purest of vampyric bloodlines which include me and my mother. Each elder and member coming of age donates blood for the family to share during the festivities." I felt myself turn green not with disgust at what I did but more at the fact of hearing what it was I still craved more.

"So you and your mothers' blood was in the fountain!?" I ask shakily.

"Not mine just Mom I'm two years off before I can donate." I look at her mother who wore a mischievous smile as she watched me.

"I hope the taste was to your liking." Her suggestive tone made my ears and face burn red.

"What fucking trouble are you causing?!" I hear over my shoulder from Kairo who approached with Radney in tow.

"Lady Nadia I am so sorry for whatever trouble they're causing." Kairo said with a bow of his head while forcing mine to do the same, but we hadn't done anything I thought to myself.

"Yeah, stupid Porcupine..." I hear to myself or so I thought as Emily seems to chuckle at what Rose said.

"What?!" Kairo asked.

"Nothing Mr. Porcupine we were just enjoying the company of Willow and her guest Rose we were curious about her origins is all." Kairos' eyes narrow as he examines me his eyes widened at the site of the goblet.

"You fucking didn't..." The disdain in his voice put a pit in my chest.

"She did and not from any fountain mind you but our family's." Nadia chimes in that mischievous look intensifying.

"How the fuck are you even alive?!" Kairo asked in between shaking me furiously.

"Our sentiments exactly and our family head will need an audience to voice that very same inquiry later." Kairo stopped shaking me and his expression grew serious.

"Of course ma'am at our soonest convenience." He replies with a deep bow.