
Devil's advocate

The howling of the wind was telling of the threats hidden beneath the surface. he looked up,dark hair swaying along the wind. He saw nothing but the misery of his descendents,pride of the trampled,and anguish of the rich. Nothing was going the way it was supposed to go. World plunging into chaos. flesh of the kin eaten. Forsaken by the gods themselves. It was all gone,hope of ever seeing the green nature and harmony again, all turned to dust as the last rays of sun bid his eyes farewell. what will become of the world? of the remaining humans?

Daoist_of_the_norm · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: land of chaos

Fear,a strong weapon and an even stronger tool, was the pushing motive of the human race and the deciding factor leading them to migration into a faraway land protected by the mountains so enormous,that it touched the sky.

Millennials ago this land was sealed inside of the impectrom.

Impectrom was the barrier created by the strongest of the ancient creators coming together to stop the chaos from invading their creations land.

The lands human fled from was made to be the breeding ground for mother of chaos.sinister and fearful creatures were bred one after another each stronger than the last.

The monsters rampaged, generation after generation and shed the blood of humans,

their attempts however were deflexed by humans. This brought upon the terror inflicted race of humans to usher in a new age of advancements.

in return the humans eventually and under the clutches of time slowly became blind in face of history and forgot the terrors inflicted upon them by the mother of chaos.

(Somewhere in the land of chaos)

The skies themselves were boiling with rage as thunders struck and lit up the dark cloudy sky,small tsunamis taking place in the ocean below disturbing the weather farther.

A woman; floating in the middle of all the chaos,clad in black , two ravens standing on her shoulders, face screaming danger,a truth of the abomination lurking under the facade.

The woman condensed layers upon layer of dense energy surrounding her, incasing and isolating her in what seemed to be a purple dome.

Lips turned upward in a twisted attempt to smile,alas it turned into a vicious distortion, cramping her faces muscles completely stiff. Raising her hands began to grow bigger as if to prepare for something, as the chant was told in quick succession,two perfect red spheres were formed.

The spheres shining intensely started to rotate,getting bigger and bigger by the second, finally after a minute of spinning at breakneck speed, lightning bolts started to strike out from the two, dwarfing the thunderstorms and hitting everything around.

Whatever they hit ceased to exist the moment they were touched.Two balls of annihilation wrecked the nature,convoying the madness of the abomination.

After the passing of a few minutes,they disappeared leavingonly destruction in their wake, The ocean floor caved and cracked, ocean boiling, tsunamis bigger than ever and an even bigger thunderstorm raging.

The unnerving thing was however that the thing,the assailant responsible for what turned into a natural disaster,was nowhere to be found.


Far away from the land of chaos,there stood a castle, magnificent ivory towers surrounding it.

it was somewhat of an stretch calling it a castle for so it could fit an entire city and still have space left for more.

The humongous castle however seemed to be abandoned,dead and cold.silence surrounded it and casting an almost tangible layer of melancholy over the castle.

it was winter with snow falling heavily onto the ground and the walls,painting it white.

The serenity and peace surrounding this place was suddenly broken as a flash of purple invaded it leaving two people behind on the walls,one a man and the other a baby clad in filth and held firmly in the man's hand.

He said looking down at the white field

"you're one lucky bastard,know that?"

the baby in question squirmed in uneasiness as he began to wake up.Slowly opening his eyes he looked up at the man in agitation.

"Believe me,your nausea saved me a hundred headaches."

the man said with a chuckle and looked at the castle.

"home...if you could still call this shit hole a home ha!"

he commented again,walking towards the small door on the ivory tower, grabbing the handle he opened it and strolled down to the castle ground,tucking the baby firmly in his arm.